62 research outputs found

    NKAINs: A Novel Family of Membrane Proteins that Interact with the Na, K-ATPase and Affect Membrane Excitability

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    A novel family of Na,K-ATPase interacting (NKAIN) proteins was cloned and characterized. These proteins are highly conserved across species and do not resemble any known proteins in the genome. Aside from the conserved transmembrane domains, NKAINs contain no known functional domains. Striking amino acid conservation in the first two transmembrane domains suggests that the function of these proteins is concentrated in the membrane bilayer. NKAINl, 2, 3 and a splice form of NKAIN4 are brain and testis specific; another splice form of NKAIN4 is expressed ubiquitously. In the central nervous system, NKAINs localize to neurons. The C-terminal tail of NKAIN proteins interacts with the p subunit of the Na,K-ATPase. The Na,K-ATPase pi subunit, NKAINl and another p subunit interacting protein MONaKA form a complex in transfected cells. Since MONaKA shares sequence similarity with the C-terminal part of the Drosophila NKAIN homolog (dNKAIN), it is proposed that dNKAIN function is carried out by two mammalian proteins - NKAIN and MONaKA. Flies with decreased dNKAIN expression show temperature-sensitive seizures, motor deficit and paralysis a phenotype of neuronal hyperexcitability. In contrast, dNKAIN overexpression leads to a phenotype identical to the phenotype of flies with inhibited cellular excitability. Thus, dNKAIN function is likely to decrease membrane excitability, possibly by affecting the Na,K-ATPase function. Neuronal expression of NKAIN proteins and a possible role in membrane excitability strongly suggest that this novel protein family could be critical for neuronal function


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    An analysis of Russian speech errors involving word inflections suggests that, in a highly inflected language, both the selection of grammatical features at the gram-matical encoding level and the selection of bound morphemes at the morphopho-nological encoding level are competitive processes.Na temelju analize govornih pogrešaka u ruskome koje uključuju fleksiju riječi može se zaključiti da su u jeziku s razvijenim fleksijskim sustavom kako izbor gramatičkih svojstava na nivou gramatičkog kodiranja tako i izbor vezanih morfema na nivou morfofonološkog kodira-nja suparnički procesi

    Limitedly L-weakly compact operators

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    We introduce new class of limitedly L-weakly compact operators from a Banach space to a Banach lattice. This class is a proper subclass of the Bourgain-Diestel operators and it contains properly the class of L-weakly compact operators. We give its efficient characterization in term of sequences, investigate the domination problem, and study the completeness of this class of operators

    Full Lattice Convergence on Riesz Spaces

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    The full lattice convergence on a locally solid Riesz space is an abstraction of the topological, order, and relatively uniform convergences. We investigate four modifications of a full convergence c\mathbb{c} on a Riesz space. The first one produces a sequential convergence sc\mathbb{sc}. The second makes an absolute c\mathbb{c}-convergence and generalizes the absolute weak convergence. The third modification makes an unbounded c\mathbb{c}-convergence and generalizes various unbounded convergences recently studied in the literature. The last one is applicable whenever c\mathbb{c} is a full convergence on a commutative ll-algebra and produces the multiplicative modification mc\mathbb{mc} of c\mathbb{c}. We study general properties of full lattice convergence with emphasis on universally complete Riesz spaces and on Archimedean ff-algebras. The technique and results in this paper unify and extend those which were developed and obtained in recent literature on unbounded convergences

    Duality and Norm Completeness in the Classes of Limitedly--Lwc and Dunford--Pettis--Lwc Operators

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    We investigate the duality and norm completeness in the classes of limitedly--L-weakly compact and Dunford--Pettis--L-weakly compact and operators from Banach spaces to Banach lattices

    A novel family of transmembrane proteins interacting with β subunits of the Na,K-ATPase

