9 research outputs found

    Resilience and performance of wine cooperatives in Castilla La-Mancha (Spain) during a period of financial crisis

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    The economic crisis has had an asymmetric effect on Spanish and regional/local economies. This study aims to analyze the strategies developed by cooperative wineries in Castilla-La Mancha (CLM) and their impact on performance measurements. The paper opted for an exploratory study based on a compilation of financial statements consisting of the traditional economic-financial profitability ratios (ROA, ROI, ROS) plus a specific analysis, Return of Owner Cooperative (ROC). We have also used two financial measurements: Liquidity and Leverage. Trade dynamism is the hallmark of wine cooperatives in CLM in terms of strategic action in the face of a crisis. Their resilience is patent in the conquest of foreign markets via low unit costs, which have been transferred to sales prices. The paper has implications for the understanding of the resilience of the agricultural cooperatives during the crisis period in question. The consistency of the results provides a context to promote the cooperative model as an essential factor in the social economy. This paper fulfils an identified need to show the cooperative model as a resilient one in the agricultural field and in the context of rural development. Highlights: Cooperative wineries contribute to economic and social development in Castilla La Mancha (Spain). Social economy companies withstood the crisis better due to their objective function (maximizing cooperative owners’ income) and thanks to their flexibility in terms of grape payment policies. The Return of Owner Cooperative (ROC) measures the transfer of income to farmers and is higher than the payment they would receive from other agents. The cooperative wineries have reacted to the crisis with good financial indicators: liquidity and leverage. The cooperative wineries have adopted a strategy based on exports that has allowed them to overcome the economic crisis.The economic crisis has had an asymmetric effect on Spanish and regional/local economies. This study aims to analyze the strategies developed by cooperative wineries in Castilla-La Mancha (CLM) and their impact on performance measurements. The paper opted for an exploratory study based on a compilation of financial statements consisting of the traditional economic-financial profitability ratios (ROA, ROI, ROS) plus a specific analysis, Return of Owner Cooperative (ROC). We have also used two financial measurements: Liquidity and Leverage. Trade dynamism is the hallmark of wine cooperatives in CLM in terms of strategic action in the face of a crisis. Their resilience is patent in the conquest of foreign markets via low unit costs, which have been transferred to sales prices. The paper has implications for the understanding of the resilience of the agricultural cooperatives during the crisis period in question. The consistency of the results provides a context to promote the cooperative model as an essential factor in the social economy. This paper fulfils an identified need to show the cooperative model as a resilient one in the agricultural field and in the context of rural development. Highlights: Cooperative wineries contribute to economic and social development in Castilla La Mancha (Spain). Social economy companies withstood the crisis better due to their objective function (maximizing cooperative owners’ income) and thanks to their flexibility in terms of grape payment policies. The Return of Owner Cooperative (ROC) measures the transfer of income to farmers and is higher than the payment they would receive from other agents. The cooperative wineries have reacted to the crisis with good financial indicators: liquidity and leverage. The cooperative wineries have adopted a strategy based on exports that has allowed them to overcome the economic crisis

    The impact of the sector of activity and of the region of operation on the competitiveness of the Spanish Agri-Food Industry: a Shift-Share analysis / El impacto del sector de actividad y de la región de actuación sobre la competitividad de la industria agroalimentar española: un analisis Shift-Share

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    This paper evaluates the potential impact on the competitiveness of the Spanish Agri-Food Industry (AFI) of the economic strength of the two most important territorial factors that impact its development, namely the sector(s) of activity and the region(s) of operation within which each AFI enterprise operates. The importance of studying such topic centers on a two-part rationale, namely (i) the central role played by competitiveness in the survival, growth and profitability of any firm; and (ii) the pivotal position of the AFI within the manufacturing sector, as well as its proximity to the agricultural sector of the economy. The method of analysis adopted for these purposes is based upon the concepts of ? and ? convergence and upon shift-share analysis. As a final conclusion, it may be stated that the territorial development of the AFI does not tend to converge. Hence, it is necessary to study the specific regional and sectorial strategies that have been developed to carry out the competitive position of the AFI.

