56 research outputs found

    Urang Banjar Philosophy: Education and The Social Affairs of The Community

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    ABSTRACT: The possibility of social change in the Orang Banjar ideology is illustrated in this study. The people of Banjar demonstrate that farming is to be taught for the next generation, not just for the economies alone Bahuma or right farming. This research is field research with a descriptive-analytical approach. This research found that the philosophics of the traditions of Banjar should thrive wherever they are, with the approach of longitude (honesty, trust and fathanah), superficial (persistent and resilient), tugul (diligent and continuity), paibadah (near to God), batarget (sight and a clear mission). This paper is based on al-Qur'an surah Al-Fath verse 29 and al-A'raaf verse 56 and supports Ashabiyah Ibn Khaldun's theory, which emphasizes that three stages tend to change people's thinking, namely the stage of creation, the stage of enjoyment, and the stage of individuality. Likewise, Arnold Toynbee's theory, which suggests that changes that happen in society, whether they are improvement or failure, can be explained by social concepts that are always interrelated, namely challenges and responses. Keywords: Bahuma, Banjar, society, technology, change, education.ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini akan menemukan konsep perubahan sosial dalam ideologi Urang Banjar. Bagi masyarakat Banjar seni bertani dan bekerja (bahuma) harus diajarkan untuk generasi berikutnya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan deskriptif-analitik. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa filosofi tradisi Banjar harus berkembang di mana pun mereka berada, dengan pendekatan bujur (kejujuran, kepercayaan, dan fathanah), cangkal (gigih dan ulet), tugul (rajin dan berkelanjutan), paibadah (dekat dengan Tuhan), batarget (pandangan dan misi yang jelas). Tulisan ini didasarkan pada Alquran surat Al-Fath ayat 29 dan al-A'raaf ayat 56 dan mendukung teori Ashabiyah Ibn Khaldun, yang menekankan bahwa tiga tahap cenderung mengubah pemikiran orang, yaitu tahap penciptaan, tahap kenikmatan, dan tahap individualitas. Demikian juga, teori Arnold Toynbee, yang mengemukakan bahwa perubahan terjadi dalam masyarakat dapat dijelaskan oleh konsep sosial yang selalu saling terkait, yaitu tantangan dan respons


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    This research begins with an understanding of the endemic radicalism of society, not only of the real world, but also of various online social media. This study showed that the avoidance of online radicalism can be stopped as soon as possible by accusing those influenced by the radical radicality of a secular religious approach. The methods used must be assisted in order to achieve balanced understanding (wasathiyah) under the different environmental conditions of the culture through recognizing the meaning of religion. The research tool used is primarily library work and the journal writings by Abu Rokhmad, a terrorist and radicalise specialist. The results of this study are that an approach that supports inclusive ism will avoid the awareness of radicalization through a heart-to-heart approach. This study also shows that radical actors will never cease to argue dramatically until they are able to grasp different views from Islamic law, culture, and families.Keywords: radicalism, deradicalization, multiculturalism, culture, religion, moderate.Penelitian ini berawal dari paham radikalisme yang telah mewabah di masyarakat, bukan hanya di dunia nyata, bahkan sudah menyusup di berbagai media sosial online. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa cara menangkal radikalisme online dapat dilakukan pencegahan sedini mungkin melalui pendekatan konseling religius multikultural terhadap mereka yang terkena paham radikal radikal. Diantara teknik yang digunakan adalah melalui pemahaman tentang konsep agama juga perlu digalakkan agar memunculkan pemahaman yang moderat (wasathiyah) diberbagai keadaan lingkungan masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah library research dengan sumber utama adalah karya dan jurnal karya Abu Rokhmad seorang pakar dalam masalah terorisme dan radikalisme. Temuan penelitian ini adalah paham radikalisasi itu dapat dihentikan dengan pendekatan hati ke hati dengan mengedepankan budaya yang multikultural. Kajian ini juga membuktikan bahwa pelaku paham radikal tidak akan pernah berhenti memberikan argumen radikal kecuali mampu memahami perbedaan pendapat yang bersumber dari syariat Islam, lingkungan sosial, dan keluarga.Kata kunci: radikalisme, deradikalisasi, multikultural, budaya, agama, moderat

