295 research outputs found

    Using Process Mining to Analyze Time-Distribution of Self-Assessment and Formative Assessment Exercises on an Online Learning Tool

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    The study of the relationships between self-regulated learning and formative assessment is an active line of research in the educational community. A recent review of the literature highlights that the study of these connections has been mainly unidirectional, focusing on how formative assessment helps students to self-regulate their learning, being much less explored the effect of self-regulated learning strategies on formative assessment. In this context, analyzing automatically captured students’ activities within online learning tools can provide us further insights on the interactions between these two topics. More specifically, this article examines the activity traces of 382 students who used an online tool to learn a programming language. The tool incorporates review exercises for promoting self-assessment (an important self-regulated learning strategy). Furthermore, the tool is used in supervised laboratories where students receive formative assessment. This study uses process mining techniques to analyze the temporal component of student behavior in both types of activities, their interaction, and how self-assessment relates to formative assessment. Some key lessons are learned: activities promoting self-assessment significantly improved students’ involvement in formative assessment activities; increasing selfassessment cannot compensate for a lack of effort in formative assessment. We also underline that, to the best of our knowledge, to date no research has used process mining to consider the time component in the analysis of the relationships between formative assessment and self-assessment

    The Fanconi Anemia Pathway Protects Genome Integrity from R-loops

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    Co-transcriptional RNA-DNA hybrids (R loops) cause genome instability. To prevent harmful R loop accumulation, cells have evolved specific eukaryotic factors, one being the BRCA2 double-strand break repair protein. As BRCA2 also protects stalled replication forks and is the FANCD1 member of the Fanconi Anemia (FA) pathway, we investigated the FA role in R loop-dependent genome instability. Using human and murine cells defective in FANCD2 or FANCA and primary bone marrow cells from FANCD2 deficient mice, we show that the FA pathway removes R loops, and that many DNA breaks accumulated in FA cells are R loop-dependent. Importantly, FANCD2 foci in untreated and MMC-treated cells are largely R loop dependent, suggesting that the FA functions at R loop-containing sites. We conclude that co-transcriptional R loops and R loop-mediated DNA damage greatly contribute to genome instability and that one major function of the FA pathway is to protect cells from R loops


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    Replication forks stall at different DNA obstacles such as those originated by transcription. Fork stalling can lead to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) that will be preferentially repaired by homologous recombination when the sister chromatid is available. The Rrm3 helicase is a replisome component that promotes replication upon fork stalling, accumulates at highly transcribed regions and prevents not only transcription-induced replication fork stalling but also transcription-associated hyper-recombination. This led us to explore the possible role of Rrm3 in the repair of DSBs when originating at the passage of the replication fork. Using a mini-HO system that induces mainly single-stranded DNA breaks, we show that rrm3Δ cells are defective in DSB repair. The defect is clearly seen in sister chromatid recombination, the major repair pathway of replication-born DSBs. Our results indicate that Rrm3 recruitment to replication-born DSBs is crucial for viability, uncovering a new role for Rrm3 in the repair of broken replication forks.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation (BFU2013-42918), the European Union (FEDER), the European Research Council (ERC2014 AdG669898 TARLOOP), and the Junta de Andalucía (BIO1238). SMG was funded by a predoctoral training fellowship from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and BGG by a postdoctoral grant from the Scientific Foundation of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC). Funding for open access charge: Grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation (BFU2013-42918).Peer Reviewe

    GA design of small thin-wire antennas: comparison with Sierpinski-type prefractal antennas

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    A new set of genetically generated electrically small thin-wire antennas with a better performance than that of several families of Sierpinsky prefractal monopoles of the same electrical size at resonance is presentedPeer Reviewe

    SOCS3 deregulation contributes to aberrant activation of the JAK/STAT pathway in precursor T-cell neoplasms

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    Despite the Janus kinase/signal transducers and activators of transcription (JAK/STAT) pathway being frequently altered in T-ALL/LBL, no specific therapy has been approved for T-ALL/LBL patients with constitutive signalling by JAK/STAT, so there is an urgent need to identify pathway members that may be potential therapeutic targets. In the present study, we searched for JAK/STAT pathway members potentially modulated through aberrant methylation and identified SOCS3 hypermethylation as a recurrent event in T-ALL/LBL. Additionally, we explored the implications of SOCS3 deregulation in T-ALL/LBL and demonstrated that SOCS3 counteracts the constitutive activation of the JAK/STAT pathway through different molecular mechanisms. Therefore, SOCS3 emerges as a potential therapeutic target in T-ALL/LBLComunidad de Madrid, Grant/Award Number: B2017/BMD-3778; LINFOMAS-CM; Fundación Científica Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, Grant/Award Number: PROYE18054PIRI; Fundación Ramón Areces, Grant/Award Number: CIVP19S7917; Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Fundación Jiménez Díaz; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Grant/ Award Number: RTI2018- 093330-B-I00 and MCIU/FEDER; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Grant/Award Number: SAF2015-70561-R and MINECO/FEDE

