82 research outputs found

    Protease inhibitor monotherapy is associated with a higher level of monocyte activation, bacterial translocation and inflammation

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    Introduction Monotherapy with protease-inhibitors (MPI) may be an alternative to cART for HIV treatment. We assessed the impact of this strategy on immune activation, bacterial translocation and inflammation. Methods We performed a cross-sectional study comparing patients on successful MPI (n=40) with patients on cART (n=20). Activation, senescence, exhaustion and differentiation stage in CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte subsets, markers of monocyte activation, microbial translocation, inflammation, coagulation and low-level viremia were assessed. Results CD4+ or CD8+ T lymphocyte subset parameters were not significantly different between both groups. Conversely, as compared with triple cART, MPI patients showed a higher proportion of activated monocytes (CD14+ CD16−CD163+ cells, p=0.031), soluble markers of monocyte activation (sCD14 p=0.004, sCD163 p=0.002), microbial translocation (lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein; LBP p=0.07), inflammation (IL-6 p=0.04) and low-level viremia (p=0.035). In a multivariate model, a higher level of CD14+ CD16−CD163+ cells and sCD14, and presence of very low-level viremia were independently associated with MPI. Monocyte activation was independently associated with markers of inflammation (IL-6, p=0.006), microbial translocation (LBP, p=0.01) and low-level viremia (p=0.01). Conclusions Patients on MPI showed a higher level of monocyte activation than patients on standard therapy. Microbial translocation and low-level viremia were associated with the high level of monocyte activation observed in patients on MPI. The long-term clinical consequences of these findings should be assessed

    Dementia care in times of COVID-19: Experience at Fundació ACE in Barcelona, Spain

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    Background: Fundació ACE is a non-profit organization providing care based on a holistic model to persons with cognitive disorders and their families for 25 years in Barcelona, Spain. Delivering care to this vulnerable population amidst the COVID-19 pandemic has represented a major challenge to our institution. Objective: To share our experience in adapting our model of care to the new situation to ensure continuity of care. Methods: We detail the sequence of events and the actions taken within Fundació ACE to swiftly adapt our face-to-face model of care to one based on telemedicine consultations. We characterize individuals under follow-up by the Memory Unit from 2017 to 2019 and compare the number of weekly visits in 2020 performed before and after the lockdown was imposed. Results: The total number of individuals being actively followed by Fundació ACE Memory Unit grew from 6,928 in 2017 to 8,147 in 2019. Among those newly diagnosed in 2019, most patients had mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia (42% and 25%, respectively). Weekly visits dropped by 60% following the suspension of face-to-face activity. However, by April 24 we were able to perform 78% of the visits we averaged in the weeks before confinement began. Discussion: We have shown that Fundació ACE model of care has been able to successfully adapt to a health and social critical situation as COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, we were able to guarantee the continuity of care while preserving the safety of patients, families, and professionals. We also seized the opportunity to improve our model of care

    Baseline ECG and prognosis after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: the role of interatrial block

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    Background: The clinical significance of conduction disturbances after transcatheter aortic valve implantation has been described; however, little is known about the influence of baseline ECGs in the prognosis of these patients. Our aim was to study the influence of baseline ECG parameters, including interatrial block (IAB), in the prognosis of patients treated with transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Methods and Results: The BIT (Baseline Interatrial Block and Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation) registry included 2527 patients with aortic stenosis treated with transcatheter aortic valve implantation. A centralized analysis of baseline ECGs was performed. Patients were divided into 4 groups: normal P wave duration (<120 ms); partial IAB (P wave duration ≥120 ms, positive in the inferior leads); advanced IAB (P wave duration ≥120 ms, biphasic [+/-] morphology in the inferior leads); and nonsinus rhythm (atrial fibrillation/flutter and paced rhythm). The mean age of patients was 82.6±9.8 years and 1397 (55.3%) were women. A total of 960 patients (38.0%) had a normal P wave, 582 (23.0%) had partial IAB, 300 (11.9%) had advanced IAB, and 685 (27.1%) presented with nonsinus rhythm. Mean follow‐up duration was 465±171 days. Advanced IAB was the only independent predictor of all‐cause mortality (hazard ratio [HR], 1.48; 95% CI, 1.10-1.98 [P=0.010]) and of the composite end point (death/stroke/new atrial fibrillation) (HR, 1.51; 95% CI, 1.17-1.94 [P=0.001]). Conclusions: Baseline ECG characteristics influence the prognosis of patients with aortic stenosis treated with transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Advanced IAB is present in about an eighth of patients and is associated with all‐cause death and the composite end point of death, stroke, and new atrial fibrillation during follow‐up

    Factors associated with the number of drugs in darunavir/cobicistat regimens.

