5,617 research outputs found

    Argument and Medicine: A model of reasoning for clinical practice

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    In a doctor-linguist collaboration, a framework of reasoning in clinical contexts is presented. Arguments used for inquiry, justification and persuasion are sketched in diagnosis, counselling, and management settings integral to everyday clinical practice thereby extending the diagnostic function typically associated with clinical reasoning per se. A system of logic, a method of persuasive orientation, and a synthesis of negotiation in dialogue are then elaborated to illustrate the complexity of argument practice in medical culture

    Changes in aliphatic hydrocarbon tracer composition during the digestive process of the marine worm Nereis virens. Preliminary results

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    In the laboratory, marine worms were fed with a mixture of algae and several aliphatic hydrocarbons for 15 days. By comparing hydrocarbons in food and in faeces, it appeared that the worm's digestive process led to changes in the distribution of the n-alkanes mixture. These changes were different from those only due to physical processes in the experimental conditions, indicating that marine worm feeding could substantially affect the fate of hydrocarbons in the sedimentary marine ecosystem

    An Algorithm for the Computer Evaluation of Quantitative Laboratory Unknowns Based on Accuracy and Precision

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    Author Institution: Departments of Chemistry, University of Iowa and Miami UniversityAn algorithm for evaluating student laboratory results is presented in which both proximity to the true result (accuracy) and the reproducibility of these results (preeision) can be evaluated. The usefulness of such a scoring device and its pedagogical advantages are presented. The results are described in terms of a computer program LAB GRADE which is available from the authors upon request

    Compassion as a skill: A comparison of contemplative and evolution-based approaches.

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    The editors to this volume posed a series of fascinating questions relating to how seeing compassion as a skill can help us understand its nature, cultivation and effects within secular contexts. This paper addresses these questions by comparing evolutionary with contemplative approaches to compassion. Recent scientific approaches have explored the evolved roots and biopsychosocial manifestations of compassion and their impact on mental states and prosocial behaviour, particularly in regard to both its facilitators and inhibitors. In contrast, we discuss how the contemplative traditions have approached the origins and cultivation of compassion through observing the mind (e.g. meditation), with a focus on gaining insight into self-transcendent experiences, the nature of inter-connectivity and non-separate existence (also referred to as non-duality), through which compassion arises naturally. Both evolutionary and contemplative perspectives have the same focus which is to understand and prevent the causes of suffering, including the suffering we cause ourselves because of our harmful potentials. However, in terms of training the mind in compassion skills, this paper considers how training approaches linked to the evolutionary model often use thinking, empathising, reflecting and guided behaviour change to activate psychophysiological systems linked to caring and compassion. In contrast, the contemplative traditions focus less on thinking and reflecting and more on creating conditions for direct experiencing. A key reason for doing so is to settle the mind so that subtler levels of consciousness can enable the experience of self-transcendent compassion to arise. Thus, both evolutionary and contemplative approaches can focus on developing mind awareness and the importance of practise, but evolutionary approaches such as compassion focused therapy do not pursue transcendent wisdoms or insights

    A simple novel device for air sampling by electrokinetic capture.

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    BackgroundA variety of different sampling devices are currently available to acquire air samples for the study of the microbiome of the air. All have a degree of technical complexity that limits deployment. Here, we evaluate the use of a novel device, which has no technical complexity and is easily deployable.ResultsAn air-cleaning device powered by electrokinetic propulsion has been adapted to provide a universal method for collecting samples of the aerobiome. Plasma-induced charge in aerosol particles causes propulsion to and capture on a counter-electrode. The flow of ions creates net bulk airflow, with no moving parts. A device and electrode assembly have been re-designed from air-cleaning technology to provide an average air flow of 120 lpm. This compares favorably with current air sampling devices based on physical air pumping. Capture efficiency was determined by comparison with a 0.4 ÎĽm polycarbonate reference filter, using fluorescent latex particles in a controlled environment chamber. Performance was compared with the same reference filter method in field studies in three different environments. For 23 common fungal species by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), there was 100 % sensitivity and apparent specificity of 87 %, with the reference filter taken as "gold standard." Further, bacterial analysis of 16S RNA by amplicon sequencing showed equivalent community structure captured by the electrokinetic device and the reference filter. Unlike other current air sampling methods, capture of particles is determined by charge and so is not controlled by particle mass. We analyzed particle sizes captured from air, without regard to specific analyte by atomic force microscopy: particles at least as low as 100 nM could be captured from ambient air.ConclusionsThis work introduces a very simple plug-and-play device that can sample air at a high-volume flow rate with no moving parts and collect particles down to the sub-micron range. The performance of the device is substantially equivalent to capture by pumping through a filter for microbiome analysis by quantitative PCR and amplicon sequencing

