83 research outputs found

    Psychological assessment of parents of people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and comparison with parents of people without psychological disorders

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    Background: To date, several evidence-based interventions have been created to help relatives of people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), but few studies have analyzed the clinical situation of the family members. The aim of this study was twofold: (1) to explore the clinical symptomatology in a sample of parents of people diagnosed with BPD and compare them with a sample of a sample of people without a relative with a personality disorder, (2) to explore whether the parents of people diagnosed with BPD have psychopathology related to personality disorders (PD) or meet the diagnostic criteria for PD. Method: Participants were 42 (39.6%) fathers and 64 (60.4%) were mothers and mothers (n = XX, −%) of people diagnosed with BPD, who were selected from a specialized PD unit for treatment. The sample of people without a relative with a PD was obtained from social network announcements. To test for differences between the two groups, Student’s t tests were performed for quantitative variables, and Chi-square tests were performed for categorical variables. Cohen’s d was calculated as a measure of the effect size. Results: Parents of people with BPD showed greater depressive and anxious symptomatology, higher levels of expressed emotion, and worse quality of life than the sample of people without a relative with a personality disorder. In addition, a high percentage of the parents of people diagnosed with BPD (50%) met the diagnostic criteria for different PD. Conclusion: Parents of people diagnosed with BPD may need psychological help in various aspects. Therapists are therefore advised to bear in mind the importance of carrying out a psychological assessment of family members and, if necessary, to offer psychological intervention. It is crucial to invite the family to be part of the treatment, since they can be part of the solution

    Ideas para el diseño del repositorio de la Red Teoría y Práctica de la Comunicación

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    En la pasada convocatoria de Redes, este grupo llevó a cabo una exhaustiva revisión sobre los estudios académicos que abordan la temática repositorio, centrando nuestra atención en los RICE (Repositorios Institucionales de Contenido Educativo). Mediante la información obtenida a través de este trabajo, el objetivo de la Red durante este año es observar y analizar diversos repositorios adscritos a materias universitarias que actualmente están en marcha con la finalidad de: observar su diseño y estructura; analizar qué contenido albergan y cómo; y elaborar una serie de guías que nos permitan tomar ideas e implementarlas en el diseño y creación del repositorio de las materias que componen la Red Teoría y Práctica de la Comunicación. Bajo este contexto, esta comunicación tiene como finalidad exponer el estudio y análisis de varios repositorios adscritos a materias de Grado de distintas universidades españolas, para poder extraer una serie de parámetros a seguir en la construcción del futuro repositorio de las materias Fundamentos de la Comunicación I, Fundamentos de la Comunicación II y Comunicación y Medios Escritos

    Characterizing major avalanche episodes in space and time in the twentieth and early twentyfirst centuries in the Catalan Pyrenees

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    With the aim of better understanding avalanche risk in the Catalan Pyrenees, the present work focuses on the analysis of major (or destructive) avalanches. For such purpose major avalanche cartography was made by an exhaustive photointerpretation of several flights, winter and summer field surveys and inquiries to local population. Major avalanche events were used to quantify the magnitude of the episodes during which they occurred, and a Major Avalanche Activity Magnitude Index (MAAMI) was developed. This index is based on the number of major avalanches registered and its estimated frequency in a given time period, hence it quantifies the magnitude of a major avalanche episode or winter. Furthermore, it permits a comparison of the magnitude between major avalanche episodes in a given mountain range, or between mountain ranges, and for a long enough period, it should allow analysis of temporal trends. Major episodes from winter 1995/96 to 2013/14 were reconstructed. Their magnitude, frequency and extent were also assessed. During the last 19 winters, the episodes of January 22-23 and February 6-8 in 1996 were those with highest MAAMI values,followed by January 30-31, 2003, January 29, 2006, and January 24-25, 2014. To analyze the whole twentieth century, a simplified MAAMI was defined in order to attain the same purpose with a less complete dataset. With less accuracy, the same parameters were obtained at winter time resolution throughout the twentieth century. Again, 1995/96 winter had the highest MAAMI value followed by 1971/72, 1974/75 and 1937/38 winter seasons. The analysis of the spatial extent of the different episodes allowed refining the demarcation of nivological regions, and improving our knowledge about the atmospheric patterns that cause major episodes and their climatic interpretation. In some cases, the importance of considering a major avalanche episode as the result of a previous preparatory period, followed by a triggering one was revealed

