237 research outputs found

    Seed mass predicts migration lag of European trees

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    International audienceAbstractKey messageWe reanalysed a dataset of tree distribution ranges in Europe to identify which plant traits best explain migration potential in woody species. Contrary to our intuition that tree longevity would best explain the ability of trees to migrate, we found that seed biomass was the only good descriptor of migration potential: trees with heavier seeds lag more.ContextTo cope with global warming, the majority of plants have either to migrate polewards or risk extinction. This is why conservationists value predictive models that can flag plant species that may not keep pace with global warming.AimsTo identify which plant traits best explain migration potential in woody species by reanalysing a dataset of tree distribution ranges in Europe.MethodsWe used two statistical approaches to quantify migration lag. A direct approach compared frequency of large trees in the two latitudinal extremes and a modelling approach in which we first corrected data for the influence of temperature and then assessed the influence of latitude over the entire distribution of the tree species.ResultsContrary to our intuition that tree longevity would best explain the ability of trees to migrate, we found that seed mass was the only good descriptor of migration potential: trees with heavier seeds lag more.ConclusionWe interpret our results in terms of the well-established trade-off between seed mass and seed production in spermatophytes and discuss the possible functional implications that will result from selectively losing large-seeded trees. In summary, we provide an empirical study on how woody communities will respond to global warming over the next years

    Extinction risk of soil biota

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    No species lives on earth forever. Knowing when and why species go extinct is crucial for a complete understanding of the consequences of anthropogenic activity, and its impact on ecosystem functioning. Even though soil biota play a key role in maintaining the functioning of ecosystems, the vast majority of existing studies focus on aboveground organisms. Many questions about the fate of belowground organisms remain open, so the combined effort of theorists and applied ecologists is needed in the ongoing development of soil extinction ecology

    Editorial: Theoretical Approaches to Community Ecology

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    LB-d-A and PAVB were financed through Portuguese national funds through FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (LB-d-A: under the Norma Transitoria-DL57/2016/CP1440/CT0022; PAVB: UIDB/00329/2020-2024).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Managing small populations—using genetic data and trial translocations to help inform suitable conservation measures for the alpine blue-sowthistle (Cicerbita alpina) in Scotland

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    Habitat fragmentation is causing an increasing amount of species loss around the world and creates problems at the population level. Many species are left as only small and isolated populations, which are vulnerable to genetic erosion and inbreeding depression. Here we present a study on the alpine blue-sowthistle (Cicerbita alpina). Due to intensive grazing the species is very rare in Scotland, where it occurs at only four small, montane sites, has never been reported to reproduce and is in need of conservation interventions. As the species can grow clonally it is unknown how many individuals remain and whether populations are affected by genetic isolation. We (1) quantified genetic diversity, inbreeding and between-population differentiation in Scotland and Norway using 15 microsatellite loci, and (2) experimentally translocated plants to new sites. Genetic diversity in Scotland was low (HE: 0.35; Allelic Richness: 1.84; 4 sites) compared to Norway (HE: 0.52; Allelic Richness: 2.56; 5 sites). The transplants were able to grow at new sites and are therefore not restricted to steep, montane ledges. While grazing is likely to be the main factor preventing range expansion, long-term genetic isolation has possibly further lowered population viability. To avoid local extinction of this species, conservation translocations and genetic rescue might be appropriate conservation interventions, but this needs to be further tested in a controlled environment and away from wild sites to avoid potential risks of outbreeding depression. conservation genetics, translocations, gene flow, microsatellites, grazing, Scotland, AsteraceaepublishedVersio

    Lifetime prediction of biodegradable polymers

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    The determination of the safe working life of polymer materials is important for their successful use in engineering, medicine and consumer-goods applications. An understanding of the physical and chemical changes to the structure of widely-used polymers such as the polyolefins, when exposed to aggressive environments, has provided a framework for controlling their ultimate service lifetime by either stabilising the polymer or chemically accelerating the degradation reactions. The recent focus on biodegradable polymers as replacements for more bio-inert materials such as the polyolefins in areas as diverse as packaging and as scaffolds for tissue engineering has highlighted the need for a review of the approaches to being able to predict the lifetime of these materials. In many studies the focus has not been on the embrittlement and fracture of the material (as it would be for a polyolefin) but rather the products of degradation, their toxicity and ultimate fate when in the environment, which may be the human body. These differences are primarily due to time-scale. Different approaches to the problem have arisen in biomedicine, such as the kinetic control of drug delivery by the bio-erosion of polymers, but the similarities in mechanism provide real prospects for the prediction of the safe service lifetime of a biodegradable polymer as a structural material. Common mechanistic themes that emerge include the diffusion-controlled process of water sorption and conditions for surface versus bulk degradation, the role of hydrolysis versus oxidative degradation in controlling the rate of polymer chain scission and strength loss and the specificity of enzyme-mediated reactions