    Barreras positivas de la incorporación de tecnología de la información en los acuerdos de colaboración entre empresas

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    La investigación en Tecnologías de la Información en los últimos años está relacionada con el impacto tanto en la estructura interna como externa de la empresa. A partir de la definición y el estudio de los Sistemas Inter-Empresariales generados por la incorporación de TI, en este trabajo se reflexiona, cuales son algunas de las barreras positivas que se pueden obtener, tanto directas como indirectas, destacando las barreras de carácter estratégico, que proporcionan modificaciones importantes en aquellas áreas funcionales donde se implanta la TI.Azken urteotan, Informazioaren Teknologien inguruko ikerketak zerikusia du enpresaren barne zein kanpoko egituran duten eraginarekin. Lan honetan, definizio horretatik abiaturik eta IT sartzeak eragindako Enpresa arteko Sistemen azterketan oinarriturik, gogoeta egiten da lor daitezkeen barrera positiboez, hala zuzenak nola zeharkakoak, izaera estrategikoa duten barrerak nabarmenduz, aldaketa garrantzitsuak eragiten baitituzte IT ezartzen den area estrategikoetan.La recherche dans les Technologies de l'Information au cours des dernières années est en relation avec l'impact aussi bien dans la structure interne qu'externe de l'entreprise. A partir de la définition et de l'étude des systèmes Inter-Entreprises nés de l'incorporation des TI, on étudie dans ce travail quelles sont quelques-unes des barrières positives que l'on peut obtenir, aussi bien directes qu'indirectes en mettant en avant les barrières à caractère stratégique, qui provoquent d'importantes modifications dans les milieux fonctionnels où est implantée la TI.Research in information technologies over the last few years is related to their impact on both in the internal and external corporate structures. As for the definition and study of inter-company systems generated by the incorporation of information technologies, this article reflects on which could be some of the direct and indirect positive barriers that can be obtained, emphasising barriers of a strategic character, that provide important modifications in such functional areas where information technologies have been implanted

    Desempenho empresarial e ciclo econômico na indústria de alimentos e bebidas na Colômbia: uma abordagem não paramétrica

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    In recent years, the emerging countries are presenting rates of growth and business performance above the average with respect to the developed countries. In Colombia, the food and beverages sector, in particular, is one of those that is generating business opportunities, derived from its performance rates. The objective of this paper is to analyze how the indicators of performance, financial structure and solvency of the Colombian food and beverage industry have been developed. To this end, a nonparametric analysis of the data is proposed, segmented based on variables such as economic cycle, size, age or geographical location. The results obtained allow us to draw positive conclusions about the resilience of this industry by size and region.Los países emergentes están presentando tasas de crecimiento y desempeño empresarial por encima de la media, respecto a los países desarrollados. En Colombia, el sector de alimentos y bebidas, en particular, es uno de los que está generando oportunidades de negocio, derivadas de sus tasas de desempeño. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar cómo han evolucionado los indicadores de desempeño, estructura financiera y solvencia de la industria de alimentos y bebidas colombiana. Para ello, se propone como metodología un análisis no paramétrico de los datos, segmentados con base en variables como ciclo económico, tamaño, edad o localización geográfica. Los resultados obtenidos permiten extraer conclusiones positivas sobre la capacidad de recuperación de esta industria por tamaño y región.Os países emergentes estão apresentando taxas de crescimento e desempenho comercial acima da média, em comparação com os países desenvolvidos. Na Colômbia, o setor de alimentos e bebidas, em particular, é um dos que estão gerando oportunidades de negócios, derivados de suas taxas de desempenho. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar como os indicadores de desempenho, estrutura financeira e solvência da indústria colombiana de alimentos e bebidas evoluíram. Para isso, propõe-se uma análise não-paramétrica dos dados como metodologia, segmentada com base em variáveis segundo o ciclo econômico, tamanho, idade, ou localização geográfica. Os resultados obtidos nos permitem tirar conclusões positivas sobre a resiliência dessa indústria por tamanho e região

    Tecnología de la información y trabajo profesional: los casos del Hospital de Navarra y Editorial Aranzadi

