100 research outputs found

    One-dimensional Bose gases on an atom chip

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    Ultracold atomic gases have proven to be an excellent tool for research in quantum systems. A Bose gas can be trapped on an atom chip using very well defined and tunable spatially-dependent potentials. The proximity of the atoms to the chip permits the use of low currents allowing for highly accurate temporal changes. Excellent experimental apparatus is needed to achieve Bose-Einstein condensation with a sufficient atom number to study low-dimensional physics. The setup described in this document utilises a set of current-carrying structures on top of which an atom chip sits. For improved atom loading rate, a two-dimensional loading stage was added, extending the lifetime of the magnetic trap. From this loading stage to the atom chip, Bose-Einstein condensation of 105 Rubidium-87 atoms was achieved in less than 30 s, allowing for a large rate of experimental cycles. The high spatial and temporal tunability of this setup results in the ability to split the atomic cloud and quench the trapping potential geometry. Maximising the ratio between trapping frequencies for different spatial directions leads to the system presenting features of a one-dimensional gas. Manipulating the coherence dynamics of a one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate creates fluctuations in the phase properties of the wavefunction. These fluctuations are observed as atom density perturbations after releasing the trapping potentials, and are a tool for temperature measurements. When the cloud of atoms is positioned at a few tens of micrometres from the surface of the atom chip, corrugations in the microstructures of the chip affect the trapping potentials at very low temperatures 1 µK. This effect is simulated and quantified in the thesis, with the aim of improving future setups. Additionally, the effect is explored for microscopy purposes. The behaviour of a Bose-Einstein condensate, especially the expansion rate, has long been studied. In this thesis, the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation is introduced, finding its numerical solutions to the two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms, using the Split-Step Fourier Method. The results show very good agreement with the experimental results, as well as with other well- established theories of condensates. The creation of such a toolbox opens up the opportunity to further investigate the coherence dynamics of low-dimensional systems

    Ansiedad pre-competitiva y conductas de autocontrol en jugadores de futbol

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    Partiendo de la conceptualización de la ansiedad dentro de la teoría de rasgo-estado, se estudia la ansiedad precompetitiva de un equipo de fútbol de tercera división. Durante cinco partidos, se aplicó el cuestionario CSAI-2 momentos antes de las competiciones, registrándose la ansiedad cognitiva, somática y autoconfianza precompetitiva de los jugadores. Los partidos se filmaron y posteriormente se estudiaron las conductas no reglamentarias tales como agresiones físicas, protestas al árbitro, protestas a los compañeros de juego, respuestas dadas ante una agresión, tarjetas amarillas, faltas señaladas al jugador y errores garrafales cometidos en el área. De esta forma, se intenta predecir si los jugadores con altas puntuaciones en el cuestionario CSAI-2 mostrarían conductas agresivas durante las competiciones. Los resultados del estudio no muestran correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre las puntuaciones en CSAI-2 y la aparición de las conductas antideportivas. Finalmente, se discuten diferentes aspectos de la capacidad predictiva del cuestionario de MartensUsing the State-Trait Anxiety Theory, a study about pre competitive anxiety in a 3rd division soccer team players is presented. During five soccer games, the CSAI-2 was individually administrated, a few minutes before starting, and the scores of cognitive, somatic and self-reliance anxiety were taken. All of the soccer games were video taped and then several impartial observers transcribed illicit or/and erroneous sport behaviors during the games: aggression, complains to the referee, serious sport mistakes, penalties, etc. In this analysis we try to assess if the score in a pre competitive anxiety inventory predicts some of these behaviors during the competition. No statistically significant correlation between CSAI-2 scores and sport illicit behaviors were foun

    Reducción de pérdidas técnicas de energía empleando compensación. GAMS y algoritmos genéticos

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    La compensación de potencia reactiva es una de las opciones más empleadas en la reducción de perdidas técnicas en redes de distribución. En este documento se analiza la relevancia de algunos parámetros en el proceso de compensación: Se estudia la importancia del modelo de carga, las pérdidas de transformación y la estrategia de minimización de pérdidas de energía frente a potencia. La compensación se ha planteado como un problema de minimización del costo operativo de red y se ha resuelto empleando GAMS. Para verificar la calidad de la solución se ha implementado también una estrategia que emplea algoritmos genéticos en Matla

    Potencial de las imágenes satelitales corona para la reconstrucción 3D de paisajes arqueológicos

