767 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de dispositivos Bluetooth LE basados en CC2540/41

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    Gracias a su autonomía y a su bajo coste cada vez son más los dispositivos basados en la tecnología Bluetooth LE, desde termómetros inalámbricos o sensores para medir la presión sanguínea a dispositivos deportivos como relojes con GPS o sensores para runners. El trabajo que aquí se propone consistirá en un estudio de la especificación Bluetooth LE profundizando en el funcionamiento de toda su pila de protocolos y su uso para la creación de aplicaciones. Finalmente, como ejemplo, se desarrollará una aplicación de medida de la distancia respecto a una baliza a partir de la potencia de recepción de los paquetes BLE transmitidos por ésta.Thanks to its autonomy and its low cost, Bluetooth LE technology based devices are increasingly its use, from wireless thermometers or sensors for measuring blood pressure devices to sports watches with GPS or sensors for runners. The work proposed here consist of a study of the Bluetooth LE specification deepen the operation of its entire protocol stack and its use to create applications. Finally, as an example, an application for measuring the distance from a beacon using the reception power of the BLE packets transmitted by it will be developedGrado en Ingeniería Electrónica de Comunicacione

    Investment in public transport projects in cities: What do citizens think about it?

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    In recent years, important public transport infrastructures projects have been carried out in Andalusia (Spain), some of them having an important impact on life in the metropolitan areas. Nevertheless, no studies have been done to know the citizens’ opinion concerning these projects. This article presents an analysis about the citizens’ perception on this matter, based on a 2015 survey with a sample of 1,200 individuals living in the Andalusian capital cities. Citizens’ perceptions about public transport infrastructures are analyzed, based on citizens’ mobility preferences, on their opinion about transport infrastructures’ social impact and about their adequation to the city they live in. Results indicate that people living in cities which already have underground have a larger preference for underground means of transport than those who live in cities that only have transit on surface. In addition, it is proved that light rail is the most unpopular transport mode among citizens.Agencia de Obra Pública de Andalucía y Unión Europea a través de "Herramienta para la evaluación previa de infraestructuras de transporte público" con código GGI3003IDIE con la colaboración de la Universidad de Granada y el Departamento de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad de Granada

    Citizens’ opinion about investment in public transport projects in cities

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    In recent times, the increasing demand for mobility has given rise to new projects for improved public transport (PT) infrastructures. Such is the case of Andaluc ıa (Spain) where, since 2004, the transit networks were improved and new underground and light rail systems were built. These investments were made without taking into account the opinion of the citizens. In this context, this paper expounds the results of a telephone survey conducted in 2015 to record citizens’ opinions about the investment funneled into local transport infrastructures. The responses were analyzed through decision trees, in order to identify groups of homogeneous characteristics and common opinion. The results indicate that most citizens believed investment to have been insufficient, even though nearly half the respondents affirmed the PT infrastructures in their city were adequate. The results of the two majority opinion groups showed that: when citizens believe the PT infrastructures of their city are not adequate, and they are not satisfied with key attributes of the PT, they hold investment to be insufficient; in contrast, if citizens describe the PT infrastructure as adequate, they appraise key aspects and support the use of public funding for financing the PT, then they are satisfied with the investment made. Furthermore, some decision rules, and the most influential variables in the study problem (PT infrastructures adequacy, coverage, being a suburban bus user or not, and the support to use public funding for PT) were identified.This work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of European Union, and the Public Works Agency and Regional Ministry of Public Works and Housing of the Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain) (AOPJA) under Grant G-GI3003/ IDIE via the Researching Project “Tool for the preliminary evaluation of PT infrastructures”

    Analysis of the high-frequency content in human qrs complexes by the continuous wavelet transform: An automatized analysis for the prediction of sudden cardiac death

