517 research outputs found

    Natural killer cells attenuate cytomegalovirus-induced hearing loss in mice

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    <div><p>Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is the most common non-hereditary cause of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) yet the mechanisms of hearing loss remain obscure. Natural Killer (NK) cells play a critical role in regulating murine CMV infection via NK cell recognition of the Ly49H cell surface receptor of the viral-encoded m157 ligand expressed at the infected cell surface. This Ly49H NK receptor/m157 ligand interaction has been found to mediate host resistance to CMV in the spleen, and lung, but is much less effective in the liver, so it is not known if this interaction is important in the context of SNHL. Using a murine model for CMV-induced labyrinthitis, we have demonstrated that the Ly49H/m157 interaction mediates host resistance in the temporal bone. BALB/c mice, which lack functional Ly49H, inoculated with mCMV at post-natal day 3 developed profound hearing loss and significant outer hair cell loss by 28 days of life. In contrast, C57BL/6 mice, competent for the Ly49H/m157 interaction, had minimal hearing loss and attenuated outer hair cell loss with the same mCMV dose. Administration of Ly49H blocking antibody or inoculation with a mCMV viral strain deleted for the m157 gene rendered the previously resistant C57BL/6 mouse strain susceptible to hearing loss to a similar extent as the BALB/c mouse strain indicating a direct role of the Ly49H/m157 interaction in mCMV-dependent hearing loss. Additionally, NK cell recruitment to sites of infection was evident in the temporal bone of inoculated susceptible mouse strains. These results demonstrate participation of NK cells in protection from CMV-induced labyrinthitis and SNHL in mice.</p></div

    Ly49H signaling through DAP10 is essential for optimal natural killer cell responses to mouse cytomegalovirus infection

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    The activating natural killer (NK) cell receptor Ly49H recognizes the mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) m157 glycoprotein expressed on the surface of infected cells and is required for protection against MCMV. Although Ly49H has previously been shown to signal via DAP12, we now show that Ly49H must also associate with and signal via DAP10 for optimal function. In the absence of DAP12, DAP10 enables Ly49H-mediated killing of m157-bearing target cells, proliferation in response to MCMV infection, and partial protection against MCMV. DAP10-deficient Ly49H+ NK cells, expressing only Ly49H–DAP12 receptor complexes, are partially impaired in their ability to proliferate during MCMV infection, display diminished ERK1/2 activation, produce less IFN-γ upon Ly49H engagement, and demonstrate reduced control of MCMV infection. Deletion of both DAP10 and DAP12 completely abrogates Ly49H surface expression and control of MCMV infection. Thus, optimal NK cell–mediated immunity to MCMV depends on Ly49H signaling through both DAP10 and DAP12

    Dap10 and Dap12 Form Distinct, but Functionally Cooperative, Receptor Complexes in Natural Killer Cells

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    Many of the activating receptors on natural killer (NK) cells are multisubunit complexes composed of ligand-binding receptors that are noncovalently associated with membrane-bound signaling adaptor proteins, including CD3ζ, FcεRIγ, DAP12, and DAP10. Because the DAP10 and DAP12 genes are closely linked, expressed in NK cells, and have remarkably similar transmembrane segments, it was of interest to determine the specificity of their interactions with ligand-binding receptors and to examine their signaling properties. Despite their similarities, DAP10, DAP12, FcεRIγ, and CD3ζ form specific receptor complexes with their ligand-binding partners in NK cells and transfectants. The transmembrane regions of DAP10 and DAP12 are sufficient to confer specific association with their partners. Although cross-linking of either DAP10- or DAP12-associated receptors has been shown to be sufficient to trigger NK cell–mediated cytotoxicity against Fc receptor–bearing cells, substantial synergy was observed in the induction of cytokine production when both receptors were engaged. Activation of the Syk/ZAP70 tyrosine kinases by the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif–containing DAP12 adaptor and of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway by the YxNM-containing DAP10 adaptor may play an important role in the stimulation of NK cells and T cells

    Expression of FAP-1 by human colon adenocarcinoma: implication for resistance against Fas-mediated apoptosis in cancer

