1,046 research outputs found

    Physical activity and dietary habits in portuguese college students

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    The present study aimed to investigate the association between time spent on the practice of physical activity and dietary habits in college students. This is a transversal and correlational study, which has a sample of 121 students aged between 18 and 28 years old. Data were collected through three questionnaires, socio-demographic, time management and food diary; the latter two were fi lled for 3 days. Subsequently, a descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was used. To investigate the association between time spent on the practice of physical activity and dietary habits in college students we used the test of Spearman correlation and Kendall´s test, assuming a confidence interval of 95%. 81.8% of the sample were female and 18.2% male. About the practice of physical activity it was found that 21% were sedentary/low active and 79% active/very active. From the active/very active students 88,5% revealed a non-recommended intake of fat and all of the sedentary/low active students presented a non-recommended consumption of protein. From the present results it can be concluded that dietary habits are not correlated with time spent on physical activity. Such as this study,Ottevaere et al. (2011) concluded that no statistical differences were found in energy intake between the levels of physical activity but they observed an inverse association between the consumption of cereal and physical activity level. Many studies observed positive associations between the consumption of fi ber and protein and physical activity level. These results are in discrepancy with our findings. So, it is noteworthy that longitudinal studies are necessary to examine the energy balance among these students to obtain more accurate conclusions

    Análise do acesso e acolhimento entre os resultados do PMAQ-AB e a satisfação dos usuários do pronto atendimento: semelhanças e diferenças

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    Objetivou-se identificar semelhanças e diferenças da satisfação do usuário com a Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) nas dimensões de acesso e acolhimento a partir dos atendimentos não urgentes no ProntoAtendimento (PA) de Ribeirão Preto-SP com os resultados do Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB), cuja avaliação no município de Ribeirão Preto-SP percorreu em período concomitante. Estudo quantitativo realizado nas unidades de PA dos cinco Distritos de Saúde do município. Participaram do estudo 514 usuários que receberam ao menos um atendimento na APS nos seis meses que antecederam a pesquisa. Utilizou-se o intrumento EUROPEP - European Task Force on Patient Evaluation of General Practice Care e diário de campo como fontes de dados. Amparouse nos resultados das dimensões de acesso e acolhimento da avaliação do PMAQ para identificar semelhanças e diferenças entre o que os usuários do presente estudo reportaram. No recrutamento dos sujeitos percebeu-se que muitos não obtiveram atendimento médico na APS nos últimos seis meses justificando a dificuldade em conseguir vaga e quando adoecem e precisam procuram o PA. Tem-se que 12,7% foram atendidos no mesmo dia que procuraram a APS. Dos 87,3% que não foram atendidos no mesmo dia, o tempo médio de espera entre o dia do agendamento e o dia da consulta na APS foi 58 dias, 42,4% dos usuários responderam “ruim” sobre a facilidade em marcar uma consulta. Os resultados convergem com os resultados do PMAQ-AB que sinalizaram baixo desempenho para o acolhimento à demanda espontânea. Porém, a boa avaliação do PMAQ-AB no quesito agendamento de consultas divergiu com os resultados deste estudo em que foi constante a queixa pela demora no agendamento de consultas. Conclui-se que os usuários atendidos nos PAs em Ribeirão Preto-SP não reconhecem a APS como fonte regular de cuidado, o que pode interferir na não adesão a esses serviços de forma contínua, resultando na busca por serviços de urgência e emergência para tratar agravos que poderiam ser resolvidos na APSThe objective was to identify similarities and differences about user satisfaction with Primary Health Care (PHC) in the dimensions of access and care from non-urgent care in emergency care (EC) in Ribeirão Preto-SP with the National Program Evaluation Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care (PMAQ-AB), whose evaluation in Ribeirão Preto happened in same period. It was a quantitative study in the PA units of the five Health Districts.The study included 514 users who received at least one appointment in the PHC in the six months preceding the survey. We used the EUROPEP instrument - European Task Force on Patient Evaluation of General Practice Care and diary as data sources. It was based on the results of the dimensions of access and host PMAQ assessment to identify similarities and differences between what users of this study reported. During recruitment of users we realized that many did not receive medical care in PHC in the last six months justifying the difficulty in getting vaccancy and when they get sick and need to look for EC. We have that 12.7% were treated on the same day that sought to PHC. Of the 87.3% that have not met the same day, the average waiting time between the day of marking and the day of appointment on the PHC was 58 days, 42.4% of users answered "bad" about the ease in making an appointment. The results converge with PMAQ-AB results signaled underperforming to host the spontaneous demand. However, the good evaluation of PMAQ-AB in the category marking appointment diverged with the results of this study it was constant complaint by the delay in scheduling appointments. We conclude that users seen in EC in Ribeirão Preto-SP not recognize PHC as a regular source of care, which may interfere with non-adherence to these continuous service, resulting in the search for urgent and emergency services to treat injuries that could be resolved in the PH

