80 research outputs found

    12 +1. Sentimentos do acadêmico de educação física frente a uma proposta de gamificação: “Game of Thrones: a ira dos dragões”

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    La propuesta de gamificación realizada tiene por objetivo evaluar la evolución de los sentimientos del alumnado a lo largo del proceso de aprendizaje; realizada en el contexto del aula universitaria de futuros docentes de Educación Física, han participado 50 estudiantes. Basada en la serie Juego de Tronos, metodológicamente se apoya en un análisis interpretativo de los diarios y reflexiones finales del alumnado. Los principales resultados los podemos centrar en: diferencia de sentimientos en función del sexo, que a lo largo del proceso se mantienen estables, dominando la idea de un aprendizaje desde el disfrute. En la focalización de los sentimientos, el docente mantiene una línea estable de transmisión de confianza, mientras que, frente a los compañeros de equipo y amigos, estos se muestran tanto en positivo como en negativo. Como conclusión, podemos decir que la gamificación como estrategia metodológica mejora la motivación del alumnado, logrando una mayor implicación en el aprendizaje.A proposta de gamificação apresentada objetiva avaliar a evolução dos sentimentos de discentes no decorrer do processo de aprendizagem. O estudo foi realizado com 50 estudantes de Educação Física, tendo como contexto a aula universitária. Baseado na série Game of Thrones, o alicerce metodológico apoiou-se em análise interpretativa dos diários e reflexões finais dos atores investigados. Os principais resultados refletem diferenças de sentimentos em relação ao sexo, os quais permanecem inalterados ao longo do processo de aprendizagem, suscitando uma ideia de estudo como prazer. Os achados explicitam ainda que, concernente aos sentimentos, o docente mantém uma linha estável de transmissão de confiança, enquanto que em relação aos companheiros de equipe e amigos, demonstram sentimentos tanto positivos quanto negativos. Como conclusão, pode-se inferir que a gamificação, como estratégia metodológica, favorece a motivação do discente, revertendo-se em melhoria do processo de aprendizagem.The gamification proposal is aimed at evaluating the changes in students’ feelings throughout the learning process. The proposal was carried out in the context of the university class of future Physical Education teachers, and it included 50 students. The proposal was based on the series Game of Thrones and relies methodologically on the interpretative analysis of the journals and on students’ final reflections. The main results include: the difference of feelings according to sex, which remained stable during the process as the idea of learning from enjoyment prevailed. Regarding the focus of the feelings, the teacher maintains a stable line that conveys confidence, while feelings are both positive and negative regarding teammates and friends. In conclusion, that gamification as a methodological strategy improves student’s motivation, which leads to greater involvement in learning

    O papel da nutrição na saúde mental e nos transtornos psiquiátricos: uma perspectiva translacional

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    Mental as well as neurological disorders are among the leading causes of disability worldwide. In recent years, multiple epidemiological studies have investigated the relationship between dietary patterns and mental status, emphasizing the influence of genetic and environmental factors on the development of such disorders.Las enfermedades mentales y los trastornos neurológicos se encuentran entre las principales causas de discapacidad a nivel mundial. En los últimos años, múltiples estudios epidemiológicos han investigado la relación existente entre los patrones dietéticos y el estado mental, con énfasis en la influencia de factores genéticos y ambientales en el desarrollo de dichos trastornos.Doenças mentais e distúrbios neurológicos estão entre as principais causas de incapacidade em todo o mundo. Nos últimos anos, vários estudos epidemiológicos têm investigado a relação entre padrões alimentares e estado mental, enfatizando a influência de fatores genéticos e ambientais no desenvolvimento desses transtornos.&nbsp

    Metaheuristic approaches for optimal broadcasting design in metropolitan MANETs

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    11th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 12-16, 2007Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are composed of a set of communicating devices which are able to spontaneously interconnect without any pre-existing infrastructure. In such scenario, broadcasting becomes an operation of tremendous importance for the own existence and operation of the network. Optimizing a broadcasting strategy in MANETs is a multiobjective problem accounting for three goals: reaching as many stations as possible, minimizing the network utilization, and reducing the duration of the operation itself. This research, which has been developed within the OPLINK project (http://oplink.lcc.uma.es), faces a wide study about this problem in metropolitan MANETs with up to seven different advanced multiobjective metaheuristics. They all compute Pareto fronts of solutions which empower a human designer with the ability of choosing the preferred configuration for the network. The quality of these fronts is evaluated by using the hypervolume metric. The obtained results show that the SPEA2 algorithm is the most accurate metaheuristic for solving the broadcasting problem.Publicad

    Study of the Spanish Federated Sports model of the 21st century

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    El deporte se ha convertido en uno de los fenómenos sociales y económicos más destacados en la actualidad, con gran repercusión mediática, y seguimiento activo y pasivo. El alto rendimiento deportivo, imagen exterior de muchos países, es una prioridad para las políticas de Estado de los países desarrollados, concibiéndose como un fin de interés general que se debe proteger e incentivar, a través de organizaciones (no lucrativas) con un régimen fiscal favorable, como son las Federaciones Deportivas Españolas. En este trabajo hemos realizado un análisis de la realidad del deporte federado español. Hemos analizado la opinión de personajes claves del deporte español, de los Presidente y Secretario Generales de Federaciones Deportivas Españolas, y la realidad de las cifras económicas que mueve este sector, a través de entrevistas, cuestionarios y análisis de contenido. Los datos revelan un panorama necesario de cambio, donde convendría una revisión de las estructuras del sistema, las fuentes de financiación pública y privada, y la modernización de la gestión federativa.Sport has become a major socio-economic phenomenon of the modern world, with broad media coverage and both active and passive participation. Sporting achievement, the public image of many countries, is one of the main priorities for the governments of developed nations, and represents a goal of general interest that must be preserved and encouraged through (non-profit) organisations that benefit from a favourable tax system, such as the Spanish Sports Federations. In this study, we have undertaken an analysis of the current situation of Spanish federated sport. Using interviews, questionnaires and data analysis, we have examined the opinions of key personalities in Spanish sport, Spanish Sport Federations Presidents and General Secretaries, as well as the financial reality of the sports sector in Spain. The result of our research gives an overview of the present situation where the current model requires a review of its structure and funding sources, public or private, and the modernisation of the federated management model.Estudio financiado por el Consejo Superior de Deportes (EXP. 04/UPB31/08)


