189 research outputs found

    Foraminifera in transitional environments

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    Date du colloque : 08/2012International audienc

    Sources and metal pollution of sediments from a coastal area of the central western adriatic sea (Southern Marche region, Italy)

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    Sediments represent a critical compartment of marine coastal ecosystems due to the toxic and long-lasting effects of the contaminants buried therein. Here, we investigated the properties of surficial sediments in front of the Southern Marche Region coast (Central Adriatic Sea, Italy). The grain size of the surficial sediments was determined by X-ray sedigraphy. TN and OC contents were determined by elemental analysis. The concentrations of Al, Fe, Mg, K, S, Ca, Ti, P, Na, Mn, Mg, Li, As, Ba, Ga, Pb, Sr, and Zn were determined by ICP-OES to evaluate their spatial patterns and temporal trends. A Q-mode Factor Analyses was applied and resulted in the identification of three compositional facies (Padanic, Coastal, and Residual) characterized by common biogeochemical, mineralogical, sedimentological properties, transport pathway, and source. Some pollution indica-tors, such as the enrichment factor, the geoaccumulation index, and the pollution load index were calculated to assess the deviation from the natural background levels. The results showed a pollution by As and Ba due to the human activities in the 20th century. Furthermore, a general decreasing of Al, Ti, P, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Ni, Pb, Sc, V, and Y concentrations from the background levels suggested a change in the sedimentation processes during the last decades

    Benthic Foraminifera as Proxies of Paleoenvironmental Changes in the Sant’Elia-Foxi Canyon (Gulf of Cagliari, Italy, Western Tyrrhenian Sea)

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    Marine coastal areas are highly dynamic and fragile environments characterised by a complex interplay of biological, physical, and chemical factors. These areas are also affected by anthropogenic activities with the discharge of organic and inorganic contaminants that alters the quality of the environment. In this work, the effects of anthropogenic activities (i.e., urban and industrial development) on benthic foraminifera have been investigated along the A2TM core collected from the Sant’Elia-Foxi Canyon (Gulf of Cagliari, Sardinia—western Tyrrhenian Sea). The Gulf of Cagliari has experienced intense urbanisation since the beginning of the twentieth century with the establishment of petrochemical complexes and harbour activities. The A2TM core, dating from 1907 to 2013, was analysed with an integrated approach that includes grain size, organic matter, and benthic foraminifera characterisation compared with geochemical characterisation. The variations in the composition of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages and the Margalef diversity index are related to the altered environmental conditions that reflect the historical development of the area and to the land-based activities surrounding the Gulf of Cagliari. The statistical analysis identifies two main intervals (i.e., the years 1907–1986 and 1986–2013) that are typified by different benthic foraminiferal assemblages and diversity values. Accordingly, the increases in organic matter content and both organic and inorganic contaminants are well mirrored by a major drop in foraminiferal diversity after 1973 and a major foraminiferal turnover after 1989. The composition of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the uppermost part of the core (i.e., 1989–2013) might suggest a lowering of the oxygen availability at the seafloor. These changes might be related to the increase in organic matter and the silty fraction in the same interval likely triggered by damming on land and wetland reclamation

    Rock magnetic signature of the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) event in different oceanic basins

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    The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) event at ~40 Ma was a greenhouse warming which indicates an abrupt reversal in long-term cooling through the middle Eocene. Here, we present environmental and rock magnetic data from sedimentary successions from the Indian Ocean (ODP Hole 711A) and eastern NeoTethys (Monte Cagnero section - MCA). The high-resolution environmental magnetism record obtained for MCA section shows an interval of increase of magnetic parameters comprising the MECO peak. A relative increase in eutrophic nannofossil taxa spans the culmination of the MECO warming and its aftermath and coincides with a positive carbon isotope excursion, and a peak in magnetite and hematite/goethite concentrations. The magnetite peak reflects the appearance of magnetofossils, while the hematite/goethite apex are attributed to an enhanced detrital mineral contribution, likely related to aeolian dust transported from the continent adjacent to the Neo-Tethys Ocean during a drier, more seasonal MECO climate. Seasurface iron fertilization is inferred to have stimulated high phytoplankton productivity, increasing organic carbon export to the seafloor and promoting enhanced biomineralization of magnetotactic bacteria, which are preserved as magnetofossils during the warmest periods of the MECO event. Environmental magnetic parameters show the same behavior for ODP Hole 711A. We speculate that iron fertilization promoted by aeolian hematite during the MECO event has contributed significantly to increase the primary productivity in the oceans. The widespread occurrence of magnetofossils in other warming periods suggests a common mechanism linking climate warming and enhancement of magnetosome production and preservation

