1,051 research outputs found

    Analysis of the film thickness of a root canal sealer following three obturation techniques

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise quantitativa da espessura da linha de cimento endodôntico formada por três técnicas de obturação. Trinta incisivos centrais superiores humanos foram selecionados e acessados de modo convencional. Uma lima nº 15 K-Flexofile foi usada para a verificação da patência foraminal e para determinação do comprimento de trabalho, que foi estabelecido a 1 mm aquém do forame apical. Os canais foram preparados até a lima nº 45. Hipoclorito de sódio a 5,25% foi usado durante toda a instrumentação. Os dentes foram divididos em 3 grupos e obturados pelos seguintes critérios: G1 - condensação lateral; G2 - compressão hidraúlica e G3 - onda de condensação. Os dentes foram seccionados e analisados nos terços cervical, médio e apical. A espessura do filme de cimento foi determinada por um processo semi-automático de análise e processamento digital de imagens realizado no software KS 400. O tratamento estatístico foi realizado com teste de Wilcox, que revelou diferenças significantes entre G3 e G1 e entre G3 e G2, sendo p £ 0,05. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre G1 e G2. De um modo geral, a compressão hidraúlica (G2) e condensação lateral (G1) revelaram uma maior espessura do filme de cimento. A menor espessura do filme de cimento obtida pela técnica de onda de condensação tende a melhorar a performance clínica dessa técnica em relação às outras testadas.The aim of this study was to obtain a quantitative analysis of the film thickness of a root canal sealer formed after filling by three different techniques. Thirty human maxillary incisors were selected and access cavities were prepared using high-speed diamond stones and water spray. A size #15 K-Flexofile was introduced in the canal of each specimen until it was seen just at the apical foramen. The working length was determined to be 1 mm short of that position and the canals were prepared to an apical size of #45 K-Flexofile. Copious irrigation with 5.25% NaOCl (sodium hypochlorite) was used during and after instrumentation. The samples were divided into three groups and obturated as follows: G1 - lateral condensation, G2 - lateral condensation with an accessory cone, and G3 - continuous wave of condensation. The samples were evaluated in the cervical, middle and apical thirds. The film thickness of the root canal sealer was measured through a microscopic evaluation. Statistical analysis was obtained using the Wilcox test. Statistical analysis showed significant differences between G3 and G1, G3 and G2 (p < 0.05). In general, the lowest film thickness was observed in the continuous wave of condensation (G3). Lateral condensation with an accessory cone (G2) and lateral condensation (G1) demonstrated poorer results in this study, showing a higher film thickness. The small film thickness of the sealer obtained by the continuous wave of condensation technique may increase the clinical performance of this technique

    Direito Fundamental à Saúde e Tutela Individual: Lendo esse Direito Constitucional à Luz do Liberalismo Igualitário

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    The present text aims to discuss the fundamental right to health as a social right that can be protected in the individual sphere, establishing the egalitarian liberalism as a the- oretical model suitable to support this understanding, especially from the contemporary concept of distributive justice by John Rawls.Texto que pretende discutir o direito fundamental à saúde como um direito social que pode ser tutelado na esfera individual, estabelecendo o liberalismo igualitário como um modelo teórico adequado para fundamentar esse entendimento, a partir, principalmente, da concepção contemporânea de justiça distributiva de John Rawls

    Color stability of Bulk-Fill composite restorations

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    The color stability of the composite resin is an important property that influences its clinical longevity, which remains an inherent challenge to the material. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the color stability of bulk-fill resins when exposed to dye. Cavities were prepared in 80 bovine incisors, which were randomly assigned into 4 groups (n = 20) according with the resin composite used: P60 (Control Group - Filtek P60, 3M/ESPE), FP (Filtek Bulk-Fill Posterior, 3M/ESPE), SDR (SDR, Dentsply) and FF (Filtek Bulk Fill Flow, 3M/ESPE). All restorations were performed according to the protocol of each manufacturer, the control group was restored using the incremental technique, and the other groups using single-increment technique. The color of each restoration was measured using a portable digital spectrophotometer (Easyshade-Vita) according to the CIELab system, and then the teeth were submerged in red wine for 07 days, kept in a biological oven at 37ºC. New color registration was performed to measure the ?E index of color variation. The P60 group had the lowest average ?E (16.96), while the FF group had the highest average (28.09) and ranged from 21.19 to 26.28 in the FP and SDR groups. Analysis of the color variation showed that the control group had better color stability than the Bulk-Fill resins evaluated


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    Texto que analisa a jusfundamentalidade do direito à moradia no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, defendendo a necessidade de sua realização plena. Para tanto, terá como base teórica o liberalismo igualitário de John Rawls, que entendemos ser a concepção político-filosófica que melhor se adequa à ideia de distribuição de direitos fundamentais sociais, justificando a possibilidade de sua concessão em patamar satisfatório a todos que necessitarem. Através do método dedutivo, discutiremos o problema da pesquisa, qual seja, a possibilidade de concretização plena do direito à moradia

