10 research outputs found

    An Investigation of Dispensational Premillennialism: an Analysis and Evaluation of the Eschatology of John F. Walvoord

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    This study presents a historical and theological inquiry of one of the most influential eschatological views in America\u27s evangelical and premillennial fundamentalist circles: dispensational premillennialism. My objective is threefold: (1) to survey the main factors that contributed to the rise of dispensational premillennialism, (2) to evaluate its claims to the historical and theological roots, and (3) to portray and to assess the eschatology ofthis system as it has been enunciated by John F. Walvoord. To achieve these purposes, after a brief introductory chapter, we begin in chapter 2 by showing the development of premillennialismsince the days of the early church until thenineteenth century. Chapter 3 examines the role and impact offuturism upon premillennialism. The chapter also discusses the claims of Dispensationalism concerning its continuity with the premillennialism of the early church. The historical rise of dispensational premillennialism is traced to John Nelson Darby. The last part of the chapter surveys the theological roots of this system. It shows that some features of the chiliasm of theearly church that seem to come from Jewish apocalypticism appear in dispensational premillennialism. Special attention is given to Lacunza\u27s millenarian ideas that show a close parallel with most of the tenets of modern Dispensationalism. Chapter 4 describes the premillennial eschatology of John F. Walvoord who is a widely known contemporary representative of classic Dispensationalism. Chapter 5 utilizes the findings of chapters 3 and 4 and provides a critical evaluation of the historical and theological backgrounds of dispensational premillennialism within the history of Christian doctrinal development from the Scriptures. Walvoord\u27s hermeneutics, ecclesiology, pretribulational eschatology, and the nature of the millennial kingdom are evaluated on their own merits. The final chapter presents the summary and conclusions of this study

    El comienzo de la obra adventista en Argentina

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    A horizon scan exercise for aquatic invasive alien species in Iberian inland waters

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    As the number of introduced species keeps increasing unabatedly, identifying and prioritising current and potential Invasive Alien Species (IAS) has become essential to manage them. Horizon Scanning (HS), defined as an exploration of potential threats, is considered a fundamental component of IAS management. By combining scientific knowledge on taxa with expert opinion, we identified the most relevant aquatic IAS in the Iberian Peninsula, i.e., those with the greatest geographic extent (or probability of introduction), severe ecological, economic and human health impacts, greatest difficulty and acceptability of management. We highlighted the 126 most relevant IAS already present in Iberian inland waters (i.e., Concern list) and 89 with a high probability of being introduced in the near future (i.e., Alert list), of which 24 and 10 IAS, respectively, were considered as a management priority after receiving the highest scores in the expert assessment (i.e., top-ranked IAS). In both lists, aquatic IAS belonging to the four thematic groups (plants, freshwater invertebrates, estuarine invertebrates, and vertebrates) were identified as having been introduced through various pathways from different regions of the world and classified according to their main functional feeding groups. Also, the latest update of the list of IAS of Union concern pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 includes only 12 top-ranked IAS identified for the Iberian Peninsula, while the national lists incorporate the vast majority of them. This fact underlines the great importance of taxa prioritisation exercises at biogeographical scales as a step prior to risk analyses and their inclusion in national lists. This HS provides a robust assessment and a cost-effective strategy for decision-makers and stakeholders to prioritise the use of limited resources for IAS prevention and management. Although applied at a transnational level in a European biodiversity hotspot, this approach is designed for potential application at any geographical or administrative scale, including the continental one

    Lista de especies exóticas acuáticas de la Península Ibérica (2020)

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    Se presenta una lista actualizada de las especies exóticas que se encuentran en etapa de establecimiento o de propagación de la invasión en aguas continentales de la península ibérica. La lista está basada en la evaluación sistemática de los datos en colaboración con un amplio equipo de expertos de España y Portugal. Esta lista de actualización es un instrumento de apoyo importante para la aplicación del Reglamento de la Unión Europea (UE) sobre las especies exóticas invasoras (EEI) y también proporciona una base objetiva para el examen de su aplicación. En última instancia, la información incluida puede utilizarse para supervisar el cumplimiento del objetivo de la Estrategia de la UE sobre diversidad biológica hasta 2030 para combatir las EEI, pero también para la aplicación de otras políticas de la UE con requisitos sobre especies exóticas, como las Directivas de Hábitats y Aves, la Directiva Marco sobre la Estrategia Marina (DMEM) y la Directiva Marco del Agua (DMA)

    The IASLC Lung Cancer Staging Project: Proposals for Revision of the TNM Stage Groupings in the Forthcoming (Eighth) Edition of the TNM Classification for Lung Cancer

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    The International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Lung Cancer Staging Project: Proposals for the Revision of the Clinical and Pathologic Staging of Small Cell Lung Cancer in the Forthcoming Eighth Edition of the TNM Classification for Lung Cancer

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    The IASLC Lung Cancer Staging Project: Background Data and Proposals for the Classification of Lung Cancer with Separate Tumor Nodules in the Forthcoming Eighth Edition of the TNM Classification for Lung Cancer

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    The IASLC Lung Cancer Staging Project: Summary of Proposals for Revisions of the Classification of Lung Cancers with Multiple Pulmonary Sites of Involvement in the Forthcoming Eighth Edition of the TNM Classification

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