    Effect of dietary docosahexaenoic acid supplementation on the participation of vasodilator factors in aorta from orchidectomized rats

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    Benefits of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) against cardiovascular diseases have been reported. Vascular tone regulation is largely mediated by endothelial factors whose release is modulated by sex hormones. Since the incidence of cardiovascular pathologies has been correlated with decreased levels of sex hormones, the aim of this study was to analyze whether a diet supplemented with the specific PUFA docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) could prevent vascular changes induced by an impaired gonadal function. For this purpose, control and orchidectomized rats were fed with a standard diet supplemented with 5% (w/w) sunflower oil or with 3% (w/w) sunflower oil plus 2% (w/w) DHA. The lipid profile, the blood pressure, the production of prostanoids and nitric oxide (NO), and the redox status of biological samples from control and orchidectomized rats, fed control or DHA-supplemented diet, were analyzed. The vasodilator response and the contribution of NO, prostanoids and hyperpolarizing mechanisms were also studied. The results showed that orchidectomy negatively affected the lipid profile, increased the production of prostanoids and reactive oxygen species (ROS), and decreased NO production and the antioxidant capacity, as well as the participation of hyperpolarizing mechanisms in the vasodilator responses. The DHAsupplemented diet of the orchidectomized rats decreased the release of prostanoids and ROS, while increasing NO production and the antioxidant capacity, and it also improved the lipid profile. Additionally, it restored the participation of hyperpolarizing mechanisms by activating potassium. Since the modifications induced by the DHA-supplemented diet were observed in the orchidectomized, but not in the healthy group, DHA seems to exert cardioprotective effects in physiopathological situations in which vascular dysfunction existsThis study was supported by grants to MF from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (PI1100406), Comunidad de Madrid (S2013/ABI- 2783, “INSPIRA1-CM”), Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, and Centro de Estudios América Latina (Grupo Santander-UAM)

    Teoría y Práctica de la Comunicación

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    La Red de Innovación Docente Teoría y Práctica de la Comunicación tiene como objetivo este curso académico plantear el diseño y estructura del repositorio que albergue la bibliografía y materiales de interés docente de las materias Fundamentos de la Comunicación I y II y Comunicación y Medios Escritos (asignaturas de primero de Grado de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas). Este trabajo explica las tareas desarrolladas para llevar a cabo los objetivos propuestos por la Red para este curso. Dichas tareas se estructuran bajo el siguiente esquema de trabajo: 1) Ampliar la revisión de la literatura sobre la temática repositorios (tipología, características y ventajas de su uso) comenzada el año anterior. 2) Observar y analizar diversos repositorios adscritos a materias universitarias que actualmente están en marcha 3) Analizar qué contenido albergan y cómo, diseño y estructura y 4) Elaborar una serie de guías que nos permitan tomar ideas e implementarlas en el diseño y creación del repositorio de las materias que componen la Red

    Natural feed after weaning improves the reproductive status of Solea senegalensis breeders

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of long term natural feeding in the subsequent reproductive status of 4 years old cultured Solea senegalensis, and to determine if the potential changes were structural or feeding dependent. To this aim, two different feeding regimes were used from one year after weaning and during the following 3 years; 1) a commercial dry food diet and 2) a natural feeding regime. After this period, the proportion of fluent males and the evolution of maturity stages of females over a breeding season were studied. A complete sperm quality analysis assessment was carried out, including individual volumes, motility, density and curvilinear, rectilinear and mean velocities of spermatozoa. Moreover, viability and apoptosis indexes were analyzed as indicator of molecular sperm membrane integrity. Additionally, a morphological characterization of the testes during the spawning season was conducted. Finally, both groups were fed with the same commercial pellets during one year to evaluate the effect of the diet of previous years on sperm quality. The results of this study showed how feeding can improve not only sperm quality and quantity, but also the proportion of fluent males and females in advanced maturity stages. All the sperm quality parameters resulted significantly higher in the group fed with a natural diet. Moreover, the number of apoptotic cells was significantly higher in the group fed with a commercial diet. According to the morphological features of the testes, the animals fed with a natural diet presented more basal position, less protuberances and irregular edges when compared with the animals fed with commercial diet. Interestingly, the progression of the spermatogenesis determined by the proportion of germ cells and the production of spermatozoa determined by the wider of the ducts system was also significantly larger in the natural diet group. After the standardization of the diets, mean volume per male and production of total motile cells were sig- nificantly higher in the group that was previously fed a natural diet, confirming structural improvements.Versión del editor2,04