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    Background: Fragmentation and delayed potentials in the QRS signal of patients have been postulated as risk markers for Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD). The analysis of the high-frequency spectral content may be useful for quantification. Methods: Forty-two consecutive patients with prior history of SCD or malignant arrhythmias (patients) where compared with 120 healthy individuals (controls). The QRS complexes were extracted with a modified Pan-Tompkins algorithm and processed with the Continuous Wavelet Transform to analyze the high-frequency content (85–130 Hz). Results: Overall, the power of the high-frequency content was higher in patients compared with controls (170.9 vs. 47.3 103nV2Hz−1; p = 0.007), with a prolonged time to reach the maximal power (68.9 vs. 64.8 ms; p = 0.002). An analysis of the signal intensity (instantaneous average of cumulative power), revealed a distinct function between patients and controls. The total intensity was higher in patients compared with controls (137.1 vs. 39 103nV2Hz−1s−1; p = 0.001) and the time to reach the maximal intensity was also prolonged (88.7 vs. 82.1 ms; p < 0.001). Discussion: The high-frequency content of the QRS complexes was distinct between patients at risk of SCD and healthy controls. The wavelet transform is an efficient tool for spectral analysis of the QRS complexes that may contribute to stratification of risk

    Evaluación de distintos métodos de predicción de rachas de viento

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXIX Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el VII Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Pamplona, del 24 al 26 de abril de 2006

    Control de la expansión isotérmica para conversión de calor a trabajo mecánico

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    [Resumen] A consecuencia de recientes avances en las técnicas de conversión de energía térmica a trabajo mecánico basadas en procesos de expansión isotérmica, surge la necesidad de controlar la temperatura de los procesos de expansión. Dado que la velocidad de las máquinas térmicas tiene que ser alta para favorecer tanto la eficiencia térmica como el trabajo específico, se hace imprescindible la aplicación de técnicas de control dotadas de alta velocidad de muestreo. Este artículo aborda el estudio preliminar encaminado a la implementación de máquinas de expansión isotérmica en base a la utilización de algoritmos de control de temperatura durante la expansión isotérmica. Se proponen estructuras algorítmicas de control susceptibles de aplicación utilizando tanto medidas directas como indirectas de medición por conversión de las señales para obtener resultados técnica y económicamente viables

    Relationship between predicted speed reduction on horizontal curves and safety on two-lane rural roads in Spain

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    According to different studies, speed reduction is considered one of the major factors in contributing road safety. For that reason, several guidelines have been recommended for maximum desirable speed reductions from tangents to horizontal curves and for maximum differentials between design and operating speeds on horizontal curves. The Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) Design Consistency Module presents an analysis of the relationship between speed reduction and crashes for horizontal curves on U.S. two-lane rural highways. This paper presents the relationship between speed reduction and crashes for horizontal curves on Spanish two-lane rural roads. A model for using regression analysis to predict crashes is presented. Exposure, curve length (CL), and difference in 85th-percentile speeds (δV85) between successive tangents and horizontal curves, as well as between successive curves, are used. The model's coefficients were different from the ones obtained for U.S. highways, although the values of the goodness-of-fit criteria were similar. In addition, the relationship between crashes and different speeds is analyzed, taking the difference in speed as a speed differential not exceeded by 85% of the drivers traveling under free-flow conditions (δ85V), instead of considering it as δV85. The two models (δV85 versus δ85V) give very similar results

    Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Flow State Scale

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    The purpose of this research was to examine the psychometric properties of a Spanish translation of the Flow State Scale (FSS; Jackson & Marsh, 1996). This instrument is used to assess the Flow State in participants of physical activity, although it can be adapted to other contexts (such as work, educational contexts, etc.). This construct can be considered the optimal psychological state to carry out an activity, being closely related to motivation and personal enjoyment (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997). A sample of 2036 athletes was recruited from diverse sports activities. The results revealed satisfactory validity and internal consistency of the instrument, obtaining a factor model made up of a main factor and nine subscales. The correlations between motivational orientations and the flow state are highlighted. The Spanish translation of this instrument is found to be acceptable, with similar psychometric properties as the original scale, although future research in other contexts is needed to support these outcomes.El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de una versión adaptada al castellano de la Flow State Scale (FSS; Jackson y Marsh, 1996), instrumento utilizado para valorar el estado de fluidez en practicantes de actividad física, aunque adaptable a otros contextos (trabajo, educación…). Dicho constructo puede ser considerado como el estado psicológico óptimo para realizar una actividad, estando muy relacionado con la motivación y el disfrute personal (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997). Se desarrolló un estudio con 2036 participantes en diferentes actividades deportivas. Los resultados han demostrado que el instrumento posee una validez y consistencia interna aceptables, hallándose un modelo factorial compuesto por un factor principal y nueve factores secundarios. Asimismo, destacan las correlaciones entre las dos orientaciones motivacionales y el estado de fluidez. Se concluye que la adaptación al castellano del instrumento para valorar el estado de fluidez es aceptable, encontrándose propiedades psicométricas similares a las obtenidas en la escala original, aunque se necesitan nuevos trabajos en otros contextos que apoyen estos resultados

