384 research outputs found

    Introduction: fraude et Ă©vasion fiscale dans les villes Au Moyen Ă‚ge Ă  l'Ă©poque moderne

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    Aux demiers siecles du Mayen Age, les monarchies, les principautés et les villes se dotent progressivement d'un systeme fiscal, entendu comme un ensemble de prélevements qui se combinent pour que nulle source de richesse n'échappe il la ponction. L'impôt d'abord occasionnel et improvisé devient peu il peu régulier, ses modalités de perception se précisent en méme temps que s'organise une administration financiere et que se mettent en place des regles de gestion plus ou moins complexes et efficaces.Peer Reviewe

    Assessing the two-dimensional behaviour of drystone retaining walls by full-scale experiments and yield design simulation

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    International audienceDrystone walling is a widespread form of construction that utilises local materials. It has received growing interest over the past few years, owing to the recognition of its rich heritage in the framework of sustainable development. However, the growth of dry masonry has been slowed by the lack of scientific evidence proving its reliability. The authors have previously established a model based on yield design to assess drystone wall stability. This theoretical approach has been supplemented by field experiments on full-scale drystone retaining walls that were backfilled until failure with a cohesionless soil. These field experiments followed a first set of experiments in 2002-2003 in which the walls were loaded using hydrostatic pressure. The aim of these experimental programmes was to achieve better understanding of drystone masonry behaviour under loading, and of its failure mode. The present paper consists of a comparative analysis of these theoretical and experimental results, and provides a richer understanding of drystone retaining wall phenomenology. Further perspectives on this work are presented in the conclusion

    Yield design modelling of dry joint retaining structures

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    International audienceThis study presents an analysis of dry masonry retaining structures based on yield design theory: the structure stability is assessed using rigid block and shear failure mechanisms in the wall and its backfill. An application of this simulation on 2D scale-down brick and wood models is then addressed, showing close agreement between theoretical predictions and experimental results. Finally, the possibility of widespreading the study to periodic dry joint and dry-stone retaining structures is discussed

    Comparison of health benefits between a high intensity interval training and a moderate intensity continuous training when performed in a nonlaboratory setting, in moderately obese women

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    The objective of this pilot study was to compare the effects of a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and a moderate intensity continuous training (MICT) performed within a fitness center, on various health indices of 49 sedentary and moderately obese women (age 37 ± 7 years; BMI 32 ± 4 kg/m2) randomly assigned to supervised exercise on a cycle ergometer, 3 times/week, during 12 weeks, at 60% (MICT, n=24) or 85% (HIIT, n=25) of their heart rate reserve for weeks 5-12. Anthropometry, body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, CRF (2 km-walking test estimated V; O2max), quality of life, QoL (SF-36 Questionnaire), eating behaviors (Three Factor Eating Questionnaire, TFEQ) and perceived health (Short Health Perceived Questionnaire, SHPQ) were obtained before and after training from 10 HIIT vs. 13 MICT participants who completed the program. At baseline, both groups showed similar characteristics, except for a better sleep quality (SHPQ) in MICT than in HIIT participants (p<0.005). Increases in CRF (+3 to +5%) and decreases in body weight (-2%) and thus BMI (-2.5 to -4.5%), waist girth (-4%) and fat mass (-6 to - 8%) were comparable (0.0001<p<0.05). The physical component score (SF-36), the cognitive restriction and hunger scores (TFEQ), and the perceived health items (SPHQ) were similarly improved, irrespective of the training mode (0.01<p<0.05). Twelve weeks of either HIIT or MICT led to similar body weight and fat mass losses as well as to comparable improvements in CRF, QoL, eating behaviors and perceived health, in healthy, sedentary and moderately obese women. However, the large dropout in the HIIT (58%; 14 of 24) and MICT (48%; 12 of 25) groups questions the implementation of such training programs within a non-laboratory setting. Further studies are clearly needed to better adapt the conditions of practice to subjects' characteristics and thus promote their long-term adherence to exercise

    EB1 regulates microtubule dynamics and tubulin sheet closure in vitro.

