981 research outputs found

    Creatividad y nuevas tecnologías: Las claves de la cultura emprendedora. El papel de la universidad en la formación de intelectuales con espíritu emprendedor

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    Vivimos en una sociedad azotada por una fuerte depresión económica y, lo que es más preocupante, una crisis de ideas y valores. Las respuestas tomadas desde los poderes públicos a esta situación, como recortes o contención, no han servido para resolver los problemas sino para poner en jaque la idea de un estado del bienestar, de naturaleza social, que trata de mitigar las desigualdades entre sus ciudadanos. Precisamente por este motivo se hace necesario buscar una solución más compleja y a largo plazo. Una estrategia que apueste de forma decidida y sin complejos por la educación, la investigación y la creatividad como ejes vertebradores de las diferentes políticas de recuperación. Una nueva universidad que tenga como fin principal formar ciudadanos con competencias intra e interpersonales, partícipes de una cultura emprendedora que permita dar respuestas a los problemas actuales y a los nuevos que se presentarán en el futuro. Nuevos modelos que generen ideas creativas e innovadoras encaminadas a la creación de empleo de calidad, incrementen el bienestar de los ciudadanos, ampliando sus espacios de participación activa, de comunicación y expresión, y construyendo una sociedad más equilibrada, presidida por la idea de justicia social, donde cobren importancia los valores del compromiso emocional, racional y ético, y que gestione la diversidad como una fuente de riqueza.We live in a society plagued by a severe economic depression and, more worryingly, a crisis of ideas and values. Answers taken from the public authorities to this situation, as cuts or containment, have failed to solve the problems but to jeopardize the idea of a welfare state, social nature, which seeks to mitigate inequalities among its citizens. Precisely for this reason it is necessary to seek a more complex and long-term solution. A strategy to bet decisively without complex for education, research and creativity as backbones of the different recovery policies. A new university that has as main purpose to educate citizens intra and interpersonal skills, participants in an entrepreneurial culture that allows to respond to current and new problems that arise in the future. New models that generate creative and innovative aimed at creating quality employment ideas, increase the welfare of citizens, expanding their areas of active participation, communication and expression, and building a more balanced society, dominated by the idea of social justice where gain importance values emotional, rational and ethical commitment, and to manage diversity as a source of wealth

    Enhancing organizational performance with social media use: the catalysing effect of corporate entrepreneurship

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    Social Media use has become pervasive and firms are increasingly relying on it, not only to relate to customers, but also to leverage internal processes like innovation. The strategic use of these tools can facilitate also the entrepreneurial orientation of the firm, as it provides useful knowledge which can make the firm more entrepreneurial, stimulating it to find new opportunities or innovative ideas where other companies do not recognize them. However, despite the relevance of the phenomenon in current hyper-competitive environments, empirical research on the topic remains scarce. To shed some light on the issue, the main purpose of the paper is to examine how Social Media use impacts the different dimensions of corporate entrepreneurship (new business venturing, innovativeness, proactiveness and self-renewal), enhancing also organizational performance. The study is intended to extend knowledge on this topic, by providing understanding of the path firms should take to benefit from Social Media use to become more entrepreneurial and achieve higher organizational performance, developing and nurturing competitive advantages. The paper analyses data obtained from a sample of 201 technological firms located in Spain. The methodology used is Structural equation modelling with LISREL analysis. Findings confirms how the use of Social Media tools positively impacted all the different dimensions of corporate entrepreneurship, translating also in enhanced performance. This paper contributes to the literature by empirically confirming in a structural model how Social Media use helps to create business value, by enhancing proactive behaviours, promoting strategic renewal inside the firm and increasing innovativeness and new business venturing and displaying the internal and sequential relationships among these dimensions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Analysis of the influence of the environment, stakeholder integration capability, absorptive capacity, and technological skills on organizational performance through corporate entrepreneurship.

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    This research seeks to analyze how factors such as the environment, stakeholder integration capability, absorptive capacity, and technological skills influence corporate entrepreneurship, and the repercussions of corporate entrepreneurship for the organization’s results. The hypotheses are tested empirically using a sample of 160 European technology firms. A positive relationship is found between the factors of the environment and stakeholder integration capability, and corporate entrepreneurship. The uncertainty and complexity of the environment in which the organization operates and its relationship with stakeholders require the firm to be involved in constant updating, collaboration between parties, and innovation of processes, products, and system to maintain competitive advantage. Further, the capacity to absorb new knowledge and develop technological skills can generate new, advanced technological processes. These processes foster corporate entrepreneurship to detect opportunities on the market and transform them into additional advantage over competitors. Corporate entrepreneurship increases organizational performance, as it entrusts entrepreneurs with the task of utilizing potentially value-creating resources more effectively than competitors.Excellence Research Projects P08- SEJ-04057 from the Andalusian Regional GovernmentExcellence Research Projects P11-SEJ-7988 from the Andalusian Regional GovernmentProjects ECO2009-09241 from the Spanish Ministry of Innovation.Projects ECO2012-31780 from the Spanish Ministry of Innovation

    Do social networks and technological capabilities help knowledge management?

