230 research outputs found

    Electronic Health Record in Bolivia and ICT: A Perspective for Latin America

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    The emergence of new technologies in society through its application to many areas and very diverse realities is a clear element in the time in which we live. The health sector has been unable to escape this reality and has been renovated many of its traditional structures with new options brought by the application of information technology and communication (ICT) in areas such as management and hospital administration. This paper focuses on analyzing from the point of view of medical diagnosis the importance of electronic medical records as a unifying element of the information essential for this type of diagnosis, and the use of artificial intelligence techniques in this field. To this end the current situation of electronic medical records is analyzed in a country like Bolivia exhaustively analyzing three of the most important health centers. Is used for this unstructured interview experts on the subject reflect the current status of electronic medical records from the point of view of protection of the right to privacy of individuals and will serve as a model for development, not only in Bolivia but also in other Latin American countries

    Lifelong learning activities for older adults: a scoping review

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    The lifelong learning paradigm has become a global phenomenon, having an influence on the political organization of various countries. The aim of this study was to map lifelong learning activities for the older people so to understand how this paradigm has been incorporated into practical actions. The scoping review method was chosen and the literature search was con ducted across five databases (Web of Science, Scopus, AgeLine, ERIC and MedLine) in English and between the years of 1972 and 2020. All peer reviewed papers which presented the conceptual notion of lifelong learning as a central topic to the study, the target audience of older men and women (50+ years old) and which described formal, non-formal and informal educational activities, were included in the present research. A total of 2,083 records were found, of which 309 were selected for the full reading screen ing; this, in turn, resulted in 38 records included. Most of these studies were published in the last decade (66%), originating in North America (36%) and adopting a qualitative methodological approach (81%). The lifelong learning activities for older people were noticeably more frequent in the non-formal modality (60%), within a university context (46%) and from the perspective of the third generation of the concept (60%). It was concluded that there is an imbalance between lifelong learning activities for the older adults in the formal, non-formal and informal modalities and that the lifelong learning paradigm has been incorporated into practical actions by different concep tual generations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cost of intensive routine control and incremental cost of insecticide-treated curtain deployment in a setting with low Aedes aegypti infestation

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    Introduction: Information regarding the cost of implementing insecticide-treated curtains (ITCs) is scarce. Therefore, we evaluated the ITC implementation cost, in addition to the costs of intensive conventional routine activities of the Aedes control program in the city of Guantanamo, Cuba. Methods: A cost-analysis study was conducted from the perspective of the Aedes control program, nested in an ITC effectiveness trial, during 2009-2010. Data for this study were obtained from bookkeeping records and activity registers of the Provincial Aedes Control Programme Unit and the account records of the ITC trial. Results: The annual cost of the routine Aedes control program activities was US16.80perhousehold(p.h).Among3,015households,6,714ITCsweredistributed.ThetotalaveragecostperITCdistributedwasUS16.80 per household (p.h). Among 3,015 households, 6,714 ITCs were distributed. The total average cost per ITC distributed was US3.42, and 74.3% of this cost was attributed to the cost of purchasing the ITCs. The annualized costs p.h. of ITC implementation was US$3.80. The additional annualized cost for deploying ITCs represented 19% and 48.4% of the total cost of the routine Aedes control and adult-stage Aedes control programs, respectively. The trial did not lead to further reductions in the already relatively low Aedes infestation levels. Conclusions: At current curtain prices, ITC deployment can hardly be considered an efficient option in Guantanamo and other comparable environments

    The development of short food supply chain for locally produced honey. Understanding consumers' opinions and willingness to pay in Argentina

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    Purpose: The development of the short food supply chain (SFSC) is one of the issues of the current agri-food systems. Consumers are re-connecting the food they eat with the farming process and are increasingly asking for fresh, seasonal and traceable food products from known producer source. The purpose of this paper is to analyse consumers' opinions towards the SFSC and willingness to pay (WTP) for local honeys in Mar del Plata, Argentina before and after a hedonic evaluation test. Design/methodology/approach: In an incentive compatible approach, using real purchasing scenarios, two non-hypothetical discrete choice experiments were applied, accounting for the impact of the SFSC understanding and hedonic evaluation on consumers' WTP. Findings: Results showed that consumers' WTP, a premium for local honey products, is conditioned to specific quality cues and the global sensory acceptance. Consumers with high level of agreement with the social and environmental roles of the SFSC were more quality demanding and exhibited higher WTP towards the locally produced honeys. The development of local market by re-connecting producers and consumers, allowing for in-site tasting, has a strong implication for the structure of the honey added-value chain due to the potential role that may play in satisfying consumers' preference and needs. Originality/value: The authors measured consumers' opinions towards the SFSC and analyse their impact on consumer WTP for honey product by including real purchasing scenarios and hedonic evaluation test, to reduce the hypothetical bias of the traditional surveys. Questionnaires were completed in a controlled laboratory environment for with real product and real money.Fil: Kallas, Zein. Centre for Research in Agro-Food Economics and Development (CREDA). Polytechnic University of Catalonia; Spain.Fil: Alba, Martin Federico. Centre for Research in Agro-Food Economics and Development (CREDA). Polytechnic University of Catalonia; Spain.Fil: Casellas, Karina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Economía y Sociología; Argentina.Fil: Berges, Miriam. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Degreef, Gustavo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Centro de Investigación de Agroindustria; Argentina.Fil: Gil, José M. Centre for Research in Agro-Food Economics and Development (CREDA). Polytechnic University of Catalonia; Spain