    Conclusiones finales del 1er Congreso Internacional sobre Desarrollo Personal en la Formación Inicial del Docente

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    El estudio que presentamos forma parte del proyecto de investigación “La formación ética docente de los futuros profesionales de los grados de Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria como elemento de selección: diagnóstico y análisis, (PID2021-129018NB-I00)”, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa. El estudio también forma parte del proyecto titulado “El desarrollo personal en la formación inicial del docente: la empatía del estudiantado y del profesorado”, que ha sido financiado con cargo a la ayuda P20-00698 concedida por la Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía y por FEDER, Una manera de Hacer Europa.Ser docente en el siglo XXI requiere desempeñar funciones, algunas similares y otras diferentes, a las de los siglos que nos han precedido, para las que hemos de formarnos y formar. El papel del nuevo docente ya no es únicamente ser “transmisor de conocimientos”, sino que le toca ser “una persona comprometida y transformadora”, capaz de enseñar de forma crítica, así como conseguir que su alumnado aprenda a convivir y a ser un ciudadano responsable en la sociedad. Este documento recoge las conclusiones finales en torno a cuatro interrogantes: ¿Qué perfil docente exige la sociedad del siglo XXI?; ¿Son las habilidades blandas una necesidad formativa global?; ¿Deberíamos poner el foco en la entrada o en la salida de la formación inicial?; ¿Con el diseño de los planes de estudios de los grados actuales, podemos afrontar los retos que exige la Agenda 2030?P20_00698PID2021-129018NB-100 financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDE

    Hábitos orales, un abordaje interdisciplinar

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    PublishedEl Programa de Fonoaudiología de la Universidad Santiago de Cali, ofrece a los estudiantes y profesionales de fonoaudiología el presente libro de texto; en él encontrarán una serie de planteamientos y orientaciones para el trabajo de la fonoaudiología en la especialidad de terapia miofuncional orofacial. El libro inicia con la contextualización histórica de la profesión de la fonoaudiología en el mundo, Latinoamérica y en Colombia, para posteriormente integrar la historia de la terapia y motricidad orofacial en los mismos ámbitos; al mismo tiempo describe los inicios de la terapia miofuncional de la mano del desarrollo de la profesión de odontología

    Nutrición parenteral domiciliaria en España, 2019: informe del Grupo de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria NADYA

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    RESUMEN Objetivo: comunicar los datos de nutrición parenteral domiciliaria (NPD) obtenidos del registro del grupo NADYA-SENPE (www.nadyasenpe.com) del año 2019. Material y métodos: análisis descriptivo de los datos recogidos de pacientes adultos y pediátricos con NPD en el registro NADYA-SENPE desde el 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2019. Resultados: se registraron 283 pacientes (51,9 %, mujeres), 31 niños y 252 adultos procedentes de 47 hospitales españoles, lo que representa una tasa de prevalencia de 6,01 pacientes/millón de habitantes/año 2019. El diagnóstico más frecuente en los adultos fue “oncológico paliativo” y “otros” (21,0 %). En los niños fue la enfermedad de Hirschsprung junto a la enterocolitis necrotizante, las alteraciones de la motilidad intestinal y la pseudoobstrucción intestinal crónica, con 4 casos cada uno (12,9 %). El primer motivo de indicación fue el síndrome del intestino corto tanto en los niños (51,6 %) como en los adultos (37,3 %). El tipo de catéter más utilizado fue el tunelizado tanto en los niños (75,9 %) como en los adultos (40,8 %). Finalizaron 68 episodios, todos en adultos: la causa más frecuente fue el fallecimiento (54,4 %). Pasaron a la vía oral el 38,2 %. Conclusiones: el número de centros y profesionales colaboradores con el registro NADYA va incrementándose. Se mantienen estables las principales indicaciones y los motivos de finalización de la NPD