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    Dynamic capabilities are currently becoming an important extension of the theory of resources and capabilities that enables companies to adapt better in the current competitive environment. This paper examines how knowledge management, a dynamic function related to management or administration of a set of knowledge flows, develops thanks to the greater dynamism of social networks. It then shows how this relationship is especially strengthened by different technological capabilities. To achieve these goals, the paper examines the main tools that permit companies to develop an ability to achieve competitive advantage relative to the technological capabilities of managers and workers, social networks and knowledge management

    Creativity as a tool for understanding education. The role of creativity as a catalyst for educational transformation

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    The study proposes a theoretical framework for constructing a new perspective on Education based on the advances stemming from creativity research. In the first part of the research, we present a theoretical framework that allows us to rigorously approach the concept of creativity from an educational perspective. In the social framework, we look at the creative contexts needed in the teaching and learning process. We propose a model of educational context that responds to the needs of students. Finally, we propose the didactic framework, which addresses the new challenges and challenges of this education.El estudio plantea un marco teórico para construir una nueva perspectiva de la Educación apoyada en los avances provenientes de la investigación en creatividad. En la primera parte de la investigación presentamos un marco teórico que nos permita aproximarnos rigurosamente al concepto de creatividad desde una perspectiva educativa. En el marco social, estudiamos los contextos creativos que se necesitan en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Proponemos un modelo de contexto educativo que dé respuesta a las necesidades del alumnado. Por último, planteamos el marco didáctico, donde se abordan los nuevos retos y desafíos de esta la educación

    Contactos Sociales y Orientación Estratégica: algunas implicaciones para la RSC

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    Las redes sociales de los directivos suelen tener un claro reflejo en las decisiones estratégicas que guían a la firma a la hora de actuar. Éstas proporcionan alternativas y ayudan a conformar los marcos de referencia que se utilizan en la toma de decisiones. Todo ello influye en el tipo de orientación estratégica de la organización y por tanto, en el nivel de responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) que se desprende de las acciones directivas. Esto es debido a que los grupos de interés que forman parte de las mismas van a tener más probabilidades de ver cumplidas sus expectativas dependiendo del posicionamiento estratégico elegido finalmente por la empresa. Por todo esto, la propia estructura de la red que envuelve al directivo, que en este caso es estudiada desde dos de sus dimensiones, como son: la fortaleza (calidad) y la diversidad (cantidad) de los nexos que unen y conforman la red; puede condicionar definitivamente la orientación y el comportamiento estratégico y social de la organización. Cuanto mayor es el nivel de relaciones sociales, se suelen adoptar posicionamientos estratégicos más proactivos con mayor grado de desarrollo de ciertos principios de su RSC

    Optimización temporal de las señales automáticas proporcionadas por indicadores técnicos bursátiles

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    [EN] Stock exchange indicators deliver buy/sell signals that enable analysts to improve the results of a strategy based strictly on fundamental analysis. Nonetheless, since the automatic implementation of signals as they appear may not yield optimal returns, the present paper analysed the suitability of using a series of technical indicators as guidance for portfolio results. A second aim pursued was to study how delaying the implementation of indicator signals may enhance profitability. A simulation was performed for the years 2005-2016 using the most representative index for the Spanish stock exchange, the IBEX35 and all its constituent securities, along with seven indicators (RoC, RSI, SMA, EMA, MACD, Bollinger bands and Stochastic Oscillator) and a total of 81 combinations of buy/sell lag times. The definition of three non-overlapping sub-periods to guarantee the reliability of the findings yielded a total of 61 236 simulated portfolios. The conclusion drawn from the results was that for certain combinations of indicators, delaying the implementation of buy/sell signals improves returns. More specifically, optimal lag times identified for RSI and EMA signals were shown to deliver statistically significant improvements in portfolio returns, irrespective of the period studied. Those findings were consistent the results of an alternative simulation in which the five securities that were both the most liquid and had the greatest impact on the index were not considered, to rule out the possible effect of the relative weight of securities on either portfolio returns or their normalisation.[ES] Los indicadores técnicos bursátiles transmiten al analista señales de compra/venta que, en el caso de ser ejecutadas en el momento de producirse, podrían no ser óptimas desde el punto de vista del resultado de la operación. El objetivo del presente trabajo es doble. En primer lugar, analizar la idoneidad del seguimiento de una batería de indicadores para la obtención de resultados en una cartera. En segundo lugar, estudiar cómo la introducción de retardos temporales entre las señales de los indicadores y la ejecución de las operaciones puede mejorar el resultado de la misma. Se ha realizado una simulación, para el intervalo 2005-2016, con 35 títulos y un índice, sobre 7 indicadores técnicos bursátiles (ROC, RSI, Cruce SMA, Cruce EMA, MACD, Bandas de Bollinger y oscilador estocástico) y un total de 81 combinaciones de retardos de compra/venta. La definición del modelo y la división en tres periodos no solapados genera un total de 61.236 carteras. Los resultados permiten concluir que existen combinaciones de indicador y retardos de compra/venta que proporcionan mejores resultados que la ejecución inmediata de la señal. Concretamente, se identifican retardos óptimos para RSI y cruce EMA que producen mejoras estadísticamente significativas en el resultado de una cartera de valores, independientemente del periodo estudiado. Estos resultados son consistentes con una simulación alternativa en la que se excluyó a los cinco activos más líquidos y de mayor capitalización, para descartar el posible efecto generado por el peso relativo de los valores en la rentabilidad de la cartera o en su normalización

    Exploiting semantic segmentation to boost reinforcement learning in video game environments

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    In this work we explore enhancing performance of reinforcement learning algorithms in video game environments by feeding it better, more relevant data. For this purpose, we use semantic segmentation to transform the images that would be used as input for the reinforcement learning algorithm from their original domain to a simplified semantic domain with just silhouettes and class labels instead of textures and colors, and then we train the reinforcement learning algorithm with these simplified images. We have conducted different experiments to study multiple aspects: feasibility of our proposal, and potential benefits to model generalization and transfer learning. Experiments have been performed with the Super Mario Bros video game as the testing environment. Our results show multiple advantages for this method. First, it proves that using semantic segmentation enables reaching higher performance than the baseline reinforcement learning algorithm without modifying the actual algorithm, and in fewer episodes; second, it shows noticeable performance improvements when training on multiple levels at the same time; and finally, it allows to apply transfer learning for models trained on visually different environments. We conclude that using semantic segmentation can certainly help reinforcement learning algorithms that work with visual data, by refining it. Our results also suggest that other computer vision techniques may also be beneficial for data prepossessing. Models and code will be available on github upon acceptanceOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work is part of the preliminary tasks related to the Harvesting Visual Data (HVD) project (PID2021- 125051OB-I00) funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacin of the Spanish Governmen

    Consideraciones éticas acerca de la prescripción farmacéutica

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    En el marco del uso racional de los medicamentos podemos diferenciar tres puntos críticos, con unos actores responsables de su papel principal: la prescripción, responsabilidad principal del médico; la dispensación, tarea del farmacéutico, y la utilización, cuyo protagonista es el paciente bien informado, aunque tiene como actores secundarios a los profesionales de la salud, los farmacéuticos y ayudantes de farmacia e, incluso, la cultura popular y las campañas publicitarias de tipo sanitario o promocional, auspiciadas por las autoridades sanitarias en un caso y por la industria farmacéutica en el otro1. Los problemas éticos relacionados con este tema son múltiples. Se han seleccionado tres preguntas que aluden a dos de las posibles fuentes de inducción: la industria farmacéutica; los pacientes y la presión mediática. Además se de respuesta a un tema polémico como es la objeción de conciencia en relación con la libertad de prescripción

    Business Intelligence: An Innovative Technological Way to Influence Corporate Entrepreneurship

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    Adaptation to dynamism and complex environments in today’s Knowledge Society is key for firms to survive and improve their positions. This paper applies business intelligence (BI) to the firm to shape its organizational design and improve its performance. The paper also relates business intelligence to organizational performance management through organizational learning (OL), knowledge management (KM) and the technological competencies of the company’s employees and managers. Theoretical study of the main current research serves as the basis for the development of several propositions to fill the gaps in knowledge of business intelligence. Finally, the paper presents conclusions about application of business intelligence in firms