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    En esta comunicación se analiza el proceso de introducción de tecnología de la información en el Hospital de Navarra (un centro sanitario público de Osasunbidea/Servicio Navarro de Salud) y en Editorial Aranzadi (una empresa editorial dedicada a la información jurídica). Se analiza el proceso de implementación de TI y cambio organizativo, dedicando especial atención a la distinción entre tareas rutinarias y tareas analíticas y a los efectos de la TI sobre las tareas analíticas realizadas por profesionales (personal médico en el primer caso y abogados analistas de información jurídica en el segundo).Informazioaren teknologia bai Nafarroako Ospitalean (Osasunbidea/Nafarroako Osasun Zerbitzuaren osasun zentro publikoa) eta bai Aranzadi argitaletxean (lege informazioaz arduratzen den enpresa) sartzeko prozesua aztertzen da komunikazio honetan. Informazioaren teknologiaz hornitzeko prozesua eta eratze aldaketa aztertzen dira hemen, errutikako eginkizunen eta analisi eginkizunen arteko bereizketari arreta berezia eskaintzen zaiela, bai eta ITk eginkizun analitikoak burutzen dituzten profesionalen gainean (medikuak lehen kasuan eta informazio juridikoa aztertzen duten abokatuak bigarrenean) dituen eraginei dagokienean ere.Dans ce rapport, on analyse le processus d'introduction de technologie de l'information à l'Hôpital de Navarre (un centre sanitaire public de Osasumbidea/Service de la Santé de Navarre) et à l'Editorial Aranzadi (une entreprise d'édition dédiée à l'information juridique). On analyse le processus d'implantation de la TI et le changement d'organisation, en prêtant une attention spéciale à la distinction entre les tâches routinières et les tâches analytiques et aux effets de la TI sur les tâches analytiques réalisées par des professionnels (personnel médical dans le premier cas et avocats analystes de l'information juridique, dans le second.This article analyses the process of introduction of information technology inside the Hospital of Navarre (a public health centre belonging to Osasunbidea / Navarre Health Service) and in the Aranzadi Editorial (a publishing company dedicated to legal information). The implementation process of information technologies and organisational change are analysed, devoting special attention to the distinction between routine tasks and analytical tasks and to the effects of information technologies on the analytical tasks accomplished by professionals (medical personnel in the first case and attorneys who analyse legal information in the second)

    Business performance and business cycle in the colombian food and beverage industry: a non-parametric approach

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    Los países emergentes están presentando tasas de crecimiento y desempeño empresarial por encima de la media, respecto a los países desarrollados. En Colombia, el sector de alimentos y bebidas, en particular, es uno de los que está generando oportunidades de negocio, derivadas de sus tasas de desempeño. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar cómo han evolucionado los indicadores de desempeño, estructura financiera y solvencia de la industria de alimentos y bebidas colombiana. Para ello, se propone como metodología un análisis no paramétrico de los datos, segmentados con base en variables como ciclo económico, tamaño, edad o localización geográfica. Los resultados obtenidos permiten extraer conclusiones positivas sobre la capacidad de recuperación de esta industria por tamaño y región.Abstract In recent years, the emerging countries are presenting rates of growth and business performance above the average with respect to the developed countries. In Colombia, the food and beverages sector, in particular, is one of those that is generating business opportunities, derived from its performance rates. The objective of this paper is to analyze how the indicators of performance, financial structure and solvency of the Colombian food and beverage industry have been developed. To this end, a nonparametric analysis of the data is proposed, segmented based on variables such as economic cycle, size, age or geographical location. The results obtained allow us to draw positive conclusions about the resilience of this industry by size and region


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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar los efectos de las variables tamaño, edad, sector y región en el crecimiento de la industria agroalimentaria española. Para esto definimos el sistema agroalimentario y la importancia de la industria agroalimentaria. Nuestra hipótesis principal es que la industria agroalimentaria no sigue la Ley de Gibrat. Partimos del contraste de esta hipótesis para identificar los efectos de las variables de nuestro trabajo en el crecimiento de la industria agroalimentaria. Tomamos ratios de desempeño económico, rentabilidad, estructura financiera y solvencia, como variables dependientes y aplicamos regresión lineal para cada un de los ratios. Nuestros resultados muestran que la industria agroalimentaria no sigue la Ley de Gibrat, presentando relación inversa entre crecimiento y las variables de edad y tamaño. Las variables sector y región presentan relación con algunos de los ratios no sendo significativas para todas las variables dependientes. Nos queda indicado que las empresas más pequeñas y más jóvenes crecen más rápido que las de mayor tamaño y edad, pues estas buscan obtener la eficiencia de escala y así aumentar su probabilidad de sobrevivencia

    A multivariate approach to determining the maturity of information systems is in organizations

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    Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Cientifica (CINDOC). C/Joaquin Costa, 22. 28002 Madrid. SPAIN / CINDOC - Centro de Informaciòn y Documentaciòn CientìficaSIGLEESSpai