161 research outputs found

    El uso del potencial dialógico de Twitter: el caso de las marcas de moda

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    Las marcas de moda pueden ver en el uso de las redes sociales una manera de interactuar con sus stakeholders que puede mejorar las relaciones que mantienen con ellos y su imagen. Así, se pretende analizar la comunicación que las marcas de moda realizan a través de Twitter. Para ello, se ha realizado un análisis de contenido de 1135 tweets publicados en 2016 por H&M, Zara, Ralph Lauren y Hugo Boss. Aunque no existe consenso entre las marcas estudiadas se puede afirmar que, en general, Twitter posee un amplio potencial dialógico que las marcas de moda no están aprovechando plenamente.Fashion brands use social networks as a way to interact with their stakeholders to improve their relations with them and their image. Thus, in this study, the communication that fashion brands made through Twitter is analyzed. In order to do this, a content analysis of 1135 tweets published in 2016 by H&M, Zara, Ralph Lauren and Hugo Boss has been carried out. Although there is no consensus among the studied brands, we can say that in general, Twitter has a large potential for dialog with its customers that fashion brands are not fully exploiting yet

    Perceptions for social intervention from professionals' intercultural competence

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    En este trabajo mostramos un análisis de las respuestas dadas por profesionales de los servicios sociales comunitarios a supuestos prácticos relacionados con la intervención profesional en contextos de diversidad cultural. Se pretende conocer si las respuestas a estos supuestos se relacionan con características de la intervención profesional, rasgos personales y con variables como la Competencia Intercultural y la Sensibilidad Intercultural. Han participado 253 profesionales (psicólogos, trabajadores sociales y educadores sociales). Se han realizado análisis de varianza, asociaciones con contingencia, correlaciones y Análisis Factorial de Correspondencias. Los resultados muestran que la profesión no influye en dar una respuesta adecuada a los supuestos. En cambio, tener formación en diversidad y contacto con personas de origen extranjero presentan asociaciones significativas con responder adecuadamente a ciertos supuestos. Hemos obtenido una tipología de cuatro clases diferenciadas según las respuestas, dos positivas respecto a la resolución de los supuestos y su vinculación con la competencia intercultural y dos con carácter negativo.This work analysizes the responses of professionals to community social services practical cases related to professional intervention in contexts of cultural diversity. We want to know if these responses relate to the characteristics of professional intervention, personal traits and variables such as Intercultural Competence and Intercultural Sensitivity. 253 professionals have participated (psychologists, social workers and community workers). We have conducted variance analysis, measures of associations for contingency tables, correlations and Factorial Correspondence Analysis. The results show that the profession is not related to an appropriate response to the cases. Instead, training on diversity and contact with people of foreign origin has significant associations with appropriately response to certain assumptions. We have obtained a typology of four distinct classes according to responses; two positive classes regarding case resolution and their connection with intercultural competence, and two negative classes.La difusión de los resultados del presente estudio ha contado con el apoyo del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España a través del Programa Nacional de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU15/03909) de la tercera autora

    The Challenge of Regulating a Non-Professionalized Profile: Fashion Microinstagramers

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    En la actualidad, la falta de regulación específica y la ambigüedad en la legislación española propician que muchos instagramers no se sientan obligados a dar a conocer que el contenido que publican es publicitario. Por contra, en países como Estados Unidos o Reino Unido llevan la delantera en esta materia, aunque en España se está empezando a regular a través de la asociación Autocontrol de la publicidad. El presente estudio analiza cómo un grupo de micro influencers de moda españoles en Instagram adoptan las exigencias actuales de regulación en sus publicaciones. Gracias a su estudio y teniendo en cuenta la actual legislación española, hemos podido observar que los micro instagramers de moda no incumplen la ley ya que tan solo se exige que los receptores de la información publicitaria queden «claramente informados de que están ante una pieza publicitaria, aunque sin que deba aparecer la palabra publicidad» (IAB Spain, 2016, p).At present, the lack of specific regulation and the ambiguity of the Spanish legislation mean that many instagramers do not feel obliged to mention that the content they publish contains adverts. In countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, this is strongly regulated. Regulation is beginning in Spain via the «Autocontrol de la publicidad» association. This study analyzes how a group of Spanish fashion micro-influencers adopt the current regulation re-quirements in their publications on Instagram. In our study, we have been able to observe that the fashion micro-instagramers do not break the law as it is only required that the public is informed that «they are in front of an advertis-ing piece.  The word ‘advert’ does not need to appear in the content. (IAB Spain, 2016)