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    [EN] This paper presents a preliminary use of satellite imagery from the CORONA program in the reconstruction of the archaeological landscape of two different sites: Ancient Termez (southern border of Uzbekistan) and Khatm Al Melaha (eastern coast of United Arab Emirates in Kalba area). This analysis constitutes the first step of the work carried out in the field since 2018 at both sites for an analysis of the syntactic interoperability of multi-scale geospatial data for archaeological heritage. The aim of this work was to establish an approach for the use of CORONA satellite imagery for archaeological DEM reconstruction. The objectives of the reconstruction were conditioned for different reasons: in the case of Termez prior to the anthropic transformation of the site in the Soviet - Afghan War and in the case of Khatm Al Melaha prior to the urban, coastal and road transformation. The results have provided uneven data due to the characteristics of the existing imagery: mission, resolution, overlap, orography and different ground control point distribution. This methodology opens a door to the reconstruction of archaeological landscapes that have suffered evident deterioration for different reasons by means of historical aerial imagery in the last 60 years, practically, in some cases, as a primary and unique source for analysing this type of change from the past.[ES] Este artículo presenta un uso preliminar de imágenes satelitales del programa CORONA en la reconstrucción del paisaje arqueológico de dos yacimientos diferentes: la Antigua Termez (frontera Sur de Uzbekistán) y Khatm Al Melaha (costa Este de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos en la zona de Kalba). Este análisis constituye el primer paso del trabajo realizado en campo desde 2018 en ambos yacimientos para un análisis de la interoperatividad sintáctica de datos geoespaciales multiescala para el patrimonio arqueológico. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido establecer una aproximación sobre el uso de imágenes de satélite CORONA para la reconstrucción arqueológica del MDE. Los objetivos de la reconstrucción estuvieron condicionados por diferentes motivos, en el caso de Termez, previo a la transformación antrópica del yacimiento, por la guerra soviético-afgana y, en el caso de Khatm Al Melaha, previo a la transformación urbana, costera y red de carreteras. Los resultados han proporcionado datos desiguales debido a las características de las imágenes existentes: misión, resolución, solape, orografía y diferente distribución de puntos de control terrestres. Esta metodología abre la puerta a la reconstrucción de paisajes arqueológicos que han sufrido un deterioro evidente por diferentes motivos mediante imágenes aéreas históricas en los últimos 60 años, donde prácticamente en algunos casos, constituye una fuente primaria y única para analizar este tipo de cambios del pasado.The Termez project was supported by two R&D&I projects, CERAC (HAR2016-75133-C3-1-P) led by V. Martínez and J.M. Gurt, and CONCERAC (HAR2016-75133-C3-3-P) led by E. Ariño, all funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. The Palarq Foundation supported the archaeological campaign in Termez in the year 2018. V. Martínez worked on this paper through the post-doctoral research contract Ramón y Cajal (RYC-2014-15789). Research campaigns in Kalba area have been carried out thanks to the collaboration of SHARJAH ARCHAEOLOGY AUTHORITY (Emirate of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates). This work was developed within the project H2019/HUM-5742 AVIPES-CM (CAMComunidad de Madrid, Spain/ ESF- Fondo Social Europeo).Angás, J.; Uribe, P.; Bea, M.; Farjas, M.; Ariño, E.; Martinez-Ferreras, V.; Gurt, J. (2021). Potential of corona satellite imagery for 3D reconstruction of archaeological landscapes. En Proceedings 3rd Congress in Geomatics Engineering. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 35-41. https://doi.org/10.4995/CiGeo2021.2021.12703OCS354

    Non-mydriatic ultra-wide field imaging versus dilated fundus exam and intraoperative findings for assessment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