    Understanding the Distributions of Benthic Foraminifera in the Adriatic Sea with Gradient Forest and Structural Equation Models

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    Abstract: In the last three decades, benthic foraminiferal ecology has been intensively investigated to improve the potential application of these marine organisms as proxies of the effects of climate change and other global change phenomena. It is still challenging to define the most important factors affecting foraminiferal communities and derived faunistic parameters. In this study, we examined the abiotic-biotic relationships of foraminiferal communities in the central-southern area of the Adriatic Sea using modern machine learning techniques. We combined gradient forest (Gf) and structural equation modeling (SEM) to test hypotheses about determinants of benthic foraminiferal assemblages. These approaches helped determine the relative effect of sizes of different environmental variables responsible for shaping living foraminiferal distributions. Four major faunal turnovers (at 13–28 m, 29–58 m, 59–215 m, and >215 m) were identified along a large bathymetric gradient (13–703 m water depth) that reflected the classical bathymetric distribution of benthic communities. Sand and organic matter (OM) contents were identified as the most relevant factors influencing the distribution of foraminifera either along the entire depth gradient or at selected bathymetric ranges. The SEM supported causal hypotheses that focused the factors that shaped assemblages at each bathymetric range, and the most notable causal relationships were direct effects of depth and indirect effects of the Gf-identified environmental parameters (i.e., sand, pollution load Index–PLI, organic matter–OM and total nitrogen–N) on foraminifera infauna and diversity. These results are relevant to understanding the basic ecology and conservation of foraminiferal communitie

    Assessing the effect of mercury pollution on cultured benthic foraminifera community using morphological and eDNA metabarcoding approaches

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    none14sìMercury (Hg) is a highly toxic element for living organisms and is known to bioaccumulate and biomagnify. Here, we analyze the response of benthic foraminifera communities cultured in mesocosm and exposed to different concentrations of Hg. Standard morphological analyses and environmental DNA metabarcoding show evidence that Hg pollution has detrimental effects on benthic foraminifera. The molecular analysis provides a more complete view of foraminiferal communities including the soft-walled single-chambered monothalamiids and small-sized hard-shelled rotaliids and textulariids than the morphological one. Among these taxa that are typically overlooked in morphological studies we found potential bioindicators of Hg pollution. The mesocosm approach proves to be an effective method to study benthic foraminiferal responses to various types and concentrations of pollutants over time. This study further supports foraminiferal metabarcoding as a complementary and/or alternative method to standard biomonitoring program based on the morphological identification of species communities.openFrontalini, Fabrizio; Greco, Mattia; Di Bella, Letizia; Lejzerowicz, Franck; Reo, Emanuela; Caruso, Antonio; Cosentino, Claudia; Maccotta, Antonella; Scopelliti, Giovanna; Nardelli, Maria Pia; Losada, Maria Teresa; Armynot du Châtelet, Eric; Coccioni, Rodolfo; Pawlowski, JanFrontalini, Fabrizio; Greco, Mattia; Di Bella, Letizia; Lejzerowicz, Franck; Reo, Emanuela; Caruso, Antonio; Cosentino, Claudia; Maccotta, Antonella; Scopelliti, Giovanna; Nardelli, Maria Pia; Losada, Maria Teresa; Armynot du Châtelet, Eric; Coccioni, Rodolfo; Pawlowski, Ja

    Response of Benthic Foraminifera to organic matter quantity and quality and bioavailable concentrations of metals in Aveiro Lagoon (Portugal)

