850 research outputs found

    Experiences of services and family therapy with refugees and asylum-seekers

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    The systemic model has been proposed as particularly relevant for addressing the mental health needs of refugees and asylum-seekers. Clinicians working with families from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds who have experienced trauma may wish to encourage family communication to promote resilience, but may find it difficult to know whether to address traumatic memories. This study aims to develop a theoretical understanding of how conversations about trauma emerge in systemic family therapy with families from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds. Ten systemic family therapists were interviewed, and data was analysed using grounded theory methodology. Resulting constructs highlight co-constructed conversations about trauma between families and therapists. Therapists attend to several factors in order to create a space where unspoken stories can be voiced, so that families can find new meanings and re-connect. Showcasing current practice in this field, the study emphasises the need for clinicians working with this population to actively engage with the wider context, and highlights the need for research investigating the effectiveness of systemic family therapy interventions for this client group


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    The present studies have shown that two subpopulations of thymus-dependent lymphocytes may act synergistically in the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) in the mouse. One subpopulation was well represented in the young adult thymus and the other in lymph nodes. For optimum synergy, both populations must be allogeneic to the stimulator cells. Pretreatment of either population with mitomycin-C abolished synergy. Anti-θ serum abolished both MLR responding and synergizing activities of lymphoid cells. The two thymus-dependent subpopulations were both present in the spleen, and displayed different migratory patterns when injected into irradiated mice: one population went to spleens of the irradiated mice, the other to lymph nodes. The effects of anti-thymocyte serum on the MLR and upon synergy were assessed. While minor differences exist and are herein described, our overall results strongly suggest that in our experiments with synergy in MLR, we may be dealing with the same T1- and T2-cell subpopulations described by Cantor and Asofsky and coworkers (1, 2, 4, 5, 14) as displaying synergy in the graft-vs.-host reaction

    Religião, política e mídia : as eleições municipais brasileiras de 2016 em páginas de notícias gospel no Facebook

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    Esta monografia investiga como assuntos políticos foram noticiados, durante o período das eleições municipais brasileiras de 2016, em três páginas de notícias gospel no Facebook: Gospel Prime, Gospel + e Verdade Gospel. Para mapear o universo evangélico brasileiro, procura-se entender como esse se apresenta na religião, na mídia e na política - campos que aparecem, de diferentes formas, nas páginas estudadas. Para possibilitar a investigação, determinou-se analisar os posts de cunho político das três páginas no período de 26 de setembro a 3 de outubro de 2016 (a votação do primeiro turno aconteceu no dia 2 de outubro) e também no período de 24 de outubro a 31 de outubro de 2016 (a votação do segundo turno ocorreu no dia 30 de outubro). A metodologia utilizada é a análise de conteúdo, de Laurence Bardin. Como resultado, encontrou-se que as três páginas, analisadas em conjunto, acabaram por noticiar as eleições e os assuntos políticos de forma privilegiada aos candidatos evangélicos.This monograph investigates the way in which political issues were reported during Brazil’s local elections in 2016 by three evangelical Facebook news pages: Gospel Prime, Gospel + and Verdade Gospel. In an attempt to map the world of Brazilian evangelicalism, this project aims to understand how this world manifests itself in religion, in the media and in politics - areas that reoccurred in various forms throughout the researched material. To make this investigation possible, it was determined that political posts from all three pages would be analyzed from the period of September 26th to October 3rd, 2016 (the first round took place on October 2nd), as well as the period of October 24th to October 31st (the second round happened on October 30th). This study utilizes the methodology of Laurence Bardin’s content analysis. As a result, it was found that the three pages, as a whole, reported the elections and the political issues in a way that favored the evangelical candidates

    Outlander: feminine gaze on sexuality

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    From the rereading of the essay Visual pleasure and narrative cinema, a classic feminist text of the 1970s by Laura Mulvey, who accuses world cinema – and especially Hollywood cinema – of being sexist and transforming the spectator, regardless of gender, in a male voyeur, we discuss in this work the possible transformations occurred in this aesthetic framework in the last 40 years. The empirical objects of this study are Diana Gabaldon’s novel Outlander and the first season of the eponymous TV series, which are far from the misogyny pointed out by Mulvey. A sequence of actions regarding a sexual relationship, present in both the novel and the television series, was analyzed in detail, in order to catch new narrative and aesthetic strategies of the contemporary audiovisual industry.A partir da releitura do ensaio Prazer visual e cinema narrativo, texto feminista clássico dos anos 1970, de autoria de Laura Mulvey, que acusa o cinema mundial – e em especial o produzido em Hollywood – de ser machista e transformar o espectador, independente de gênero, em um voyeur do sexo masculino, discuto neste trabalho as possíveis transformações acontecidas nesse quadro estético nos últimos 40 anos. Os objetos empíricos deste estudo são o romance Outlander, de Diana Gabaldon, e a primeira temporada da série de TV homônima, que estão bem distantes da misoginia apontada por Mulvey. Uma sequência de ações referentes a uma relação sexual, presente tanto no romance quanto na série televisiva, foi analisada detalhadamente, de modo a flagrar novas estratégias narrativas e estéticas da indústria audiovisual contemporânea

    Sinterização em fornos rotativos no processo SL/RN : estudo em laboratório

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    Nos fornos rotativos SL/RN ocorrem problemas de formaçao de aglomerações que podem adquirir elevada resistência meca nica . Os componentes prováveis de formar estas aglomerações s ão cinzas de carvão , minério de ferro parcialmente reduzido e calcáreo calcinado . Estes materiais, separadamente, bem como em misturas binárias e ternárias foram submetidos a tratamentos térmicos a diversas temperaturas. Elaboraram- se curvas de resistência a compressao ver sus temperatura de calcinação e mediante difratometria de raios -X e espectroscopia Mõssbauer procurou-se identificar as fases formadas.In rotary kilns using the SL/RN process several problems due to the formation of agglomerates with high mechanical resistance . The possible components of these agglomerates are: coal ashes, partially reduced iron ores and lime . These materiais separately , as well as binary and ternary mixtures underwent the some treatment at different temperatures. Plots of mechanical resistance vs. temperature were drawn and by means of X-ray analysis and Mõssbauer espectroscopy the identification of some phases present in the agglomerates was performed

    Optimising the management of vaginal discharge syndrome in Bulgaria: cost effectiveness of four clinical algorithms with risk assessment

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the performance and cost effectiveness of the WHO recommendations of incorporating risk-assessment scores and population prevalence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) and Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) into vaginal discharge syndrome (VDS) algorithms. METHODS: Non-pregnant women presenting with VDS were recruited at a non-governmental sexual health clinic in Sofia, Bulgaria. NG and CT were diagnosed by PCR and vaginal infections by microscopy. Risk factors for NG/CT were identified in multivariable analysis. Four algorithms based on different combinations of behavioural factors, clinical findings and vaginal microscopy were developed. Performance of each algorithm was evaluated for detecting vaginal and cervical infections separately. Cost effectiveness was based on cost per patient treated and cost per case correctly treated. Sensitivity analysis explored the influence of NG/CT prevalence on cost effectiveness. RESULTS: 60% (252/420) of women had genital infections, with 9.5% (40/423) having NG/CT. Factors associated with NG/CT included new and multiple sexual partners in the past 3 months, symptomatic partner, childlessness and >or=10 polymorphonuclear cells per field on vaginal microscopy. For NG/CT detection, the algorithm that relied solely on behavioural risk factors was less sensitive but more specific than those that included speculum examination or microscopy but had higher correct-treatment rate and lower over-treatment rates. The cost per true case treated using a combination of risk factors, speculum examination and microscopy was euro 24.08. A halving and tripling of NG/CT prevalence would have approximately the inverse impact on the cost-effectiveness estimates. CONCLUSIONS: Management of NG/CT in Bulgaria was improved by the use of a syndromic approach that included risk scores. Approaches that did not rely on microscopy lost sensitivity but were more cost effective

    Inhibitory serum factor of lymphoproliferative response to allogeneic cells in pregnancy

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    INTRODUCTION: An inhibitory serum factor of mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) has been associated with successful pregnancy after lymphocyte transfusion in women with unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortions (RSA). OBJECTIVE: Investigate whether the inhibitory serum factor of MLC is essential for a successful pregnancy. METHOD: Sera from 33 healthy pregnant women and from 40 women with RSA were assessed by a one-way MLC in which the woman's lymphocytes were stimulated with her partner's lymphocytes or with third party lymphocytes. RESULTS: An inhibitory serum effect (inhibition > 50% as compared to normal serum) was detected in 45% of the pregnant women who had at least 1 previous parity, in 8% of the primigravidea, in 29% of those with one abortion and in 58% of those with more than one abortion. CONCLUSION: MLC inhibitory serum factor does not seem to be an essential factor for pregnancy development. Therefore, it should not be considered as a parameter for the assessment of RSA patients.INTRODUÇÃO: A presença de fator sérico inibidor de cultura mista de linfócitos (CML) tem sido associada ao sucesso gesticional observado em mulheres com história de abortameneto de repetição sem etiologia (AER-SED) submetidas a transfusão de linfócitos. OBJETIVO:Investigar se a presença de fator sérico inibidor de CML é essencial para o sucesso gestional. MÉTODO: Soros de 33 gestantes saudáveis e 40 mulheres com AER-SED foram avaliados em CML unidericional, em que os linfócitos das mulheres foram estimulados por linfócitos de seus parceiros ou de indivíduos não aparentados. RESULTADOS: Um efeito inibidor (inibição > 50% quanto comparado com soro normal) foi detectado em 45% das gestantes a partir da 2ªgestação 8% das primegestas, em 29% das abortadeiras primárias e, em 58% das secundárias. CONCLUSÃO: Este fator não parece ser elemento essencial para o sucesso gestional. Portanto, não deve ser considerado parâmetro para avaliação de pacientes com ARE-SED.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) EPM Pediatrics DepartmentUNIFESP, EPM, Pediatrics DepartmentSciEL