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    Background: to compare the extent of the detached retina and retinal tears location in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) among non-mydriatic ultra-wide field (UWF) imaging, dilated fundus exam (DFE), and intraoperative evaluation. Methods: this retrospective chart review comprised 123 patients undergoing surgery for RRD. A masked retina specialist analyzed the UWF fundus images for RRD area, status of the macula, and presence and location of retinal breaks. The same variables were collected from a database including DFE and intraoperative recordings. Evaluation methods were compared. Results: mean age was 59.8 ± 14.9 years. Best-corrected visual acuity improved from 0.25 ± 0.3 (Snellen) to 0.67 ± 0.3 at 12 months (p = 0.009). The RRD description and assessment of macula status (34.5% macula-on) did not differ between UWF, DFE, and intraoperative examination. The inferior quadrant was involved most frequently (41.5%), followed by the superior (38.9%), temporal (27.8%) and nasal quadrant (14.8%). Intraoperative exam detected 96.7% of retinal tears compared with DFE (73.2%, p = 0.008) and UWF imaging (65%, p=0.003). UWF imaging and DFE did not differ significantly. Conclusion: RRD extent on DFE and UWF images was consistent with intraoperative findings. UWF and DFE detection of peripheral retinal tears was similar, but 25% of retinal breaks were missed until intraoperative evaluation

    Adaptive Dynamics of Settlement Models in the Urban Landscape of Termez (Uzbekistan) from c. 300 BCE to c. 1400 CE

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    The archaeological site of Ancient Termez is located in southern Uzbekistan. Despite the arid environment, the city benefited from its strategic position near two rivers, the Amu Darya and the Surkhan Darya. Its significance was mainly related to the expansion of trade routes connecting Eurasia. The city comprises several enclosures that attest long-term human-environment interactions. In order to identify the adaptive dynamics of the settlement models during an extended chronology covering the period from c. 300 BCE to c. 1220 CE (Greco-Bactrian/Yuezhi, Kushan, Kushano-Sasanian, and Islamic periods), a multidisciplinary study has been carried out, which includes: (1) archaeological excavations in several areas of the urban complex; (2) pedestrian surveying inside some enclosures and in the urban periphery; (3) an aerial survey based on high-resolution satellite imagery; (4) AMS dating of charcoal and bone samples; (5) archaeobotanical investigation through anthracological analysis; (6) zooarchaeological studies. The results point to variations in the development of the inhabited spaces, in which abandonment and occupation took place. The zooarchaeological and archaeobotanical data demonstrate the exploitation of natural resources in different environments (i.e., arid areas and irrigated land) and a certain evolution during the period considered

    Selection of new chemicals to be used in conditioned aversion for non-lethal predation control

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    Globally, native predators and scavengers are threatened through the incidence of illegal poisoning due to increasing human-wildlife conflicts. The use of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) may mitigate such conflicts. CTA is a robust learning paradigm that occurs when animals associate a food with a discomfort induced by a chemical, thereby avoiding that food in subsequent encounters. We reviewed the potential of 167 chemical compounds to be used in CTA, considering effects, margin of safety, accessibility, and detectability. After the review, 15 compounds fulfilled the required characteristics, but only five (thiabendazole, thiram, levamisole, fluconazole and fluralaner) were finally selected to be tested in CTA assays with dogs. Of the tested compounds, thiabendazole, thiram and levamisole caused target food rejection by dogs and reduced the time spent eating during post-conditioning. However, despite being microencapsulated, levamisole appeared to be detectable by dogs, whereas thiram and thiabendazole were not. Fluconazole and fluralaner did not produce any CTA effect. Thiabendazole, thiram and levamisole can therefore induce CTA, and thus are potential candidates as aversive compounds for wildlife management. Thiram is an undetectable, relatively safe and accessible compound that can induce CTA in canids, and opens new possibilities to develop methods of non-lethal predation control.This study is a result of CGL2013–40975-R project, from I+D+I National Plan funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Jorge Tobajas benefitted from a FPI PhD scholarship (BES-2014-068987) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Peer reviewe

    Effects on carrion consumption in a mammalian scavenger community when dominant species are excluded