    Prasyarat Poligami Dalam Kitab Fiqih Islam Dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam Perspektif Maslahah Mursalah

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    Abstract: This paper discusses about the problematic of the polygamy rules between text and context of the suitability of polygamy requirements stipulated in the Compilation of Islamic Law and some positive Indonesian law with the requirements and permissibility of polygamy in the book of Islamic Jurisprudence of Wahbah Zuhaili. According to Wahbah Zuhaili, the polygamy requirements are only two namely justice for their wives or children and a husband must be able to provide for the maintenance. Meanwhile, according to the Compilation of Islamic Law, several clauses explain the requirements that must be fulfilled by the husband when he wants to do polygamy. They are to maintain the welfare of the soul, wealth (livelihood), and environment. Zuhaili’s mashlahah approach is more directed to the practice of polygamy that must really achieve the goodness of the Islamic law clearly and confidently, not just lust. While the mashlahah approach in the Compilation of Islamic Law leads more to the adjustment of the ability of the soul, the provision of decent living, there is no tendency among the bride’s family, and not creating mudharat in the household and social life. The issue of the requirements as mentioned in the Islamic jurisprudence and the Compilation of Islamic Law has similarity as to avoid as much harm as possible. Abstrak: Tulisan ini membahas problematika aturan poligami antara teks dan konteks yaitu kesesuaian persyaratan poligami yang diatur dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam serta beberapa hukum positif Indonesia dengan persyaratan dan dibolehkannya poligami dalam kitab Fiqih Islam karangan Wahbah Zuhaili. Menurut Wahbah Zuhaili, persyaratan poligami hanya ada dua yaitu keadilan bagi para istri atau anak-anak mereka, dan seorang suami harus mampu memberi nafkah untuk memelihara kemaslahatannya. Sedangkan menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam ada beberapa pasal yang menjelaskan persyaratan yang harus dilakukan oleh suami ketika ingin berpoligami, yaitu demi menjaga kemaslahatan jiwa, harta (nafkah), dan lingkungan. Pendekatan mashlahah Zuhaili lebih mengarah pada praktik poligami yang harus benar-benar mencapai kebaikan dari syariat Islam secara jelas dan yakin, bukan sekedar nafsu belaka. Sementara pendekatan mashlahah dalam KHI lebih mengarah pada penyesuaian kemampuan jiwa, pemberian nafkah yang layak, tidak ada tendensi antar keluarga mempelai, dan tidak menjadikan mudharat dalam rumah tangga dan lingkungan sosial masyarakat sekitarnya. Prasyarat poligami dari perspektif mashlahah antara kitab Fiqih Islam dan KHI memiliki kesamaan dalam masalah pemenuhan syarat berpoligami dan menghindari kemudharatan semaksimal mungkin

    Application of Constructivist Approach by Kiyai in Arabic Language Teaching at Al-Falah Pesantren, Banjarbaru: An Active Learning Model to Enhance Arabic Language Skills

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    This research addresses the role of the constructivist approach in teaching Arabic at the al-Falah Islamic boarding school, Banjarbaru. This research used a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and participatory observation as data collection methods. The results showed that the constructivist approach to learning Arabic at Pesantren al-Falah applies active learning methods, such as discovery learning and free expression. Kiyai, instructors, and dormitory leaders have created various programs and activities to improve student's language skills. The learning environment is not only limited to the classroom but also involves the dormitory, playground, kitchen, mosque, and other places. In addition, problem-solving and thinking skills are taught during the learning process. Overall, the Kiyai as a role model approach model effectively improves students' skills in Arabic in pesantren. This research contributes to developing the Arabic language in other pesantren in Indonesia

    Eksistensi Advokat Sebagai Profesi Terhormat (Officium Nobile) dalam Sistem Negara Hukum di Indonesia

