1,401 research outputs found


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    El presente trabajo fue de realizado en el Hospital de la Cruz Roja Mexicana desde el 1 de marzo de 2010 hasta el 30 de agosto de 2010, con un universo, reflejado en el paciente quirúrgicos con ASAI-ASAII, con una muestra de 32 pacientes para cirugía de abdomen. Se dividieron en dos grupos: En el grupo I (Grupo Control) con 16 pacientes y en el grupo II con 16 pacientes. La analgesia en el posquirúrgico se valoro con dos escalas de dolor las cuales destacaron en el lapso de 24 horas en diferentes horas al ingreso a la sala de recuperación y luego a las 4, 8,16 y 24 horas. En el lapso de 24 horas El grupo 2 alcanzo EVA 6 en un 37.5% y el grupo 1 manejo hasta EVA 3 en un 31.25%. La desviación estándar en el grupo 1 alcanzo 0.23 y el grupo 2 alcanzo 5, en un punto crítico

    Catalytic addition of C–H bonds across C–C unsaturated systems promoted by iridium(i) and its group IX congeners

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    Transition metal-catalyzed hydrocarbonations of unsaturated substrates have emerged as powerful synthetic tools for increasing molecular complexity in an atom-economical manner. Although this field was traditionally dominated by low valent rhodium and ruthenium catalysts, in recent years, there have been many reports based on the use of iridium complexes. In many cases, these reactions have a different course from those of their rhodium homologs, and even allow performing otherwise inviable transformations. In this review we aim to provide an informative journey, from the early pioneering examples in the field, most of them based on other metals than iridium, to the most recent transformations catalyzed by designed Ir(I) complexes. The review is organized by the type of C–H bond that is activated (with C sp2, sp or sp3), as well as by the C–C unsaturated partner that is used as a hydrocarbonation partner (alkyne, allene or alkene). Importantly, we discuss the mechanistic foundations of the methods highlighting the differences from those previously proposed for processes catalyzed by related metals, particularly those of the same group (Co and Rh)This work received financial support from Spanish grants (SAF2016-76689-R, CTQ2016-77047-P, CTQ2017-84767-P and ORFEO-CINQA network CTQ2016-81797-REDC), the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (2015-CP082, ED431C-2017/19 and Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia accreditation 2019–2022, ED431G 2019/03), the European Union (European Regional Development Fund-ERDF corresponding to the multiannual financial framework 2014–2020), and the European Research Council (Advanced Grant No. 340055). DFF thanks Xunta de Galicia for his postdoctoral fellowship (ED481B-2019-005)S


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    INTRODUCCION. El bloqueo peridural sigue siendo la técnica más utilizada por sus diversas ventajas. La adición de un α2 agonista prolonga la analgesia, por inhibición en la liberación de NA de las terminaciones adrenérgicas en el asta dorsal de la médula espinal. OBJETIVO. Evaluación de la calidad anestésica y analgesia PO en pacientes programados para cirugía de fémur y pelvis. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO. Estudio clínico, experimental, prospectivo, aleatorizado y doble ciego. Un total de 34 pacientes se evaluaron, divididos en 2 grupos, bajo bloqueo peridural con bupivacaína al 0.5% más clonidina a 2mcg/kg, en pacientes del hospital central CRM. Revelándose el contenido de cada frasco al término del estudio (frasco A= placebo; frasco B=clonidina). Evaluando variables cada 30 minutos hasta los 270 minutos. RESULTADOS. Buena calidad anestésica con adecuado bloqueo motor y sensitivo. Cambios hemodinámicos mínimos. Analgesia PO adecuada para el grupo B, con una duración > a 270minutos, EVA a 4, en comparación al grupo A con 210 minutos. CONCLUSION. La administración de clonidina en un bloqueo peridural ofrece una buena calidad anestésica con mínimos efectos hemodinámicos y prolongación del tiempo analgésico PO

    The social importance of the university’s commitment to the promotion of entrepreneurial initiatives as a strategic goal in the transfer of knowledge, the modification of the model of production and an increase in social welfare