    Altered machinery of protein synthesis in Alzheimer's: from the nucleolus to the ribosome

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    Ribosomes and protein synthesis have been reported to be altered in the cerebral cortex at advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Modifications in the hippocampus with disease progression have not been assessed. Sixty-seven cases including middle-aged (MA) and AD stages I-VI were analyzed. Nucleolar chaperones nucleolin, nucleophosmin and nucleoplasmin 3, and upstream binding transcription factor RNA polymerase I gene (UBTF) mRNAs are abnormally regulated and their protein levels reduced in AD. Histone modifications dimethylated histone H3K9 (H3K9me2) and acetylated histone H3K12 (H3K12ac) are decreased in CA1. Nuclear tau declines in CA1 and dentate gyrus (DG), and practically disappears in neurons with neurofibrillary tangles. Subunit 28 ribosomal RNA (28S rRNA) expression is altered in CA1 and DG in AD. Several genes encoding ribosomal proteins are abnormally regulated and protein levels of translation initiation factors eIF2 a, eIF3h and eIF5, and elongation factor eEF2, are altered in the CA1 region in AD. These findings show alterations in the protein synthesis machinery in AD involving the nucleolus, nucleus and ribosomes in the hippocampus in AD some of them starting at first stages (I-II) preceding neuron loss. These changes may lie behind reduced numbers of dendritic branches and reduced synapses of CA1 and DG neurons which cause hippocampal atroph

    Actividades de aprendizaje permanente para adultos mayores: un protocolo de revisión del alcance

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    Objective: To map lifelong learning activities for the elderly to understand how this paradigm has been incorporated into practical actions. Methodology: A scoping review type survey will be conducted in the literature published in English in five databases between the period 1972 to 2020. The mnemonic PCC (Population, Concept and Context) will guide the search strategy, the selection and extraction process of the studies, which will be conducted by two authors independently. Peer-reviewed articles that present the conceptual notion of lifelong learning as the central theme of the study, the target audience of men and women aged 50 and over and the description of formal educational activities will be included for the analysis, non-formal and informal. The review will include articles with a qualitative, quantitative or mixed methodological approach. The evidence will be organized in a specific form containing bibliometric data and the main characteristics of the studies, as well as specific information to answer the objectives of this scoping review. Results: will be presented in descriptive synthesis accompanied by tables and diagrams.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A atuação da fisioterapia dermato-funcional no pós-operatório de cirúrgia bariátrica: uma revisão de literatura

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    A obesidade é uma doença crônica caracterizada pelo acúmulo excessivo de tecido adiposo no organismo, utiliza-se o IMC (índice de massa corporal) como parâmetro avaliativo. É uma das principais causa de mortalidade e co-morbidade mundial. Na obesidade mórbida a cirurgia bariátrica é indicada após dois anos de tratamento clínico. O paciente submetido à cirurgia bariátrica após perda ponderal sua nova imagem corporal é a flacidez cutânea, presença de estrias e celulite decorrentes da obesidade anterior a cirurgia. A fisioterapia dermato-funcional é fundamental para a recuperação física e para a firmação da auto-imagem desses pacientes. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo evidenciar a importância da fisioterapia dermato-funcional no pós-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica na prevenção de intercorrências e recuperação cinesiológica funcional e na qualidade de vida dos pacientes

    Harnessing Student Leadership in Building a Center for Students in Recovery at a Private Catholic University in Central Texas

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    This presentation describes the different processes and steps taken by two faculty members from the social work department and a group of students to start a Center for Student Recovery (CSR) at a small private university in central Texas serving mostly first-generation Hispanic students. The presentation highlights the unique history of the university and how its mission and values align with the creation of a CSR, making it the first private catholic university with this type of service to its student population.  Additionally, the presentation showcases the different stages undergone by the stakeholders to get to the point of student involvement.  The stages include the social work department obtaining part of an SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) grant which allowed for training to be embedded in certain classes which sparked conversations of substance and alcohol use among the student population. It also included a student health survey that provided a snapshot of the state of substance and alcohol use on campus, and the approval of a proposal presented to the University’s board of trustee and president. Emphasis is given to the process of recruiting the student leadership, the student’s motivation and their role in the creation of the CSR

