426 research outputs found

    The Amateur Sky Survey Mark III Project

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    The Amateur Sky Survey (TASS) is a loose confederation of amateur and professional astronomers. We describe the design and construction of our Mark III system, a set of wide-field drift-scan CCD cameras which monitor the celestial equator down to thirteenth magnitude in several passbands. We explain the methods by which images are gathered, processed, and reduced into lists of stellar positions and magnitudes. Over the period October, 1996, to November, 1998, we compiled a large database of photometric measurements. One of our results is the "tenxcat" catalog, which contains measurements on the standard Johnson-Cousins system for 367,241 stars; it contains links to the light curves of these stars as well.Comment: 20 pages, including 4 figures; additional JPEG files for Figures 1, 2. Submitted to PAS

    First Report of Root and Collar Rot Caused by Fusarium tricinctum and Fusarium avenaceum on Carrot in France

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    In 2017, carrot (Daucus carota L.) seed production represented around 22% of the area devoted to the production of vegetable fine seeds. Since 2015, symptoms of root and collar rot have been observed in carrot seed parcels located in the Central Region, one of the most important production zone in France. Diseased plants became dried prematurely, compromising seed development. Depending on the year and the climatic conditions, the disease in a same field can be considered as epidemic (rate losses between 30 to 100% of plants in 2016) or can impact plants more sporadically (less than 10% in 2017 and 2018). Sixteen diseased carrot samples (Nantaise type) were collected from five fields of seed production in the Central Region: two fields in 2016 and 2017, one field in 2018. Seven fungal isolates, obtained from lesions, were grown on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) medium and incubated for one week at 20°C in darkness. From the colony top, fluffy mycelium pigmented in pink, red, purple or orange was observed, with a red color at the reverse. To induce sporulation, isolates were grown on Synthetischer NĂ€hrstoffarmer Agar (SNA) medium during three weeks at 24°C in near-UV radiations under a 12h-photoperiod. Four isolates (FT001, FT003, FT007, FT017) developed orange sporodochia with lunar or crescent-shaped macroconidia (40.3 ± 0.8 × 5.9 ± 0.1 ”m; n=90) and lime or pear-shaped microconidia (10.7 ± 0.2 × 7.7 ± 0.2 ”m; n=60), as described in Fusarium tricinctum (Leslie and Summerell 2006). Three isolates (FA001, FA002, FA006) developed orange sporodochia with sickle-shaped macroconidia (50.5 ± 1.1 × 5.0 ± 0.1 ”m; n= 60), but no microconidia, as observed in Fusarium avenaceum (Leslie and Summerell 2006). To confirm the identification, DNA was extracted from the mycelium of the seven isolates and molecular markers (ATP citrate lyase, ACL1; RNA polymerase II, RPB2) were used for PCR amplification (GrĂ€fenhan et al. 2011; O’Donnell et al. 2013). The ACL1 sequences from the seven field isolates (GenBank Accession numbers MK183788-MK183791; MK181528-MK181530) were 99-100% identical with the ACL1 sequence of a reference F. tricinctum isolate (query coverages 99-100%; E-values of 0.0) and a reference F. avenaceum isolate (query coverages 98-99%; E-values of 0.0) [respectively DAOM 235630 isolate, GenBank Acc. No. JX397813 and BBA64135 isolate, GenBank Acc. No. JX397768, Niessen et al. 2012]. Using RPB2, sequences from field isolates (GenBank Acc. No. MK183109-MK183115) were 98.5-99.9% identical with the RPB2 sequence of a reference F. tricinctum isolate (query coverages 96-100%; E-values of 0.0) and a reference F. avenaceum isolate (query coverages 95-100%; E-values of 0.0) [respectively MRC 1895 isolate, GenBank Acc. No. MH582113 and MRC 1413 isolate, GenBank Acc. No. MH582082, O’Donnell et al. 2018]. To confirm pathogenicity, FT001 and FA002 were inoculated on collars of 10-weeks old carrot plants in the greenhouse. Forty plants per isolate and 40 control plants were used. Ten microliters of a conidial suspension (105 conidia.mL-1) - or sterile water for the controls - were deposited at the collar, previously wounded using a scalpel blade. Necrotic lesions developed at 20 dpi (FT001) and at 30 dpi (FA002). Fusarium tricinctum and F. avenaceum were re-isolated from the lesions and identified by sequencing using ACL1 and RPB2 markers. No isolation of Fusarium was obtained from the controls. To our knowledge, this is the first report of F. tricinctum and F. avenaceum in carrot in France

