775 research outputs found

    Exploring local quantum many-body relaxation by atoms in optical superlattices

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    We establish a setting - atoms in optical superlattices with period 2 - in which one can experimentally probe signatures of the process of local relaxation and apparent thermalization in non-equilibrium dynamics without the need of addressing single sites. This opens up a way to explore the convergence of subsystems to maximum entropy states in quenched quantum many-body systems with present technology. Remarkably, the emergence of thermal states does not follow from a coupling to an environment, but is a result of the complex non-equilibrium dynamics in closed systems. We explore ways of measuring the relevant signatures of thermalization in this analogue quantum simulation of a relaxation process, exploiting the possibilities offered by optical superlattices.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, version to published in Physical Review Letter

    The Digital Flynn Effect: Complexity of Posts on Social Media Increases over Time

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    Parents and teachers often express concern about the extensive use of social media by youngsters. Some of them see emoticons, undecipherable initialisms and loose grammar typical for social media as evidence of language degradation. In this paper, we use a simple measure of text complexity to investigate how the complexity of public posts on a popular social networking site changes over time. We analyze a unique dataset that contains texts posted by 942, 336 users from a large European city across nine years. We show that the chosen complexity measure is correlated with the academic performance of users: users from high-performing schools produce more complex texts than users from low-performing schools. We also find that complexity of posts increases with age. Finally, we demonstrate that overall language complexity of posts on the social networking site is constantly increasing. We call this phenomenon the digital Flynn effect. Our results may suggest that the worries about language degradation are not warranted

    Particle number conservation in quantum many-body simulations with matrix product operators

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    Incorporating conservation laws explicitly into matrix product states (MPS) has proven to make numerical simulations of quantum many-body systems much less resources consuming. We will discuss here, to what extent this concept can be used in simulation where the dynamically evolving entities are matrix product operators (MPO). Quite counter-intuitively the expectation of gaining in speed by sacrificing information about all but a single symmetry sector is not in all cases fulfilled. It turns out that in this case often the entanglement imposed by the global constraint of fixed particle number is the limiting factor.Comment: minor changes, 18 pages, 5 figure

    Orbital-order melting in rare-earth manganites: the role of super-exchange

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    We study the mechanism of orbital-order melting observed at temperature T_OO in the series of rare-earth manganites. We find that many-body super-exchange yields a transition-temperature T_KK that decreases with decreasing rare-earth radius, and increases with pressure, opposite to the experimental T_OO. We show that the tetragonal crystal-field splitting reduces T_KK further increasing the discrepancies with experiments. This proves that super-exchange effects, although very efficient, in the light of the experimentally observed trends, play a minor role for the melting of orbital ordering in rare-earth manganites.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Rigorous mean-field dynamics of lattice bosons: Quenches from the Mott insulator

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    We provide a rigorous derivation of Gutzwiller mean-field dynamics for lattice bosons, showing that it is exact on fully connected lattices. We apply this formalism to quenches in the interaction parameter from the Mott insulator to the superfluid state. Although within mean-field the Mott insulator is a steady state, we show that a dynamical critical interaction UdU_d exists, such that for final interaction parameter Uf>UdU_f>U_d the Mott insulator is exponentially unstable towards emerging long-range superfluid order, whereas for Uf<UdU_f<U_d the Mott insulating state is stable. We discuss the implications of this prediction for finite-dimensional systems.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Probing local relaxation of cold atoms in optical superlattices

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    In the study of relaxation processes in coherent non-equilibrium dynamics of quenched quantum systems, ultracold atoms in optical superlattices with periodicity two provide a very fruitful test ground. In this work, we consider the dynamics of a particular, experimentally accessible initial state prepared in a superlattice structure evolving under a Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian in the entire range of interaction strengths, further investigating the issues raised in Ref. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 063001 (2008)]. We investigate the relaxation dynamics analytically in the non interacting and hard core bosonic limits, deriving explicit expressions for the dynamics of certain correlation functions, and numerically for finite interaction strengths using the time-dependent density-matrix renormalization (t-DMRG) approach. We can identify signatures of local relaxation that can be accessed experimentally with present technology. While the global system preserves the information about the initial condition, locally the system relaxes to the state having maximum entropy respecting the constraints of the initial condition. For finite interaction strengths and finite times, the relaxation dynamics contains signatures of the relaxation dynamics of both the non-interacting and hard core bosonic limits.Comment: 18 pages RevTex, 20 figures, final version (problem with figures resolved

