125 research outputs found
A perspectiva Macaronésica
"As 100 espécies seleccionadas como prioritárias para a gestão na Macaronésia europeia (i.e., Açores, Madeira, Selvagens e Canárias) são maioritariamente das Canárias (51 taxa), em segundo lugar do arquipélago da Madeira (26 taxa) e em terceiro lugar do arquipélago dos Açores (23 taxa). Esta distribuição é apenas mais ou menos concordante com a riqueza relativa das três regiões, já que estão registadas apenas 420 espécies endémicas para os Açores (Borges et al., 2005, 2008a), 1284 espécies endémicas para os arquipélagos da Madeira e Selvagens (Borges et al., 2008b) e 3572 espécies endémicas para as ilhas Canárias (Martín et al., 2005). A lista "Top 100" inclui taxa da flora e da fauna dos três arquipélagos macaronésicos acima referidos. O grupo dominante, ao nível do filo ou da divisão, é o das fanerogâmicas ou plantas com flor, no qual se incluem 66 taxa, seguido dos artrópodes, representados por 17 taxa. A distribuição por arquipélagos é desigual, e embora este padrão global se repita entre as espécies da Madeira e das Canárias, no caso dos Açores isso não sucede: o grupo mais numeroso é de longe o dos artrópodes, que compreende 12 dos 23 taxa selecionados"
A Lista Top 100
"Evitar a extinção das espécies é um dos maiores desafios actuais da ciência da conservação. A magnitude da perda de espécies é hoje tão importante que alguns autores defendem que estamos a ser testemunhas da sexta grande extinção na história da vida (Leakey & Lewin, 1995). De facto, no nosso planeta desta vez é a acção devastadora do Homem a força motriz que está a alterar habitats, a colocar em risco ecossistemas, e a extinguir inúmeras espécies, muitas delas desconhecidas para a ciência (Lawton & May, 1995; Pimm et al., 1995, 1996; Chapin et al., 2000). Durante os últimos séculos estas extinções tem sido muito significativas nas ilhas de todo o mundo (Reid & Miller, 1989; Lawton & May, 1995; Sadler, 1999; Steadman & Martin, 2003), o que tem estimulado o debate sobre a questão se os endemismos insulares são intrinsecamente mais sensíveis às ameaças do que as formas continentais (Manne et al., 1999; Sax et al., 2002; Frankham, 2005). Contudo embora não pareça claro que assim seja (Manne & Pimm, 2001; Biber, 2002), o facto é que as ilhas por serem territórios com muitos taxa endémicos de distribuição reduzida a espaços limitados e, como consequência disso, com poucas possibilidades de escapar a uma eventual ameaça –como por exemplo a introdução de um novo predador–, tem o risco de extinção aumentado (Duncan & Blackburn, 2007). Evidências mostram igualmente que nas ilhas o número de espécies de plantas vasculares não nativas tem subido mais do que a extinção do número de espécies nativas mas que nas aves as extinções igualam o ganho de espécies exóticas (Sax et al., 2002). O facto é que, independentemente da maior ou menor propensão ao desaparecimento das espécies insulares, as consequências devastadoras das ameaças externas nos territórios isolados levam a que as extinções nas ilhas sejam mais frequentes do que nos espaços abertos continentais (Quammen, 1997). [...]