    Diferencias entre preparados vistos virtualmente

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    Introducción. Es de público conocimiento que debido a la pandemia mundial en la que vivimos, causado por el virus del covid-19, todas las actividades académicas presenciales han sido reemplazadas por las clases y el aprendizaje virtual. Debido a esto los alumnos nos vimos obligados a comprender muchos conceptos nuevos de esta manera y con ciertas problemáticas. Objetivos. A través de este relato pretendemos demostrar la dificultad al momento de revisar preparados histológicos virtualmente en comparación a cuando se lo realizaba presencialmente.Facultad de Odontologí

    Construção e validação de matriz para avaliação normativa do sistema integrado de saúde das fronteiras

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    Objetivo: construir e validar uma matriz para avaliação normativa do Sistema Integrado de Saúde das Fronteiras. Método: estudo metodológico, composto pela construção de uma matriz avaliativa elaborado em três etapas: elaboração do modelo lógico, contendo a tríade estrutura, processo e resultado; definição de questões avaliativas e validação aparente e de conteúdo da matriz. A validação aparente e de conteúdo foi realizada simultaneamente por sete juízes. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se questionário on-line e a técnica Delphi, e para análise, o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo e Razão de Validade de Conteúdo. Resultados: a matriz de avaliação contendo 24 questões foi submetida a duas avaliações para a sua validação aparente e de conteúdo. Na primeira, o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo médio geral foi de 99,40% e a Razão de Validade de Conteúdo de 0,90. Na segunda, o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo foi de 100% e a Razão de Validade de Conteúdo de 1.0, não houve novas proposições e a matriz foi constituída de 24 questões. A matriz foi considerada inteligível quanto à validação de aparência. Conclusão: a matriz avaliativa do Sistema Integrado de Saúde das Fronteiras encontra-se validada quanto à aparência e conteúdo para análise do desempenho de ações e políticas públicas em regiões de fronteira.Objetivo: construir y validar una matriz para evaluar la normativa del Sistema Integrado de Salud de las Fronteras. Método: estudio metodológico, compuesto por la construcción de una matriz de evaluación elaborado en tres etapas: elaboración del modelo lógico, que contiene tres componentes: estructura, proceso y resultado, definición de cuestiones evaluativas y validación de aspecto y de contenido de la matriz. Siete jueces realizaron la validación de aspecto y de contenido en forma simultánea. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó un cuestionario online y la técnica Delphi y, para el análisis, el Índice de Validez de Contenido y la Relación de Validez de Contenido. Resultados: se sometió la matriz de evaluación con 24 preguntas a dos evaluaciones para su validación de aspecto y de contenido. En la primera, el Índice de Validez de Contenido medio general fue del 99,40% y la Relación de Validez de Contenido fue de 0,90. En la segunda, el Índice de Validez de Contenido fue del 100% y la Relación de Validez de Contenido fue de 1,0; no hubo nuevas propuestas y la matriz quedó constituida por 24 preguntas. Se consideró la matriz inteligible respecto a la validación de aspecto. Conclusión: la matriz de evaluación del Sistema Integrado de Salud de las Fronteras se encuentra validada en cuanto a aspecto y contenido para el análisis del desempeño de acciones y políticas públicas en regiones de frontera.Objective: to build and validate a matrix for normative evaluation of the Integrated Health System of Borders. Method: a methodological study, composed by the construction of an evaluation matrix elaborated in three stages: elaboration of the logical model, containing the triad of structure, process and result; definition of evaluative questions and appearance and content validation of the matrix. Appearance and content validation were performed simultaneously by seven judges. For data collection, an online questionnaire and the Delphi technique were used and, for analysis, the Content Validity Index and Content Validity Ratio. Results: the evaluation matrix containing 24 questions was submitted to two evaluations for its appearance and content validation. In the first, the overall mean Content Validity Index was 99.40% and the Content Validity Ratio was 0.90. In the second, the Content Validity Index was 100% and the Content Validity Ratio, 1.0; there were no new proposals and the matrix was made up of 24 questions. The matrix was considered intelligible in terms of appearance validation. Conclusion: the evaluation matrix of the Integrated Health System of the Borders is validated in terms of appearance and content for analyzing the performance of public actions and policies in border regions

