185 research outputs found

    Transient and long-term antioxidant gene responses in Medicago truncatula following application of exogenous nitric oxide

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    Nitric oxide (NO) is a bioactive molecule involved in many biological events that has been reported to act as both a prooxidant and an antioxidant in plants. Several reports exist which investigate the protective action of low (f.lM) concentrations of sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a NO donor. It is now commonly accepted that NO acts as a signal molecule in plants possibly playing a role to induce/stabilize the expression of many antioxidant enzymes. This study attempts to provide novel insight into the effect of application of exogenous NO on transient and long-term antioxidant gene expression levels in the model plant Medicago truncatula following inhibition studies and a quantitative real-time peR approach. Our data suggest that exogenous NO leads to a transient (3hour) induction of several antioxidant genes examined including A ox, Apx and Cat, while expression levels appear to decline after 24 hours. NO- and ROS-dependent signalling pathways were detected to operate and differentially affect induction of the different antioxidant genes. Our data suggest that Cat expression is not affected directly by NO or ROS-signalling cascades. Aox induction by NO is affected by NO- and ROS-dependent signalling pathways while Apx induction by NO has NO-dependent but not ROS-dependent signalling components

    Effects of polyamines on the expression of antioxidant genes and proteins in citrus plants exposed to salt stress

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    Although there are accumulating reports that polyamines are involved in abiotic/oxidative stress responses, their role is not yet fully understood. Salt stress is one of the most devastating abiotic stresses which seriously interrupt plant growth and productivity. The present study attempts to examine the effects of root treatments with putrescine (Put, I mM), spermidine (Spd, ImM) and spermine (Spm, ImM) on polyamine homeostasis, as well as on several antioxidant-related genes and proteins in the leaves of citrus plants (Citrus aurantium L.) exposed to 150 mM NaCI for 15 d. Analysis of endogenous levels of free polyarnines in NaCl-stressed plant tissues reveals the existence of a polyamine transport system from roots to leaves. Real-time analysis of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) showed an over-accumulation of superoxide anion (02) and hydrogen peroxide (H202) in the stomata of citrus plants exposed to salt stress. Exogenously applied polyamines to salinized nutrient solution induced the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR), dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) and ascrobic oxidase (AO) whereas it caused the opposite effect on peroxidase (POD), guaiacol peroxidase (GPO D) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX). The effect of polyamines was further examined by determining the plant's antioxidant gene expression profile following a quantitative real-time RT-PCR approach. The overall results indicate that the interaction between different polyamines can be dispersed throughout the citrus plant, and provide additional information suggesting that polyamines may act as a biological mediator allowing citrus plants to activate specific antioxidant responses against salinit

    First principles study on the segregation of metallic solutes and non-metallic impurities in Cu grain boundary

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    Metallic dopants have the potential to increase the mechanical strength of polycrystalline metals. These elements are expected to aggregate in regions of lower coordination, such as grain boundaries. At the grain boundaries, they can have a beneficial (toughening) or detrimental effect (e.g. grain boundary embrittlement). In this study, we employ Density Functional Theory (DFT) to compute the segregation energies of various metallic and other non-metallic elements to determine their effect when introduced in a symmetric Cu grain boundary. The study results may be used to qualitatively rank the beneficial effect of certain metallic elements, such as V, Zr, and Ag, as well as the strong weakening effect of non-metallic impurities like O, S, F and P. Furthermore, the induced local distortion is found to be proportional to the weakening effect of the elements

    Using learning design as a framework for supporting the design and reuse of OER

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    The paper will argue that adopting a learning design methodology may provide a vehicle for enabling better design and reuse of Open Educational Resources (OERs). It will describe a learning design methodology, which is being developed and implemented at the Open University in the UK. The aim is to develop a 'pick and mix' learning design toolbox of different resources and tools to help designers/teachers make informed decisions about creating new or adapting existing learning activities. The methodology is applicable for designers/teachers designing in a traditional context – such as creation of materials as part of a formal curriculum, but also has value for those wanting to create OERs or adapt and repurpose existing OERs. With the increasing range of OERs now available through initiatives as part of the Open Courseware movement, we believe that methodologies, such as the one we describe in this paper, which can help guide reuse and adaptation will become increasingly important and arguably are an important aspect of ensuring longer term sustainability and uptake of OERs. Our approach adopts an empirically based approach to understanding and representing the design process. This includes a range of evaluation studies (capturing of case studies, interviews with designers/teachers, in-depth course evaluation and focus groups/workshops), which are helping to develop our understanding of how designers/teachers go about creating new learning activities. Alongside this we are collating an extensive set of tools and resources to support the design process, as well as developing a new Learning Design tool that helps teachers articulate and represent their design ideas. The paper will describe how we have adapted a mind mapping and argumentation tool, Compendium, for this purpose and how it is being used to help designers and teachers create and share learning activities. It will consider how initial evaluation of the use of the tool for learning design has been positive; users report that the tool is easy to use and helps them organise and articulate their learning designs. Importantly the tool also enables them to share and discuss their thinking about the design process. However it is also clear that visualising the design process is only one aspect of design, which is complex and multi-faceted

    Involvement of polyamine metabolism in the response of Medicago truncatula genotypes to salt stress