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    Background: Darunavir/cobicistat can be used as mono, dual, triple or more than triple therapy. Objectives: To assess factors associated with the number of drugs in darunavir/cobicistat regimens. Methods: A nationwide retrospective cohort study of consecutive HIV-infected patients initiating darunavir/cobicistat in Spain from July 2015 to May 2017. Baseline characteristics, efficacy and safety at 48 weeks were compared according to the number of drugs used. Results: There were 761 patients (75% men, 98% were antiretroviral-experienced, 32% had prior AIDS, 84% had HIV RNA <50 copies/mL and 88% had ≥200 CD4 cells/mm3) who initiated darunavir/cobicistat as mono (n=308, 40%), dual (n=173, 23%), triple (n=253, 33%) or four-drug (n=27, 4%) therapy. Relative to monotherapy, triple therapy was more common in men aged <50 years, with prior AIDS and darunavir plus ritonavir use, and with CD4 cells <200/mm3 and with detectable viral load at initiation of darunavir/cobicistat; dual therapy was more common with previous intravenous drug use, detectable viral load at initiation of darunavir/cobicistat and no prior darunavir plus ritonavir; and four-drug therapy was more common with prior AIDS and detectable viral load at initiation of darunavir/cobicistat. Monotherapy and dual therapy showed a trend to better virological responses than triple therapy. CD4 responses and adverse effects did not differ among regimens. Discussion: Darunavir/cobicistat use in Spain has been tailored according to clinical characteristics of HIV-infected patients. Monotherapy and dual therapy have been common and preferentially addressed to older patients with a better HIV status, suggesting that health issues other than HIV infection may have been strong determinants of its prescription.The CODAR study (Gesida Study no 9316) was sponsored by Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología-Grupo de Estudio del SIDA (SEIMC-GESIDA). This work was supported by Janssen Cilag S.A. and Red de Investigacion en Sida (RIS): RIS-EST29 and RD12/0017/0001, RD12/0017/0005, RD17/0017/0022 and RD17/0017/0029

    Dietary Patterns and Dietary Recommendations Achievement From Latin American College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown

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    This study aimed to compare the diet quality of different dietary patterns among college students from Latin American countries, including vegetarians, vegans, and omnivores during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional, observational, multicenter study was conducted including a non- probabilistic sample of university students from 10 countries. University students were invited to participate in the study through social network platforms. Participants were self-reported to have followed a specific dietary pattern; either the Prudent diet, Western diet, Ovo-dairy-vegetarian diet, Fish-vegetarian diet, Strict vegetarian diet (vegan) or other. The last three patterns (vegetarians and vegans) were grouped as following a plant-based diet. A self-assessment survey was used to evaluate healthy eating habits using a questionnaire with values between 1 (do not consume) and 5 (consume) for a total of 9–45 points (higher values represent better eating habits). Unhealthy habits were assessed with nine questions. A total of 4,809 students filled out the questionnaire, and the majority of them were females (73.7%). Murillo et al. College Dietary Patterns During COVID-19 A high percentage have been in lockdown for more than 5 months and were in lockdown when the survey was released. 74.3% were self-reported to follow a prudent diet, while 11.4% reported following a western dietary pattern and 8.8% a plant-based diet. When compliance with healthy and unhealthy dietary habits was analyzed, although all groups had low compliance, the plant-based diet group (56.09 ± 6.11) performed better than the Western diet group (48.03 ± 5.99). The total diet quality score was significantly higher for plant-based diet followers, who also tended to better achieve the recommendations than omnivorous students, especially the ones following a western diet. These results present evidence that young adults such as college-aged students have unhealthy dietary habits. However, the ones who follow a plant-based diet such as vegetarians and vegans exhibit better scores and healthier dietary conducts.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Salud::Facultad de Medicina::Escuela de Medicin

    High prevalence of strongyloidiasis in spain : A hospital-based study

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    Strongyloidiasis is a prevailing helminth infection ubiquitous in tropical and subtropical areas, however, seroprevalence data are scarce in migrant populations, particularly for those coming for Asia. This study aims at evaluating the prevalence of S. stercoralis at the hospital level in migrant populations or long term travellers being attended in out-patient and in-patient units as part of a systematic screening implemented in six Spanish hospitals. A cross-sectional study was conducted and systematic screening for S. stercoralis infection using serological tests was offered to all eligible participants. The overall seroprevalence of S. stercoralis was 9.04% (95%CI 7.76-10.31). The seroprevalence of people with a risk of infection acquired in Africa and Latin America was 9.35% (95%CI 7.01-11.69), 9.22% (7.5-10.93), respectively. The number of individuals coming from Asian countries was significantly smaller and the overall prevalence in these countries was 2.9% (95%CI −0.3-6.2). The seroprevalence in units attending potentially immunosuppressed patients was significantly lower (5.64%) compared with other units of the hospital (10.20%) or Tropical diseases units (13.33%) (p < 0.001). We report a hospital-based strongyloidiasis seroprevalence of almost 10% in a mobile population coming from endemic areas suggesting the need of implementing strongyloidiasis screening in hospitalized patients coming from endemic areas, particularly if they are at risk of immunosuppression

    SARS-CoV-2-Mediated Lung Edema and Replication Are Diminished by Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Modulators