    The challenges in lifetime prediction of oxodegradable polyolefin and biodegradable polymer films

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    The service lifetime of polymer films is controlled by the chemical reactions leading to chain scission and the mediating environmental factors. For application as agricultural cropping film, controlled accelerated degradation is required. For a photo-sensitive linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) + 1% nano-titania (as the anatase/rutile mixed phase P25), the environmental factors are not only UV dose and temperature but also soil parameters such as moisture and organic material content. This provides a challenge in predicting the useful lifetime from laboratory accelerated ageing studies. To enhance degradation when the (LLDPE + 1% P25) is buried, UV-C pre-irradiation has been shown to accelerate strength loss but the rate of embrittlement is not sufficient for the application as crop propagation film. Biodegradable poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) or PBAT has a higher rate of degradation when buried outdoors in soil than when buried under laboratory conditions: The elongation at break fell from 900% to 70% in one month in the field while similar changes required 6 months in the laboratory. The small changes in M¯ for embrittlement in the field suggests that the loss of mechanical properties was not linked to bulk property changes but rather to surface morphology (cracks and holes) as seen by SEM. This suggests that even in thin films, enzyme-mediated hydrolysis of PBAT is surface controlled. DNA analysis of the soil around the buried films after 35 days ageing outdoors showed fungi play a more dominant role in PBAT biodegradation compared to bacteria. UV degradation of PBAT film is controlled by the photochemistry of the terephthalate moiety in the polymer and the development of fluorescence is a useful indicator of the extent of photo-degradation

    Low reservoir ages for the surface ocean from mid-Holocene Florida corals

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Paleoceanography 23 (2008): PA2209, doi:10.1029/2007PA001527.The 14C reservoir age of the surface ocean was determined for two Holocene periods (4908–4955 and 3008–3066 calendar (cal) B.P.) using U/Th-dated corals from Biscayne National Park, Florida, United States. We found that the average reservoir ages for these two time periods (294 ± 33 and 291 ± 27 years, respectively) were lower than the average value between A.D. 1600 and 1900 (390 ± 60 years) from corals. It appears that the surface ocean was closer to isotopic equilibrium with CO2 in the atmosphere during these two time periods than it was during recent times. Seasonal δ 18O measurements from the younger coral are similar to modern values, suggesting that mixing with open ocean waters was indeed occurring during this coral's lifetime. Likely explanations for the lower reservoir age include increased stratification of the surface ocean or increased Δ14C values of subsurface waters that mix into the surface. Our results imply that a more correct reservoir age correction for radiocarbon measurements of marine samples in this location from the time periods ∼3040 and ∼4930 cal years B.P. is ∼292 ± 30 years, less than the canonical value of 404 ± 20 years.NSF Chemical Oceanography program provided monetary support under grants OCE-9711326, OCE-0137207, and OCE-0551940 (to ERMD)

    Long-Term Climate Forcing in Loggerhead Sea Turtle Nesting

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    The long-term variability of marine turtle populations remains poorly understood, limiting science and management. Here we use basin-scale climate indices and regional surface temperatures to estimate loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Borrowing from fisheries research, our models investigate how oceanographic processes influence juvenile recruitment and regulate population dynamics. This novel approach finds local populations in the North Pacific and Northwest Atlantic are regionally synchronized and strongly correlated to ocean conditions—such that climate models alone explain up to 88% of the observed changes over the past several decades. In addition to its performance, climate-based modeling also provides mechanistic forecasts of historical and future population changes. Hindcasts in both regions indicate climatic conditions may have been a factor in recent declines, but future forecasts are mixed. Available climatic data suggests the Pacific population will be significantly reduced by 2040, but indicates the Atlantic population may increase substantially. These results do not exonerate anthropogenic impacts, but highlight the significance of bottom-up oceanographic processes to marine organisms. Future studies should consider environmental baselines in assessments of marine turtle population variability and persistence

    Kepler eclipsing binary stars. VII. the catalogue of eclipsing binaries found in the entire Kepler data set

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    The primary Kepler Mission provided nearly continuous monitoring of ~200,000 objects with unprecedented photometric precision. We present the final catalog of eclipsing binary systems within the 105 deg2 Kepler field of view. This release incorporates the full extent of the data from the primary mission (Q0-Q17 Data Release). As a result, new systems have been added, additional false positives have been removed, ephemerides and principal parameters have been recomputed, classifications have been revised to rely on analytical models, and eclipse timing variations have been computed for each system. We identify several classes of systems including those that exhibit tertiary eclipse events, systems that show clear evidence of additional bodies, heartbeat systems, systems with changing eclipse depths, and systems exhibiting only one eclipse event over the duration of the mission. We have updated the period and galactic latitude distribution diagrams and included a catalog completeness evaluation. The total number of identified eclipsing and ellipsoidal binary systems in the Kepler field of view has increased to 2878, 1.3% of all observed Kepler targets