    Changing patterns in global blindness: 1988–2008

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    When the Community Eye Health Journal was launched in 1988, the world population was approximately 5.1 billion. Over the last 20 years, it has increased by approximately 30%, reaching 6.7 billion in 2008. During the same period, the world population has also become proportionally older, as the number of people aged 65 years and over has increased by approximately 55%, from 320 million in 1988 to 500 million in 2008. Since the prevalence of visual impairment becomes higher as people age, this combination of an increasing population and an ageing population is expected to cause a significant increase in the total number of blind people

    Plaintiff Estate\u27s Motion for Sanctions Against Cuyahoga County Prosecutor William D. Mason

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    Estate’s motion for sanctions against William D. Mason for violation of Disciplinary Rule 7-107, which provides in pertinent part that “A lawyer who is participating. . . in. . . a matter shall not make an extra judicial statement that a reasonable person would expect to be disseminated. . . if the lawyer knows or. . . should know. . . will. . . materially prejudice an adjudicated procedure.” The Estate alleged that Prosecutor Mason violated D.R. 7-107 in a press conference interview on February 22, 2000, which resulted in the following Plain Dealer headline: “Sheppard Sought $3.25 Million, Mason Says.” The Estate argued that Mason improperly and inaccurately revealed details of a failed settlement agreement between the parties and that this could have had a prejudicial effect on the jury, which in fact caused the court to voir dire all eleven jurists, one of which actually saw the headline

    A Qualitative Comparison of Secular and Buddhist-Informed Mental Health Practitioners’ Perceptions of Non-Attachment

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    Objectives Buddhist non-attachment has been shown to be effective for improving mental health and wellbeing. Non-attachment refers to the ability to engage with phenomena without psychologically clinging to experiences or rejecting them. The present qualitative investigation sought to compare secular and Buddhist-informed counselors’ and psychotherapists’ perceptions of the non-attachment construct, including their views on its relevance for client-therapist practice. Method Two data sets were collected. In Sample 1, semi-structured interviews were administered to nine qualified counselors and psychotherapists with limited prior knowledge of non-attachment or related Buddhist principles. In Sample 2, five Buddhist-informed counselors and psychotherapists completed an open questionnaire. Both data sets were analysed using Reflexive Thematic Analysis. Results Analysis of the first sample generated four themes concerning participants’ understanding of non-attachment: (1) misunderstanding non-attachment, (2) who non-attachment might be useful for, (3) potential impact on the therapeutic relationship and (4) the importance of experiential understanding on the part of the therapist. The analysis of Sample 2 generated two themes: (1) considerations for assimilating non-attachment, and (2) positive experiences of applying the construct in client-therapist contexts. Conclusions The secular mental health practitioners in Sample 1 recognised the potential utility of non-attachment but harboured some misunderstandings as to its meaning as well as reservations regarding its suitability for all client groups. This was in contrast to Sample 2 participants, who felt that with appropriate therapeutic skill and discernment, non-attachment can be beneficial for a broad range of mental health conditions. Raising awareness of non-attachment amongst secular mental health practitioners is crucial to improving comprehension of the concept and its integration into client-therapist settings
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