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    [Resumo] O desenvolvemento dunha sociedade baséase na capacidade dos seus membros para detectar oportunidades, emprender e crear novas empresas con ideas innovadoras. O impacto da cultura emprendedora e a creación de empresas no benestar e o progreso social é un feito constatado, polo que a universidade debe asumir o compromiso de fomentar o espírito emprendedor como un obxectivo estratéxico que, ao mesmo tempo sirva como medio para transmitir coñecementos á sociedade. O logro deste obxectivo favorecerá a aparición unha xeración de novos emprendedores provenientes do ámbito universitario que transformarán a estrutura económica e social do país, o que contribuirá ao ansiado cambio de modelo produtivo, á creación de empregos que requiran maior cualificación, á igualdade de oportunidades e á repartición máis equitativa da riqueza.[Abstract] The development of a society is based on the capacity of its members to discover opportunities, to undertake and create new companies with innovative ideas. The impact of entrepreneurial culture and the creation of companies in welfare and social progress is a known fact, and sothe university has to take on a commitment to foster the entrepreneurial spirit as a strategic aim that, at the same time works as a means of transmitting knowledge to society at large. Complying with this aim will favour the appearance of a generation of new entrepreneurs from the university field who will transform the economic and social structure of the country, contributing therefore to a much-neede change in the model of production, in the creation of employment that require higher qualifications, and in the equality of opportunities and a more even distribution of wealth

    Aplicación del muestreo sistemático en el diseño de encuestas

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    La obtención de muestras utilizando el muestreo sistemático es algo que se ha llevado a cabo desde principios del siglo XX, debido a la simplicidad de su manejo. Como inconveniente, los diseños sistemáticos clásicos no son estimables, por lo que no podemos suministrar estimadores directos del error de muestreo cometido. Este inconveniente ha tratado de salvarse a través de distintas variantes sobre la versión más simple del muestreo sistemático. En este trabajo, proponemos otra variante, en la que se hace aleatorio el paso del muestreo sistemático, siguiendo una determinada variable, lo que nos conduce a un diseño equivalente al muestreo aleatorio simple y, por tanto, estimable. Conseguimos así un procedimiento secuencial de obtención de muestras de gran utilidad en poblaciones que tienen una cierta estructura, y fácilmente implementable en la realización de encuestas

    A re-evaluation of the taphonomic methodology for the study of small mammal fossil assemblages of South America

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    The taphonomic methodology for the study of small mammal fossil was based mainly on actualistic studies of bones and teeth of insectivores (Soricidae, Talpidae, Erinaceidae) and rodents (Arvicolinae, Muridae) recovered from pellets of birds of prey and scats of carnivorous mammals from different places of North America, Europe and Africa. The digestive corrosion patterns on teeth of the South American rodents Sigmodontinae, Caviinae, Ctenomyidae and Abrocomidae, and the marsupials Monodelphini of central Argentina were observed. The comparison between the South American samples with the North American, African and European samples allowed us to establish similarities and differences in the digestive corrosion of the teeth. The main agreements have been recorded in the following groups: Arvicolinae with Caviinae and Abrocomidae; Murinae with Sigmodontinae; Soricidae, Talpidae and Erinaceidae with Monodelphini. However, the particular and simplified configuration of the molars of Ctenomyidae with thicker enamel and dentine exposed has promoted a new description of the categories of digestive corrosion. Likewise Muridae and Sigmodontinae molars, Ctenomyidae presents a delay in the appearance of signs of digestion with regard to other caviomorphs (Caviinae, Abrocomidae). This contribution may, therefore, be useful to know the origin of these South American faunas and the exact taphonomic agent that produced these assemblages. Finally, small mammal samples from an archaeopalaeontological site from Northwestern Patagonia, Argentina, were studied in order to apply the new methodology emerged from the recent samples.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Finite element analysis of narrow dental implants