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    Although colon carcinoma cells express Fas receptors, they are resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis. Defects within the intracellular Fas signal transduction may be responsible. We investigated whether the Fas-associated phosphatase-1 (FAP-1), an inhibitor of Fas signal transduction, contributed to this resistance in colon carcinomas. In vivo, apoptosis of cancer cells was detected in situ using terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labelling ( TUNEL). FAP-1, FasR, and Fas ligand (FasL) were detected using immunohistochemistry. In vitro, colon carcinoma cells were primarily cultured, and their sensitivity to Fas-mediated apoptosis was evaluated by treatment with agonistic anti-FasR CH11 IgM monoclonal antibody in the presence or absence of synthetic Ac-SLV (serine-leucine-valine) tripeptide. Fas-associated phosphatase-1 expression was detected in 20 out of 28 colon adenocarcinomas. In vivo, a positive correlation between the percentage of apoptotic tumour cells and the number of FasL-positive tumour infiltrating lymphocytes was observed in FAP-1 negative cancers, but not in FAP-1-positive ones. Primarily cultured colon cancer cells, which were refractory to CH-11-induced apoptosis, had higher expression of FAP-1 on protein and mRNA levels than the sensitive group. Resistance to Fas-mediated apoptosis in tumour cells could be abolished by Ac-SLV tripetides. Fas-associated phosphatase-1 expression protects colon cancer cells from Fas-mediated apoptosis, and blockade of FAP-1 and FasR interaction sensitises tumour cells to Fas-dependent apoptosis

    Ly49P recognition of cytomegalovirus-infected cells expressing H2-Dk and CMV-encoded m04 correlates with the NK cell antiviral response

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    Natural killer (NK) cells are crucial in resistance to certain viral infections, but the mechanisms used to recognize infected cells remain largely unknown. Here, we show that the activating Ly49P receptor recognizes cells infected with mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) by a process that requires the presence of H2-Dk and the MCMV m04 protein. Using H2 chimeras between H2-Db and -Dk, we demonstrate that the H2-Dk peptide-binding platform is required for Ly49P recognition. We identified m04 as a viral component necessary for recognition using a panel of MCMV-deletion mutant viruses and complementation of m04-deletion mutant (Δm04) virus infection. MA/My mice, which express Ly49P and H2-Dk, are resistant to MCMV; however, infection with Δm04 MCMV abrogates resistance. Depletion of NK cells in MA/My mice abrogates their resistance to wild-type MCMV infection, but does not significantly affect viral titers in mice infected with Δm04 virus, implicating NK cells in host protection through m04-dependent recognition. These findings reveal a novel mechanism of major histocompatability complex class I–restricted recognition of virally infected cells by an activating NK cell receptor

    Elucidating the Mechanisms of Influenza Virus Recognition by Ncr1

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    Natural killer (NK) cells are innate cytotoxic lymphocytes that specialize in the defense against viral infection and oncogenic transformation. Their action is tightly regulated by signals derived from inhibitory and activating receptors; the later include proteins such as the Natural Cytotoxicity Receptors (NCRs: NKp46, NKp44 and NKp30). Among the NCRs, NKp46 is the only receptor that has a mouse orthologue named Ncr1. NKp46/Ncr1 is also a unique marker expressed on NK and on Lymphoid tissue inducer (LTI) cells and it was implicated in the control of various viral infections, cancer and diabetes. We have previously shown that human NKp46 recognizes viral hemagglutinin (HA) in a sialic acid-dependent manner and that the O-glycosylation is essential for the NKp46 binding to viral HA. Here we studied the molecular interactions between Ncr1 and influenza viruses. We show that Ncr1 recognizes influenza virus in a sialic acid dependent manner and that N-glycosylation is important for this binding. Surprisingly we demonstrate that none of the predicted N-glycosilated residues of Ncr1 are essential for its binding to influenza virus and we thus conclude that other, yet unidentified N-glycosilated residues are responsible for its recognition. We have demonstrated that N glycosylation play little role in the recognition of mouse tumor cell lines and also showed the in-vivo importance of Ncr1 in the control of influenza virus infection by infecting C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice knockout for Ncr1 with influenza

    Cytomegalovirus microRNAs Facilitate Persistent Virus Infection in Salivary Glands