    Strain budget of the Ecuador–Colombia subduction zone: A stochastic view

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    The 2016 Pedernales earthquake (M_W=7.8) ruptured a portion of the Colombia–Ecuador subduction interface where several large historical earthquakes have been documented since the great 1906 earthquake (M=8.6). Considering all significant ruptures that occurred in the region, it has been suggested that the cumulative moment generated co-seismically along this part of the subduction over the last century exceeds the moment deficit accumulated inter-seismically since 1906. Such an excess challenges simple models with earthquakes resetting the elastic strain accumulated inter-seismically in locked asperities. These inferences are however associated with large uncertainties that are generally unknown. The impact of spatial smoothing constraints on co-seismic and inter-seismic models also prevents any robust assessment of the strain budget. We propose a Bayesian kinematic slip model of the 2016 Pedernales earthquake using the most comprehensive dataset to date including InSAR and GPS offsets, tsunami waveforms, and kinematic records from high-rate GPS and strong-motions. In addition, we use inter-seismic geodetic velocities to produce a probabilistic inter-seismic coupling model of the subduction interface. Our stochastic co-seismic and inter-seismic solutions include the ensemble of all plausible models consistent with our prior information and that fit the observations within uncertainties. The analysis of these model ensembles indicates that an excess of co-seismic moment during the 1906–2016 period is likely in Central Ecuador only if we assume that 1942 and 2016 earthquakes are colocated. If this assumption is relaxed, we show that this conclusion no longer holds given uncertainties in co- and inter-seismic processes. The comparison of 1942 and 2016 teleseismic records reveals large uncertainties in the location of the 1942 event, hampering our ability to draw strong conclusions on the unbalanced moment budget in the region. Our results also show a heterogeneous coupling of the subduction interface that coincides with two slip asperities in our co-seismic model for the 2016 Pedernales earthquake and with the location of historical ruptures in 1958, 1979 and 1998. The spatial variability in coupling and complexity in earthquake history suggest strong heterogeneities in frictional properties of the subduction megathrust

    On natural metalinguistic abilities in aphasia: a preliminary study

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    Natural metalinguistic abilities, which are put into play without explicit instructions, constitute the cognitive basis for a 'reflexive' use of language, a particular manifestation of the executive function when applied to language and verbal behaviour. This reflexive use entails a specific attentional activity by speakers and hearers with regard to linguistic outputs, and an intentional experience-based control over the language use. Putting into play natural metalinguistic abilities can be considered a significant factor for explaining different kinds of adaptive processes. Our results permit us to conclude that an impairment of metalinguistic abilities is involved in aphasia to different degrees. Moreover, the examination of preserved metalinguistic abilities provides an alternative way for assessing the degree of severity of impaired communicative behaviour by people with aphasia. Our procedure, presumably, will also be useful for suggesting new factors when designing therapeutic programmes

    Characterization of fungal pathogens (Diaporthe angelicae and D. eres) responsible for umbel browning and stem necrosis on carrot in France

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    A collection of 102 Diaporthe isolates was compiled from lesions on carrot, parsley and wild Apiaceae species in France from 2010 to 2014. Molecular typing based on ITS rDNA sequences resulted in the identification of 85 D. angelicae and 17 D. eres isolates. Based on sequences of the 30 part of the IGS rDNA, intraspecific variability was analysed for 17 D. angelicae and 13 D. eres isolates from diverse plant species, locations in France, and plant tissues. The genetic diversity was greater for D. angelicae isolates than D. eres isolates. In vitro sensitivity of five D. angelicae and four D. eres isolates to each of nine fungicides was similar for isolates of both species, with a marked variation in fungicide sensitivity depending on the active ingredient. To assess the pathogenicity of D. angelicae and D. eres isolates on carrot, one isolate of each species was inoculated onto umbels in a controlled environment. Typical lesions were observed for both isolates. Carrot crop debris collected from a seed production field in France and placed in controlled conditions produced perithecia and ascospores typical of Diaporthe, that were further characterized molecularly as belonging to D. angelicae. Detection of Diaporthe species on seed lots from three carrot production fields in France was investigated. Both species were detected on seeds by conventional PCR assay, with a greater frequency for D. angelicae than D. eres (67% vs 33%, respectively). Overall, the results highlighted that umbel browning in carrot seed crops in France was mainly caused by D. angelicae

    Print awareness of adult illiterates: a comparison with young pre-readers and low-educated adult readers

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    In this study the print awareness of 25 unschooled adult illiterates in the Netherlands was compared with that of 24 pre-reading children and of 23 low-educated literate adults with approximately four years of primary schooling. The illiterates were interviewed about their experiences with writing and all participants completed six assessments of print awareness in the language they preferred (first or second language). The outcomes revealed that the three groups did not differ in distinguishing conventional written signs from other visual signs, that both groups of non-readers differed significantly from low educated readers but not from each other in knowledge of logos, inscriptions and knowledge of the written register, while the adult illiterates performed significantly better than the children on grapheme knowledge. Adult illiterates in literate societies seem to be well informed about the uses and functions of written language and about what writing looks like, but like young children they are not good at reading environmental print out of context and in explaining what exactly is represented in writing. The variation in reactions within the group of illiterate adults could be related to existing models of emergent literacy. Implications for adult literacy education are discussed

    Supporting Less-Proficent Writers through Linguistically-Aware Teaching

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis (Routledge) via the DOI in this record.Whilst historically there has been a widespread consensus that teaching grammar has no impact on students’ attainment in writing, more recent research suggests that where a functionally-oriented approach to grammar is meaningfully embedded within the teaching of writing, significant improvements in writing can be secured. A recent study ((Myhill et al 2012), using a functionally-oriented approach, which found a statistically significant positive effect of such an approach, also found that the approach appeared to benefit higher-attaining writers more than lower-attaining writers. The study reported here set out to investigate specifically whether functionally-oriented approach to teaching grammar in the context of writing might support less proficient writers. A quasi-experimental design was adopted, repeating the principles of the parent study but with the intervention adapted to meet the identified writing needs of less proficient writers. The statistical analysis indicated a positive effect for the intervention group (p<0.05), and an effect size of 0.33 on students’ sentence structure and punctuation. The study demonstrates that explicit attention to grammar within the teaching of writing can support learners in developing their writing, but taken with the parent study, it also highlights that pedagogical choices need to be well-matched to writers’ needs.This parent study referred to in this article was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council.Funding Agency under Grant ES/FO15313/1. The study reported in this article was funded by Pearson