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    Salinity constitutes one of the most important causes leading to severe reduction in plant yield. Several reports correlate the accumulation of polyamines in plants with tolerance to abiotic stress cues. The present study examined three Medicago truncatula genotypes with differing sensitivities to salinity (TN1.11, tolerant; Jemalong A17, moderately sensitive; TN6.18, sensitive), with the aim of examining the genotype-specific involvement of the polyamine metabolic pathway in plant response to salinity. The study was carried out with leaves harvested 48 h after watering plants with 200 mM NaCl. A comprehensive profile of free polyamines was determined using high performance liquid chromatography. All genotypes showed spermidine and spermine as the most abundant polyamines under control conditions. In salinity conditions, spermine levels increased at the expense of putrescine and spermidine, indicating a drift of polyamine metabolism towards the synthesis of increasing polycationic forms as a stress response. The increasing balance between high and low polycationic forms was clearly diminished in the salt-sensitive genotype TN6.18, showing a clear correlation with its sensitive phenotype. The polyamine metabolic profile was then supported by molecular evidence through the examination of polyamine metabolism transcript levels by RT-qPCR. General suppression of genes that are involved upstream in the PA biosynthetic pathway was determined. Contrarily, an induction in the expression of genes involved in the biosynthesis of spermine and spermidine was observed, in agreement with the metabolic analysis. A significant induction in diamino oxidase expression, involved in the catabolism of putrescine, was specifically found in the sensitive genotype ΤΝ6.18, indicating a distinct metabolic response to stress. Present findings highlight the involvement of polyamines in the defense response of Medicago genotypes showing sensitivity to salt stress

    Structure and Migration Mechanisms of Small Vacancy Clusters in Cu: A Combined EAM and DFT Study

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    Voids in face-centered cubic (fcc) metals are commonly assumed to form via the aggregation of vacancies; however, the mechanisms of vacancy clustering and diffusion are not fully understood. In this study, we use computational modeling to provide a detailed insight into the structures and formation energies of primary vacancy clusters, mechanisms and barriers for their migration in bulk copper, and how these properties are affected at simple grain boundaries. The calculations were carried out using embedded atom method (EAM) potentials and density functional theory (DFT) and employed the site-occupation disorder code (SOD), the activation relaxation technique nouveau (ARTn) and the knowledge led master code (KLMC). We investigate stable structures and migration paths and barriers for clusters of up to six vacancies. The migration of vacancy clusters occurs via hops of individual constituent vacancies with di-vacancies having a significantly smaller migration barrier than mono-vacancies and other clusters. This barrier is further reduced when di-vacancies interact with grain boundaries. This interaction leads to the formation of self-interstitial atoms and introduces significant changes into the boundary structure. Tetra-, penta-, and hexa-vacancy clusters exhibit increasingly complex migration paths and higher barriers than smaller clusters. Finally, a direct comparison with the DFT results shows that EAM can accurately describe the vacancy-induced relaxation effects in the Cu bulk and in grain boundaries. Significant discrepancies between the two methods were found in structures with a higher number of low-coordinated atoms, such as penta-vacancies and di-vacancy absortion by grain boundary. These results will be useful for modeling the mechanisms of diffusion of complex defect structures and provide further insights into the structural evolution of metal films under thermal and mechanical stress

    The potential implications of reclaimed wastewater reuse for irrigation on the agricultural environment: the knowns and unknowns of the fate of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant bacteria and resistance genes – a review

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    The use of reclaimed wastewater (RWW) for the irrigation of crops may result in the continuous exposure of the agricultural environment to antibiotics, antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). In recent years, certain evidence indicate that antibiotics and resistance genes may become disseminated in agricultural soils as a result of the amendment with manure and biosolids and irrigation with RWW. Antibiotic residues and other contaminants may undergo sorption/desorption and transformation processes (both biotic and abiotic), and have the potential to affect the soil microbiota. Antibiotics found in the soil pore water (bioavailable fraction) as a result of RWW irrigation may be taken up by crop plants, bioaccumulate within plant tissues and subsequently enter the food webs; potentially resulting in detrimental public health implications. It can be also hypothesized that ARGs can spread among soil and plant-associated bacteria, a fact that may have serious human health implications. The majority of studies dealing with these environmental and social challenges related with the use of RWW for irrigation were conducted under laboratory or using, somehow, controlled conditions. This critical review discusses the state of the art on the fate of antibiotics, ARB and ARGs in agricultural environment where RWW is applied for irrigation. The implications associated with the uptake of antibiotics by plants (uptake mechanisms) and the potential risks to public health are highlighted. Additionally, knowledge gaps as well as challenges and opportunities are addressed, with the aim of boosting future research towards an enhanced understanding of the fate and implications of these contaminants of emerging concern in the agricultural environment. These are key issues in a world where the increasing water scarcity and the continuous appeal of circular economy demand answers for a long-term safe use of RWW for irrigation.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Polyamine Oxidase 5 loss-of-function mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana trigger metabolic and transcriptional reprogramming and promote salt stress tolerance.

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    The family of polyamine oxidases (PAO) in Arabidopsis (AtPAO1-5) mediates polyamine (PA) back-conversion, which reverses the PA biosynthetic pathway from spermine, and its structural isomer thermospermine (tSpm), into spermidine and then putrescine. Here, we have studied the involvement of PA back-conversion in Arabidopsis salinity tolerance. AtPAO5 is the Arabidopsis PAO gene member most transcriptionally induced by salt stress. Two independent loss-of-function mutants (atpao5-2 and atpao5-3) were found to exhibit constitutively higher tSpm levels, with associated increased salt tolerance. Using global transcriptional and metabolomic analyses, the underlying mechanisms were studied. Stimulation of abscisic acid and jasmonates (JA) biosynthesis, and accumulation of important compatible solutes, such as sugars, polyols and proline, as well as TCA cycle intermediates were observed in atpao5 mutants under salt stress. Expression analyses indicate that tSpm modulates the transcript levels of several target genes, including many involved in the biosynthesis and signaling of JA, some of which are already known to promote salinity tolerance. Transcriptional modulation by tSpm is isomer-dependent, thus demonstrating the specificity of this response. Overall, we conclude that tSpm triggers metabolic and transcriptional reprogramming that promotes salt stress tolerance in Arabidopsis