    Distribuição de Renda e Pobreza na Floresta Amazônica: Um Estudo a partir da Reserva Extrativista (RESEX) Chico Mendes

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    O processo de ocupação da Amazônia levou à desarticulação do extrativismo tradicional na região, tendo como um dos principais resultados os conflitos sociais e a luta pela posse da terra. As Reservas Extrativistas (RESEX) surgem para a resolução dos conflitos, buscando-se gerar trabalho e renda aos extrativistas, além de conservar o meio ambiente florestal. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a geração e distribuição de renda na RESEX Chico Mendes, Acre, tendo em vista a discussão em torno da pobreza. A metodologia utilizada faz parte do projeto ASPF, desenvolvido na Universidade Federal do Acre, que trabalhou indicadores de resultados econômicos adequados à produção familiar rural da região, bem como indicadores de concentração de renda (Índice de Gini), além da linha de pobreza. Os resultados encontrados indicam desempenho econômico insuficiente para a reprodução das famílias, melhora na distribuição de renda e, consequente, redução da pobreza, além da ausência de miseráveis no seio da floresta.


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    This article aims to discuss the implementation of the Child Labor Eradication Program (PETI) as an effective public policy to combat child labor. This is theoretical research, using the deductive method, eminently bibliographic and documentary, through pre-selected books, as well as scientific articles on the subject. The first item discusses child labor and existing public socioeconomic inclusion policies aimed at this purpose. In the subsequent item, the particularities of the Program itself are analyzed. The third and last item is focused on the object of research: discussing the effectiveness of PETI in combating child labor in Brazil. Finally, the final research considerations are presented.O presente artigo se propõe a discutir a implementação do Programa de Erradicação do Trabalho Infantil (PETI) como política pública eficaz no combate ao trabalho infantil. Trata-se de pesquisa teórica, com a utilização do método dedutivo, eminentemente bibliográfica e documental, por meio de livros pré-selecionados, assim artigos científicos acerca do tema. No primeiro item, discute-se o trabalho infantil e as políticas públicas de inclusão socioeconômicas existentes voltadas para essa finalidade. No item subsequente, analisa-se as particularidades do Programa em si. O terceiro e último item é voltado para o objeto de pesquisa: discutir a eficácia do PETI no combate ao trabalho infantil no Brasil. Por fim, apresentam-se as considerações finais da pesquisa

    Historical review of neutron spectrometry and diffraction in Brazil – 50 years

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    Neutron Spectrometry and Diffraction techniques began to be studied in Brazil with the construction of the first research reactors in the years 50 and 60, and were developed with the participation of national and international scientists. In particular, we note the perseverance of the Brazilian pioneer of nuclear energy, Dr. Marcello Damy de Souza Santos_, and from that time, with the involvement of some of the early pioneers, such as the physicist Roberto Stasiulevicius_, who had the privilege of working in all three Brazilian nuclear research reactors. All these scientists shared half a century of acquired knowledge, helping in the training of a number of experts who are now working in national and international nuclear institutes. The present work reviews in chronological order, the testimony of the historical facts associated with the development and application of experimental techniques using neutrons as a tool for materials analysis and studies for many areas of the sciences and also with the training of personnel. IPEN, IEN and CDTN, all institutes of the CNEN-Brazil, are important in the national and international scene as a result of the research carried out there and the large number of publications produced in the field of neutron spectrometry and diffraction from experimental work carried out using the IEA (5MW), Argonauta (5kW) and more recently, the IPR (250kW) research reactors. An extensive bibliography is also presented and this can be disseminated to everyone interested

    Políticas públicas e ações de incentivo à leitura promovidas por organizações empresariais sob a ótica da responsabilidade social