    Towards 3D databases and harmonized 3D models at IGME-CSIC

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    IGME-CSIC has a highly relevant geological and geophysical database that includes a continuous digital geological cartography at 1:50000; 1:200000 and 1:1000000 scales and a fair amount of geophysical data: gravity, magnetic, well-logs in tiff and LAS format, seismic lines in tiff and SEG-Y format, borehole and petrophysical data, together with other geophysical and geological studies. Since the 2004, an important effort has been done to undertake 3D geological and geophysical modelling ranging from local studies (mineral exploration or CO2 storage sites) to regional geology for a better understanding of the subsurface structure and its geodynamic evolution as a base for other studies on natural hazards or mineral resources. These studies were ¿stand alone¿ and now IGME is designing a new strategy. It includes the available data and models harmonization (stratigraphy sequences, structural interpretations, faults distribution, seismic velocity models, spatial distribution of physical properties such as density and magnetic susceptibility, workflows, methodologies, evaluation of uncertainties, visualization, etc.) to comply with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data standardization. In this way, the new 3D models will be easily integrated and available from the databases. This strategy includes collaboration with the Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières of France (BRGM) and Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia of Portugal (LNEG) in order to harmonize the Spanish geological data and models with their neighbours across national borders. The first step is being done in the framework of GeoERA projects. Plain-language Summary IGME-CSIC owns a large database that includes a highly valuable geological and geophysical data and geophysical studies containing the interpretation of some of the data of Spain (onshore and offshore) Since 2004 the authors of this work have been working in 3D geological and geophysical modelling that includes local (mineral exploration or CO2 storage sites) and regional studies. The goal is to improve our understanding of the subsurface structures and processes as a base for deepening our knowledge in how the natural hazards occur, how to improve the exploration for mineral resources, etc. These studies were made ad hoc within different projects and now IGME-CSIC is designing a workflow to harmonize these models in order to comply with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data standardization so the models will be available to being used beyond the initial objectives that generated their creation. This strategy includes collaboration with other European institutions like the Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières of France (BRGM) and Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia of Portugal (LNEG) in order to harmonize the models across national borders. The first step is already being done in the framework of the GeoERA projects

    Plant material of peach, situation in Spain

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    The peach species is the most important stone fruit grown in Spain. The acreage devoted to this crop has increased lightly in the last 15 years, however the production has been doubled in this period as a consequence of the use of drip irrigation and introduction of new varieties and more efficient rootstocks. The range of varieties in Spain is very dinamic, there is a substantial increase of nectarines and platicarpa types, a light increase of melting peaches and a decrease of non-melting varieties. The main problems of this crop are the bad adaptability of many varieties from foreign countries to the Spanish environment, the dependency from varieties bred in other countries, the lack of internal quality of the fruits in many commercial cultivars, the incidence of pests, diseases and abiotic stresses and the high cost of the crop management. These problems might be overcame by means of breeding programs based on specific crosses. Currently, there are 14 active peach breeding programs in Spain. in terms of accomplishing the objectives of these programs new sources of variability carrying the desired traits are needed. The search and use of new sources of variation implies a high investment in research and characterization of the new plant material along with inheritance studies of those traits of interest

    Chemical factors controlling the steady-state distribution of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sediments in Bayona Bay (northwest Spain)