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    Carrion is a valuable resource exploited not only by obligate scavengers but also by a wide variety of facultative scavengers. These species provide several important ecosystem services which can sufer if the scavenger community composition is altered, thus reducing the ecosystem provided. We studied the response of the Mediterranean facultative scavenger community to the exclusion of larger scavenger species (red fox Vulpes vulpes, European badger Meles meles, and wild boar Sus scrofa) using an exclusion fence permeable to small scavenger species (mainly Egyptian mongoose Herpestes ichneumon, common genet Genetta genetta, and stone marten Martes foina). The exclusion of dominant facultative scavengers led to a signifcant reduction in the amount of carrion consumed and an increase in carrion available for smaller species and decomposers, over a longer period of time. Although carrion consumption by the non-excluded species increased inside the exclusion area relative to the control area, it was insufcient to compensate for the carrion not eaten by the dominant scavengers. Of the small scavenger species, only the Egyptian mongoose signifcantly increased its carrion consumption in the exclusion area, and was the main benefciary of the exclusion of dominant facultative scavengers. Therefore, altering the facultative scavenger community in Mediterranean woodlands can reduce the efciency of small carcass removal and beneft other opportunistic species, such as the Egyptian mongoose, by increasing the carrion available to them. This interaction could have substantial implications for disease transmission, nutrient cycling, and ecosystem function.La carroña es un recurso valioso explotado no solo por carroñeros obligados sino también por una amplia variedad de carroñeros facultativos. Estas especies proporcionan varios servicios ecosistémicos importantes que pueden verse afectados si se altera la composición de la comunidad de carroñeros, reduciendo así el ecosistema proporcionado. Estudiamos la respuesta de la comunidad de carroñeros facultativos del Mediterráneo a la exclusión de especies carroñeras más grandes (zorro rojo Vulpes vulpes , tejón europeo Meles meles y jabalí Sus scrofa ) utilizando una valla de exclusión permeable a especies carroñeras pequeñas (principalmente mangosta egipcia Herpestes ichneumon , gineta común Genetta genetta , y marta Martes foina). La exclusión de carroñeros facultativos dominantes condujo a una reducción significativa en la cantidad de carroña consumida y un aumento en la carroña disponible para especies más pequeñas y descomponedores, durante un período de tiempo más largo. Aunque el consumo de carroña por parte de las especies no excluidas aumentó dentro del área de exclusión en relación con el área de control, fue insuficiente para compensar la carroña no consumida por los carroñeros dominantes. De las especies carroñeras pequeñas, solo la mangosta egipcia incrementó significativamente su consumo de carroña en el área de exclusión, y fue la principal beneficiaria de la exclusión de carroñeros facultativos dominantes. Por lo tanto, alterar la comunidad de carroñeros facultativos en los bosques mediterráneos puede reducir la eficiencia de la eliminación de pequeños cadáveres y beneficiar a otras especies oportunistas, como la mangosta egipcia, aumentando la carroña disponible para ellos. Esta interacción podría tener implicaciones sustanciales para la transmisión de enfermedades, el ciclo de nutrientes y la función del ecosistema

    Plasticity in daily activity patterns of a key prey species in the Iberian Peninsula to reduce predation risk

