1,249 research outputs found
MinMax Radon Barcodes for Medical Image Retrieval
Content-based medical image retrieval can support diagnostic decisions by
clinical experts. Examining similar images may provide clues to the expert to
remove uncertainties in his/her final diagnosis. Beyond conventional feature
descriptors, binary features in different ways have been recently proposed to
encode the image content. A recent proposal is "Radon barcodes" that employ
binarized Radon projections to tag/annotate medical images with content-based
binary vectors, called barcodes. In this paper, MinMax Radon barcodes are
introduced which are superior to "local thresholding" scheme suggested in the
literature. Using IRMA dataset with 14,410 x-ray images from 193 different
classes, the advantage of using MinMax Radon barcodes over \emph{thresholded}
Radon barcodes are demonstrated. The retrieval error for direct search drops by
more than 15\%. As well, SURF, as a well-established non-binary approach, and
BRISK, as a recent binary method are examined to compare their results with
MinMax Radon barcodes when retrieving images from IRMA dataset. The results
demonstrate that MinMax Radon barcodes are faster and more accurate when
applied on IRMA images.Comment: To appear in proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on
Visual Computing, December 12-14, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, US
Dealing with inaccurate face detection for automatic gender recognition with partially occluded faces
Gender recognition problem has not been extensively studied in situations where the face cannot be accurately detected and it also can be partially occluded. In this contribution, a comparison of several
characterisation methods of the face is presented and they are evaluated in four different experiments that simulate the previous scenario. Two of the characterization techniques are based on histograms, LBP and local contrast values, and the other one is a new kind of features, called Ranking Labels, that provide spatial information. Experiments have proved Ranking Labels description is the most reliable in inaccurate situation
Transport coefficients in the early universe
We calculate numerically the electrical conductivity , heat
conductivity and shear viscosity of the hot plasma present in
the early universe for the temperature interval 1\MeV\lsim T\lsim 10\GeV. We
use the Boltzmann collision equation to compute all the scattering matrix
elements and regulate them by the thermal masses of the - and -channel
particles. No leading order approximation is needed because of the numerical
integration routines used.Comment: LaTeX, 24 pages, 7 ps figure
Physioacoustic therapy: placebo effect on recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage
We evaluated claims that physioacoustic therapy can enhance muscle healing following damaging exercise. Untrained subjects were randomly assigned to control (C), placebo (P) or treatment (T) groups. All groups performed 70 eccentric triceps contractions followed by; no treatment (C), sham physioacoustic treatment (P), or actual physioacoustic therapy (T) on days 1â4 post-exercise. Muscle soreness and isometric and concentric triceps peak torque were determined pre-exerciseand on days 1â4 and 7 post-exercise. The T group received physioacoustic therapy for 30 min/day on the treatment days. The P group believed they received physioacoustic therapy, although the chairs were turned off. Peak torques were depressed (P < 0.05) on days 1â3 in all groups and returned to pre-exercise values by days 4â7 in both P and T groups. C group peak torques remained depressed (P < 0.05) through day 7. Soreness was elevated (P < 0.05) in all groups on days 1â2 post-exercise. P and T groups reported no soreness by day 3 while the C group remained sore (P < 0.05) through days 3â4. The T group recovered soreness and force faster than C but at a similar rate to the P group. The effectiveness of physioacoustic therapy in enhancing post-exercise muscle healing may be attributable to a placebo effect
Effect of site of lactate infusion on regional lactate exchange in pigs
Background The rate of extra-hepatic lactate production and the route of influx of lactate to the liver may influence both hepatic and extra-hepatic lactate exchange. We assessed the dose-response of hepatic and extra-hepatic lactate exchange during portal and central venous lactate infusion. Methods Eighteen pigs randomly received either portal (n=5) or central venous (n=7) lactate infusion or saline (n=6). Sodium lactate was infused at 33, 66, 99, and 133 ”mol kgâ1 minâ1 for 20 min each. Systemic and regional abdominal blood flows and plasma lactate were measured at 20 min intervals until 1 h post-infusion, and regional lactate exchange was calculated (area under lactate uptake-time curve). Results Total hepatic lactate uptake [median (95% confidence interval)] during the experimental protocol (140 min) was higher during portal [8198 (5487-12 798) ”mol kgâ1] than during central venous lactate infusion [4530 (3903-5514) ”mol kgâ1, P<0.05]. At a similar hepatic lactate delivery (âŒ400 ”mol kgâ1 minâ1), hepatic lactate uptake [mean and standard deviation (sd)] was higher during portal [118 (sd 55) ”mol kgâ1 minâ1] than during central venous lactate infusion [44 (12) ”mol kgâ1 minâ1, P<0.05]. Time courses of arterial lactate concentrations and lactate uptake at other measured regions were similar in both groups. Conclusions Higher hepatic lactate uptake during portal compared with central venous lactate infusion at a similar total hepatic lactate influx underlines the role of portal vein lactate concentration in total hepatic lactate uptake capacity. Arterial lactate concentration does not depend on the site of lactate infusion. At higher arterial lactate concentrations, all regions participated in lactate uptak
Children's health and parental socioeconomic factors: a population-based survey in Finland
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Socioeconomic inequalities in health are a global problem, not only among the adult population but also among children. However, studies concerning young children especially are rare. The aim of this study was to describe the health of Finnish children under 12 years of age, and the socioeconomic factors associated with health. The socioeconomic factors were parental education level, household net income, and working status.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A population-based survey among Finnish children aged under 12 years (n = 6,000) was conducted in spring 2007. A questionnaire was sent to parents, and a response rate of 67% was achieved. Each child's health was explored by asking a parent to report the child's health status on a 5-point Likert scale, current symptoms from a symptoms list, and current disease(s) diagnosed by a physician. The final three outcome measures were poor health, the prevalences of psychosomatic symptoms, and long-term diseases. Data were analysed using Pearson's Chi-Square tests, and logistic regression analysis with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). P-values â€0.05 were considered as statistically significant.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In total, 3% of parents reported that their child's health status was poor. The prevalences of psychosomatic symptoms and long-term diseases were both 11%. The probability for poor health status was lowest among children aged 3-6 and 7-11 years, and for psychosomatic symptoms among 3-6-year-old children, whereas the odds ratios for long-term diseases was highest among children aged 7-11 years. Parental socioeconomic factors were not associated with the children's health.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Most of the children were reported by their parent to have good health status, and approximately one tenth had experienced some psychosomatic symptoms or long-term diseases. Our study suggests that parental socioeconomic factors are not associated with the health of children aged under 12 years in Finland.</p
Development of the electroweak phase transition and baryogenesis
We investigate the evolution of the electroweak phase transition, using a
one-Higgs effective potential that can be regarded as an approximation for the
Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. The phase transition occurs in a small
interval around a temperature T_t below the critical one. We calculate this
temperature as a function of the parameters of the potential and of a damping
coefficient related to the viscosity of the plasma. The parameters that are
relevant for baryogenesis, such as the velocity and thickness of the walls of
bubbles and the value of the Higgs field inside them, change significantly in
the range of temperatures where the first-order phase transition can occur.