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    As mentioned in 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia article 1(3), Indonesia is a country of law. Reformation era has changed law system in Indonesia and given a big opportunity for law enforcement, espe- cially for advocate profession other than judicial power. As we know, advo- cate profession has been regulated in Laws No. 18 Year 2003 about advocate. According to that provision, advocate is in position as law enforcement, free and Independent which is guaranteed by laws and regulations, so that the exist- ence has the logical consequence that the advocate is aofficium nobille and have the same or equal position with other law enforcement authorities whom au- thorities also been determined by the laws and regulations in Indonesia, such as judges, prosecutors, and police. Sometimes ago , there were problems in regu- lating professional advocate which had caused heated debate among legal ex- perts, legislators and legal practitioners. It is because a submission of a draft of Law to amend the provisions of Law No. 18 year 2003 about the advocate.Kata Kunci : Advokat, Profesi Terhormat (Officium Nobile), Sistem Negara Hukum Indonesia


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    Tolerance may through tensions between religious communities and give rise to a different sense of Brotherhood. Tolerance in life is seen from two controversies, namely Islam and social psychology. A literary review with a descriptive analysis is the method used in this study. Two theories are discussed here, i.e. the internal and external discussion. Internally, address and maintain the agreed convictions of the principle of pluralism. In the mean time, existing behaviors may be given in compliance with the maturity or mature agreement of the religion. The idea embedded in society's definition of tawazun and tasamuh. Keywords: Concept; Tolerance; Islamic approach; Psychology of Religion Toleransi merupakan suatu hal yang dapat mengurangi konflik antar umat beragama dan memunculkan rasa persaudaraan meski berbeda keyakinan. Toleransi dalam kehidupan ini ditinjau dari dua pendekatan, yaitu dalam Islam dan psikologi agama. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah telaah kepustakaan dengan kata kunci toleransi bermasyarakat dan berakidah. Pendekatan ini setidaknya akan menemukan dua teori pendekatan, yaitu pendekatan toleransi internal dan eksternal. Secara internal, toleransi dalam pendekatan agama mengakui adanya konsep pluralisme  dalam memilih keyakinan dan menjalankannya. Adapun secara eksternal, toleransi dapat diyakini berdasarkan kematangan sikap dalam beragama atau mampu dalam beradaptasi secara matang. Konsep yang ditemukan adalah konsep tasamuh dan tawazun dalam bermasyarakat dan berakidah. Kata kunci: Konsep; Toleransi; Pendekatan Islam; Psikologi Agam


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    AbstractThis paper aims to describe the al-Ṭūfī's concept of maṣlaḥah as the supremacy of Islamic law and its difference with the concept of maṣlaḥah by the majority of scholars. This research is in the form of library research with content analysis and comparison methods. The primary sources used were Sharḥ al-Arba'īn al-Nawāwī Mulḥiq al-Maṣlaḥah fi al-Tashrī 'al-Islāmī and Sharḥ Mukhtaṣar al-Rawḍah. Maṣlaḥah for al-Ṭūfī is all causes that lead to good, both in the field of worship and muamalah, and all efforts to realize maqāṣid al-sharī'ah. Al-Ṭūfī based his concept on text, consent, and intelligence. Al-Tufi places maṣlaḥah as the strongest and independent proposition in the field of mu’āmalah. This thought is what distinguishes it from the concept of maṣlaḥah in general. The methods he uses are takhṣīṣ and bayān, both of which only apply to ẓannī texts, not qaṭ'ī texts. AbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konsep maṣlaḥah al-Ṭūfī sebagai supremasi hukum syariah dan distingsinya dengan konsep maslahat mayoritas ulama. Penelitian ini berupa penelitian pustaka dengan metode content analisys dan komparasi. Sumber primer yang digunakan yaitu Sharḥ al-Arba‘īn al-Nawāwī Mulḥiq al-Maṣlaḥah fi al-Tashrī‘ al-Islāmī dan Sharḥ Mukhtaṣar al-Rawḍah. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa menurut al-Ṭūfī, maslahat ialah segala sebab yang membawa kepada kebaikan, dalam bidang ibadah dan muamalah, serta segala upaya untuk merealisasikan maqāṣid al-sharī‘ah. Konsepnya didasarkan atas nash, ijmak, dan intelegensi. al-Tufi menempatkan maslahat sebagai dalil mandiri dan terkuat dalam bidang muamalah. Hal inilah yang membedakannya dengan konsep maslahat secara umum. Metode yang ia gunakan yaitu dengan takhṣīṣ dan bayān yang kedunya hanya berlaku pada nash ẓannī, bukan nash qaṭ‘ī.