    Effects of asymmetric dimethylarginine on renal arteries in portal hypertension and cirrhosis

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    AIM. To evaluate the effects of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) in renal arteries from portal hypertensive and cirrhotic rats. METHODS. Rat renal arteries from Sham (n = 15), pre-hepatic portal hypertension (PPVL; n = 15) and bile duct ligation and excision-induced cirrhosis (BDL; n = 15) were precontracted with norepinephrine, and additional contractions were induced with ADMA (10-6-10-3 mol/L), an endogenous inhibitor of nitric oxide (NO) synthase. Concentration-response curves to acetylcholine (1 × 10-9-3 × 10-6 mol/L) were determined in precontracted renal artery segments with norepinephrine in the absence and in the presence of ADMA. Kidneys were collected to determine the protein expression and activity of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH), an enzyme that catabolizes ADMA. RESULTS. In renal arteries precontracted with norepinephrine, ADMA caused endothelium-dependent contractions. The pD2 values to ADMA were similar in the Sham and PPVL groups (4.20 ± 0.08 and 4.11 ± 0.09, P > 0.05, respectively), but were lower than those of the BDL group (4.79 ± 0.16, P < 0.05). Acetylcholine-induced endothelium-dependent relaxation that did not differ, in terms of pD2 and maximal relaxation, among the 3 groups studied. Treatment with ADMA (3 × 10-4 mol/L) inhibited acetylcholine-induced relaxation in the 3 groups, but the inhibition was higher (P < 0.05) in the BDL group compared with that for the Sham and PPVL groups. The mRNA and protein expression of DDAH-1 were similar in kidneys from the three groups. Conversely, DDAH-2 expression was increased (P < 0.05) in PPVL and further enhanced (P < 0.05) in the BDL group. However, renal DDAH activity was significantly decreased in the BDL group. CONCLUSION. Cirrhosis increased the inhibitory effect of ADMA on basal- and induced-release of NO in renal arteries, and decreased DDAH activity in the kidney

    Incidental finding of rare hemoglobin: hemoglobin Bari in northeast Spain

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    Hemoglobin BariHemoglobina BariHemoglobina BariObjectives Cation exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is one of the techniques available for determining glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and also the method of choice for structural hemoglobinopathies screening. The objective of this case is to show how in a routine HbA1c test it is possible to incidentally find a hemoglobinopathy. Case presentation In a routine blood analysis, an abnormal value for the hemoglobin A2 (HbA2) was obtained during the study of HbA1c with HPLC on the ADAMS™ A1c HA-8180T. After suspecting it could be due to the presence of a hemoglobinopathy, the study of possible variants was expanded using electrophoresis and HPLC on the Hydrasys and Variant II analysers, respectively. Since it could not be identified by these conventional methods, a genetic study was also carried out using Sanger sequencing. The patient presented a low HbA2 (1.3 %) and a 24.9 % variant with a retention time of 1.95 min, compatible with alpha-globin chain variant. In the genetic study, the pathogenic variant c.138C>G was detected in the HbA 2 gene in heterozygosis, which resulted in the expression of the structural hemoglobinopathy known as hemoglobin Bari. Conclusions The initial screening for structural hemoglobinopathies allows its identification or suspicion especially when it was performed with HbA1c analysis, requiring subsequent confirmation and diagnosis by other techniques


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    Resumen: Se diseñó y validó una escala para obtener información sobre las prácticas paternas y los dominios específicos de interacción para la alfabetización sexual en hijos adolescentes. Se llevaron a cabo dos estudios, el primero para determinar el significado psicológico de diferentes prácticas paternas de socialización sexual y obtener una muestra de estos comportamientos específicos para la creación de ítems. Se utilizaron Redes Semánticas Naturales Modificadas en una muestra de 200 universitarios. El segundo estudio determinó la confiabilidad y validez del instrumento (26 ítems); se utilizó un muestreo aleatorio (n=690 universitarios) y a través del Análisis Factorial Exploratorio de Componentes Principales se determinaron tres factores que explican el 47.89 % de la varianza total y un coeficiente de consistencia interna global de 0.937. Se concluye que la escala es un instrumento válido para conocer las prácticas paternas y dominios de interacción desde donde los padres generan la alfabetización sexual en sus hijos.Abstract: A scale was designed and validated to obtain information about the paternal practices and the specific domains of interaction for sexual alphabetization in teenage children. Two studies were developed, the first one to determine the psychological meaning of different paternal practices of sexual socialization and to obtain a sample of these specific behaviors (n=200 college students) to create items. Modified Natural Semantic Networks were used. The second study determined the reliability and validity of the instrument (26 items); a random sampling was used (n=690 college students) and through the Factorial Exploratory Analysis of Principal Components, three factors were determined that explain the 47.89 % of the total variance and a 0.937 of global internal consistency coefficient. It was concluded that the scale is a valid instrument to know the paternal practices and the domains of interaction from where fathers generate the sexual alphabetization in their adolescents

    Analysis of the information about Doctoral Degrees presented in the Spanish universities websites.