Pristine Multi-walled carbon nanotubes for a rapid and efficient plasmid DNA clarification
Therapeutic approaches based on nucleic acids to modulate cell activity have recently gained attention. These molecules arise from complex biotechnological processes, requiring effective manufacturing strategies, high purity, and precise quality control to be used as biopharmaceuticals. One of the most critical and time-consuming steps for nucleic acids-based biotherapeutics manufacturing is their purification, mainly due to the complexity of the extracts. In this study, a simple, efficient, and reliable method to isolate and clarify plasmid DNA (pDNA) from complex samples is described. The method is based on the selective capture of RNA and other impurities, using pristine carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Multi-walled CNTs (MWCNTs) with different diameters were studied to determine their adsorption capacity and to address their ability to interact and distinguish between nucleic acids. The results revealed that MWCNTs preferentially interact with RNA and that smaller MWCNTs present a higher adsorption capacity, as expected by the higher specific surface area. Overall, this study showed that MWCNTs significantly reduce the levels of impurities, namely RNA, gDNA, and proteins, by approximately 83.6 % compared to their initial level, enabling the recovery of clarified pDNA in solution while maintaining its stability throughout the recovery process. This method facilitates the pre-purification of pDNA for therapeutic applications.publishe
Diagnosis methods for COVID-19: A systematic review
At the end of 2019, the coronavirus appeared and spread extremely rapidly, causing millions of infections and deaths worldwide, and becoming a global pandemic. For this reason, it became urgent and essential to find adequate tests for an accurate and fast diagnosis of this disease. In the present study, a systematic review was performed in order to provide an overview of the COVID-19 diagnosis methods and tests already available, as well as their evolution in recent months. For this purpose, the Science Direct, PubMed, and Scopus databases were used to collect the data and three authors independently screened the references, extracted the main information, and assessed the quality of the included studies. After the analysis of the collected data, 34 studies reporting new methods to diagnose COVID-19 were selected. Although RT-PCR is the gold-standard method for COVID-19 diagnosis, it cannot fulfill all the requirements of this pandemic, being limited by the need for highly specialized equipment and personnel to perform the assays, as well as the long time to get the test results. To fulfill the limitations of this method, other alternatives, including biological and imaging analysis methods, also became commonly reported. The comparison of the different diagnosis tests allowed to understand the importance and potential of combining different techniques, not only to improve diagnosis but also for a further understanding of the virus, the disease, and their implications in humans
Do borrão às aguadas: os engenheiros militares e a representação da Capitania de São Paulo
A análise do papel dos engenheiros militares perpassa as discussões sobre regiões específicas, mesmo quando eles, aparentemente, estão ausentes delas. Sua presença ou ausência sempre foi sinônimo de interesse e de projeto colonizador mais ou menos dirigido. Este ensaio tem como objeto de estudo a cartografia dos engenheiros militares atuantes na Capitania de São Paulo, território comumente visto como economicamente periférico e mais autônomo face aos desígnios da Coroa portuguesa. Com foco no corpus cartográfico de alguns profissionais que aqui atuaram, trata indiretamente da multifacetada atuação desses engenheiros, bem como do processo de feitura das cartas geográficas, corográficas e topográficas, do borrão às aguadas. Investigar a cartografia de alguns desses profissionais permite não apenas explorar a riqueza de suas biografias, como, também, acompanhar o processo de produção técnica dos mapas e os desígnios políticos envolvidos no devassamento e representação das terras descobertas no Novo Mundo.Analyzing the role of military engineers means venturing into discussions about specific regions, even those from which they are apparently absent. Their presence or absence has always been synonymous with interest and a more or less directed colonization project. This essay examines the maps produced by the military engineers working in the Captaincy of São Paulo, a territory often looked upon as one of little economic import and a rather autonomous area in light of the plans of the Portuguese Crown. By focusing on the cartographic corpus bequeathed by certain professionals serving in this region, we deal indirectly with the multifaceted role of these engineers as well as with the process of making geographic, chorographic and topographic charts - all the way from the sketch to watercolored maps. Perusing the charts constructed by some of these professionals enabled us not only to delve into the rich details of their biographies but also to observe the technical mapmaking process and to unravel the political designs behind the exploration and representation of the lands discovered in the New World
The Complement System in Dialysis:A Forgotten Story?
