4,490 research outputs found

    Posturas actuales en la formación de diseñadores gráficos

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    Las reflexiones de este trabajo se enfocan en la relación de la tecnología y el diseño gráfico para comprender las tendencias emergentes sobre la disciplina, ya que el desarrollo tecnológico es la rama que más ha influenciado en la práctica profesional del diseño. En relación a esto, se expone la necesidad de enlazar la práctica del diseño gráfico con los sucesos sociales que le permitan crear diseños con mensajes atractivos y profundos

    The Body as an Artifact: Medical Technologies, Anatomy-Policies and Resistance

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    En este artículo se defiende la tesis de que hay un giro importante en el biopoder anatomo-político de finales del siglo XX y comienzos del XXI. Este giro consiste en la aparición de diferentes tendencias culturales que comprenden el cuerpo humano como un artefacto que puede usarse para manifestar resistencia al poder. Para ello, estas tendencias se sirven de las tecnologías médicas como un medio para diseñar el cuerpo de acuerdo con una intención particular que permita cumplir cierta función elegida de antemano por quien identifica ese cuerpo como propio.In this article, the thesis that there is an important change of direction in anatomy-politics bio-power of the end of XX century and beginning of XXI century is defended. This change of direction refers to the ap­pearance of different cultural trends, which embodies the human body as an artifact that may be used to show resistance to power. For this, these trends use medical technologies as a means to design the agreement body with a specific intention which allows complying certain previously selected function by whom it identifies such a body as his/her own

    On the reduction of 4-oxo-4h-benzopyran-3-carbaldehydes : global and local electrophilicity patterns

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    The theoretical global and local electrophilicity patterns of substituted and chelated 4-oxo-4H-benzopyran-3-carbaldehydes (formylchromones) have been evaluated using the electrophilicity index proposed by Parr et al [J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 1922]. The complexation of formylchromones with aluminum predicts a strong electrophilic character of these compounds against nucleophiles. Local response at the active sites may also be assessed in terms of a global contribution described by the global electrophilicity, and a local contribution described by the variations in electrophilic Fukui function at those sites. The highest local electrophilicity is found at the formyl group of the chelated formylchromones, in spite of that, the highest positive charge is located on the pyrone carbonyl group. This result is consistent with the experimental observed reactivity displayed by 4-oxo-4H-benzopyran-3-carbaldehydes in the presence of 2-propanol and alumina

    Diseño e Implementacion de un Modulo de Gestion de Energia para un Pico-Satelite Tipo Cubesat

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    This article briefly describes the development of Power Module for Experimental picosatellite CubeSat UD Colombia 1 following CubeSat standard requirements. Whether the Power Module project consists of four stages of development: study, design, implementation and testing. In the study phase to review the theoretical framework and preliminary designs made in the Universidad Distrital and other CubeSat  developed in the world, also investigates existing components and technologies in the market. The design phase involves analysis of the system and using a computer program designed to generate the necessary hardware. The implementation consists in making the printed circuit board and the component assembly. And electrical type tests to certify the proper operation of the module. The development of the power module of the CubeSat standard requirements and mission picosatellite, and depends on the state and information available from other modules picosatellite. The ultimate goal is to obtain a power module that is functional and working conditions of the space environment in which the picosatellite fulfill its focused on telemedicine, with a payload that would become the telecommunications system mission. Keywords: Power Module, CubeSat UD Colombia 1, Standard CubeSat, DC-DC converters, Solar Panels, Batteries, Power Management

    Ceftiofur-loaded PHBV microparticles: A potential formulation for a long-acting antibiotic to treat animal infections

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloBackground: The infectious diseases in the livestock breeding industry represent a significant drawback that generates substantial economic loss and have led to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics. The formulation of polymeric microparticles loaded with antibiotics for veterinary use can: reduce the number of required doses; protect the drug from inactivation; and maintain a sustained-release of the antibiotic drug at effective levels. Accomplishing all of these goals would have a significant economic and animal health impact on the livestock breeding industry. Results: In this work, we formulated ceftiofur-loaded PHBV microparticles (PHBV-CEF) with a spherical shape, a smooth surface and diameter sizes between 1.65 and 2.37 μm. The encapsulation efficiency was 39.5 ± 1.1% w/w, and we obtained a sustained release of ceftiofur in PBS-buffer (pH 7.4) over 7 days. The antibacterial activity of ceftiofur was preserved after the encapsulation procedure, and toxicity of PHBV-CEF microparticles evaluated by MTS was represented by an IC50 > 10 mg/mL. Conclusions: Our results suggest that PHBV-CEF particles have a potential application for improving the treatment of infectious diseases in the livestock breeding industry. Keywords: ceftiofur, drug delivery, livestock breeding industry, PHBV, polymeric microparticle

