233 research outputs found

    The Muddled Science of Comparative Law: Mending Terminology and Mapping Its’ Benefits Within Indian Constitutional Discourse

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    The article is an attempt to critically analyse the definitional predicament faced by “comparative law” as an independent subject of legal studies. It endeavours to first of all highlight the definitional problem within a specific literature, particularly American. This is being done for two reasons. Firstly, in order to highlight the lack of similar discourse in India. Secondly, to emphasize that the core issues related to comparative law which exist in USA arise in relation to India as well, particularly within Indian constitutional jurisprudence. The article then argues how the use of “jurocomparatology” as a broad term can be used to effectively deal with this definitional predicament. Moreover, the article also tries to explain how lack of such dialogue in India has led to discriminatory use of foreign authorities and international law by the Indian constitutional courts. A subsequent attempt has been made to highlight various benefits of comparative law as they exist in American jurisprudence and how same have manifested themselves within Indian constitutional jurisprudence.O artigo é uma tentativa de analisar criticamente a dificuldade enfrentada pelo «direito comparado» no que toca a ser tratado como um assunto independente dentro dos estudos legais. Trata-se, em primeiro lugar, de destacar o problema dentro de uma literatura específica, particularmente a americana. O que se faz por dois motivos. Em primeiro lugar, para destacar a falta de discurso semelhante na Índia. Em segundo lugar, para enfatizar que os principais problemas relacionados com o direito comparado que existem nos EUA também existem na Índia, particularmente na jurisprudência constitucional indiana. O artigo discute então como o uso da «juscomparatologia» como um termo amplo pode ser usado para lidar efetivamente com esta situação. Além disso, o artigo também tenta explicar como a falta desse diálogo na Índia levou ao uso discriminatório das autoridades estrangeiras e do direito internacional pelos tribunais constitucionais indianos. No final, faz-se uma tentativa de destacar vários benefícios do direito comparado, tal como eles se apresentam na jurisprudência americana e como se manifestaram dentro da jurisprudência constitucional indiana

    Development of Computer Based Diagnostic Test for Student Misconception on Material Temperature and Heat

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    Misconception diagnostic tests are rarely carried out by lecturers in lectures because of the length of time needed to make test instruments and data analysis to be able to provide immediate feedback. The purpose of this study was to produce a Computer Based Diagnostic Test Misconception program for students in physics on temperature and heat. The research design used was the modified Borg and Gall Research and Development (R & D). This research was conducted at Tulungagung IAIN by involving 10 students of educations Physics The instrument for data collection is in the form of a validator questionnaire, and a product development trial questionnaire. The research data includes quantitative data in the form of evaluating validators and questionnaires from the trial results, as well as qualitative data in the form of comments and suggestions given by validators and students. The results show that the development program is feasible to use based on expert validation with very feasible categories and supported by student responses / comments in good categories. The computer based diagnostic test misception program produced has four main parts, namely diagnostic tests, diagnostic test results, discussion of questions, and remedial in the form of remedial material. The results of the analysis of effectiveness tests can be concluded that computer based diagnostic test misconseption programs can improve students' conceptual understanding and be able to reduce student misconceptions in temperature and heat material

    Development of Contextual Integrated Electronic Temperature and Heat Modules Based on Qur’an Verses at MTsN 3 Tulungagung

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    This research contributes to the priorities of "Merdeka Belajar 2021", digitization of schools and learning media, and character education. This study used research and development (R&D) by Borg and Gall, modified by Sugiyono. In this method, there were ten research steps, which are then limited to seven steps. The seven steps are potential problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, and product revision I. The instruments used came from the validation sheets of material and media experts, as well as electronic module readability questionnaires from MTsN 3 Tulungagung students. Data analysis used linkert scales 1-4. Validation results from media and material experts show valid criteria based on the attractiveness of the appearance and depth of the material, both in terms of contextual aspects and its integration with the Qur’an. Based on the test results, the electronic module is very interesting because it is presented interactively

    A Parametric study of water-coning in horizontal wells

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    The purpose of this study to determine the effect of environmental disclosure, business strategy, water accounting and leverage to earnings management in manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). The period of time the study is 4 years ie the period 2014-2017. This study population includes all manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in the period 2014-2017. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique. Based on predefined criteria acquired 8 companies. Data used is secondary data obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange website. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that environmental disclosure has no effect on earnings management, business strategy has a positive effect on earnings management, water accounting No effect on earnings management and leverage positive effect on earnings management. Keywords: Environmental Disclosure, Business Strategy, Water Accounting, Leverage and Earning Managemen

    Faktor Keuangan dan Return on Asset melalui Debt Equity Ratio

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the Current Ratio, Debt Turnover Ratio, Inventory Turnover Ratio, Total Asset Turnover Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratio to the Ratio of Return on Assets. The sample used was 12 automotive sub-sector companies and components that met the criteria for the distribution of 2011-2018. The method of collecting data using purposive sampling method. Data is obtained from annual reports that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The analytical tool used in this study uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that the Current Ratio and Total Asset Turnover Ratio have a significant positive effect on the ratio of return on assets. Variable Accounts Receivable Ratio and Debt to Equity Ratios have a significant negative effect on the ratio of return on assets. Based on path analysis and the Sobel Test, it can be concluded that the debt to equity ratio only mediates the effect of the Current Ratio to the Ratio of return on assets

    Investigating the Impact of Nano-Calcined Halloysite on Concrete Durability under Chloride Attack