    La problemática que podría tener en su desarrollo intengral un menor por ser adoptado por una pareja del mismo sexo

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    El tema a tratar es muy polémico en la actualidad denominado “LA PROBLEMÁTICA QUE PODRIA TENER EN SU DESARROLLO INTENGRAL UN MENOR POR SER ADOPTADO POR UNA PAREJA DEL MISMO SEXO” se abordará uno de esos controversiales problemas del País, esto es, la adopción por parte de personas del mismo género. Ahora bien, con el fin de no incurrir en argumentos dogmáticos, se pretende realizar un estudio de los fundamentos que determinan los contras de tal aspiración; el estudio que necesariamente articulará conceptos que tradicionalmente han determinado el desarrollo físico y mental de los individuos, como son: “la familia, la educación, la individualidad, la libertad y la igualdad”. El objeto de estudio de esta investigación es prevalecer y velar por el desarrollo tanto físico y psicológico del menor adoptado por personas del mismo sexo, así mismo teniendo en cuenta las investigaciones realizadas muestran que el Perú aún no está preparado para enfrentar y legislar dichos derechos a las personas homosexuales como es el caso de la adopción. Esta reflexión muestra la coyuntura que enfrenta la sociedad entre las tradiciones culturales y la defensa de las nuevas libertades dentro de un contexto abierto al cambio pero temeroso de dar marcha atrás en materia de los derechos del individuo. Este problema se trata, de una revisión sustancial del sentir constitucional de un pueblo y sus instituciones, depurando con ello el camino de aquellos prejuicios que puedan incidir en la toma de decisiones que importan a la sociedad. Finalmente el propósito de esta investigación es hacer prevalecer los derechos del niño a tener una familia constituida por un padre y una madre.Tesi

    Desarrollo del personal y su contribución a la mejora de la satisfacción laboral en la Gerencia de Personal de la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo en el año 2016

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    El presente estudio se ha realizado con el propósito de explicar el desarrollo del personal y su contribución a la mejora de la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores de la Gerencia de Personal de la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo. Para ello se consideró como enunciado del problema ¿De qué manera el desarrollo del personal contribuye a mejorar el nivel de satisfacción laboral en la Gerencia de Personal de la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo? Con el fin de dar respuesta a esta interrogante se plantea un objetivo general: Medir el impacto del desarrollo del personal en la mejora de la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores de la Gerencia de Personal de la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo. Además, tres objetivos específicos que se inclinan a identificar los factores del desarrollo del personal, evaluar la satisfacción del personal, diseñar y aplicar un plan de mejora para el desarrollo del personal que contribuya a la satisfacción laboral, evaluar la satisfacción laboral después de aplicar el plan de mejora del desarrollo del personal. La hipótesis es: El Desarrollo del Personal contribuirá a mejorar el nivel de Satisfacción laboral en la Gerencia de Personal de la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo. Se utilizó el diseño lineal con observación antes y después, empleando la técnica de la encuesta y utilizando como instrumento un cuestionario para la recolección de datos. Se consideró como muestra representativa a los trabajadores de la Gerencia de personal de la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo conformada por un total de 57 trabajadores. Como resultado del análisis se ha podido constatar que los objetivos de investigación han sido logrados satisfactoriamente; de igual manera la hipótesis ha sido confirmada, en el sentido que el Desarrollo del Personal influye positivamente en la Ssatisfaccion Laboral en la Gerencia de Pesonal de la Municipalidad Provincial de TrujilloThis study was conducted with the purpose of explaining the development of staff and their contribution to improving job satisfaction of employees of Personnel Management of the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo. To this was considered as problem statement how staff development contributes to improving the level of job satisfaction in Personnel Management of the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo? In order to answer this question raises a general objective: To measure the impact of staff development on improving job satisfaction of employees of Personnel Management of the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo. In addition, three specific objectives that are inclined to identify the factors of staff development, assessing staff satisfaction, design and implement an improvement plan for staff development that contributes to job satisfaction, evaluate job satisfaction after applying improvement plan staff development. The hypothesis is: The Staff Development will help to improve the level of job satisfaction Personnel Management of the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo. Linear design was used with observation before and after using the survey technique and using as a questionnaire for collecting data. It was considered as representative workers Management personnel of the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo consists of a total of 57 workers shows. As a result of the analysis it has been shown that the research objectives have been achieved satisfactorily; similarly, the hypothesis has been confirmed in the sense that the Staff Development positive influence on job satisfaction in the Personnel Management of the Provincial Municipality of Trujillo.Tesi