    Probing the relaxation towards equilibrium in an isolated strongly correlated 1D Bose gas

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    The problem of how complex quantum systems eventually come to rest lies at the heart of statistical mechanics. The maximum entropy principle put forward in 1957 by E. T. Jaynes suggests what quantum states one should expect in equilibrium but does not hint as to how closed quantum many-body systems dynamically equilibrate. A number of theoretical and numerical studies accumulate evidence that under specific conditions quantum many-body models can relax to a situation that locally or with respect to certain observables appears as if the entire system had relaxed to a maximum entropy state. In this work, we report the experimental observation of the non-equilibrium dynamics of a density wave of ultracold bosonic atoms in an optical lattice in the regime of strong correlations. Using an optical superlattice, we are able to prepare the system in a well-known initial state with high fidelity. We then follow the dynamical evolution of the system in terms of quasi-local densities, currents, and coherences. Numerical studies based on the time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group method are in an excellent quantitative agreement with the experimental data. For very long times, all three local observables show a fast relaxation to equilibrium values compatible with those expected for a global maximum entropy state. We find this relaxation of the quasi-local densities and currents to initially follow a power-law with an exponent being significantly larger than for free or hardcore bosons. For intermediate times the system fulfills the promise of being a dynamical quantum simulator, in that the controlled dynamics runs for longer times than present classical algorithms based on matrix product states can efficiently keep track of.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    An investigation of the impact of data breach severity on the readability of mandatory data breach notification letters: evidence from U.S. firms

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    The aim of this article is to investigate the impact of data breach severity on the readability of mandatory data breach notification letters. Using a content analysis approach to determine data breach severity attributes (measured by the total number of breached records, type of data accessed, the source of the data breach, and how the data were used), in conjunction with readability measures (reading complexity, numerical intensity, length of letter, word size, and unique words), 512 data breach incidents from 281 U.S. firms across the 2012–2015 period were examined. The results indicate that data breach severity has a positive impact on reading complexity, length of letter, word size, and unique words, and a negative impact on numerical terms. Interpreting the results collectively through the lens of impression management, it can be inferred that business managers may be attempting to obfuscate bad news associated with high data breach severity incidents by manipulating syntactical features of the data breach notification letters in a way that makes the message difficult for individuals to comprehend. The study contributes to the information studies and impression management behavior literatures by analyzing linguistic cues in notifications following a data breach incident

    What's hot in conservation biogeography in a changing climate? Going beyond species range dynamics

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    International audienceIn recent decades Earth's rapidly changing climate, driven by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, has affected species distributions and phenology, ecological communities and ecosystem processes, effects that are increasingly being observed globally (Allen et al., 2010; Doney et al., 2012; Franklin, Serra‐Diaz, Syphard, & Regan, 2016; Parmesan, 2006; Walther et al., 2002). Pleistocene shifts in species ranges during glacial–interglacial transitions reveal large‐scale biome shifts and no‐analog species assemblages (MacDonald et al., 2008; Nolan et al., 2018; Williams & Jackson, 2007); the pace of current anthropogenic warming outstrips past changes in the Earth system and climate, however, leading to new climate novelties and ecological communities (Ordonez, Williams, & Svenning, 2016). Global scientific consensus now emphasizes that global warming should be kept to 1.5°C to avoid catastrophic changes in ecosystems and the services they provide to people (IPCC, 2018), and climate change threats to biodiversity are being prioritized in international policy response (Ferrier et al., 2016)