However, we find that in the likely interval for T_t there is no significant
variation of these parameters. Furthermore, the temperature T_t is in general
not far below the temperature at which bubbles begin to nucleate.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures; typos corrected, reference adde
Ammatillinen vÀlittÀminen opettaja-oppilassuhteessa:miesluokanopettajien kertomuksia vÀlittÀmisestÀ
TiivistelmÀ. Pro gradumme aiheena on miesopettajan vÀlittÀminen opettaja-oppilassuhteessa alakoulukontekstissa. Aiemmassa tutkimuksessa vÀlittÀmistÀ on mÀÀritelty hyvin naisvaltaisesti ja stereotypisoivalla tavalla sukupuolta korostavaksi. Valitsimme tutkimuksemme osallistujiksi miesopettajat, koska heidÀn ÀÀntÀÀn on kuultu vÀhÀn vÀlittÀmisen tutkimuksessa. Tutkimuksemme pÀÀkÀsitteenÀ on vÀlittÀminen, jonka ajattelemme olevan yksi rakkauden ilmenemismuoto.
Tutkimuskysymyksemme on 1. MitÀ miesopettajat kertovat vÀlittÀmisestÀ opettaja-oppilassuhteessa?. TÀhÀn kysymykseen etsimme vastauksen narratiivisen tutkimuksen keinoin. Narratiivisuus ei pyri yleistettÀvÀÀn totuuteen, vaan tarjoaa tietoa. Tutkimusaineiston muodostaa kolme kerronnallista haastattelua, joista yksi pohjautuu ennakkoon tehtyyn kirjoitelmaan. Haastattelimme kolmea pohjoissuomalaista miesopettajaa, joiden haastatteluissa kÀytimme puolistrukturoitua haastattelumenetelmÀÀ. Analysoimme tutkimusaineistomme teoriaohjaavalla sisÀllönanalyysilla.
Miesopettajien kertomuksista saimme tulokseksi, ettÀ vÀlittÀminen opettajan työssÀ on pakollinen valinta sekÀ osa ammattitaitoa. LisÀksi he kertoivat vÀlittÀmisen ilmenemisestÀ kÀytÀnnössÀ. Opettajat ajattelivat tehneensÀ valinnan vÀlittÀvÀn suhteen rakentamisesta jo ammatin valitessaan. Kertomusten mukaan opettajalla on velvollisuus vÀlittÀÀ oppilaistaan ja olla kiinnostunut heidÀn asioistaan. HÀnen tÀytyy tuntea oppilaansa, jotta hÀn voi vÀlittÀÀ oppilaistaan ja osoittaa vÀlittÀmistÀÀn heidÀn tarpeidensa mukaan. VÀlittÀminen ei synny itsestÀÀn vaan se vaatii pitkÀjÀnteistÀ työtÀ. Opettajan työssÀ vÀlittÀminen ilmenee kÀytÀnnössÀ oppilaiden yksilöllisenÀ kohtaamisena, keskusteluilla heidÀn kanssaan sekÀ arkisena huolenpitona. Opettajien kertomuksissa vÀlittÀmiseen liittyy myös haasteita. VÀlittÀvÀssÀ opettaja-oppilassuhteessa myös oppilailla on aktiivinen rooli.
Miesopettajat kertoivat vÀlittÀmisen olevan osa heidÀn työtÀÀn. He kertoivat voivansa vÀlittÀÀ omalla persoonallaan. VÀlittÀmisen mÀÀritteleminen naisellisena ominaisuutena ja toimintana rajoittaa vÀlittÀmisen nÀkemistÀ osana opettajan ammattitaitoa. Sukupuolet erottelevasta vÀlittÀmisen mÀÀritelmÀstÀ tulee pyrkiÀ kohti ammatillisen vÀlittÀmisen kÀsitettÀ. Kasvatuksen mahdollistumiseksi jokaisen opettajan on tÀrkeÀ luoda ammatillinen vÀlittÀvÀ suhde oppilaidensa kanssa, sillÀ se on perustana opettajan työlle. Ammatillista vÀlittÀmistÀ raamittavat perusopetuslaki, valtakunnallinen perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet sekÀ ammattieettiset ohjeet, mutta se ei kuitenkaan vaadi opettajalta tietynlaisia ominaisuuksia tai tapoja
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