16 research outputs found

    Application of novel analytical ultracentrifuge analysis to solutions of fungal mannans

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    Polysaccharides, the most abundant biopolymers, are required for a host of activities in lower organisms, animals, and plants. Their solution characterization is challenging due to their complex shape, heterogeneity, and size. Here, recently developed data analysis approaches were applied for traditional sedimentation equilibrium and velocity methods in order to investigate the molar mass distribution(s) of a subtype of polysaccharide, namely, mannans from four Candida spp. The molecular weight distributions of these mannans were studied using two recently developed equilibrium approaches: SEDFIT-MSTAR and MULTISIG, resulting in corroboratory distribution profiles. Additionally, sedimentation velocity data for all four mannans, analyzed using ls-g*(s) and Extended Fujita approaches, suggest that two of the fungal mannans (FM-1 and FM-3) have a unimodal distribution of molecular species whereas two others (FM-2 and FM-4) displayed bi-modal and broad distributions, respectively: this demonstrates considerable molecular heterogeneity in these polysaccharides, consistent with previous observations of mannans and polysaccharides in general. These methods not only have applications for the characterization of mannans but for other biopolymers such as polysaccharides, DNA, and proteins (including intrinsically disordered proteins)

    Global conformation analysis of irradiated xyloglucans

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    Xyloglucan isolated and purified from tamarind seed was subjected to various degrees of γ-irradiation treatments, from 10 to 70 kGy, monitored for radiation damage and then studied using a new combined hydrodynamic approach with regards to conformation and flexibility. Radiation products were analysed with regard to molecular weight (weight average) Mw from size exclusion chromatography coupled to multi-angle laser light scattering (SEC-MALLs), intrinsic viscosity [η] and sedimentation coefficient so20,w. Sedimentation coefficient distributions and elution profiles from SEC-MALLs confirmed the unimodal nature of the molecular weight distribution for each sample in solution. The chain flexibility was then investigated in terms of the persistence length, Lp of the equivalent worm-like chain model. The traditional Bushin-Bohdanecky (intrinsic viscosity) and Yamakawa-Fujii (sedimentation coefficient) relations were used separately then combined together by minimisation of a target function according to a recently published procedure [Ortega, A., & García de la Torre, J. (2007). Equivalent radii and ratios of radii from solution properties as indicators of macromolecular conformation, shape, and flexibility. Biomacromolecules, 8, 2464-2475 [see also Ortega, A. Metodologías computacionales para propiedades en disolución de macromoléculas rígidas y flexibles. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universidad de Murcia, 2005]] and yielded an estimate for Lp in the range 4-9 nm using floated and fixed mass per unit length analysis protocols and "point" global analysis: irradiated xyloglucans behave as flexible structures in common with pressure/heat treated materials. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved