90 research outputs found

    Plantes à usage alimentaire, médical ou cosmétique, suceptibles d'entraßner des allergies

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    L'allergie est une prĂ©occupation majeure en santĂ© publique. En dehors de l'environnement, des facteurs tels que l'alimentation, les mĂ©dicaments ou la prise de cosmĂ©tiques, peuvent ĂȘtre Ă  l'origine de phĂ©nomĂšnes d'allergie. Le travail rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre de cette thĂšse analyse le potentiel allergisant de plantes utilisĂ©es dans au moins deux des domaines prĂ©cĂ©demment citĂ©s. Outre un rappel des donnĂ©es botaniques, propriĂ©tĂ©s chimiques et pharmacologiques des plantes Ă©tudiĂ©es, le prĂ©sent travail illustre Ă  partir de onographies les aspects allergiques liĂ©s Ă  ces plantes. Les risques supplĂ©mentaires que pourraient entraĂźner les OGM et les moyens mis en Ɠuvre pour les contrĂŽler sont Ă©galement abordĂ©s.TOURS-BU Sciences Pharmacie (372612104) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Douleurs lombaires (multiplicite des moyens thérapeutiques et implication de l'homéopathie)

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    TOURS-BU Sciences Pharmacie (372612104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Breeding mute swan habitat selection when accounting for detectability: a plastic behaviour consistent with rapidly expanding populations

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    International audienceA number of native and exotic animal species show dramatic population increases in terms of both numbers and geographic range. Understanding the habitat selection processes behind such increases is crucial to implement adequate management measures. Mute swan (Cygnus olor) populations have experienced a tremendous demographic and geographic expansion in Western Europe during the twentieth century, colonizing a wide variety of aquatic habitats. We aimed at assessing how swans select nesting sites during the pre-laying and laying periods on medium to large fishponds (from 10 to 50 ha) in Eastern France, while accounting for detectability biases and testing for the effects of fishpond spatial configuration, vegetation resources, human disturbance and habitat management. Our results demonstrate that the mute swan is a non-selective species regarding its nesting habitat among such fishponds, using these independently from the parameters considered although fishpond characteristics varied. Although mute swan is one of the least cryptic Anatidae, owing to its white colour and large size, detection of breeding pairs remained imperfect for each over several sampling occasions. However, because we repeated the sampling sessions, detection of swan pairs by the end of the monitoring period was as high as 0.94. These results are consistent with previous assertions that the mute swan is a species of high ecological plasticity, which may partly explain its recent colonization rates. Given that even swan breeding events were imperfectly detected on each occasion, we highlight Communicated by H. Kierdor

    National reflection on organs-on-chip for drug development: New regulatory challenges

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    International audienceOrgans-on-chip (OoC) are innovative and promising in vitro models, particularly in the process of developing new drugs, to improve predictivity of preclinical studies in humans. However, a lack of regulatory consensus on acceptance criteria and standards around these technologies currently hinders their adoption and implementation by end-users. A reflection has been conducted at the National Agency for Medicines and Health products safety (ANSM) in order to address this issue, which has gained momentum at the international level in recent years. If the subject of OoC is of international interest, France is also in the process of structuring an OoC network, in order to best support the emergence of this new technological innovation. Focusing on liver-on-a-chip, the authors drafted a first list of regulatory requirements to help standardize these devices and their use. Technological and biological relevance of liver-on-a-chip was also evaluated, in comparison with current in vitro and in vivo models, based on the available literature. The authors offer an analysis of the current scientific and regulatory situation, highlighting the key regulatory issues for the future

    Development of a drug delivery system for efficient alveolar delivery of a neutralizing monoclonal antibody to treat pulmonary intoxication to ricin.

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    International audienceThe high toxicity of ricin and its ease of production have made it a major bioterrorism threat worldwide. There is however no efficient and approved treatment for poisoning by ricin inhalation, although there have been major improvements in diagnosis and therapeutic strategies. We describe the development of an anti-ricin neutralizing monoclonal antibody (IgG 43RCA-G1) and a device for its rapid and effective delivery into the lungs for an application in humans. The antibody is a full-length IgG and binds to the ricin A-chain subunit with a high affinity (KD=53pM). Local administration of the antibody into the respiratory tract of mice 6h after pulmonary ricin intoxication allowed the rescue of 100% of intoxicated animals. Specific operational constraints and aerosolization stresses, resulting in protein aggregation and loss of activity, were overcome by formulating the drug as a dry-powder that is solubilized extemporaneously in a stabilizing solution to be nebulized. Inhalation studies in mice showed that this formulation of IgG 43RCA-G1 did not induce pulmonary inflammation. A mesh nebulizer was customized to improve IgG 43RCA-G1 deposition into the alveolar region of human lungs, where ricin aerosol particles mostly accumulate. The drug delivery system also comprises a semi-automatic reconstitution system to facilitate its use and a specific holding chamber to maximize aerosol delivery deep into the lung. In vivo studies in monkeys showed that drug delivery with the device resulted in a high concentration of IgG 43RCA-G1 in the airways for at least 6h after local deposition, which is consistent with the therapeutic window and limited passage into the bloodstream

    AVIS en réponse à la saisine HCB - dossier 2020-172. Paris, le 06 septembre 2021

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    Le Haut Conseil des biotechnologies (HCB) a été saisi le 22 juin 2021 par les autorités compétentes françaises (MinistÚre de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation) d'une demande d'avis relative au dossier EFSA-GMO-NL-2020-172 de demande d'autorisation de mise sur le marché du maïs génétiquement modifié DP915635 à des fins d'importation, transformation et alimentation humaine et animale. Ce dossier a été déposé par la société Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. auprÚs des autorités compétentes néerlandaises sur le fondement du rÚglement (CE) n° 1829/2003. Dans le cadre de ce rÚglement, l'évaluation des dossiers de demande de mise sur le marché est confiée à l'Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments (EFSA). Les Etats membres disposent de trois mois pour envoyer leurs commentaires à l'EFSA en contribution à l'évaluation du dossier. Dans ce contexte, le HCB est invité à proposer des commentaires à destination de l'EFSA au plus tard le 07 septembre 2021