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    This work analyses the distribution of living benthic foraminiferal assemblages of surface sediments in different intertidal areas of Ria de Aveiro (Portugal), a polihaline and anthropized coastal lagoon. The relationships among foraminiferal assemblages in association with environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, Eh and pH), grain size, the quantity and quality of organic matter (enrichment in carbohydrates, proteins and lipids), pollution caused by metals, and mineralogical data are studied in an attempt to identify indicators of adaptability to environmental stress. In particular, concentrations of selected metals in the surficial sediment are investigated to assess environmental pollution levels that are further synthetically parameterised by the Pollution Load Index (PLI). The PLI variations allowed the identification of five main polluted areas. Concentrations of metals were also analysed in three extracted phases to evaluate their possible mobility, bioavailability and toxicity in the surficial sediment. Polluted sediment in the form of both organic matter and metals can be found in the most confined zones. Whereas enrichment in organic matter and related biopolymers causes an increase in foraminifera density, pollution by metals leads to a decline in foraminiferal abundance and diversity in those zones. The first situation may be justified by the existence of opportunistic species (with high reproduction rate) that can live in low oxic conditions. The second is explained by the sensitivity of some species to pressure caused by metals. The quality of the organic matter found in these places and the option of a different food source should also explain the tolerance of several species to pollution caused by metals, despite their low reproductive rate in the most polluted areas. In this study, species that are sensitive and tolerant to organic matter and metal enrichment are identified, as is the differential sensitivity/tolerance of some species to metals enrichment.CNPq [401803/2010-4]; [PEst-OE/CTE/UI4035/2014]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Benthic foraminiferal ultrastructural alteration induced by heavy metals

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    Heavy metals are known to cause deleterious effects on biota because of their toxicity, persistence and bioaccumulation. Here, we briefly document the ultrastructural changes observed in the miliolid foraminifer Pseudotriloculina rotunda (d\u27Orbigny in Schlumberger, 1893) and in the perforate calcareous species Ammonia parkinsoniana (d\u27Orbigny, 1839) induced by exposure to one of three heavy metals (zinc, lead, or mercury). The exposure of these two benthic foraminiferal species to the selected heavy metals appears to promote cytological alterations and organelle degeneration. These alterations include a thickening of the inner organic lining, an increase in number and size of lipid droplets, mitochondrial degeneration, and degradation vacuoles and residual body proliferation. Some of these alterations, including the thickening of the inner organic lining and the proliferation of lipids, might represent defense mechanisms against heavy metal-induced stress

    Metabolism-dependent bioaccumulation of uranium by Rhodosporidium toruloides isolated from the flooding water of a former uranium mine

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    Remediation of former uranium mining sites represents one of the biggest challenges worldwide that have to be solved in this century. During the last years, the search of alternative strategies involving environmentally sustainable treatments has started. Bioremediation, the use of microorganisms to clean up polluted sites in the environment, is considered one the best alternative. By means of culture-dependent methods, we isolated an indigenous yeast strain, KS5 (Rhodosporidium toruloides), directly from the flooding water of a former uranium mining site and investigated its interactions with uranium. Our results highlight distinct adaptive mechanisms towards high uranium concentrations on the one hand, and complex interaction mechanisms on the other. The cells of the strain KS5 exhibit high a uranium tolerance, being able to grow at 6 mM, and also a high ability to accumulate this radionuclide (350 mg uranium/g dry biomass, 48 h). The removal of uranium by KS5 displays a temperature- and cell viability-dependent process, indicating that metabolic activity could be involved. By STEM (scanning transmission electron microscopy) investigations, we observed that uranium was removed by two mechanisms, active bioaccumulation and inactive biosorption. This study highlights the potential of KS5 as a representative of indigenous species within the flooding water of a former uranium mine, which may play a key role in bioremediation of uranium contaminated sites.This work was supported by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung grand nº 02NUK030F (TransAqua). Further support took place by the ERDF-co-financed Grants CGL2012-36505 and 315 CGL2014-59616R, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain
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