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    Context. Some prey species can shift their daily activity patterns to reduce the risk of encountering predators, and, in turn, predators develop strategies to increase their chances of meeting prey. European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a key species in Iberian Mediterranean ecosystems. It is the main prey for many vertebrate predators. It is also a game species and is often the target of management measures such as translocations. Aims. To test whether rabbits adjust their activity patterns in response to differing predation regimes in a management context. Methods. Rabbits were translocated from a donor area, with a high rabbit density, to a release area in central Spain, with a semi-permeable fenced plot and an unfenced plot, which had no rabbits before the translocation. We estimated daily activity patterns and relative abundance index (RAI) for mesocarnivores and rabbits by using camera-traps, and calculated Jacobs selection index (JSI) to classify each species in a diel period. Additionally, we calculated the activity overlap between prey and mesocarnivores in the different areas. Key results. Rabbits were nocturnal in the donor area, where only two mesocarnivore species were detected, red fox (Vulpes vulpes, with a high RAI) and Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon, with a low RAI). However, in the unfenced area, where five mesocarnivore species were present, rabbits showed a crepuscular trend with two activity peaks, around sunrise and around sunset. In contrast, rabbits showed a nocturnal activity in the fenced plot, where four mesocarnivore species were detected but where only the Egyptian mongoose (strictly diurnal) had a high RAI value. Conclusions and implications. The results suggest that rabbits in the fenced plot adapted their activity to avoid the diurnal mongooses. Conversely, rabbits in unfenced areas showed a trend towards day/twilight activity patterns as an adaptation to a diverse community of mesocarnivores. Rabbits can adapt their daily activity patterns to reduce predation risk depending on the pressure exerted by different predator species, with conservation and management implications. These adaptations would allow higher success of rabbit translocations despite the risk of predation by carnivores and could help in the management design of future translocations of this key species.Contexto: algunas especies de presas pueden cambiar sus patrones de actividad diaria para reducir el riesgo de encontrarse con depredadores y, a su vez, los depredadores desarrollan estrategias para aumentar sus posibilidades de encontrarse con presas. El conejo europeo ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) es una especie clave en los ecosistemas mediterráneos ibéricos. Es la principal presa de muchos depredadores vertebrados. También es una especie de caza y, a menudo, es objeto de medidas de gestión como las translocaciones. Objetivos: probar si los conejos ajustan sus patrones de actividad en respuesta a diferentes regímenes de depredación en un contexto de gestión. Métodos: Los conejos se translocaron desde una zona donante, con una alta densidad de conejos, a una zona de liberación en el centro de España, con una parcela vallada semipermeable y una parcela sin vallar, que no tenía conejos antes de la translocación. Estimamos los patrones de actividad diaria y el índice de abundancia relativa (RAI) para mesocarnívoros y conejos usando cámaras trampa, y calculamos el índice de selección de Jacobs (JSI) para clasificar cada especie en un período diario. Además, calculamos la superposición de actividad entre presas y mesocarnívoros en las diferentes áreas. Resultados clave: Los conejos eran nocturnos en el área donante, donde solo se detectaron dos especies de mesocarnívoros, zorro rojo ( Vulpes vulpes , con RAI alto) y mangosta egipcia ( Herpestes ichneumon , con RAI bajo). Sin embargo, en el área sin cercar, donde estaban presentes cinco especies de mesocarnívoros, los conejos mostraron una tendencia crepuscular con dos picos de actividad, alrededor del amanecer y alrededor del atardecer. En cambio, los conejos mostraron una actividad nocturna en la parcela cercada, donde se detectaron cuatro especies de mesocarnívoros pero donde solo la mangosta egipcia (estrictamente diurna) tuvo un valor alto de RAI. Conclusiones e implicaciones: Los resultados sugieren que los conejos en la parcela cercada adaptaron su actividad para evitar las mangostas diurnas. Por el contrario, los conejos en áreas no cercadas mostraron una tendencia hacia patrones de actividad diurno/crepuscular como una adaptación a una comunidad diversa de mesocarnívoros. Los conejos pueden adaptar sus patrones de actividad diaria para reducir el riesgo de depredación dependiendo de la presión ejercida por diferentes especies de depredadores, con implicaciones de conservación y gestión. Estas adaptaciones permitirían un mayor éxito de las translocaciones de conejos a pesar del riesgo de depredación por carnívoros y podrían ayudar en el diseño de gestión de futuras translocaciones de esta especie clave

    A multi-scalar photogrammetric recording approach in Termez (Uzbekistan)

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    This paper presents the preliminary results obtained during the 3D recording campaign carried out in 2018 by the Spanish-Uzbek IPAEB mission in the archaeological site of Termez (southern border of Uzbekistan). Ancient Termez is an important historical city within the Silk Road located in the ancient Bactria region. The archaeological work performed at the site since the beginning of the 20th century allowed a large fortified urban complex to be identified that includes other walled enclosures inside it, i.e., a Hellenistic-Seleucid fortress founded after the campaigns of Alexander the Great in the late 4th century BC, several Buddhist monastic complexes dated to the Kushan period (1st to mid-3rd centuries), and a large urban settlement dated to the Islamic period which includes the city proper or shahristan and the suburbs or rabad. After the destruction by Genghis Khan in 1220, Termez was rebuilt following a different plan. Major changes involved the movement of the pottery workshops from the rabad to the previous shahristan. The research focuses on: a) the identification, study and archaeological contextualization of ceramic production centres located in different areas of the ancient Termez from the Kushan to the Islamic period (1st to 14th centuries AD); b) the integration of the pottery workshops into the general topography of the site and c) the study of their evolution in relation to the transformation of the urban design. Since the site is currently located in a military area - close to the border area between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan -, the archaeological work is restricted to specific zones and the use of aerial devices such as drones is forbidden. However, this research requires both micro and macro spatial approaches to accurately record all the archaeological structures and to evaluate the integration and evolution of the pottery workshops into the general topography of the city. In order to fill this gap, declassified images of the CORONA satellite program were analyzed and compared to historical and archaeological data. In addition, we propose a geometrical and graphical recording and distribution system of the kilns -located in the rabad and the shahristan -and the ceramics produced and used in Termez during the period studied by means of photogrammetric techniques. The results are aimed at management through open-source 3D formats and web mapping GIS libraries combined with historical satellite information that defines the different archaeological areas