361 research outputs found

    The Spatial Structure of An Accretion Disk

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    Based on the microlensing variability of the two-image gravitational lens HE1104-1805 observed between 0.4 and 8 microns, we have measured the size and wavelength-dependent structure of the quasar accretion disk. Modeled as a power law in temperature, T proportional to R^-beta, we measure a B-band (0.13 microns in the rest frame) half-light radius of R_{1/2,B} = 6.7 (+6.2 -3.2) x 10^15 cm (68% CL) and a logarithmic slope of beta=0.61 (+0.21 -0.17) for our standard model with a logarithmic prior on the disk size. Both the scale and the slope are consistent with simple thin disk models where beta=3/4 and R_{1/2,B} = 5.9 x 10^15 cm for a Shakura-Sunyaev disk radiating at the Eddington limit with 10% efficiency. The observed fluxes favor a slightly shallower slope, beta=0.55 (+0.03 -0.02), and a significantly smaller size for beta=3/4.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Ap

    Application of the direct Liapunov method to the problem of symmetric stability in the atmosphere

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    The problem of symmetric stability is examined within the context of the direct Liapunov method. The sufficient conditions for stability derived by Fjørtoft are shown to imply finite-amplitude, normed stability. This finite-amplitude stability theorem is then used to obtain rigorous upper bounds on the saturation amplitude of disturbances to symmetrically unstable flows.By employing a virial functional, the necessary conditions for instability implied by the stability theorem are shown to be in fact sufficient for instability. The results of Ooyama are improved upon insofar as a tight two-sided (upper and lower) estimate is obtained of the growth rate of (modal or nonmodal) symmetric instabilities.The case of moist adiabatic systems is also considered

    Approaching finite-temperature phase diagrams of strongly correlated materials: a case study for V2O3

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    Examining phase stabilities and phase equilibria in strongly correlated materials asks for a next level in the many-body extensions to the local-density approximation (LDA) beyond mainly spectroscopic assessments. Here we put the charge-self-consistent LDA+dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) methodology based on projected local orbitals for the LDA+DMFT interface and a tailored pseudopotential framework into action in order to address such thermodynamics of realistic strongly correlated systems. Namely a case study for the electronic phase diagram of the well-known prototype Mott-phenomena system V2_2O3_3 at higher temperatures is presented. We are able to describe the first-order metal-to-insulator transitions with negative pressure and temperature from the self-consistent computation of the correlated total energy in line with experimental findings.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, new data adde

    Detection of broken rotor bar faults and effects of loading in induction motors during rundown

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    © Copyright 2007 IEEEThe detection of broken rotor bar faults based on the common steady-state Fourier transform technique is known to be dependent on the loading condition and the quality of the supply. This paper attempts to minimise these issues by utilising the induced voltage in the stator windings after supply disconnection. When the supply is disconnected, the stator current rapidly drops to zero and the only source of the stator induced voltage an instant after the supply disconnection is due to currents in the rotor. The rotor currents are sensitive to broken rotor bar faults and directly affect the rundown induced voltage in the stator windings. The performance of two different broken rotor bar detection techniques, based on the Fourier transform and the wavelet transform, are investigated over a wide range of loading conditions

    Investigation of static eccentricity fault frequencies using multiple sensors in induction motors and effects of loading

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    A significant number of studies have been reported in the literature on the detection of eccentricity faults in induction machines; however these have generally used one type of sensor such as current or vibration, and not studied in detail the effect of loading. This paper examines the use of fault frequency components in the current, flux and vibration sensor signals with the aim of both detecting and estimating the severity of static eccentricity faults in the presence of load variations. The research is based on an extensive series of sensor measurements taken using a specially modified 2.2kW induction machine under varying conditions of static eccentricity and loading.R. Supangat, J. Grieger, N. Ertugrul, W.L. Soong, D.A. Gray, C. Hanse

    Effectiveness of battlefield-ethics training during combat deployment: a programme assessment