    Supervised fault tolerant control architecture for nonlinear systems

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    Scope: The growing complexity of physical plants and control missions inevitably leads to increasing occurrence, diversity and severity of faults. Availability, defined as the probability that a system or equipment will operate satisfactory and effectively at any point of time, becomes a factor of increasing importance. Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) is a field of research that aims to increase availability and reduce the risk of safety hazards and other undesirable consequences by specifically designing control algorithms capable of maintaining stability and/or performance despite the occurrence of faults. This report presents a novel FTC solution based on a hierarchical architecture in which an adaptive critic controller is overseen by a supervisor managing a dynamic model bank of fault solutions.Findings and Conclusions: The presented work has demonstrated that the implementation of a synergistic combination of a reconfigurable controller and a fault diagnosis and controller malfunction detection supervisor based on three distinct quality indexes generates an efficient and reliable FTC architecture. The application of adaptive critic designs as reconfigurable controllers is shown to give the hierarchical algorithm the degree of flexibility required to deal with both abrupt and incipient unknown changes in the plant dynamics due to faults. The proposed supervisor system is used to accelerate the convergence of the method by loading new initial conditions to the controller when the plant is affected by a known abrupt fault. Moreover, the developed fault diagnosis decision logic is capable of recognizing new fault scenarios and assimilating them online to the dynamic model bank, along with parameters for the corresponding controller. The introduction of the weight quality index has made possible to distinguish between faults in the plant and controller malfunctions caused by online training divergence or local minima convergence. In order to achieve application-specific key FTC specifications, a methodology for initializing and tuning twelve distinct parameters of the quality indexes was also developed. Finally, a series of key steps that form the basis for the fault development information extraction module capable of providing the probability of occurrence of future faults to the user, are also included in this report

    Zé do Caixão: entre o intelectual nietzschiano e os degredados blasfemos

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    The purpose of this article is to understand the construction of the Coffin Joe character, created and played by filmmaker José Mojica Marins, from the perspective of blasphemy. The text also defends Coffin Joe as a character created as a reminiscence of two blasphemous Modern Era archetypes, to with, the lower-class tavern-dwelling drunk and the upper-class irreligious intellectual. In order to defend said proposition, the article is based on analyses by Pieroni (2002) on exiles sent by Portugal to Brazil and texts critical of Christianity written by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (2012; 2013), comparing them with lines of dialog and acts practiced by Mojica’s character. The text concludes that a good portion of Coffin Joe’s success derives from his disposition of revolt against moral institutions, while enticing curiosity and generating disgust in the public.Este artigo tem como objetivo entender a constituição do personagem Zé do Caixão, criado e interpretado pelo cineasta José Mojica Marins, a partir do prisma da blasfêmia. Além disso, o texto defende Zé do Caixão como um personagem criado como reminiscência de dois arquétipos blasfemos da Idade Moderna, a saber, o bêbado das classes populares, que frequentava a taverna e o intelectual anti-religioso das classes altas. Para defender tal ponto, o artigo se baseia nas análises de Pieroni (2002) sobre os degredados de Portugal para o Brasil e os textos críticos ao cristianismo do filósofo Friedrich Nietzsche (2012; 2013), comparando-os com falas e atos do personagem de Mojica. O texto conclui que boa parte do sucesso de Zé do Caixão se deve a seu modo de ser revoltado contra as instituições morais, ao mesmo tempo em que atiça a curiosidade e ojeriza do público

    Trajectories of learning approaches during a full medical curriculum: impact on clinical learning outcomes.

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    Background No consensus exists on whether medical students develop towards more deep (DA) or surface learning approaches (SA) during medical training and how this impacts learning outcomes. We investigated whether subgroups with different trajectories of learning approaches in a medical students’ population show different long-term learning outcomes. Methods Person-oriented growth curve analyses on a prospective cohort of 269 medical students (Mage=21years, 59 % females) traced subgroups according to their longitudinal DA/SA profile across academic years 1, 2, 3 and 5. Post-hoc analyses tested differences in academic performance between subgroups throughout the 6-year curriculum until the national high-stakes licensing exam certifying the undergraduate medical training. Results Two longitudinal trajectories emerged: surface-oriented (n = 157; 58 %), with higher and increasing levels of SA and lower and decreasing levels of DA; and deep-oriented (n = 112; 42 %), with lower and stable levels of SA and higher but slightly decreasing levels of DA. Post hoc analyses showed that from the beginning of clinical training, deep-oriented students diverged towards better learning outcomes in comparison with surface-oriented students. Conclusions Medical students follow different trajectories of learning approaches during a 6-year medical curriculum. Deep-oriented students are likely to achieve better clinical learning outcomes than surface-oriented students
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