2,468 research outputs found

    Don’t look back in anger: the rewarding value of a female face is discounted by an angry expression

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    The modulating effect of emotional expression on the rewarding nature of attractive and nonattractive female faces in heterosexual men was explored in a motivated viewing paradigm. This paradigm, which is an indicator of neural reward, requires the viewer to expend effort to maintain or reduce image-viewing times. Males worked to extend the viewing time for happy and neutral attractive faces but to reduce the viewing time for the attractive angry faces. Attractive angry faces were rated as more aesthetically pleasing than the nonattractive faces; however, the males worked to reduce their viewing time to a level comparable with the nonattractive neutral and happy faces. Therefore, the addition of an angry expression onto an otherwise attractive face renders it unrewarding and aversive to potential mates. Mildly happy expressions on the nonattractive faces did little to improve their attractiveness or reward potential, with males working to reduce viewing time for all nonattractive faces

    The Caenorhabditis elegans vab-10 spectraplakin isoforms protect the epidermis against internal and external forces

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    Morphogenesis of the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo is driven by actin microfilaments in the epidermis and by sarcomeres in body wall muscles. Both tissues are mechanically coupled, most likely through specialized attachment structures called fibrous organelles (FOs) that connect muscles to the cuticle across the epidermis. Here, we report the identification of new mutations in a gene known as vab-10, which lead to severe morphogenesis defects, and show that vab-10 corresponds to the C. elegans spectraplakin locus. Our analysis of vab-10 reveals novel insights into the role of this plakin subfamily. vab-10 generates isoforms related either to plectin (termed VAB-10A) or to microtubule actin cross-linking factor plakins (termed VAB-10B). Using specific antibodies and mutations, we show that VAB-10A and VAB-10B have distinct distributions and functions in the epidermis. Loss of VAB-10A impairs the integrity of FOs, leading to epidermal detachment from the cuticle and muscles, hence demonstrating that FOs are functionally and molecularly related to hemidesmosomes. We suggest that this isoform protects against forces external to the epidermis. In contrast, lack of VAB-10B leads to increased epidermal thickness during embryonic morphogenesis when epidermal cells change shape. We suggest that this isoform protects cells against tension that builds up within the epidermis

    An optimized imaging protocol for [99mTc]Tc-DPD scintigraphy and SPECT/CT quantification in cardiac transthyretin (ATTR) amyloidosis

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    Background: In [(99)mTc]Tc-DPD scintigraphy for myocardial ATTR amyloidosis, planar images 3 hour p.i. and SPECT/CT acquisition in L-mode are recommended. This study investigated if earlier planar images (1 hour p.i.) are beneficial and if SPECT/CT acquisition should be preferred in H-mode (180 degrees detector angle) or L-mode (90 degrees). Methods: In SPECT/CT phantom measurements (NaI cameras, N = 2; CZT, N = 1), peak contrast recovery (CRpeak) was derived from sphere inserts or myocardial insert (cardiac phantom; signal-to-background ratio [SBR], 10:1 or 5:1). In 25 positive and 38 negative patients reference: endomyocardial biopsy or clinical diagnosis), Perugini scores and heart-to-contralateral (H/CL) count ratios were derived from planar images 1 hour and 3 hour p.i. Results: In phantom measurements, accuracy of myocardial CRpeak at SBR 10:1 (H-mode, 0.95-0.99) and reproducibility at 5:1 (H-mode, 1.02-1.14) was comparable for H-mode and L-mode. However, L-mode showed higher variability of background counts and sphere CRpeak throughout the field of view than H-mode. In patients, sensitivity/specificity were >= 95% for H/CL ratios at both time points and visual scoring 3 hour. At 1 hour, visual scores showed specificity of 89% and reduced reader's confidence. Conclusions: Early DPD images provided no additional value for visual scoring or H/CL ratios. In SPECT/CT, H-mode is preferred over L-mode, especially if quantification is applied apart from the myocardium

    Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Colorectal Cancer Screening With a Blood Test That Meets the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Coverage Decision

