8,698 research outputs found

    First record of Dysschema sacrifica (Hübner, [1831]) on Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Arctiinae)

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    The presence of Dysschema sacrifica (Hübner, [1831]) on soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) is reported for the first time. Larvae of this species were found consuming soybean leaves in soybean fields within Córdoba province,Argentina, and were able to complete their life cycle. Characteristics of adults and larvae are provided for rapid identification on the field. Due to the large distribution of this species in the region where soybean is more intensively cultivated in South America, we conclude that D. sacrifica is a potential soybean pest. Further studies on infestation frequency, damage levels and control by natural enemies are needed.KEY WORDS: Lepidoptera, Dysschema sacrifica, soybean, pest, Argentina.Fil: González, Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones Entomológicas de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Beccacece, Hernán Mario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas y Tecnológicas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas y Tecnológicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Centro de Investigaciones Entomológicas de Córdoba; Argentin

    Modelling and Simulation of the Primary Power Distribution of a Lunar Habitat

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    A MATLAB/Simulink model of the Primary Power Distribution System of a lunar habitat is presented. The model can be adapted to multiple scenarios, and is able to interface with computer models of other habitat subsystems. A constant supply of power is considered regardless of the source and the time of the day, regulating the bus voltage when required. The electrical system of the International Space Station is used for reference and validation. The model has been tested in two scenarios representing two locations on the surface of the Moon.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Assessment of a Universal Reconfiguration-less Control Approach in Open-Phase Fault Operation for Multiphase Drives

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    Multiphase drives have been important in particular industry applications where reliability is a desired goal. The main reason for this is their inherent fault tolerance. Di erent nonlinear controllers that do not include modulation stages, like direct torque control (DTC) or model-based predictive control (MPC), have been used in recent times to govern these complex systems, including mandatory control reconfiguration to guarantee the fault tolerance characteristic. A new reconfiguration-less approach based on virtual voltage vectors (VVs) was recently proposed for MPC, providing a natural healthy and faulty closed-loop regulation of a particular asymmetrical six-phase drive. This work validates the interest in the reconfiguration-less approach for direct controllers and multiphase drives

    Spectrum of slow and super-slow (picosecond to nanosecond) water dynamics around organic and biological solutes

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    Water dynamics in the solvation shell of solutes plays a very important role in the interaction of biomolecules and in chemical reaction dynamics. However, a selective spectroscopic study of the solvation shell is difficult because of the interference of the solute dynamics. Here we report on the observation of heavily slowed down water dynamics in the solvation shell of different solutes by measuring the low-frequency spectrum of solvation water, free from the contribution of the solute. A slowdown factor of ~50 is observed even for relatively low concentrations of the solute. We go on to show that the effect can be generalized to different solutes including proteins

    Race, identity and politics in America through Key & Peele: comedy and discourse

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    America’s political landscape is fragmented over the issues of identity expression, particularly related to African-American identity, and culture. With the rise of new media, activist groups such as #BlackLivesMatter fight against the oppression of minorities by the dominant cultural forces, who they accuse of laying the foundations to an unequal society due to their racist views. However, not all visions on disparities are the same. To some, the explanation does not always lie in racism, but the causes that produce disparities may be more complex than activist claim. Thus, it is of extreme necessity that dialogue, not censorship, be the means to address these issues to avoid simplistic explanations. Comedy, especially the sketch series known as Key & Peele, may be an effective approach to spark conversation about sensitive topics in a so-called “post-racial era”, such as the intricacies of race, police brutality or income disparities.El panorama político americano se encuentra dividido en torno a los temas de identidad, especialmente la identidad Afroamericana, y la cultura. Gracias a las redes sociales, el movimiento activista #BlackLivesMatter lucha en defensa de las minorías y en contra de la opresión ejercida por los grupos sociales dominantes, a quienes acusan de la construcción de una sociedad desigual y racista. Para otros, las causas que provocan tales disparidades no están asociadas necesariamente con el racismo, sino que son más complejas que los argumentos que presentan los grupos activistas. Así pues, es crucial que el diálogo, no la censura, sea el método con el que se aborden estos temas para evitar caer en explicaciones simplistas. La comedia, en particular la serie Key & Peele, puede ser un enfoque efectivo para iniciar una conversación sobre asuntos sensibles en un contexto “post-racial”, como pueden ser la raza, abusos policiales o desigualdades económicas.Grado en Estudios Inglese