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    Contextualization: The discovery of the press provides access to literary works and information, previously restricted to those in power, as religious orders, kings or nobles. However, the high illiteracy rates were still a barrier to more people had access to information. Until the mid-twentieth century, half the population was still illiterate, but the establishment of public policies and private sector initiatives have contributed to change this reality. Objective: this article aims to discuss public policy and reading incentive actions taken by business organizations, as part of their social responsibility strategy, which contributed to change that reality. Methodology: Through an exploratory and qualitative research, we developed a literature review with the aim of presenting the public policies aimed at encouraging reading, and based on the Fortune Magazine of the largest companies, we chose seven Brazilian companies that were in this ranking to demonstrate what they have done to encourage reading in Brazil. Results: Regarding public policies to encourage reading in the period 2006-2010, book industry became valued as a profitable business; there was the installation of large editorial groups and support from international organizations such as OEI, UNESCO, among others. From 2012, public incentives focused on more decentralized actions, such as meetings, seminars and meetings. Regarding measures to encourage reading of the private sector, all organizations studied presented specific actions aimed at encouraging reading. Conclusion: The actions of the private sector and the public policies developed and implemented in Brazil still happen very timid compared to the reality of this society, which has mostly individuals with difficulties and limitations for writing, reading and reflection.A descoberta da imprensa possibilitou o acesso a obras literárias e à informação, antes restritas aos detentores do poder, como ordens religiosas, reis ou nobres. Entretanto, os altos índices de analfabetismo ainda eram uma barreira para que cada vez mais pessoas tivessem acesso à informação. Até meados do século XX, metade da população brasileira ainda era analfabeta, mas o estabelecimento de políticas públicas e ações da iniciativa privada contribuíram para mudar esta realidade. Diante desse contexto, este artigo tem como objetivo discorrer sobre políticas públicas e ações de incentivo à leitura promovidas por organizações empresariais, no âmbito de suas estratégias de responsabilidade social, que contribuíram para a mudança dessa realidade. Para isso, por meio de uma pesquisa de natureza exploratória e qualitativa, elaboramos uma revisão da literatura com o objetivo de apresentar as políticas públicas voltadas ao incentivo à leitura, bem como, com base no ranking da Revista Fortune das maiores empresas, escolhemos as 7 empresas brasileiras constantes desse ranking para demonstrar o que elas têm feito para incentivar a leitura no Brasil. Como conclusão apontamos as ações de incentivo à leitura da iniciativa privada juntamente com as políticas públicas desenvolvidas e implementadas no Brasil e que ainda acontecem de forma muito tímida, comparadas com a realidade desta sociedade, que possui em sua grande maioria indivíduos com dificuldades e limitações para a escrita, leitura e reflexão

    Influence of different thermopolymerization methods on composite resin microhardness

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    Background: Additional heat polymerization in composite resins allows greater effective ness of microhardness, flexural strength, fracture tough ness, wear resistance, and increased color stability.Material and Methods: 150 composite resin specimens were made using a 4 mm diameter and 2 mm thick bipartite steel matrix. Five resins composed of different compositions were tested (Brilliant Everglow/Coltene, Filtek One BulkFill/3M, Filtek P60/3M, Filtek Z350XT/3M, Filtek Z250XT/3M), and for each of them three types of polyme-rization were tested: light curing only (n=50); photopolymerization + autoclave thermopolymerization (n=50) and photopolymerization + microwave thermopolymerization (n=50). Each specimen was submitted to three indenta-tions by means of the Vickers microhardness test, applying a load of 300gf, associated with the time of 15s. Data were analyzed descriptively by means of statistics, standard deviation and coefficient of variation and inferentially by the F test (ANOVA) in the comparison between groups. The margin of error used in statistical test decisions was 5%.Results: The highest vicker microhardness averages were from the Control group (light curing only) on P60 (82.16) and Z250 XT (79.61) resins. The lowest averages were all verified on Brilliant Everglow resin in all polymerization methods studied: Photopolymerization (37.32), with microwave (43.80) and autoclave (45.12), followed by Bulk Fill 3M resin, ranged from 52.23 to 59.15.Conclusions: Both autoclave and microwave thermopolymerization methods showed similar behavior on the mi-crohardness of the composites studied. Considering the resin type, there was a varied behavior compared to thermo-polymerization, which increased the microhardness values for Brilliant Everglow resins (Coltene) and Filtek One Bulkfill (3M) and decreased for Filtek P60, Filtek Z350XT and Filtek Z250XT resins

    Cleaning ability of chlorhexidine gel and sodium hypochlorite associated or not with EDTA as root canal irrigants: a scanning electron microscopy study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the cleaning efficacy of 2% chlorhexidine gluconate gel (CHX) compared to 2.5% sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl) associated or not with 17% EDTA used as irrigants during the biomechanical preparation. Fifty freshly extracted single-rooted human teeth with complete apex formation were randomly divided into five groups: G1 - sterile saline, G2 - 2.5% NaOCl, G3 - 2% CHX, G4 - 2.5% NaOCl + EDTA and G5 - 2% CHX + EDTA. The specimens of G1 were subdivided into two control groups. The teeth were decoronated and the coronal and middle root thirds were prepared with Gates-Glidden burs, and the apical third was reserved to manual instrumentation. All procedures were performed by a single operator. In all groups, 2 mL of irrigant was delivered between each file change. The teeth were sectioned and prepared for analyses under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM micrographs were graded according to a score scale by two examiners. Data were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests at 1% significance level. The best results were obtained in the groups in which the irrigant was used followed by the chelating agent. No statistically significant difference was observed among G4, G5 and the positive control group (