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    The relative space distributions of single mineral constituents in mixed terrigenous-carbonated sediments of the Bayona Bay have been analysed. In order to determine the existence of different mixing mechanisms, a study comparing the general sedimentary trends resulting from the average patterns and the single mineral behaviour, reflected in the single-mineral mapping, was carried out. The relative abundance of all mineral phases in surface sediment samples was first determined by quantitative X-ray powder diffraction data, using the Rietveld method. This procedure enabled us to create specific maps for both the minerals forming the terrigenous fraction and the different calcium carbonate polymorphs involved in the carbonatic component. A cross-linked behaviour between the carbonate facies and the terrigenous minerals involved in the calcium carbonate generation was found, suggesting the existence of a chemical control mechanism which, through dissolution-crystallization processes, constrains the mixed environment's long-term evolution. In the general framework of the region studied, these relations operate for the relative amount of plagioclase to calcium carbonate. The existence of dissolution and growth between both minerals, favoured by the high rate of removal, is proposed, yielding a final crossed pattern, representative of the steady-state. Furthermore, a specific analysis, restricted to the region of low rate of material removal and maximum amount of intermixed sediments, clearly shows an anisotropic distribution for every calcium carbonate polymorph (calcite and aragonite). These correlate with the biotite distribution, and can be connected to local variations in seawater Mg/Ca ratio, induced by biotite weathering.En este trabajo se analiza de forma específica la distribución espacial de cada uno de los minerales involucrados en sedimentos mixtos terrígenos-carbonatados de la bahía de Bayona y se compara con la distribución global de sedimentos, tal como resulta de análisis granulométricos, con el fin de determinar la existencia de diferentes mecanismos de mezcla entre los minerales de ambas fracciones. El contenido porcentual en peso de cada fase mineral, en muestras superficiales de sedimento, se determinó a partir de datos cuantitativos de DRX, empleando el método de Rietveld. Este procedimiento nos ha permitido realizar mapas específicos de distribución, tanto para cada mineral de la fracción terrígena como para cada uno de los diferentes polimorfos de carbonato cálcico en la componente carbonatada. Como resultado de este estudio comparativo, se ha encontrado una correlación, en la distribución espacial y granulométrica, de las facies carbonatadas y los minerales terrígenos implicados en la generación de carbonato cálcico. Un posterior análisis de este resultado sugiere la presencia de mecanismos químicos de control que regulan la interacción entre siliciclastos y carbonatos mediante procesos de disolución-cristalización mediados por el agua del mar. El estudio se ha realizado a dos escalas. En el ámbito general de la bahía de Bayona, las relaciones de distribución observadas entre plagioclasas y carbonato cálcico pueden ser explicadas, dentro del balance global del Ca³⁺ disuelto en el agua del mar, mediante la meteorización química de las plagioclasas y la consiguiente generación de carbonatos. En este caso, los patrones de distribución reflejan la aproximación a un estado estacionario mediante sucesivos eventos de mezcla asociados a la alta removilización material en el medio, tanto para la distribución porcentual en peso como para la distribución granulométrica entre ambos minerales. Finalmente, se realiza un análisis particularizado en una región con baja tasa de removilización y donde la interacción entre sedimentos de ambas fracciones es máxima. El resultado muestra claramente una distribución espacial anisótropa para cada uno de las fases de carbonato cálcico (calcita y aragonito). La abundancia relativa de cada uno de los polimorfos, así como el contenido en Mg³⁺ de la calcita, ha sido correlacionado con la distribución de la biotita y explicado a partir de las diferencias de solubilidad en función de la alta relación Mg³⁺ /Ca³⁺ en el agua de mar que resulta, localmente, de la meteorización química de dicho mineral.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Lung cancer in Spain: information from the Thoracic Tumors Registry (TTR study)

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    [Background] Lung cancer remains a leading cause of cancer incidence and mortality worldwide. Although Spain contributes to global statistics related to cancer, it is difficult to discern aspects linked to clinical presentation of the disease or molecular testing. The Thoracic Tumor Registry (TTR) was created with the aim of filling this gap.[Methods] Observational cohort multicenter study performed in Spain, including patients with lung cancer or other types of thoracic tumors undergoing active treatment or palliative care only. Enrollment took place between August 2016 and December 2018. The evaluation included a review of demographic, epidemiological, clinical and molecular data.[Results] A total of 6,600 patients diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) were recruited at 56 Spanish hospitals. The mean age at diagnosis was 64 years. The majority of patients (80%) presented with advanced disease, being adenocarcinoma the most frequent histological type. Up to 86% of patients were current- or ex-smokers, with men starting to smoke earlier than women (average age 17.9 vs. 19.2 years). Sixty-seven percent of patients underwent some type of molecular testing. Mutations in EGFR and KRAS genes were found in 18% and 28% of patients, respectively.[Conclusions] Our findings suggest that the TTR study accurately describes the clinical reality of lung cancer in Spain, including useful information on smoking status as well as molecular profiling and tumor histology, and can therefore be used to drive improvements in health care. Social and political pressure to reduce tobacco consumption among the population should be reinforced, particularly among youth.This work was supported by Grupo Español de Cáncer de Pulmón (GECP), Novartis, Lilly and Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD)