11 research outputs found

    Platform of Citizen Interaction: the contribution to the governability of New TIC´s and Citizen Relational Management

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    Understanding "governability" as an interaction process among government and society, the New Technologies of Information and Communications (NTICs) can contribute as a strategy of improvement and conversion in the type of communication between both actors. This article introduces concepts referred to Customer Relationship Management applications turned into Citizen Relationship Management tools. The plus of a modeling of the multiplatforms functionalities that this solution offers and a protocol of implementation and system migration is a step forward in the achievement of obtaining an electronic government with civil democratic interaction and transparency in the management. The idea of a Platform of Citizen Interaction that auspice as a repository of the communication between public and civil entities allows having a unique and centralized database capable of being segmented of different ways to attend to a great diversity of subject matters.VIII Workshop Innovación en Sistemas de Software (WISS).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Platform of Citizen Interaction: the contribution to the governability of New TIC´s and Citizen Relational Management

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    Understanding "governability" as an interaction process among government and society, the New Technologies of Information and Communications (NTICs) can contribute as a strategy of improvement and conversion in the type of communication between both actors. This article introduces concepts referred to Customer Relationship Management applications turned into Citizen Relationship Management tools. The plus of a modeling of the multiplatforms functionalities that this solution offers and a protocol of implementation and system migration is a step forward in the achievement of obtaining an electronic government with civil democratic interaction and transparency in the management. The idea of a Platform of Citizen Interaction that auspice as a repository of the communication between public and civil entities allows having a unique and centralized database capable of being segmented of different ways to attend to a great diversity of subject matters.VIII Workshop Innovación en Sistemas de Software (WISS).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    CiRM tools and new TICs as a support of Electronic Government

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    Las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, combinadas con la aplicación de herramientas de Customer Relationship Management al ámbito de la administración pública (Citizen Relationship Management) pueden convertirse en una interesante combinación para el sostenimiento de la gestión cimentada en el Gobierno Electrónico. Estas tecnologías permiten, si hay voluntad política de lograrlo, escuchar la voz de la ciudadanía, interactuando mediante plataformas multicanales que permiten rápido acceso, flexibilidad y capacidad de seguimiento, sin importar la vía de ingreso.Fil: Larrosa, Mónica Irene. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.Fil: Pepe, María Laura. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.Fil: Gabay, Gabriela Patricia. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.Fil: Molina, Carlos. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.Fil. Paradela, Carlos. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.Fil: Crocco, Carla. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina

    Platform of Citizen Interaction: the contribution to the governability of New TIC´s and Citizen Relational Management

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    Understanding "governability" as an interaction process among government and society, the New Technologies of Information and Communications (NTICs) can contribute as a strategy of improvement and conversion in the type of communication between both actors. This article introduces concepts referred to Customer Relationship Management applications turned into Citizen Relationship Management tools. The plus of a modeling of the multiplatforms functionalities that this solution offers and a protocol of implementation and system migration is a step forward in the achievement of obtaining an electronic government with civil democratic interaction and transparency in the management. The idea of a Platform of Citizen Interaction that auspice as a repository of the communication between public and civil entities allows having a unique and centralized database capable of being segmented of different ways to attend to a great diversity of subject matters.VIII Workshop Innovación en Sistemas de Software (WISS).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Herramienta de soporte para la toma de decisiones en PyMES de Matanza

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    Dada la necesidad de los pequeños emprendedores de contar con herramientas accesibles y simples que faciliten el diagnóstico situacional de su emprendimiento, considerando las características propias de su actividad y teniendo en cuenta que siempre resulta necesario establecer las prioridades para la realización de la reforma organizacional, es así que desarrollamos este trabajo de investigación procurando responder a la necesidad manifiesta. Basándonos en el estudio de la situación de competitividad y sustentabilidad de las Pymes en la zona de La Matanza y sus alrededores, formulado como proyecto interno C-113, analizamos las respuestas de autoevaluación presentadas por las compañías para luego perfeccionar la encuesta, validar el modelo y elaborar un algoritmo que ponderando las respuestas por su impacto sobre los resultados finales, oriente a las empresas en cuanto a las prioridades reales en la implementación del plan de acciones para la mejora emergente. Considerando lo antedicho, se trabajó para identificar las variables de mayor impacto (de éxito) en la evolución de los emprendimientos relevados (agrupados por rubro tecnológico), para luego identificar y analizar las variables correspondientes a las respuestas de mayor impacto en el resultado final. Finalmente, se planteó un algoritmo de análisis agrupando las respuestas por temas en común y se les asignó un “índice de valoración ponderada” para el cálculo del estado de situación de la compañía frente a sus necesidades reales.Fil: Doberti, Juan Ignacio. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.Fil: Romanelli, Graciela Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.Fil: Dioguardi, Javier. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.Fil: Hernández, Carlos. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.Fil: Gabay, Gabriela Patricia. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.Fil: Padovano, Silvana Lorena. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.Fil: Crocco, Carla. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina.Fil: Ramírez, Sebastián. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; Argentina

    Oral Abstracts 7: RA ClinicalO37. Long-Term Outcomes of Early RA Patients Initiated with Adalimumab Plus Methotrexate Compared with Methotrexate Alone Following a Targeted Treatment Approach

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    Background: This analysis assessed, on a group level, whether there is a long-term advantage for early RA patients treated with adalimumab (ADA) + MTX vs those initially treated with placebo (PBO) + MTX who either responded to therapy or added ADA following inadequate response (IR). Methods: OPTIMA was a 78- week, randomized, controlled trial of ADA + MTX vs PBO + MTX in MTX-naïve early (<1 year) RA patients. Therapy was adjusted at week 26: ADA + MTX-responders (R) who achieved DAS28 (CRP) <3.2 at weeks 22 and 26 (Period 1, P1) were re-randomized to withdraw or continue ADA and PBO + MTX-R continued randomized therapy for 52 weeks (P2); IR-patients received open-label (OL) ADA + MTX during P2. This post hoc analysis evaluated the proportion of patients at week 78 with DAS28 (CRP) <3.2, HAQ-DI <0.5, and/or ΔmTSS ≤0.5 by initial treatment. To account for patients who withdrew ADA during P2, an equivalent proportion of R was imputed from ADA + MTX-R patients. Results: At week 26, significantly more patients had low disease activity, normal function, and/or no radiographic progression with ADA + MTX vs PBO + MTX (Table 1). Differences in clinical and functional outcomes disappeared following additional treatment, when PBO + MTX-IR (n = 348/460) switched to OL ADA + MTX. Addition of OL ADA slowed radiographic progression, but more patients who received ADA + MTX from baseline had no radiographic progression at week 78 than patients who received initial PBO + MTX. Conclusions: Early RA patients treated with PBO + MTX achieved comparable long-term clinical and functional outcomes on a group level as those who began ADA + MTX, but only when therapy was optimized by the addition of ADA in PBO + MTX-IR. Still, ADA + MTX therapy conferred a radiographic benefit although the difference did not appear to translate to an additional functional benefit. Disclosures: P.E., AbbVie, Merck, Pfizer, UCB, Roche, BMS—Provided Expert Advice, Undertaken Trials, AbbVie—AbbVie sponsored the study, contributed to its design, and participated in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data, and in the writing, reviewing, and approval of the final version. R.F., AbbVie, Pfizer, Merck, Roche, UCB, Celgene, Amgen, AstraZeneca, BMS, Janssen, Lilly, Novartis—Research Grants, Consultation Fees. S.F., AbbVie—Employee, Stocks. A.K., AbbVie, Amgen, AstraZeneca, BMS, Celgene, Centocor-Janssen, Pfizer, Roche, UCB—Research Grants, Consultation Fees. H.K., AbbVie—Employee, Stocks. S.R., AbbVie—Employee, Stocks. J.S., AbbVie, Amgen, AstraZeneca, BMS, Celgene, Centocor-Janssen, GlaxoSmithKline, Lilly, Pfizer (Wyeth), MSD (Schering-Plough), Novo-Nordisk, Roche, Sandoz, UCB—Research Grants, Consultation Fees. R.V., AbbVie, BMS, GlaxoSmithKline, Human Genome Sciences, Merck, Pfizer, Roche, UCB Pharma—Consultation Fees, Research Support. Table 1.Week 78 clinical, functional, and radiographic outcomes in patients who received continued ADA + MTX vs those who continued PBO + MTX or added open-label ADA following an inadequate response ADA + MTX, n/N (%)a PBO + MTX, n/N (%)b Outcome Week 26 Week 52 Week 78 Week 26 Week 52 Week 78 DAS28 (CRP) <3.2 246/466 (53) 304/465 (65) 303/465 (65) 139/460 (30)*** 284/460 (62) 300/460 (65) HAQ-DI <0.5 211/466 (45) 220/466 (47) 224/466 (48) 150/460 (33)*** 203/460 (44) 208/460 (45) ΔmTSS ≤0.5 402/462 (87) 379/445 (86) 382/443 (86) 330/459 (72)*** 318/440 (72)*** 318/440 (72)*** DAS28 (CRP) <3.2 + ΔmTSS ≤0.5 216/462 (47) 260/443 (59) 266/443 (60) 112/459 (24)*** 196/440 (45) 211/440 (48)*** DAS28 (CRP) <3.2 + HAQ-DI <0.5 + ΔmTSS ≤0.5 146/462 (32) 168/443 (38) 174/443 (39) 82/459 (18)*** 120/440 (27)*** 135/440 (31)** aIncludes patients from the ADA Continuation (n = 105) and OL ADA Carry On (n = 259) arms, as well as the proportional equivalent number of responders from the ADA Withdrawal arm (n = 102). bIncludes patients from the MTX Continuation (n = 112) and Rescue ADA (n = 348) arms. Last observation carried forward: DAS28 (CRP) and HAQ-DI; Multiple imputations: ΔmTSS. ***P < 0.001 and **iP < 0.01, respectively, for differences between initial treatments from chi-squar

    Reseña de libro de Javier Augusto Nicoletti -coordinador- “Desafíos en Educación Superior”

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    El libro Desafíos en Educación Superior presenta aportes de investigadores pertenecientes a Universidades de Argentina, Ecuador, España y Brasil. La multiplicidad de perspectivas referidas a los desafíos que se presentan en la educación superior de hoy en día se visualizan en los capítulos del texto, dando cuenta de la pertinencia de los mismos en función de las realidades locales y globales. En esta reseña se sintetizan los aspectos centrales de los capítulos presentando los principales desafíos planteados en cada uno

    El Presupuesto Universitario en Contextos Macroeconómicos Inestables: el Caso Argentino en el Período 1993-2019

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    El objetivo principal de este artículo es describir el vínculo en el que se ha desarrollado la política presupuestaria de las universidades con el contexto macroeconómico del país en el período 1993-2019 y explicar las herramientas que han utilizado las distintas casas de estudios para hacer frente a las dificultades encontradas. Para ello se ha realizado un relevamiento de la información cuantitativa más relevante de los indicadores económicos con efectos sobre el sector público (inflación, tipo de cambio, tasas de interés, producto bruto, aumentos salariales) y de los presupuestos del sistema universitario. De este modo, se expone la relación entre las diferentes variables del marco económico con el devenir del presupuesto de las casas de altos estudios