1,386 research outputs found

    Colleague roles and innovation in scientific teams

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    Colleague role of scientists utilizing executive decision making mode

    Physico-Chemical-Managed Killing of Penicillin-Resistant Static and Growing Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Vegetative Bacteria

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    Systems and methods for the use of compounds from the Hofmeister series coupled with specific pH and temperature to provide rapid physico-chemical-managed killing of penicillin-resistant static and growing Gram-positive and Gram-negative vegetative bacteria. The systems and methods represent the more general physico-chemical enhancement of susceptibility for a wide range of pathological macromolecular targets to clinical management by establishing the reactivity of those targets to topically applied drugs or anti-toxins

    Neuroendocrine tumour arising inside a retro-rectal tailgut cyst: report of two cases and a review of the literature

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    Tailgut cysts (or retro-rectal cyst-hamartomas (RCHs)) are developmental abnormalities consisting of multiloculated cysts lined by squamous, transitional or glandular epithelium which, albeit rarely, may give rise to malignant transformations. Carcinoid tumours arising in the presacral region are extremely rare and usually benign, and only a few are described in the literature. Case 1: A 63-year-old female diagnosed as having bilateral ovarian cysts underwent surgery to remove a right adnexial mass that was histopathologically diagnosed as a well-differentiated carcinoid tumour. She is currently disease free after 18 months of follow-up. Case 2: A 41-year-old-female diagnosed with hepatic metastases and a solid pelvic mass arising from a moderately differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma is currently alive with disease after having undergone surgical removal of the mass and several medical treatments. We here describe two different clinical histories of well- and moderately differentiated neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) arising from tailgut cysts in the prerectal space together with a review of the relevant literature

    Prediction of Fretting Crack Location and Orientation in a Single Crystal Nickel Alloy

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    Fretting is a structural damage mechanism arising between two nominally clamped surfaces subjected to an oscillatory loading. A critical location for fretting induced damage has been identified at the blade/disk and blade/damper interfaces of gas turbine engine turbomachinery and space propulsion components. The high- temperature, high-frequency loading environment seen by these components lead to severe stress gradients at the edge-of-contact that could potentially foster crack growth leading to component failure. These contact stresses drive crack nucleation in fretting and are very sensitive to the geometry of the contacting bodies, the contact loads, materials, temperature, and contact surface tribology (friction). Recently, a high-frequency, high-temperature load frame has been designed for experimentally investigating fretting damage of single crystal nickel materials employed in aircraft and spacecraft turbomachinery. A modeling method for characterizing the fretting stresses of the spherical fretting contact stress behavior in this experiment is developed and described. The calculated fretting stresses for a series of experiments are then correlated to the observed fretting damage. Results show that knowledge of the normal stresses and resolved shear stresses on each crystal plane can aid in predicting crack locations and orientations

    Spectroscopic and in silico studies on the interaction of substituted pyrazolo[1,2-a]benzo[1,2,3,4]tetrazine-3-one derivatives with c-myc g4-dna

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    Herein we describe a combined experimental and in silico study of the interaction of a series of pyrazolo[1,2-a]benzo[1,2,3,4]tetrazin-3-one derivatives (PBTs) with parallel G-quadruplex (GQ) DNA aimed at correlating their previously reported anticancer activities and the stabilizing effects observed by us on c-myc oncogene promoter GQ structure. Circular dichroism (CD) melting experiments were performed to characterize the effect of the studied PBTs on the GQ thermal stability. CD measurements indicate that two out of the eight compounds under investigation induced a slight stabilizing effect (2–4 °C) on GQ depending on the nature and position of the substituents. Molecular docking results allowed us to verify the modes of interaction of the ligands with the GQ and estimate the binding affinities. The highest binding affinity was observed for ligands with the experimental melting temperatures (Tms). However, both stabilizing and destabilizing ligands showed similar scores, whilst Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations, performed across a wide range of temperatures on the GQ in water solution, either unliganded or complexed with two model PBT ligands with the opposite effect on the Tms, consistently confirmed their stabilizing or destabilizing ability ascertained by CD. Clues about a relation between the reported anticancer activity of some PBTs and their ability to stabilize the GQ structure of c-myc emerged from our study. Furthermore, Molecular Dynamics simulations at high temperatures are herein proposed for the first time as a means to verify the stabilizing or destabilizing effect of ligands on the GQ, also disclosing predictive potential in GQ-targeting drug discovery