    (Res)significando acontecimentos e (re)definindo estratégias por meio da resiliência: espiritualidade como fenômeno de crescimento e desenvolvimento psicoemocional em tempos de pandemia / (Re)meaning events and (re)defining strategies through resilience: spirituality as a phenomenon of growth and psycho-emotional development in times of pandemic

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    Este estudo objetivou mostrar que a espiritualidade é um importante fenômeno estratégico capaz de ajudar o indivíduo a ressignificar suas atitudes, rever comportamentos, e manter a saúde mental em tempos de reorganização social. A pandemia da covid-19, causada pelo Coronavírus, tornou-se um dos maiores desafios da saúde pública. No Brasil, as adversidades enfrentadas, diariamente, são ainda maiores em virtude da imensa desigualdade social que o país apresenta. Essa experiência vem amealhando histórias carregadas de sofrimento e muita dor causando impactos em toda a coletividade. Medidas de segurança impostas pelo governo como forma de evitar a proliferação do vírus, contágio, adoecimento e óbitos vêm reduzindo o contato social entre as pessoas causando inúmeros problemas de ordem psíquica. 

    Evaluation of structure and process in care in Diabetes mellitus

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    Objetivo: Avaliar a atenção à saúde aos pacientes com Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 a partir dos recursos humanos, registros de profissionais e de atividades técnicas em um Centro de Saúde Escola. Metodologia: Estudo avaliativo quantitativo, descritivo por meio de observação e análise de 150 pacientes com DM em um Centro de Saúde Escola no interior paulista. Resultados: A estrutura física segue a maioria das exigências da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, os recursos materiais atendem as necessidades em relação às quantidades e qualidade. Em 145 (96.6%) prontuários haviam registros médicos o que aponta a organização do trabalho centrada no modelo biomédico. O registro das medidas antropométricas foi considerado baixo, sendo que em apenas 4 (2.6%) havia a medida da circunferência abdominal. Apenas 5 (3.3%) dos pacientes tiveram consulta com o enfermeiro. Essas consultas foram pontuais enfatizando orientações sobre uso dos medicamentos e aparentemente não se constitui em rotina no serviço. Conclusão: Considerou-se a estrutura do serviço como apropriada, no entanto o processo é um fator a ser revisto pela equipe de saúdeObjective: Evaluate health care to patients with Diabetes mellitus type 2 by means of human resources, records of professional and technical activities in a School Health Center. Methodology: A quantitative, descriptive evaluative study through observation and analysis of 150 patients with DM at a School Health Center in São Paulo. Results: The physical structure follows most of the requirements of the National Health Surveillance Agency; the material resources cater the needs in the quantities and quality. The medical records 145 (96.6%) indicates that work organization was focused on the biomedical model. The registration of anthropometric measures was considered low, and in only 4 (2.6%) had the measure of waist circumference. Only 5 (3.3%) patients had consultation with the nurse. These consultations were punctual and highlighting specific guidelines on use of medications and there seems to be not in the service routine. Conclusion: We considered the structure of the service as appropriate but the process is a factor to be reviewed by the health tea

    Prognostic Prediction of Genotype vs Phenotype in Genetic Cardiomyopathies

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    Background: Diverse genetic backgrounds often lead to phenotypic heterogeneity in cardiomyopathies (CMPs). Previous genotype-phenotype studies have primarily focused on the analysis of a single phenotype, and the diagnostic and prognostic features of the CMP genotype across different phenotypic expressions remain poorly understood. Objectives: We sought to define differences in outcome prediction when stratifying patients based on phenotype at presentation compared with genotype in a large cohort of patients with CMPs and positive genetic testing. Methods: Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, left-dominant arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, and biventricular arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy were examined in this study. A total of 281 patients (80% DCM) with pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants were included. The primary and secondary outcomes were: 1) all-cause mortality (D)/heart transplant (HT); 2) sudden cardiac death/major ventricular arrhythmias (SCD/MVA); and 3) heart failure-related death (DHF)/HT/left ventricular assist device implantation (LVAD). Results: Survival analysis revealed that SCD/MVA events occurred more frequently in patients without a DCM phenotype and in carriers of DSP, PKP2, LMNA, and FLNC variants. However, after adjustment for age and sex, genotype-based classification, but not phenotype-based classification, was predictive of SCD/MVA. LMNA showed the worst trends in terms of D/HT and DHF/HT/LVAD. Conclusions: Genotypes were associated with significant phenotypic heterogeneity in genetic cardiomyopathies. Nevertheless, in our study, genotypic-based classification showed higher precision in predicting the outcome of patients with CMP than phenotype-based classification. These findings add to our current understanding of inherited CMPs and contribute to the risk stratification of patients with positive genetic testing