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    20 Pág.Coronaviruses (CoVs) of genera α, β, γ, and δ encode proteins that have a PDZ-binding motif (PBM) consisting of the last four residues of the envelope (E) protein (PBM core). PBMs may bind over 400 cellular proteins containing PDZ domains (an acronym formed by the combination of the first letter of the names of the three first proteins where this domain was identified), making them relevant for the control of cell function. Three highly pathogenic human CoVs have been identified to date: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and SARS-CoV-2. The PBMs of the three CoVs were virulence factors. SARS-CoV mutants in which the E protein PBM core was replaced by the E protein PBM core from virulent or attenuated CoVs were constructed. These mutants showed a gradient of virulence, depending on whether the alternative PBM core introduced was derived from a virulent or an attenuated CoV. Gene expression patterns in the lungs of mice infected with SARS-CoVs encoding each of the different PBMs were analyzed by RNA sequencing of infected lung tissues. E protein PBM of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 dysregulated gene expression related to ion transport and cell homeostasis. Decreased expression of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mRNA, essential for alveolar edema resolution, was shown. Reduced CFTR mRNA levels were associated with edema accumulation in the alveoli of mice infected with SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. Compounds that increased CFTR expression and activity, significantly reduced SARS-CoV-2 growth in cultured cells and protected against mouse infection, suggesting that E protein virulence is mediated by a decreased CFTR expression. IMPORTANCE Three highly pathogenic human CoVs have been identified: SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2. The E protein PBMs of these three CoVs were virulence factors. Gene expression patterns associated with the different PBM motifs in the lungs of infected mice were analyzed by deep sequencing. E protein PBM motif of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 dysregulated the expression of genes related to ion transport and cell homeostasis. A decrease in the mRNA expression of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), which is essential for edema resolution, was observed. The reduction of CFTR mRNA levels was associated with edema accumulation in the lungs of mice infected with SARS-CoV-2. Compounds that increased the expression and activity of CFTR drastically reduced the production of SARS-CoV-2 and protected against its infection in a mice model. These results allowed the identification of cellular targets for the selection of antivirals.This work was supported by grants from the Government of Spain (BIO2016-75549-R; PID2019-107001RB-I00 AEI/FEDER, UE; SEV 2017-0712 and PIE_INTRAMURAL_LINEA 1- 202020E079), CSIC (PIE_INTRAMURAL-202020E043), the European Zoonotic Anticipation and Preparedness Initiative (ZAPI) (IMI_JU_115760), the European Commission (H2020-SC1- 2019, ISOLDA Project No. 848166-2), and the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) (2P01AI060699). J.M.H. received a contract from Comunidad de Madrid (Y2020/BIO-6576, COVID-PREclinical-MODels-CM). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. In vivo experiments were performed at INIA-CISA (Madrid, Spain)Peer reviewe

    Differential body composition effects of protease inhibitors recommended for initial treatment of HIV infection: A randomized clinical trial

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Clinical Infectious Diseases ©2014 The Authors .Published by Oxford University Press on Clinical Infectious Disease 60.5. DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciu898Background. It is unclear whether metabolic or body composition effects may differ between protease inhibitor-based regimens recommended for initial treatment of HIV infection. Methods. ATADAR is a phase IV, open-label, multicenter randomized clinical trial. Stable antiretroviral-naive HIV-infected adults were randomly assigned to atazanavir/ritonavir 300/100 mg or darunavir/ritonavir 800/100 mg in combination with tenofovir/emtricitabine daily. Pre-defined end-points were treatment or virological failure, drug discontinuation due to adverse effects, and laboratory and body composition changes at 96 weeks. Results. At 96 weeks, 56 (62%) atazanavir/ritonavir and 62 (71%) darunavir/ritonavir patients remained free of treatment failure (estimated difference 8.2%; 95%CI -0.6 to 21.6); and 71 (79%) atazanavir/ritonavir and 75 (85%) darunavir/ritonavir patients remained free of virological failure (estimated difference 6.3%; 95%CI -0.5 to 17.6). Seven vs. five patients discontinued atazanavir/ritonavir or darunavir/ritonavir due to adverse effects. Total and HDL cholesterol similarly increased in both arms, but triglycerides increased more in atazanavir/ritonavir arm. At 96 weeks, body fat (estimated difference 2862.2 gr; 95%CI 726.7 to 4997.7; P=0.0090), limb fat (estimated difference 1403.3 gr; 95%CI 388.4 to 2418.2; P=0.0071), and subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue (estimated difference 28.4 cm2; 95%CI 1.9 to 55.0; P=0.0362) increased more in atazanavir/ritonavir than in darunavir/ritonavir arm. Body fat changes in atazanavir/ritonavir arm were associated with higher insulin resistance. Conclusions. We found no major differences between atazanavir/ritonavir and darunavir/ritonavir in efficacy, clinically-relevant side effects, or plasma cholesterol fractions. However, atazanavir/ritonavir led to higher triglycerides and total and subcutaneous fat than darunavir/ritonavir and fat gains with atazanavir/ritonavir were associated with insulin resistanceThis is an Investigator Sponsored Research study. It was supported in part by research grants from Bristol‐Myers Squibb and Janssen‐Cilag; Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI12/01217) and Red Temática Cooperativa de Investigación en SIDA G03/173 (RIS‐EST11), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain. (Registration number: NCT01274780; registry name: ATADAR; EUDRACT; 2010‐021002‐38)