    The Italian endemic forest plants: an annotated inventory and synthesis of knowledge

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    Background and aims – Forests are among the most threatened ecosystems worldwide, and endemic plants are often a vulnerable component of the flora of a given territory. So far, however, understory forest endemics of southern Europe have received little attention and are poorly known for several aspects. Material and methods – We developed the first list of native vascular plants that are restricted to Italian forests. Available information on taxonomy, regional distribution, ecology, biology, functional traits, and conservation status was collected for each taxon, allowing to identify major knowledge gaps and calculate baseline statistics. Key results – The list includes 134 taxa, most of which are linked to closed-canopy forest habitats, while the others are also found in margins and gaps. The forest and non-forest Italian endemic flora differed in terms of taxonomic and life-form distribution. The rate and density of forest endemism increased with decreasing latitude and were highest in Sicily, Calabria, and Basilicata, where paleoendemic mono- or oligotypic genera also occur. Endemic phanerophytes were especially numerous on islands. Beech and deciduous oak forests were the most important habitats, but hygrophilous woodlands also host numerous endemics. Overall, the ecology, biology, and functional traits of the forest endemic taxa are still poorly known. The ratio diploids/polyploids was highest in the south and on the islands. Almost 24% of the taxa were assessed as “Critically Endangered”, “Endangered”, or “Vulnerable”, and 24% were categorized as “Data Deficient”, based on the IUCN system. Increasing frequency and intensity of fires was the most frequent threat. Conclusions – This work can contribute to implement the European forest plant species list and serve as a basis for further research on a unique biological heritage of the continent. However, more knowledge about these globally rare taxa is needed, to support their conservation in changing forest landscapes

    Intravaginal testicular torsion in newborns. To fix or not to fix the contralateral testis

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    Scrotal swelling suggesting testicular torsion is a rare urological emergency which requires a clinical urgent evaluation and most of the times must be managed surgically. In newborns it can occur in the postnatal period, usually within the twenty-eighth day of life, or more frequently in utero, during the descent of the testis into the scrotum. Usually its poor fixedness allows the testis an abnormal mobility inside the scrotum, configuring the framework of extravaginal torsion. On the contrary during the perinatal period a twist that takes place inside the tunica vaginalis, known as intravaginal torsion, is extremely uncommon and only few cases are well documented in the literature. Authors present a rare case of intravaginal testicular torsion occurred in perinatal period. In this situation only the early surgical exploration of the scrotum may allow the rescue of the gonad, although in rare cases. Timing of surgical treatment and need for contralateral testicular fixation remain controversial. However since the anatomical defect of the tunica vaginalis can be bilateral the surgical fixation even of the contralateral testis is important, now or later, in order to prevent any future torsion of this gonad. The authors also present a brief review of recent literature on the subject

    “'Subaltern Victims’ or ‘Useful Resources”? Migrant Women in the Lega Nord Ideology and Politics"

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    Since the mid-2000s we have witnessed the emergence of a new phenomenon in several European countries: the mobilisation of issues of women’s rights and gender equality by populist radical right parties (PRR)1 in anti-immigration campaigns. Recent contributions have illustrated some aspects and contradictions of these phenomena, for instance in relation to the PRR parties’ embrace not only of women’s but also gay rights (Bracke 2011). Others have described the double standard applied to migrant men and women in the context of raising hostility towards the Muslim population, not only by PRR parties, but within the mainstream more generally; whereas Muslim men have been mostly described as representing a social and cultural danger to European societies as well as being inherently misogynist, Muslim women have been portrayed prevalently as victims to be rescued (Abu-Lughod 2013). Little however has been written on the gendered ideology and strategies of these parties, particularly when it comes to addressing the issue of migrant women. This chapter aims to address these gaps in the scholarly literature by focusing on the gendered dimensions of anti-immigration ideology, policy and politics in the case of the LN. In particular, we draw on the empirical findings of two research projects to analyse the instrumental mobilisation of women’s rights by the LN to stigmatise migrant, particularly Muslim, communities