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    Background &amp; Aims: A blood-based colorectal cancer (CRC) screening test may increase screening participation. However, blood tests may be less effective than current guideline-endorsed options. The Centers for Medicare &amp; Medicaid Services (CMS) covers blood tests with sensitivity of at least 74% for detection of CRC and specificity of at least 90%. In this study, we investigate whether a blood test that meets these criteria is cost-effective. Methods: Three microsimulation models for CRC (MISCAN-Colon, CRC-SPIN, and SimCRC) were used to estimate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of triennial blood-based screening (from ages 45 to 75 years) compared to no screening, annual fecal immunochemical testing (FIT), triennial stool DNA testing combined with an FIT assay, and colonoscopy screening every 10 years. The CMS coverage criteria were used as performance characteristics of the hypothetical blood test. We varied screening ages, test performance characteristics, and screening uptake in a sensitivity analysis. Results: Without screening, the models predicted 77–88 CRC cases and 32–36 CRC deaths per 1000 individuals, costing 5.3–5.3–5.8 million. Compared to no screening, blood-based screening was cost-effective, with an additional cost of 25,600–25,600–43,700 per quality-adjusted life-year gained (QALYG). However, compared to FIT, triennial stool DNA testing combined with FIT, and colonoscopy, blood-based screening was not cost-effective, with both a decrease in QALYG and an increase in costs. FIT remained more effective (+5–24 QALYG) and less costly (–3.2to–3.2 to –3.5 million) than blood-based screening even when uptake of blood-based screening was 20 percentage points higher than uptake of FIT. Conclusion: Even with higher screening uptake, triennial blood-based screening, with the CMS-specified minimum performance sensitivity of 74% and specificity of 90%, was not projected to be cost-effective compared with established strategies for colorectal cancer screening.</p

    Nonequilibrium structure of Zn 2SnO 4 spinel nanoparticles

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    Zinc stannate (Zn 2SnO 4) nanoparticles with an average size of about 26 nm are synthesized via single-step mechanochemical processing of binary oxide precursors (ZnO and SnO 2) at ambient temperature, without the need for the subsequent calcination, thus making the synthesis route very simple and cost-effective. The mechanically induced phase evolution of the 2ZnO + SnO 2 mixture is followed by XRD and by a variety of spectroscopic techniques including 119Sn MAS NMR, Raman spectroscopy, 119Sn Mössbauer spectroscopy, and XPS. High-resolution TEM studies reveal a non-uniform structure of mechanosynthesized Zn 2SnO 4 nanoparticles consisting of a crystalline core surrounded by a structurally disordered surface shell. Due to the ability of the applied solid-state spectroscopies to probe the local environment of Sn cations, valuable complementary insight into the nature of the local structural disorder of mechanosynthesized Zn 2SnO 4 is obtained. The findings hint at a highly nonequilibrium state of the as-prepared stannate characterized by its partly inverse spinel structure and the presence of deformed polyhedra in the surface shell of nanoparticles. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Suv4-20h Histone Methyltransferases Promote Neuroectodermal Differentiation by Silencing the Pluripotency-Associated Oct-25 Gene

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    Post-translational modifications (PTMs) of histones exert fundamental roles in regulating gene expression. During development, groups of PTMs are constrained by unknown mechanisms into combinatorial patterns, which facilitate transitions from uncommitted embryonic cells into differentiated somatic cell lineages. Repressive histone modifications such as H3K9me3 or H3K27me3 have been investigated in detail, but the role of H4K20me3 in development is currently unknown. Here we show that Xenopus laevis Suv4-20h1 and h2 histone methyltransferases (HMTases) are essential for induction and differentiation of the neuroectoderm. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of the two HMTases leads to a selective and specific downregulation of genes controlling neural induction, thereby effectively blocking differentiation of the neuroectoderm. Global transcriptome analysis supports the notion that these effects arise from the transcriptional deregulation of specific genes rather than widespread, pleiotropic effects. Interestingly, morphant embryos fail to repress the Oct4-related Xenopus gene Oct-25. We validate Oct-25 as a direct target of xSu4-20h enzyme mediated gene repression, showing by chromatin immunoprecipitaton that it is decorated with the H4K20me3 mark downstream of the promoter in normal, but not in double-morphant, embryos. Since knockdown of Oct-25 protein significantly rescues the neural differentiation defect in xSuv4-20h double-morphant embryos, we conclude that the epistatic relationship between Suv4-20h enzymes and Oct-25 controls the transit from pluripotent to differentiation-competent neural cells. Consistent with these results in Xenopus, murine Suv4-20h1/h2 double-knockout embryonic stem (DKO ES) cells exhibit increased Oct4 protein levels before and during EB formation, and reveal a compromised and biased capacity for in vitro differentiation, when compared to normal ES cells. Together, these results suggest a regulatory mechanism, conserved between amphibians and mammals, in which H4K20me3-dependent restriction of specific POU-V genes directs cell fate decisions, when embryonic cells exit the pluripotent state