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    International audienceEnd binding 1 (EB1) is a plus-end-tracking protein (+TIP) that localizes to microtubule plus ends where it modulates their dynamics and interactions with intracellular organelles. Although the regulating activity of EB1 on microtubule dynamics has been studied in cells and purified systems, the molecular mechanisms involved in its specific activity are still unclear. Here, we describe how EB1 regulates the dynamics and structure of microtubules assembled from pure tubulin. We found that EB1 stimulates spontaneous nucleation and growth of microtubules, and promotes both catastrophes (transitions from growth to shrinkage) and rescues (reverse events). Electron cryomicroscopy showed that EB1 induces the initial formation of tubulin sheets, which rapidly close into the common 13-protofilament-microtubule architecture. Our results suggest that EB1 favours the lateral association of free tubulin at microtubule-sheet edges, thereby stimulating nucleation, sheet growth and closure. The reduction of sheet length at microtubule growing-ends together with the elimination of stressed microtubule lattices may account for catastrophes. Conversely, occasional binding of EB1 to the microtubule lattice may induce rescues

    TEM observation and in situ compression tests of transition alumina prepared by high pressure compaction at room temperature

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    The behavior of ceramics at the nanometer scale strongly differs from the one of the corresponding bulk material. For instance, strong plastic deformation has recently been reported in isolated nanometer-sized alumina nanoparticles or MgO nanocubes, when tested in situ in a transmission electron microscope (TEM). This plastic behavior may also occur in a powder during the compaction process, even at room temperature. Controlling plastic deformation of nanoparticles during the ceramics processing might be a way to enhance their properties or to improve the processing route (compaction and sintering steps, for instance). We present here a comprehensive study of the mechanical behavior of transition alumina in the compacted powder. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    3D advanced integration technology for heterogeneous systems

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    International audience3D integration technology is nowadays mature enough, offering today further system integration using heterogeneous technologies, with already many different industrial successes (Imagers, 2.5D Interposers, 3D Memory Cube, etc.). CEA-LETI has been developing for a decade 3D integration, and have pursued research in both directions: developing advanced 3D technology bricks (TSVs, µ-bumps, Hybrid Bonding, etc), and designing advanced 3D circuits as pioneer prototypes. In this paper, a short overview of some recent advanced 3D technology results is presented, including some latest 3D circuit's description

    Les foyers Ă  pierres chauffantes du Hameau des Laurons (Les Arcs-sur-Argens, Var)

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    La fouille du site archéologique du Hameau des Laurons (Les Arcs-sur-Argens, Var) a permis la découverte de 19 foyers en creux à pierres chauffantes associés aux reliquats d'un espace de circulation de type chemin. Les caractéristiques morphologiques des structures ainsi que les données chronologiques acquises permettent de distinguer deux ensembles de foyers. L'un est agencé selon un alignement nord-sud et se rapporte au Bronze final III. Pour l'autre, les creusements sont majoritairement orientés est-ouest. Il est attribuable à la transition premier/second âge du Fer. Le chemin semble être l'élément autour duquel s'organisent les ensembles de foyers à pierres chauffantes. L'étude rigoureuse du comblement des structures permet de restituer leur fonctionnement. En outre, des analyses organiques effectuées sur des blocs prélevés dans les foyers attestent de leur utilisation dans un cadre culinaire. Des expertises archéologiques menées dans ce secteur de la commune montrent que les foyers du site des Laurons font partie d'un ensemble beaucoup plus vaste. La mise en perspective de toutes les données récoltées permet d'envisager que la confection et le regroupement de ce type d'aménagement ne soient pas uniquement commandés par des préoccupations d'ordre domestique. Les raisons précises qui ont conduit à la construction de groupements de foyers à pierres chauffantes nous échappent encore, mais sont sans doute à rapprocher du domaine social.The excavation of the archaeological site of Laurons (Les Arcs-sur-Argens, Var) led to the discovery of 19 fire pits with heating stones associated with the remnants of a path. The morphological characteristics of the structures and chronological dates allowed us to distinguish two groups. The first one, arranged on a north-south alignment, dates back to the Late Bronze Age III. The pits of the second group mostly oriented east-west, are associated with the transition first / second Iron Age. These two groups seem to be organized around the path . The rigorous study of the in filling of the structures can be used to reconstruct the way they were built and used. In addition, organic analysis performed on blocks from fire pits clearly show that these structures were used for cooking. Archaeological surveys carried out in this area show the structures identified at Laurons are part of a much larger assemblage. Data assembled so far suggest that the construction and grouping of this type of structure are not motivated by alimentary concerns alone. The specifics reasons that led to the construction of clusters of fire pits with heating stones still elude us, but they are probably linked to society and culture
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