    Efectos sobre la accesibilidad de la red de autovías planeada en el Plan de Infraestructuras para la Sostenibilidad del Transporte en Andalucía (España)

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    En este artículo se analizan los impactos en la accesibilidad territorial en Andalucía de las actuaciones en carreteras planificadas por la Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía. Para ello, se ha desarrollado una herramienta informática basada en Sistemas de Información Geográfica, y se han calculado una serie de indicadores de accesibilidad y cohesión territorial. Para llevar a cabo el análisis de los efectos del Plan de Infraestructuras para la Sostenibilidad del Transporte en Andalucía, se han contemplado dos escenarios: uno sin las actuaciones previstas y otro con todas las actuaciones planeadas implementadas. También se han estudiado los efectos de dicho plan sobre la accesibilidad a hospitales, universidades y centros logísticos, así como las mejoras inducidas por cuatro importantes actuaciones concretas. Los resultados muestran mejoras significativas, como una reducción media en los tiempos de viaje del 3,6%, y que las actuaciones del plan de infraestructuras potencian la cohesión territorial.The present study aims to analyze the territorial impacts in Andalusia (through changes in accessibility) derived from the improvements in the road network planned by the Ministry of Development and Housing of the Junta de Andalusia. For this purpose, a computer tool based on Geographic Information Systems was developed, and a series of accessibility and territorial cohesion indicators were calculated. To carry out the analysis of the effects of the Infrastructure Plan for the Sustainability of Transport in Andalusia, two scenarios were considered (with and without the planned actions). The effects of this plan on accessibility to hospitals, universities and logistics centers, as well as the improvements induced by four strategic actions, were studied as well. The results show the effects of the actions of this plan of infrastructures: an average reduction of the travel times of 3.6%, and an improvement of the territorial cohesion.Este estudio ha sido realizado en el marco de los PROYECTOS DE I+D+i 2014-2015 (Código del Proyecto: GGI3003IDID), y financiado por la Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía mediante fondos de la UE y de la Junta de Andalucía

    Cold alkaline extraction of Elephant grass for optimal subsequent extraction of hemicelluloses and energy production

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    There is growing scientific and industrial interest in obtaining useful substances by fractionating lignocellulosic biomass from non-food plant crops for use by the bioenergy industry. The primary goals are to ensure process sustainability and to comply with the principles of circular economy. In this work, we optimized energy production from Elephant grass by previously using cold alkaline extraction to remove its hemicellulose fraction. Elephant grass contains a high proportion of lignin (20%) and hemicelluloses (27.4%), and therefore is an excellent alternative to wood materials for energy production by direct burning. Energy production was optimized to identify the best operating conditions among those tested, namely: alkali concentrations of 80–120 g NaOH L– 1, temperatures of 20–40 °C, and treatment times of 30–90 min. Using the optimum conditions thus established (viz., 100 g NaOH L– 1, 30 °C, and 30 min) raised the high heating value (HHV) to 19.151 MJ kg– 1 (i.e., by 4% relative to the starting material). Also, it allowed the content in elemental C to be preserved, that in H increased by 4.86% and, more environmentally significant, most sulphur (46.9%) to be removed from the solid phase upon treatment. Cold alkaline extraction of the raw material additionally enabled relatively selective separation of the hemicellulose fraction from the cellulose and lignin fractions. Thus, 30.1% of all hemicellulose was dissolved in the treatment liquor and made valorizable while 93.0% of cellulose and 82.1% of lignin present in the raw material remained in the solid phase.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Funding for open acces charge: Universidad de Huelva/CBUA. This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the National Programme for Research Aimed at the Challenges of Society (CTQ201785251-C2-1and 2-R and PID2020-112875RB-C21), additional cofunding, in an 80:20 proportion, by FEDER (Project Green Asphalt, ref. 802C1800001) and the Andalusian Regional Government (Economy, Knowledge, Enterprises and University Council/IDEA Agency) and by micro-projects of research “Cátedra de la provincia” of the University of Huelva