Significant advances have lead to a greater understanding of the role of the complement system within nephrology. The success of the first clinically approved complement inhibitor has created renewed appreciation of complement-targeting therapeutics. Several clinical trials are currently underway to evaluate the therapeutic potential of complement inhibition in renal diseases and kidney transplantation. Although, complement has been known to be activated during dialysis for over four decades, this area of research has been neglected in recent years. Despite significant progress in biocompatibility of hemodialysis (HD) membranes and peritoneal dialysis (PD) fluids, complement activation remains an undesired effect and relevant issue. Short-term effects of complement activation include promoting inflammation and coagulation. In addition, long-term complications of dialysis, such as infection, fibrosis and cardiovascular events, are linked to the complement system. These results suggest that interventions targeting the complement system in dialysis could improve biocompatibility, dialysis efficacy, and long-term outcome. Combined with the clinical availability to safely target complement in patients, the question is not if we should inhibit complement in dialysis, but when and how. The purpose of this review is to summarize previous findings and provide a comprehensive overview of the role of the complement system in both HD and PD
Local modulation of the natriuretic peptide system in the rat remnant kidney
Background. The natriuretic peptide (NP) system plays a central role in the renal adaptations to acute volume expansion. However, the modulation of the NP system in chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) remains to be elucidated. In the present study, we evaluated cardiac haemodynamics, plasma type-B natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels and the expression of natriuretic peptide receptor A (NPR-A) and NPR-C in the renal cortex (RC) and medulla (RM) of Sham and 3/4 nephrectomized (3/4nx) rats, up to 26 weeks after surgery. Methods. Male Wistar-Han rats (190-220 g; n = 49) were randomly assigned to 3/4nx or Sham surgery. Two, 10 and 26 weeks after surgery, non-invasive blood pressure (BP) and left ventricular (LV) haemodynamics were performed, and urine and blood were collected for metabolic studies and plasma BNP determination. In addition, tissue samples from RC and RM were obtained for NPR-A and NPR-C quantification (RT-PCR and western blotting) as well as NPR-A immunodetection. Results. In 3/4nx rats, the progressive interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy were accompanied by a time-dependent increase of BP and impaired natriuretic response to volume expansion (VE). This was accompanied in 3/4nx rats by an early and time-dependent elevation of BNP circulating levels that was not associated with cardiac dysfunction or increased myocardial BNP gene expression. In 3/4nx rats, NPR-A expression in the remnant RM was consistently reduced at 2, 10 and 26 weeks, and this was accompanied by an increase in NPR-C expression in the remnant RC from 3/4nx rats. Conclusions. BP elevation and compromised natriuretic response to VE in 3/4nx rats is associated with increased circulating BNP levels in the absence of cardiac dysfunction. This is accompanied in 3/4nx rats by both impaired NPR-A expression in the RM and upregulation of NPR-C in the RC suggesting a novel mechanism for NP resistance in CRI
Portuguese recommendations for the use of biological and targeted synthetic diseasemodifying antirheumatic drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis – 2020 update
Objective: To update the recommendations for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with biological and targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs and tsDMARDs), endorsed by the Portuguese Society of Rheumatology (SPR).
Methods: These treatment recommendations were formulated by Portuguese rheumatologists taking into account previous recommendations, new literature evidence and consensus opinion. At a national meeting, in a virtual format, three of the ten previous recommendations were re-addressed and discussed after a more focused literature review. A first draft of the updated recommendations was elaborated by a team of SPR rheumatologists from the SPR rheumatoid arthritis study group, GEAR. The resulting document circulated among all SPR rheumatologists for discussion and input. The level of agreement with each of all the recommendations was anonymously voted online by all SPR rheumatologists.
Results: These recommendations cover general aspects such as shared decision, treatment objectives, systematic assessment of disease activity and burden and its registry in Reuma.pt. Consensus was also achieved regarding specific aspects such as initiation of bDMARDs and tsDMARDs, assessment of treatment response, switching and definition of persistent remission.
Conclusion: These recommendations may be used for guidance of treatment with bDMARDs and tsDMARDs in patients with RA. As more evidence becomes available and more therapies are licensed, these recommendations will be updated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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