    A Biosensor of S100A4 Metastasis Factor Activation:  Inhibitor Screening and Cellular Activation Dynamics †

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    S100A4, a member of the S100 family of Ca2+-binding proteins, displays elevated expression in malignant human tumors compared with benign tumors, and increased expression correlates strongly with poor patient survival. S100A4 has a direct role in metastatic progression, likely due to the modulation of actomyosin cytoskeletal dynamics, which results in increased cellular motility. We developed a fluorescent biosensor (Mero-S100A4) that reports on the Ca2+-bound, activated form of S100A4. Direct attachment of a novel solvatochromatic reporter dye to S100A4 results in a sensor that, upon activation, undergoes a 3-fold enhancement in fluorescence, thus providing a sensitive assay for use in vitro and in vivo. In cells, localized activation of S100A4 at the cell periphery is observed during random migration and following stimulation with lysophosphatidic acid, a known activator of cell motility and proliferation. Additionally, a screen against a library of FDA-approved drugs with the biosensor identified an array of phenothiazines as inhibitors of myosin-II associated S100A4 function. These data demonstrate the utility of the new biosensor both for drug discovery and for probing the cellular dynamics controlled by the S100A4 metastasis factor

    Genome analysis of the necrotrophic fungal pathogens Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Botrytis cinerea

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    Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Botrytis cinerea are closely related necrotrophic plant pathogenic fungi notable for their wide host ranges and environmental persistence. These attributes have made these species models for understanding the complexity of necrotrophic, broad host-range pathogenicity. Despite their similarities, the two species differ in mating behaviour and the ability to produce asexual spores. We have sequenced the genomes of one strain of S. sclerotiorum and two strains of B. cinerea. The comparative analysis of these genomes relative to one another and to other sequenced fungal genomes is provided here. Their 38–39 Mb genomes include 11,860–14,270 predicted genes, which share 83% amino acid identity on average between the two species. We have mapped the S. sclerotiorum assembly to 16 chromosomes and found large-scale co-linearity with the B. cinerea genomes. Seven percent of the S. sclerotiorum genome comprises transposable elements compared t

    Controlling Population Evolution in the Laboratory to Evaluate Methods of Historical Inference

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    Natural populations of known detailed past demographic history are extremely valuable to evaluate methods of historical inference, yet are extremely rare. As an alternative approach, we have generated multiple replicate microsatellite data sets from laboratory-cultured populations of a gonochoric free-living nematode, Caenorhabditis remanei, that were constrained to pre-defined demographic histories featuring different levels of migration among populations or bottleneck events of different magnitudes. These data sets were then used to evaluate the performances of two recently developed population genetics methods, BayesAss+, that estimates recent migration rates among populations, and Bottleneck, that detects the occurrence of recent bottlenecks. Migration rates inferred by BayesAss+ were generally over-estimates, although these were often included within the confidence interval. Analyses of data sets simulated in-silico, using a model mimicking the laboratory experiments, produced less biased estimates of the migration rates, and showed increased efficiency of the program when the number of loci and sampled genotypes per population was higher. In the replicates for which the pre-bottleneck laboratory-cultured populations did not significantly depart from a mutation/drift equilibrium, an important assumption of the program Bottleneck, only a portion of the bottleneck events were detected. This result was confirmed by in-silico simulations mirroring the laboratory bottleneck experiments. More generally, our study demonstrates the feasibility, and highlights some of the limits, of the approach that consists in generating molecular genetic data sets by controlling the evolution of laboratory-reared nematode populations, for the purpose of validating methods inferring population history
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