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    La razón esencial de este artículo es argumentar el lugar y papel de la educación ambiental en la formación sociohumanista del ingeniero agrónomo. Para ello toma como punto de partida que en la universidad cubana actual, la concepción dinámica del proceso educativo se aborda desde un enfoque inter-multi y transdiciplinario, donde la educación ambiental se manifiesta en el proceso formativo. Además, el contexto actual exige tener en cuenta no solo las relaciones entre los hombres, sino también los efectos que sus acciones producen al medio ambiente. El propósito esencial del ingeniero agrónomo es: la gestión eficiente en los sistemas de producción agropecuaria, con la utilización de métodos, técnicas y tecnologías agropecuarias, orientados hacia el desarrollo sostenible, y entre los valores que lo cualifican están los ecológicos. Por tanto, resulta necesario que su formación se sustente en una educación ambiental cada vez más humanista

    Deep Sequencing of the Mexican Avocado Transcriptome, an Ancient Angiosperm with a High Content of Fatty Acids

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    Background: Avocado (Persea americana) is an economically important tropical fruit considered to be a good source of fatty acids. Despite its importance, the molecular and cellular characterization of biochemical and developmental processes in avocado is limited due to the lack of transcriptome and genomic information. Results: The transcriptomes of seeds, roots, stems, leaves, aerial buds and flowers were determined using different sequencing platforms. Additionally, the transcriptomes of three different stages of fruit ripening (pre-climacteric, climacteric and post-climacteric) were also analyzed. The analysis of the RNAseqatlas presented here reveals strong differences in gene expression patterns between different organs, especially between root and flower, but also reveals similarities among the gene expression patterns in other organs, such as stem, leaves and aerial buds (vegetative organs) or seed and fruit (storage organs). Important regulators, functional categories, and differentially expressed genes involved in avocado fruit ripening were identified. Additionally, to demonstrate the utility of the avocado gene expression atlas, we investigated the expression patterns of genes implicated in fatty acid metabolism and fruit ripening. Conclusions: A description of transcriptomic changes occurring during fruit ripening was obtained in Mexican avocado, contributing to a dynamic view of the expression patterns of genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis and the fruit ripening process

    Associations between whole peripheral blood fatty acids and DNA methylation in humans

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    Fatty acids (FA) modify DNA methylation in vitro, but limited information is available on whether corresponding associations exist in vivo and reflect any short-term effect of the diet. Associations between global DNA methylation and FAs were sought in blood from lactating infants (LI; n = 49) and adult males (AMM; n = 12) equally distributed across the three conventional BMI classes. AMM provided multiple samples at 2-hour intervals during 8 hours after either a single Western diet-representative meal (post-prandial samples) or no meal (fasting samples). Lipid/glucose profile, HDAC4 promoter and PDK4 5'UTR methylation were determined in AMM. Multiple regression analysis revealed that global (in LI) and both global and PDK4-specific DNA methylation (in AMM) were positively associated with eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic acid. HDAC4 methylation was inversely associated with arachidonic acid post-prandially in AMM. Global DNA methylation did not show any defined within-day pattern that would suggest a short-term response to the diet. Nonetheless, global DNA methylation was higher in normal weight subjects both post-prandially and in fasting and coincided with higher polyunsaturated relative to monounsaturated and saturated FAs. We show for the first time strong associations of DNA methylation with specific FAs in two human cohorts of distinct age, diet and postnatal development stage

    Diálogos sobre transdisciplina: los investigadores y su objeto de estudio

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    A la transdisciplinariedad se le ha definido como “una feliz transgresión de las fronteras entre las disciplinas” y es en este tono en que se presenta esta obra, que recopila las experiencias y reflexiones, las discusiones y propuestas de una veintena de investigadores y académicos que hablan sobre o desde la transdisciplina acerca de los temas de su interés o especialidad. La aproximación se da desde perspectivas académicas diversas y se adereza con expresiones estéticas que van desde la poesía hasta la pintura, a través de las cuales se busca ofrecer un espacio a las rutas posibles y limitaciones connaturales de acceder a la realidad para construir conocimiento “de frontera”, “en las fronteras”. Los abordajes son fruto de la exploración, filiación, encantos y desencantos por parte de los autores con la entidad de su búsqueda, quienes buscan contestar, entre otras, las siguientes cuestiones: ¿Cómo establecer un acercamiento transdisciplinar al objeto de estudio? ¿Qué hace a un objeto de estudio transdisciplinar? ¿Cómo impacta la transdisciplinariedad la identidad del académico? Una obra concebida desde una perspectiva más pedagógica que desde la doxa académica, con el interés de aportar una lectura amena para las reflexiones en torno a la trasgresión de las fronteras disciplinarias.ITESO, A.C