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    يشكل تأثير العوامل العدوانية، وخاصة الكلوريدات، على الهياكل الخرسانية تحديا كبيرا في مجال الهندسة. يؤدي وجود الكلوريدات إلى تآكل الخرسانة وتدهورها مما يؤثر على أدائها. تخترق الكلوريدات الخرسانة مما يؤدي إلى تدمير الطبقة الواقية حول حديد التسليح مما يؤدي إلى تآكل الفولاذ وتكوين الصدأ، يؤثر هذا التآكل سلبًا على قوة الارتباط بين الفولاذ والخرسانة ويمكن أن يسبب أيضًا تشققات على سطح الخرسانة، مما يقلل من متانتها, ولمواجهة هذا التحدي، تم إجراء دراسة بحثية لاستكشاف استخدام المواد النانوية، وتحديداً الهالويسايت المكلس النانوي، لتحسين أداء ومتانة الخرسانة. كان الهدف هو دراسة تأثير دمج الهالويسايت في الخرسانة على تغلغل الكلوريدات والتآكل اللاحق لقضبان حديد التسليح. تم فحص ثلاثة خلطات خرسانية مختلفة تحتوي على نسب متفاوتة من الهالويسيت (1.5%، 3%، 4.5%). وقام الباحثون بتقييم معدلات امتصاص الماء ومعاملات الهجرة لهذه الخلائط, بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تم استخدام تقنية التيار المسلط، حيث تم تطبيق تيار 14 مللي أمبير لمدة 26 يومًا لتسريع تآكل قضبان التسليح الفولاذية. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة فعالية دمج الهالويسيت في الخرسانة لتعزيز خواصه. حقق الخليط المحتوي على 3% و4.5% من الهالويسايت (CHNC) الأهداف المرجوة، مما أدى إلى تقليل امتصاص الماء بشكل كبير. على سبيل المثال، أظهر الخليط الذي يحتوي على %4.5 (CHNC) انخفاضًا بنسبة 42.99% في امتصاص الماء بعد 7 أيام. كما أدى هذا الانخفاض في امتصاص الماء إلى انخفاض كبير في معامل هجرة الكلوريدات واختراقها في الخرسانة. علاوة على ذلك، أدى إدراج 4.5% من الهالويسايت و25% من خبث الفرن العالي المحبب (GGBS) في الخليط إلى تحسين أداءه.The impact of aggressive agents, especially chlorides, on concrete structures is a significant challenge in the field of engineering. The presence of chlorides leads to corrosion and deterioration of concrete, affecting its performance. Chlorides penetrate the concrete, leading to the destruction of the protective layer around the reinforcing steel, which results in the corrosion of the steel and the formation of rust. This corrosion negatively affects the bond strength between the steel and the concrete and can also cause cracks on the concrete surface, reducing its durability. To address this challenge, a research study was conducted to explore the use of nanomaterials, specifically nano-calcined halloysite, to improve the performance and durability of concrete. The aim was to investigate the impact of incorporating halloysite in concrete on the penetration of chlorides and the subsequent corrosion of reinforcing steel rebars. Three different concrete mixtures containing varying percentages of halloysite (1.5%, 3%, and 4.5%) were examined. The researchers evaluated the water absorption rates and migration coefficients of these mixtures. Additionally, the impressed current technique was utilized, where a 14mA current was applied for 26 days to accelerate the corrosion of steel rebars. The results of the study demonstrated the effectiveness of incorporating halloysite in concrete to enhance its properties. The mixture containing 3% and 4.5% of halloysite (CHNC) achieved the desired objectives, significantly reducing water absorption. For example, the mixture with 4.5% CHNC showed a 42.99% reduction in water absorption after 7 days. This decrease in water absorption also led to a considerable decrease in the migration coefficient of chlorides and their penetration in the concrete. Furthermore, the inclusion of 4.5% halloysite and 25% ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) in the mixture further improved its performance

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Model Jigsaw Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Dan Hasil Belajar Fisika

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    This research is a classroom action research which aims to improve learning outcomes physics class in Madrasah Aliyah Al-Ihsan Kalijaring. The sample used in this research is class XI MIPA totaling 31 people, by applying science technology society learning model.  This study is successful if students achieve learning outcomes classical completeness 85% with the value of each student reach ≥ 75. Based on the evaluation of the obtained value of the average grade in the first cycle of 77.01 with 74.42% classical completeness. In the second cycle learning outcomes of students has increased, with an average grade of 93.02 and classical completeness amounted to 90.46%. Based on the interest questionnaire that has been distributed to students before and after the action, data is obtained that the student's interest has increased. The indicators that showed an increase were the total score obtained before the administration of action was 1842 with an average of 42.84 increasing to 2326 with an average of 54.86. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that by applying the Jigsaw cooperative learning model can increase interest and learning outcomes in physics class XI MIPA Madrasah Aliyah Al-Ihsan Kalijaring Tembelang Jombang.

    Identifikasi Miskonsepsi Mahasiswa Tadris Fisika Menggunakan Four Tier Diagnostic Test pada Mata Kuliah Kalkulus II

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi mahasiswa Tadris Fisika yang sedang menempuh matakuliah Kalkulus II menggunakan four tier diagnostic test. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik tes diagnostik menggunakan four tier diagnostic test dan teknik wawancara. Hasil analisis tes diagnostik menggunakan four tier diagnostic test menunjukkan bahwa dari 41 mahasiswa tadris Fisika yang menjadi sampel pada penelitian ini, didapatkan sebanyak 52,03% mahasiswa termasuk kriteria mengetahui konsep, sedangkan sisanya 5,69% mahasiswa tidak mengetahui konsep, 2,44% mahasiswa menebak dan 39,84% mahasiswa mengalami miskonsepsi. Sebagaian besar mahasiswa mengalami miskonsepsi pada konsep turunan fungsi logaritma natural, Integral rangkap dua, aplikasi integral rangkap dua, persamaan diferensial orde satu dan dua