    Le Néo-picaresque brésilien au XXe siècle. L’Exemple de Macunaíma de Mário de Andrade

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    Les études sur le picaresque latino-américain oublient habituellement la littérature brésilienne, où l'on trouve cependant un gueux littéraire dont les affinités avec le pícaro sont évidentes. Le paradigme symbolique du gueux peut être vu dans le protagoniste de Macunaíma de Mário de Andrade (1928). Outre les traits essentiels du pícaro , on trouve chez ce personnage - et dans la narration de son histoire - des caractéristiques qui signifient un renouvellement de la formule picaresque. Au-delà de la parodie par atrophie du héros classique, il est possible d'y voir également une parodie hypertrophique de celui-ci, parallèle à celle tracée par Don Quichotte . Ce modèle se projettera dans le roman brésilien des années 70 et 80.Studies of Latin-American picaresque usually give Brazilian literature short shrift. Yet, in it is found the figure of the literary crook, whose affinities with the pícaro are self-evident. The symbolic paradigm of this figure appears in the protagonist of Mário de Andrade's Macunaíma (1928). Besides exhibiting the basic traits of the pícaro, both Macunaíma and the narrative of his adventures possess characteristics that indicate a renewal of the picaresque formula. Apart from parodying by atrophy the classic hero, the work affords a parallel to Don Quixote by providing a hypertrophic parody of the hero. The model finds subsequent avatars in the Brazilian novels of the 70's and 80's

    Arnold Hauser e a literatura espanhola

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    The reading of Arnold Hauser's work, in particular his book "Der Manierismus", written in 1964, that deals with Spanish literature, allows us to overcome the usual classifications found in manuals of this area based only on chronological data. Hauser calls "Mannerism" the crisis of the Renaissance, distinguishing it from European Baroque movements. Some of the Spanish authors and their works from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries respond to the characteristics of Mannerism, if one takes into account their perspectivism, the presence of paradox, their cerebral construction, the discovery of the modern reader, their autonomy as literary works, the overcoming of the classical genders, the use of dialog, etc, and can, therefore, be seen as the basis of the literary Modernity.A leitura da obra de Arnold Hauser, particularmente de seu livro "Der Manierismus", de 1964, ao voltar-se para a história da literatura espanhola, nos permitiu superar as habituais catalogações embasadas apenas na cronologia, que predominam nos manuais dessa especialidade. Hauser chama de "Maneirismo" a crise da Renascença e distingue esse movimento dos Barrocos europeus. Alguns autores e obras espanholas dos séculos XVI e XVII, graças ao seu perspectivismo, à presença do paradoxo, à sua construção cerebral, à descoberta do leitor moderno, à sua autonomia como obras literárias, à superação dos gêneros clássicos, ao uso do diálogo, etc., respondem às características desse Maneirismo e, assim sendo, podem ser lidas como fundamentos da Modernidade literária

    Cuidados de la piel circundante al estoma

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    La piel es una cubierta protectora que nos defiende ante la acción de agentes agresores. La piel periostomal es crucial en el manejo del estoma, ya que proporciona la superficie sobre la que se adherirá el sistema de la bolsa y un adecuado cuidado de ésta previene las lesiones periostomales. Objetivos: realizar un seguimiento de un paciente ostomizado desde el día de la intervención hasta la primera visita de revisión y valorar la piel circundante al estoma