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    Background Breakdowns in the ethical conduct of soldiers towards non-combatants on the battlefi eld are of grave concern in war. Evidence-based training approaches to prevent unethical conduct are scarce. We assessed the eff ectiveness of battlefi eld-ethics training and factors associated with unethical battlefi eld conduct. Methods The training package, based on movie vignettes and leader-led discussions, was administered 7 to 8 months into a 15-month high-intensity combat deployment in Iraq, between Dec 11, 2007, and Jan 30, 2008. Soldiers from an infantry brigade combat team (total population about 3500) were randomly selected, on the basis of company and the last four digits of each soldier’s social security number, and invited to complete an anonymous survey 3 months after completion of the training. Reports of unethical behaviour and attitudes in this sample were compared with a randomly selected pre-training sample from the same brigade. The response patterns for ethical behaviour and reporting of ethical violations were analysed with chi-square analyses. We developed two logistic regression models using self-reported unethical behaviours as dependent variables. Factors associated with unethical conduct, including combat experiences and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), were assessed with validated scales. Findings Of 500 randomly selected soldiers 421 agreed to participate in the anonymous post-training survey. A total of 397 soldiers of the same brigade completed the pre-training survey. Training was associated with significantly lower rates of unethical conduct of soldiers and greater willingness to report and address misconduct than in those before training. For example, reports of unnecessary damage or destruction of private property decreased from 13·6% (54 of 397; 95% CI 10·2–17·0) before training to 5·0% (21 of 421; 2·9–7·1) after training (percent difference –63·2%; p\u3c0·0001), and willingness to report a unit member for mistreatment of a non-combatant increased from 36·0% (143 of 397; 31·3–40·7) to 58·9% (248 of 421; 54·2–63·6; percent difference 63·6; p\u3c0·0001). Nearly all participants (410 [97%]) reported that training made it clear how to respond towards non-combatants. Combat frequency and intensity was the strongest predictor of unethical behaviour; PTSD was not a significant predictor of unethical behaviour after controlling for combat experiences. Interpretation Leader-led battlefield ethics training positively influenced soldiers’ understanding of how to interact with and treat non-combatants, and reduced reports of ethical misconduct. Unethical battlefield conduct was associated with high-intensity combat but not with PTSD

    The nature and size of the optical continuum source in QSO 2237+0305

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    From the peak of a gravitational microlensing high-magnification event in the A component of QSO 2237+0305, which was accurately monitored by the GLITP collaboration, we derived new information on the nature and size of the optical V-band and R-band sources in the far quasar. If the microlensing peak is caused by a microcaustic crossing, we firstly obtained that the standard accretion disk is a scenario more reliable/feasible than other usual axially symmetric models. Moreover, the standard scenario fits both the V-band and R-band observations with reduced chi-square values very close to one. Taking into account all these results, a standard accretion disk around a supermassive black hole is a good candidate to be the optical continuum main source in QSO 2237+0305. Secondly, using the standard source model and a robust upper limit on the transverse galactic velocity, we inferred that 90 per cent of the V-band and R-band luminosities are emitted from a region with radial size less than 1.2 10^{-2} pc (= 3.7 10^{16} cm, at 2*sigma confidence level).Comment: ApJ, in press (LaTeX, 28 pages, 6 eps figures

    Asymptotic Expansions and Amplification of a Gravitational Lens Near a Fold Caustic

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    We propose two methods that enable us to obtain approximate solutions of the lens equation near a fold caustic with an arbitrary degree of accuracy. We obtain "post-linear" corrections to the well-known formula in the linear caustic approximation for the total amplification of two critical images of a point source. In this case, in order to obtain the nontrivial corrections we had to go beyond the approximation orders earlier used by Keeton et al. and to take into account the Taylor expansion of the lens equation near caustic up to the fourth order. Corresponding analytical expressions are derived for the amplification in cases of the Gaussian and power-law extended source models; the amplifications depend on three additional fitting parameters. Conditions of neglecting the correction terms are analysed. The modified formula for the amplification is applied to the fitting of light curves of the Q2237+0305 gravitational lens system in a vicinity of the high amplification events (HAEs). We show that the introduction of some "post-linear" corrections reduces chi^2 by 30% in the case of known HAE on the light curve of image C (1999). These corrections can be important for a precise comparison of different source models with regard for observational data. Key words: gravitational lensing: micro - quasars: individual (Q2237+0305) - gravitational lensing: strong - methods: analyticalComment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Potential bioavailability of representative pyrogenic organic matter compounds in comparison to natural dissolved organic matter pools

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    Pyrogenic organic matter (PyOM) from wildfires impacts river corridors globally and is widely regarded as resistant to biological degradation. Though recent work suggests PyOM may be more bioavailable than historically perceived, estimating bioavailability across its chemical spectrum remains elusive. To address this knowledge gap, we assessed potential bioavailability of representative PyOM compounds relative to ubiquitous dissolved organic matter (DOM) with a substrate-explicit model. The range of potential bioavailability of PyOM was greater than natural DOM; however, the predicted thermodynamics, metabolic rates, and carbon use efficiencies (CUEs) overlapped significantly between all OM pools. Compound type (e.g., natural versus PyOM) had approximately 6-fold less impact on predicted respiration rates than simulated carbon and oxygen limitations. Within PyOM, the metabolism of specific chemistries differed strongly between unlimited and oxygenlimited conditions – degradations of anhydrosugars, phenols, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were more favorable under oxygen limitation than other molecules. Notably, amino sugar-like, protein-like, and lignin-like PyOM had lower carbon use efficiencies relative to natural DOM of the same classes, indicating potential impacts in process-based model representations. Overall, our work illustrates how similar PyOM bioavailability may be to that of natural DOM in the river corridor, furthering our understanding of how PyOM may influence riverine biogeochemical cycling