96 research outputs found

    Reliability as a tool for hydraulic networks planning

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    This paper presents a methodology to evaluate the reliability of water distribution systems that can be used in the design phase and for identifying repair works to be carried out on existing systems. The methodology is based on the statistical analysis of dimensionless performance indices (hydraulic performance indices) derived from a large number of simulations of various water system demand scenarios and/or operating conditions. The hydraulic reliability index is assumed as the probability that, under a given operating condition, the hydraulic performance index will be above a certain threshold. Finally, the system’s overall reliability (mechanical 1 hydraulic) is estimated using the overall reliability index, which is defined by the weighted mean of the hydraulic performance indices obtained for the various operating conditions. A case study using this methodology shows the concrete possibilities of applying this approach to a wide spectrum of cases, and the small influence on overall system reliability normally exerted by such events as the failure of links, pipes, and valves

    Closure to Reliability as Tool for Hydraulic Network Planning

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    Closure to the discussion carried by prof. Kansal on the paper "Reliability as Tool for Hydraulic Network Planning

    Monitoring biomass in two heterogeneous mountain pasture communities by image based 3D point cloud derived predictors

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    Abstract Primary productivity is a robust indicator of ecosystem functioning because of its close relationships with the stability of the ecological systems. In ecological research, the above ground biomass (AGB) is the most commonly used proxy of primary productivity. However, despite their ecological relevance, the estimates of primary productivity are not addressed by current protocols for monitoring the conservation status of the habitats of Community interest. In this paper, we analyse the accuracy of AGB measurements obtained by image-derived 3D reconstructions of two contrasting mountain grasslands listed as habitats of Community interest in the Annex I of the Habitats Directive. More specifically, we compared the accuracy of the AGB estimates provided by four models, based on four different predictors (height, volume, volume adjusted, and cover volume), in order to evaluate their robustness against within- and between-community heterogeneity. Our study revealed that AGB measures computed from 3D vegetation reconstructions can be an effective way to evaluate primary productivity in herbaceous communities with complex structure and composition patterns. In particular, the vegetation height showed to have the highest correlation with direct AGB measurements. However, the vegetation volume, once adjusted by the coefficient of density, resulted to be the most effective proxy due to the lowest error level. Therefore, such a parameter could be routinely used as a non-destructive indicator for monitoring habitats of particular conservation concern. As a major limitation for this approach, we detected some loss of predictivity power at very low productivity rates

    Relating Trait Variation to Species and Community Productivity in Contrasting Oro-Mediterranean Pastures: A 7-Years Study in the Pollino National Park (S-Italy)

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    Understanding how functional traits influence community assemblage and functioning is crucial for assessing the effects of global change on vegetation composition. We studied the functional composition (i.e., plant size (SIZE), leaf area (LA), specific leaf area (SLA), and leaf dry matter content (LDMC)) of a xerophile pasture and a mesophile grassland in southern Italy, and recorded species richness (SR), plant cover (COV) and flowering rates (FLOW) over a 7-year period. Both communities revealed the dominance of stress-tolerators, probably reflecting an adaptation to the Mediterranean climate. The functional classification of species distinguished three groups. Species from the mesophile community had larger SIZE and LA, while those from the xerophile pasture showed higher LDMC; SLA was not connected to the source community. Community-level analyses confirmed such patterns, but with higher SLA in the mesophile grassland. While SR was comparable, COV and FLOW varied between the communities. At the species level, LDMC was positively related to FLOW and the inter-annual variability of COV and FLOW. At the community level, SIZE, LA and SLA were positively related to COV, while LDMC was positively related to FLOW. Trait variations can significantly contribute to the xerophile-mesophile shift in Mediterranean mountain vegetation, by regulating the productivity of species and communities in the two contexts and, possibly, their responsiveness to global change

    Large-scale survey for canine vector-borne parasites in free-ranging dogs and foxes from six diverse bioclimatic regions of Chile