    Marriage Problems Because of Disgrace (Study of Book Fiqh Islam wa Adilâtuh and Kitâb al-Nikâh)

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    This study discusses the problems of marriage due to the disgrace suffered by one married couple. The purpose of this study was to find out the basis of jurisprudence for those who married because of disgrace, because they had sexually transmitted diseases. The method for this research is library research with descriptive analytic comparative approach, the book of Fiqh al-Islâm wa Adillâtuhby Wahbah al-Zuhaylî and the book of Banjar locality, South Kalimantan Kitab al-Nikâh by Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari. The findings of this study indicate that according to Wahbah al-Zuhaylî, the marriage of a person who has a sexual disease is unlawful even though the desire has required marriage. Meanwhile, according to Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari only affirmed it, because according to him there is still a gap in maslahah in marriage and family. The academic position of the researcher is more in agreement with al-Banjari's opinion in formulating marriage rules. Comparison of this meeting gives the assumption that policy makers require each bride to check her health to a psychologically and health related hospital to achieve the purpose of marriage. (Penelitian ini membahas tentang problem-problem pernikahan dikarenakan aib yang diderita salah satu pasangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dasar fikih bagi mereka yang menikah karena aib pada diri, yaitu mengidap penyakit menular seksual. Metode yang digunakan adalah library research dengan pendekatan descriptive analytic comparative dalam tatanan telaah naskah kitab Fiqh al-Islâm wa Adillâtuh karya Wahbah al-Zuhaylî dan kitab lokal Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan Kitab al-Nikâh karya Syeikh Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkab bahwa menurut Wahbah al-Zuhaylî, menikahnya seorang yang memiliki penyakit seksual adalah haram hukumnya meskipun hasrat sudah mewajibkan nikah. Sementara menurut Muhammad Arsyad al-Banjari hanya memakruhkannya, dikarenakan melihat masih ada celah maslahah dalam membina rumah tangga. Posisi akademik peneliti lebih menyetujui pendapat al-Banjari dalam merumuskan aturan perkawinan. Perbandingan dari temuaan ini memberikan asumsi bahwa pemangku kebijakan mengharuskan pada setiap mempelai untuk memeriksakan dirinya ke instansi kesehatan terkait psikis dan kesehatannya agar tercapai tujuan dari pernikahan


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    Until now several media in Indonesia is still preaching about violence in the name of religion, the burning of places of worship, Lapindo victims are still homeless, and many more events that involve the community in large numbers. Every human being has the right to live, but whether the appropriate law enforcement or still need improvement. This brief article will look at the impact of Law Number 26 on 2000 regarding Human Rights Court and its relevance to law enforcement. With the enactment of this Act, at least provides an opportunity to take back the cases of gross human rights violations that had occurred before the article appeared 43,44,46 of the Ad-hoc human rights court. Of course in the end, it is required for the support of law enforcement of?cials, political in?uence and a role of the community to criminalize of human rights although it is still the absence of explicit provisions in its implementation

    Modern Law Aspect on Procedural Decision of Sultan Adam Law

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    The main focus of this research was analyzing the normative procedural decision of Sultan Adam Law which was applied by Sultan Adam during 1835 AD. Its emergence was for strengthening Islam Aqeedah for its believers and clinging on to Syafii Madhhab. Sultan Adam Law was remarkable to scrutinize, especially when associated with the modern law aspect. By employing the law history approach, this research attempted to respond to Sultan Adam Law procedural decision document issues which were associated with the modern law aspect. It could be seen through several sides such as political law, law substance, arrangement system as well as procedural aspect. The research also responded on how several factors explained Sultan Adam Law included in modern law. Based on the analysis result, it could be concluded that Sultan Adam Law was a written law decision which its existence in Banjarese people contained principles and legal norms as well as several procedural law decisions in a modern way. Although it was simple systematics which did not classify based on article and section, it contained several decision or principles and legal norms