    Algorithm for Turning Detection and Analysis Validated under Home-Like Conditions in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease and Older Adults using a 6 Degree-of-Freedom Inertial Measurement Unit at the Lower Back

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    INTRODUCTION Aging and age-associated disorders such as Parkinson's disease (PD) are often associated with turning difficulties, which can lead to falls and fractures. Valid assessment of turning and turning deficits specifically in non-standardized environments may foster specific treatment and prevention of consequences. METHODS Relative orientation, obtained from 3D-accelerometer and 3D-gyroscope data of a sensor worn at the lower back, was used to develop an algorithm for turning detection and qualitative analysis in PD patients and controls in non-standardized environments. The algorithm was validated with a total of 2,304 turns ≥90° extracted from an independent dataset of 20 PD patients during medication ON- and OFF-conditions and 13 older adults. Video observation by two independent clinical observers served as gold standard. RESULTS In PD patients under medication OFF, the algorithm detected turns with a sensitivity of 0.92, a specificity of 0.89, and an accuracy of 0.92. During medication ON, values were 0.92, 0.78, and 0.83. In older adults, the algorithm reached validation values of 0.94, 0.89, and 0.92. Turning magnitude (difference, 0.06°; SEM, 0.14°) and duration (difference, 0.004 s; SEM, 0.005 s) yielded high correlation values with gold standard. Overall accuracy for direction of turning was 0.995. Intra class correlation of the clinical observers was 0.92. CONCLUSION This wearable sensor- and relative orientation-based algorithm yields very high agreement with clinical observation for the detection and evaluation of ≥90° turns under non-standardized conditions in PD patients and older adults. It can be suggested for the assessment of turning in daily life


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    Breastfeeding is considered the first healthy lifestyle of human beings, it should be exclusive in the first six months of life and complemented until two years of age. However, this may encounter several barriers to its realization, since early weaning is influenced by several social, emotional and cultural factors. In this sense, it is the nurse's role to demystify beliefs and myths and adopt different strategies to maintain exclusive breastfeeding. The objective was to analyze the performance of nursing care in preventing early weaning and its causes. This is an integrative literature review, carried out in the BVS, SciELO, LILACS, BDENF and PubMed databases. Studies published in the last ten years were included, considering complete articles in English or Portuguese from 2013 to 2023, which responded to the objectives of the present study. In addition, duplicate, incomplete, review articles that did not respond to the objectives of the studies and are not in the time frame of the last ten years were excluded. 14 articles were selected, which were within the eligibility criteria. It was evident that the belief in the “weak” and “insufficient” bed, the need to return to extra-domestic work and the difficulty in maintaining the breastfeeding routine results in early weaning. It is concluded that the participation of the nursing professional during the breastfeeding process contributes to its being exclusive up to an ideal date, thus avoiding the introduction of other foods before the correct period.O aleitamento materno é considerado o primeiro estilo de vida saudável do ser humano, deve ser exclusivo nos primeiros seis meses de vida e complementado até os dois anos. Todavia, essa exclusividade encontra diversas barreiras para a sua realização, posto que o desmame precoce é influenciado por inúmeros fatores sociais, emocionais e culturais. Neste sentido, é papel do enfermeiro desmistificar as crenças e mitos e adotar diferentes estratégias para a manutenção do aleitamento exclusivo. Objetivou-se analisar a atuação da assistência da enfermagem na prevenção ao desmame precoce e suas causas. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura, realizada nas bases de dados BVS, SciELO, LILACS, BDENF e PubMed. Foram incluídos estudos publicados nos últimos dez anos, considerando artigos completos em inglês ou português no período de 2013 a 2023, os quais responderam os objetivos do presente estudo. Ademais, foram excluídos os artigos duplicados, incompletos, de revisão, que não responderam os objetivos dos estudos e não estão no recorte temporal dos últimos dez anos. Foram selecionados 14 artigos, os quais estavam dentro dos critérios de elegibilidade. Evidenciou-se que a crença no leito “fraco” e “insuficiente”, a necessidade de retornar ao trabalho extra doméstico e a dificuldade de manter a rotina de amamentação resulta no desmame precoce. Conclui-se que a participação do profissional de enfermagem durante o processo de amamentação contribui para que esta seja exclusiva até a data ideal, evitando, assim, a introdução de outros alimentos antes do período correto