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    Chile is a large country with a marked range of climate conditions that make it an ideal scenario for the study of vector-borne parasites (VBPs); however, knowledge about their distribution is limited to a few confined areas of this country. The presence of Hepatozoon spp., piroplasmids, Leishmania spp. and filarioids was investigated through molecular and serological methods in blood and serum samples of 764 free-ranging rural dogs, 154 Andean foxes (Lycalopex culpaeus), and 91 South American grey foxes (Lycalopex griseus) from six bioclimatic regions across Chile. Hepatozoon spp. DNA was exclusively detected in foxes (43% prevalence), including sequences closely related to Hepatozoon felis (24.1%; only Andean foxes), Hepatozoon americanum (16.2%; only grey foxes), and Hepatozoon canis (1.25%; in one grey fox). Risk factor assessment identified a higher probability of Hepatozoon infection in juvenile foxes. DNA of piroplasmids was detected in 0.7% of dogs (Babesia vogeli) but in no fox, whilst antibodies against Babesia sp. were detected in 24% of the dogs and 25% of the foxes, suggesting a wider circulation of canine piroplasmids than previously believed. A positive association between the presence of antibodies against Babesia and high Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato burden was observed in dogs. Leishmania spp. DNA and antibodies were detected in 0.8% and 4.4% of the dogs, respectively. Acanthocheilonema reconditum was the only blood nematode detected (1.5% of the dogs and no fox). Differences in prevalence among bioregions were observed for some of the VBPs. These results expand our knowledge about the occurrence of vector-borne parasites in Chile, some of which are firstly reported herein. This information will facilitate the diagnosis of vector-borne diseases in domestic dogs and improve the control measures for both domestic and wild canids

    Urinary Concentrations of (+)-Catechin and (-)-Epicatechin as Biomarkers of Dietary Intake of Flavan-3-Ols in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study

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    This study examines the correlation of acute and habitual dietary intake of flavan-3-ol monomers, proanthocyanidins, theaflavins, and their main food sources with the urinary concentrations of (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study (EPIC). Participants (N = 419, men and women) provided 24-h urine samples and completed a 24-h dietary recall (24-HDR) on the same day. Acute and habitual dietary data were collected using a standardized 24-HDR software and a validated dietary questionnaire, respectively. Intake of flavan-3-ols was estimated using the Phenol-Explorer database. Concentrations of (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin in 24-h urine were analyzed using tandem mass spectrometry after enzymatic deconjugation. Simple and partial Spearman's correlations showed that urinary concentrations of (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin and their sum were more strongly correlated with acute than with habitual intake of individual and total monomers (acute rpartial = 0.13-0.54, p < 0.05; and habitual rpartial = 0.14-0.28, p < 0.01), proanthocyanidins (acute rpartial = 0.24-0.49, p < 0.001; and habitual rpartial = 0.10-0.15, p < 0.05), theaflavins (acute rpartial = 0.22-0.31, p < 0.001; and habitual rpartial = 0.20-0.26, p < 0.01), and total flavan-3-ols (acute rpartial = 0.40-0.48, p < 0.001; and habitual rpartial = 0.23-0.33, p < 0.001). Similarly, urinary concentrations of flavan-3-ols were weakly correlated with both acute (rpartial = 0.12-0.30, p < 0.05) and habitual intake (rpartial = 0.10-0.27, p < 0.05) of apple and pear, stone fruits, berries, chocolate and chocolate products, cakes and pastries, tea, herbal tea, wine, red wine, and beer and cider. Moreover, all comparable correlations were stronger for urinary (-)-epicatechin than for (+)-catechin. In conclusion, our data support the use of urinary concentrations of (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin, especially as short-term nutritional biomarkers of dietary catechin, epicatechin and total flavan-3-ol monomers

    Global and Regional IUCN Red List Assessments: 2

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    In this contribution the conservation status assessment of six plant species according to IUCN categories and criteria are presented. It includes the assessment at global level of Charybdis glaucophylla Bacch., Brullo, D’Emerico, Pontec. &amp; Salmeri, Euphorbia nicaeensis All. subsp. japygica (Ten.) Arcang., Hieracium australe Fr. subsp. australe, Limonium multiforme Pignatti, Onosma helvetica Boiss. em. Teppner subsp. lucana (Lacaita) Peruzzi, Aquaro &amp; Cesca and the assessment at national level (Italy) of Lathyrus laxiflorus (Desf.) Kuntze subsp. laxiflorus

    Perioperative anaphylactic risk score for risk-oriented premedication

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    Basing on the current knowledge, this paper is aimed to review the core characteristics of the most relevant therapeutic agents (steroids and antihistamines), administered to prevent perioperative anaphylaxis. Moreover, the Authors propose the validation of a Global Anaphylactic Risk Score, built up by recording the individual scores related to the most relevant anaphylaxis parameters (i.e. medical history, symptoms and medication for asthma, rhinitis and urticaria etc) and by adding them on all together; the score could be used in the preoperative phase to evaluate the global anaphylactic risk and to prescribe risk-oriented premedication protocols
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