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    Globalization has intensified competition, as evidenced by the growing number of international classification systems (rankings) and the attention paid to them. Doctoral education has an international character in itself. It should promote opportunities for graduate students lo participate in these international studies. The quality and competitiveness are two of the most important issues for universities. To promote the interest of graduates to continue their education after the graduate level, it would be necessary to improve the published information of ihe doctoral programs. It should increase the visibility and provide high-quality, easily accessible and comparable information which includes all the relevant aspects of these programs. The authors analysed the website contents of doctoral programs, it was observed a lack of quality of them and very poor information about the contents, so that it was decided that any of them could constitute a model for creating new websites. The recommendations on the format and contents in the web were made by a discussion group. They recommended an attractive design; a page with easy access to contents and easy to find on Ihe net and with the information in more than one language. It should include complete program and academic staff information. It should also be included the study's results which should be easily accessible and includes quantitative data, such as number of students who completed scholars, publications, research projects, average duration of the studies, etc. It will facilitate the choice of progra

    Funcionalidad familiar e influencia en el consumo de alcohol de estudiantes universitarios

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    Objective: To determine the family functionality and the influence of alcohol consumption within the family on the alcohol consumption of university students. Method: A descriptive quantitative cross-sectional study in a sample of n= 50 students from the health area. The confidentiality of the participants' data was ensured and the Family APGAR instrument was used to determine the student's perception of family functionality and the Alcohol use Disorder Identification Test Questionnaire to measure alcohol consumption. Frequency distributions were made for the qualitative variables and measures of central tendency and variability for the quantitative ones. Main results: The female gender prevailed 72%, the average age was 19.46 years of age (SD = ± 1.72), 48% of the students belonged to non-alcohol consuming families and 72% of the participants concerned highly functional families, 62% of the students were placed in the consumption of alcohol without risk and regarding the influence that alcohol consumption within the family has on student consumption, a greater tendency to have a safe alcohol consumption was observed when no family member is a consumer 36% (X2 = 14.19; p = 0.027). Overall conclusion: Parents play a very important role in promoting healthy or unhealthy behaviors, as young people try to imitate their behaviors.Objetivo: Determinar la funcionalidad familiar y la influencia que tiene el consumo de alcohol dentro de la familia en el consumo de alcohol de los estudiantes universitarios. Método: Tipo estudio descriptivo cuantitativo de corte transversal en una muestra de n= 50 estudiantes de del área de la salud. Se aseguró la confidencialidad de los datos de los participantes y se utilizó el instrumento APGAR Familiar para determinar la percepción del estudiante en cuestión a la funcionalidad familiar y para medir el consumo de alcohol el Cuestionario Alcohol se usó el Disorder Identification Test. Se realizaron distribuciones de frecuencia para las variables cualitativas y medidas de tendencia central y variabilidad para las cuantitativas. Resultados principales: Predominó el género femenino 72%, el promedio de edad fue de 19.46 años de edad (DE= ±1.72), 48% de los estudiantes pertenecieron a familias no consumidoras de alcohol y 72% de los participantes concernieron a familias muy funcionales, 62% de los estudiantes se ubicó en consumo de alcohol sin riesgo y respecto a la influencia que tiene el consumo de alcohol dentro de la familia en el consumo de los estudiantes se observó una mayor tendencia a tener un consumo de alcohol sin riesgo cuando ningún familiar es consumidor 36% (χ2= 14.19; p= 0.027). Conclusión general: Los padres juegan un papel muy importante en el fomento de conductas saludables o no saludables, dado que los jóvenes tratan de imitar sus comportamientos

    Aprendizaje virtual de las matemáticas utilizando distintas TICs

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    Proyecto para ayudar al estudiantado en el aprendizaje de las Matemáticas y promover su aprendizaje autónomo. Todo ello, con materiales más visuales como vídeos, píldoras educativas, clases en modo síncrono, ejemplos con GeoGebra y cuestionarios