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    Narrow-diameter implants (NDIs) traditionally have been associated to higher rates of failure in comparison with regular-diameter implants (RDIs) and wide-diameter implants (WDIs), since they generate a more unfavorable stress distribution in peri-implant bone. However, it is well known that the load sharing effect associated with prostheses supported by multiple implants (also called splinted prostheses) affords mechanical benefits. The present study involves finite element analysis (FEA) to determine whether the risks linked to NDIs could be mitigated by the mechanical advantages afforded by the splinting concept. For this purpose, a three-dimensional (3D) model of a real maxilla was reconstructed from computed tomography (CT) images, and different implants (NDIs, RDIs and WDIs) and prostheses were created using computer-aided design (CAD) tools. Biting forces were simulated on the prostheses corresponding to three different rehabilitation solutions: single-implant restoration, three-unit bridge and all-on-four treatment. Stress distribution around the implants was calculated, and overloading in bone was quantified within peri-implant volumes enclosed by cylinders with a diameter 0.1 mm greater than that of each implant. The mechanical benefits of the splinting concept were confirmed: the peri-implant overloaded volume around NDIs splinted by means of the three-unit bridge was significantly reduced in comparison with the nonsplinted condition and, most importantly, proved even smaller than that around nonsplinted implants with a larger diameter (RDIs). However, splinted NDIs supporting the all-on-four prosthesis led to the highest risk of overloading found in the study, due to the increase in compressive stress generated around the tilted implant when loading the cantilevered molar.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Gestión del capital social a través del desarrollo de ciertas políticas de recursos humanos

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    La dinámica relacional que se produce dentro y entre organizaciones, se concibe en los últimos años, como un recurso que puede contribuir a la orientación y al posicionamiento estratégico de las organizaciones, y, por consiguiente, al sostenimiento de ventajas competitivas. Un equipo donde priman características tales como la cohesión, la confianza, la reciprocidad o la comunicación frecuente, fomenta que todos los actores de la red se encuentren implicados en la consecución de unos objetivos comunes y, en consecuencia, se alcancen beneficios superiores a los de la competencia. Sin embargo, son muy pocos los estudios que han ofrecido evidencias acerca de cómo la gestión efectiva de ciertas características y propiedades de la red, como la dinámica de trabajo que se desarrolla o la interacción en el grupo, puede ser útil para el funcionamiento del grupo de trabajo y, en última instancia, para el desempeño organizativo. Así, este trabajo se plantea con el objetivo de explicar los mecanismos de los que disponen las organizaciones para gestionar este flujo de comunicación.During the last years, the relational dynamics that takes place inside and between organizations has been conceived as a resource able to contribute to the orientation and the strategic positioning of the organizations, and, as a last resort, to the support of the competitive advantages. A certain group whose most prominent characteristics are cohesion, trust, reciprocity or the frequent communication, encourages all the actors of the networks to get involved in the attainment of some common objectives, resulting in the achievement of benefits superior to those of the competition. Nevertheless, there are very few studies including evidences about how the effective management of certain characteristics and properties of the network, such as the work dynamics developed or de interaction in the group, may be useful for the operation of the work group itself and, therefore, generate performance. Thus, the objective of this work is to explain the mechanisms available for the organizations in order to manage this communication flow

    The two main olfactory receptor families in drosophila, ORs and IRs: A comparative approach

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    Most insect species rely on the detection of olfactory cues for critical behaviors for the survival of the species, e.g., finding food, suitable mates and appropriate egg-laying sites. Although insects show a diverse array of molecular receptors dedicated to the detection of sensory cues, two main types of molecular receptors have been described as responsible for olfactory reception in Drosophila, the odorant receptors (ORs) and the ionotropic receptors (IRs). Although both receptor families share the role of being the first chemosensors in the insect olfactory system, they show distinct evolutionary origins and several distinct structural and functional characteristics. While ORs are seven-transmembrane-domain receptor proteins, IRs are related to the ionotropic glutamate receptor (iGluR) family. Both types of receptors are expressed on the olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) of the main olfactory organ, the antenna, but they are housed in different types of sensilla, IRs in coeloconic sensilla and ORs in basiconic and trichoid sensilla. More importantly, from the functional point of view, they display different odorant specificity profiles. Research advances in the last decade have improved our understanding of the molecular basis, evolution and functional roles of these two families, but there are still controversies and unsolved key questions that remain to be answered. Here, we present an updated review on the advances of the genetic basis, evolution, structure, functional response and regulation of both types of chemosensory receptors. We use a comparative approach to highlight the similarities and differences among them. Moreover, we will discuss major open questions in the field of olfactory reception in insects. A comprehensive analysis of the structural and functional convergence and divergence of both types of receptors will help in elucidating the molecular basis of the function and regulation of chemoreception in insects