    Elusión tributaria

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    El texto académico que se desarrolla a continuación entrega una forma de entender la elusión tributaria como fenómeno jurídico, sustentando tal posición en la naturaleza jurídica de derecho público del tributo. Para construir esta aproximación a la elusión tributaria, los autores profundizan en la vinculación entre el hecho gravado, el hecho jurídico y negocio jurídico, planteando un concepto único de elusión

    Tecnologias de preparação de pedidos em armazéns: um modelo conceptual para análise e seleção

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    São inúmeros os desafios enfrentados pelas empresas na atualidade no que diz respeito à sua competitividade num mercado global e complexo, sendo necessário uma permanente revisão e avaliação dos processos de gestão. Melhorias na eficiência do processo de preparação de pedidos (picking) em armazéns é um objetivo extremamente importante, sendo o processo de custo elevado. O objectivo deste paper é apresentar um estudo que visa criar uma metodologia para suportar a escolha de soluções tecnológicas para a estratégia de picker-to-parts. Foi criado um modelo conceptual capaz de incorporar as várias dimensões do processo de decisão sobre avaliação e seleção das tecnologias de preparação de pedidos com base quer na revisão bibliográfica, quer a partir de contribuições de uma empresa fornecedora de tecnologias de picking. No processo de decisão destaca-se a elevada complexidade, pois envolvem vários níveis de decisão e várias dimensões que passam pelo layout do armazém, a metodologia de preparação de pedidos, o nível de rastreabilidade a atingir, o modelo de codificação dos produtos, entre outros fatores determinantes, tal como o custo da própria solução tecnológica

    Plan de negocios de una empresa desarrolladora de software para crear material educativo

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    Creapix is a prototype of software to create educative material oriented to teachers of elementary and middle school. This software allows creating guides, workshops, exams, among others. In addition, it contains a set of predesigned images classified what allows to create material for the obligatory and fundamental areas that are due to offer in the educative institutions according to the general law of education

    Evaluación económica, energética y ambiental de tecnologías de manejo de arvenses en el cultivo de la caña de azúcar (Saccharumspp Híbrido) = Economic evaluation, energetics and environmental of technologies of weed control in the sugarcane (Saccharum spp. Híbrido)

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    La investigación se desarrolló en áreas de producción de la Empresa Azucarera Majibacoa de la provincia Las Tunas, para hacer una evaluación económica, energética y ambiental de tecnologías de manejo de arvenses en caña planta de primavera, en un suelo Pardo mullido carbonatado. En el área experimental se trazaron parcelas, según un diseño de bloques al azar con cuatro réplicas, se evaluaron nueve tecnologías, donde se combinaron el control mecánico y el químico, se utilizó la limpia manual, la tracción animal, el cultivo mecanizado y como medios de aplicación de herbicidas, máquina y asperjadora manual. A las diferentes tecnologías se les determinó utilidades económicas, eficiencia energética, carga contaminante hacia la atmósfera y efectos sobre la compactación del suelo a través de la resistencia a la penetración. Se obtuvo que las tecnologías más efectivas resultaron aquellas que incluyeron el herbicida Isoxaflutole, donde se utilizó menor cantidad de pases de implementos agrícolas y aplicaciones de herbicidas. ---------- ABSTRACT---------- The research was carried out in areas of production from Majibacoa Sugar Enterprise, Las Tunas province, to make an economic, energetics and environmental evaluation of technologies of weed control in spring cane plant, in a fluffed brown soil. In the experimental area, parcels were traced, according to a random blocks design with four replications. Nine technologies were evaluated, where the mechanical control and the chemist were combined with the manual cleaning, the animal traction and the mechanical cultivator was used and as means of application of herbicides, sprayer machine and backpack. To the different technologies it was determined economic utilities, energetic efficiency, loads pollutant towards the atmosphere and effects on the compaction of the soil through the resistance to the penetration. It was obtained that the most effective technologies were those which included the Isoxaflutole herbicide, where it was used smaller quantity of agricultural implements passes and applications of herbicides