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    Micro (mi)RNAs are small non-coding RNAs that regulate the expression of their targets' messenger RNAs through both translational inhibition and regulation of target RNA stability. Recently, a number of viruses, particularly of the herpesvirus family, have been shown to express their own miRNAs to control both viral and cellular transcripts. Although some targets of viral miRNAs are known, their function in a physiologically relevant infection remains to be elucidated. As such, no in vivo phenotype of a viral miRNA knock-out mutant has been described so far. Here, we report on the first functional phenotype of a miRNA knock-out virus in vivo. During subacute infection of a mutant mouse cytomegalovirus lacking two viral miRNAs, virus production is selectively reduced in salivary glands, an organ essential for virus persistence and horizontal transmission. This phenotype depends on several parameters including viral load and mouse genetic background, and is abolished by combined but not single depletion of natural killer (NK) and CD4+ T cells. Together, our results point towards a miRNA-based immunoevasion mechanism important for long-term virus persistence

    The Use of Spinning-Disk Confocal Microscopy for the Intravital Analysis of Platelet Dynamics in Response to Systemic and Local Inflammation

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    Platelets are central players in inflammation and are an important component of the innate immune response. The ability to visualize platelets within the live host is essential to understanding their role in these processes. Past approaches have involved adoptive transfer of labelled platelets, non-specific dyes, or the use of fluorescent antibodies to tag platelets in vivo. Often, these techniques result in either the activation of the platelet, or blockade of specific platelet receptors. In this report, we describe two new methods for intravital visualization of platelet biology, intravenous administration of labelled anti-CD49b, which labels all platelets, and CD41-YFP transgenic mice, in which a percentage of platelets express YFP. Both approaches label endogenous platelets and allow for their visualization using spinning-disk confocal fluorescent microscopy. Following LPS-induced inflammation, we were able to measure a significant increase in both the number and size of platelet aggregates observed within the vasculature of a number of different tissues. Real-time observation of these platelet aggregates reveals them to be large, dynamic structures that are continually expanding and sloughing-off into circulation. Using these techniques, we describe for the first time, platelet recruitment to, and behaviour within numerous tissues of the mouse, both under control conditions and following LPS induced inflammation

    Coevolution of activating and inhibitory receptors within mammalian carcinoembryonic antigen families

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most rapidly evolving gene families are involved in immune responses and reproduction, two biological functions which have been assigned to the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene family. To gain insights into evolutionary forces shaping the CEA gene family we have analysed this gene family in 27 mammalian species including monotreme and marsupial lineages.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Phylogenetic analysis provided convincing evidence that the primordial CEA gene family in mammals consisted of five genes, including the immune inhibitory receptor-encoding <it>CEACAM1 </it>(CEA-related cell adhesion molecule) ancestor. Our analysis of the substitution rates within the nucleotide sequence which codes for the ligand binding domain of CEACAM1 indicates that the selection for diversification is, perhaps, a consequence of the exploitation of CEACAM1 by a variety of viral and bacterial pathogens as their cellular receptor. Depending on the extent of the amplification of an ancestral <it>CEACAM1</it>, the number of <it>CEACAM1</it>-related genes varies considerably between mammalian species from less than five in lagomorphs to more than 100 in bats. In most analysed species, ITAM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs) or ITAM-like motif-containing proteins exist which contain Ig-V-like, ligand binding domains closely related to that of CEACAM1. Human CEACAM3 is one such protein which can function as a CEACAM1 decoy receptor in granulocytes by mediating the uptake and destruction of specific bacterial pathogens via its ITAM-like motif. The close relationship between <it>CEACAM1 </it>and its ITAM-encoding relatives appears to be maintained by gene conversion and reciprocal recombination. Surprisingly, secreted CEACAMs resembling immunomodulatory CEACAM1-related trophoblast-specific pregnancy-specific glycoproteins (PSGs) found in humans and rodents evolved only in a limited set of mammals. The appearance of <it>PSG</it>-like genes correlates with invasive trophoblast growth in these species.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These phylogenetic studies provide evidence that pathogen/host coevolution and a possible participation in fetal-maternal conflict processes led to a highly species-specific diversity of mammalian CEA gene families.</p