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    We characterized a family consisting of four mammalian proteins of unknown function (NKAIN1, 2, 3 and 4) and a single Drosophila ortholog dNKAIN. Aside from highly conserved transmembrane domains, NKAIN proteins contain no characterized functional domains. Striking amino acid conservation in the first two transmembrane domains suggests that these proteins are likely to function within the membrane bilayer. NKAIN family members are neuronally expressed in multiple regions of the mouse brain, although their expression is not ubiquitous. We demonstrate that mouse NKAIN1 interacts with the β1 subunit of the Na,K-ATPase, whereas Drosophila ortholog dNKAIN interacts with Nrv2.2, a Drosophila homolog of the Na,K-ATPase β subunits. We also show that NKAIN1 can form a complex with another β subunit-binding protein, MONaKA, when binding to the β1 subunit of the Na,K-ATPase. Our results suggest that a complex between mammalian NKAIN1 and MONaKA is required for NKAIN function, which is carried out by a single protein, dNKAIN, in Drosophila. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that dNKAIN, but not NKAIN1, induces voltage-independent amiloride-insensitive Na+-specific conductance that can be blocked by lanthanum. Drosophila mutants with decreased dNKAIN expression due to a P-element insertion in the dNKAIN gene exhibit temperature-sensitive paralysis, a phenotype also caused by mutations in the Na,K-ATPase α subunit and several ion channels. The neuronal expression of NKAIN proteins, their membrane localization and the temperature-sensitive paralysis of NKAIN Drosophila mutants strongly suggest that this novel protein family may be critical for neuronal functio

    Contradiction Between Law and Sub-Rules With Psychological Consideration

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    In this article authors suggest to consider features of hybrid reality, both in psychology, and in law. Authors investigate opportunities and dangers of the virtual world. Reveal the main psychological aspects provoking the person to plunge into Internet space. Also in article the main tendencies and the directions of transformation of the modern legislation connected with need to provide a condition of information security for the individual, societies, and the states in general are shown, difficulties of implementation of legal regulation and administrative control in digital space are analyzed, and the appeal of the virtual world to inhabitants, including, and in connection with his weak accountability from is at the same time proved out of

    La vida en la realidad híbrida: problemas de psicología y derecho

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    In this article, authors suggest considering features of hybrid reality, both in psychology and in law. Authors investigate the opportunities and dangers of the virtual world. Reveal the main psychological aspects provoking the person to plunge into Internet space. Also in article the main tendencies and the directions of transformation of the modern legislation connected with need to provide a condition of information security for the individual, societies, and the states, in general, are shown, difficulties of implementation of legal regulation and administrative control in digital space are analyzed, and the appeal of the virtual world to inhabitants, including, and in connection with his weak accountability from is at the same time proved out of.En este artículo, los autores sugieren considerar las características de la realidad híbrida, tanto en psicología como en derecho. Los autores investigan las oportunidades y los peligros del mundo virtual. Revele los principales aspectos psicológicos que provocan que la persona se sumerja en el espacio de Internet. También en el artículo se muestran las principales tendencias y las direcciones de transformación de la legislación moderna relacionada con la necesidad de proporcionar una condición de seguridad de la información para el individuo, las sociedades y los estados, en general, las dificultades de implementación de la regulación legal y el control administrativo en el espacio digital se analizan, y el atractivo del mundo virtual para los habitantes, incluidos, y en relación con su débil rendición de cuentas, se demuestra al mismo tiempo

    Contradicción entre la ley y las subreglas con consideración psicológica

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    In this article authors suggest to consider features of hybrid reality, both in psychology, and in law. Authors investigate opportunities and dangers of the virtual world. Reveal the main psychological aspects provoking the person to plunge into Internet space. Also in article the main tendencies and the directions of transformation of the modern legislation connected with need to provide a condition of information security for the individual, societies, and the states in general are shown, difficulties of implementation of legal regulation and administrative control in digital space are analyzed, and the appeal of the virtual world to inhabitants, including, and in connection with his weak accountability from is at the same time proved out of.En este artículo, los autores sugieren considerar las características de la realidad híbrida, tanto en psicología como en derecho. Los autores investigan las oportunidades y los peligros del mundo virtual. Revele los principales aspectos psicológicos que provocan que la persona se sumerja en elespacio de Internet. También en el artículo se muestran las principales tendencias y las direcciones de transformación de la legislación moderna relacionada con la necesidad de proporcionar una condición de seguridad de la información para el individuo, las sociedades y los estados en general, las dificultades de implementación de la regulación legal y el control administrativo en digital se analizan los espacios, y se demuestra al mismo tiempo el atractivo del mundo virtual para los habitantes, incluidos y en relación con su débil rendición de cuentas