439 research outputs found

    Plaute, Les Bacchides scĂšne 5 vers 235-367

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    Il s’agit d’une scĂšne de ruse et de tromperie, scĂšne attendue par le public, oĂč l’esclave principal, qui est maĂźtre du jeu, invente une histoire rocambolesque pour dĂ©tourner l’argent de Nicobule au profit de son fils MnĂ©siloque qui en a besoin pour payer sa ruineuse maĂźtresse, la courtisane Bacchis, et la racheter Ă  un soldat qui a louĂ© ses services pour un an. La scĂšne est parlĂ©e, et non chantĂ©e ou dansĂ©e, et les acteurs n’utilisent que leur voix, sans jouer physiquement leur rĂŽle. C’est do..

    La matrone, la louve et le soldat : pourquoi des prostitué(e)s « ingénues » à Rome ?

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    Le problĂšme historique majeur posĂ© par l’étude de la prostitution Ă  Rome est celui de l’existence de prostituĂ©(e)s libres dans une sociĂ©tĂ© esclavagiste. Puisque des corps serviles, ou affranchis, masculins et fĂ©minins Ă©taient disponibles en grand nombre, aussi bien dans les demeures des hommes libres que dans les maisons de prostitution, comment se fait-il que des femmes nĂ©es libres aient renoncĂ© Ă  leurs privilĂšges et statut de matrones ? Comment se fait-il aussi que la sociĂ©tĂ© ait institutionnalisĂ© ce renoncement en prĂ©voyant d’enregistrer officiellement ces prostituĂ©es d’origine libre ? L’explication proposĂ©e ici est que les prostituĂ©(e)s libres assument une fonction symbolique qui est d’ĂȘtre l’autre du soldat comme l’acteur est l’autre de l’orateur. Ces « parias » de la sociĂ©tĂ© romaine, toujours « effĂ©minĂ©s » servent Ă  marquer les marges de l’humanitĂ© civilisĂ©e dans la continuitĂ©, Ă  dĂ©finir les hommes, libres et adultes et donc « masculins » par ce qu’ils ne sont pas mais ce qu’ils pourraient par malheur, devenir des « effeminĂ©s » ou leur Ă©quivalent, des prostituĂ©es libres.The main historical problem that occurs when studying prostitution in Rome is the existence of free prostitutes in a slave State. Since servile bodies as well as male and female freed slaves were available in large numbers, in the homes of free men and in brothels, why did born-free women give up their privilege and their status of wives of Roman citizens ? How could society institutionalise this renouncement by officially registering these prostitutes of free origin ? The explanation given here is that free prostitutes took on a symbolic function which was to be the Other of the soldier just like the actor is the Other of the speaker. Always “ feminine ”, these society outcasts were used to define the margins of civilised mankind in its continuity. They were used to define the free and adult men, who were thus “ masculine ” through what they were not, but what they might unfortunately have become, “ feminine ” or their equivalent, free prostitutes

    A Variant of the Sciatic Nerve and its Clinical Implications.

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    Variants of gluteal neural anatomy are important to consider, especially during surgical approaches to the hip. During the routine dissection of the gluteal region, a variant of the sciatic nerve was found where the nerve left the pelvis fully split into its tibial and common fibular components. Intrapelvically and extrapelvically, there was no splitting of the two components by the piriformis muscle. Distally, the two parts of the nerve were draped over the medial and lateral edges of the ischial tuberosity. To avoid iatrogenic injury to the sciatic nerve during invasive or surgical approaches to this region, all possible anatomical variations, such as the one presented herein, should be appreciated by the clinician

    Rome au présent : ici ou ailleurs ? Entretien avec Florence Dupont

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    Dans son ouvrage L’Invention de la littĂ©rature, Florence Dupont, professeure de langue et de littĂ©rature latines Ă  l’universitĂ© Paris Diderot, Ă©voque l’étude des mondes anciens comme une « invitation au voyage », les voyages gĂ©ographiques actuels ne nous emmenant que fort rarement « ailleurs ». L’étrangetĂ© des Anciens reste encore Ă  dĂ©couvrir, dans des domaines que contribuent Ă  mettre au jour l’anthropologie culturelle et l’ethnopoĂ©tique. Traductions ancrĂ©es dans la contemporanĂ©itĂ©, pratique de la dramaturgie, Ă©tude des pratiques musicales et rituelles : Florence Dupont ouvre un champ, dĂ©veloppe des mĂ©thodes et, surtout, propose une nouvelle posture de l’historien et de l’intellectuel « au prĂ©sent »

    Effect of adiponectin on bovine granulosa cell steroidogenesis, oocyte maturation and embryo development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adiponectin is an adipokine, mainly produced by adipose tissue. It regulates several reproductive processes. The protein expression of the adiponectin system (adiponectin, its receptors, AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 and the APPL1 adaptor) in bovine ovary and its role on ovarian cells and embryo, remain however to be determined.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Here, we identified the adiponectin system in bovine ovarian cells and embryo using RT-PCR, immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, we investigated in vitro the effects of recombinant human adiponectin (10 micro g/mL) on proliferation of granulosa cells (GC) measured by [3H] thymidine incorporation, progesterone and estradiol secretions measured by radioimmunoassay in the culture medium of GC, nuclear oocyte maturation and early embryo development.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that the mRNAs and proteins for the adiponectin system are present in bovine ovary (small and large follicles and corpus luteum) and embryo. Adiponectin, AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 were more precisely localized in oocyte, GC and theca cells. Adiponectin increased IGF-1 10(-8) M-induced GC proliferation (P < 0.01) but not basal or insulin 10(-8) M-induced proliferation. Additionally, adiponectin decreased insulin 10(-8) M-induced, but not basal or IGF-1 10(-8) M-induced secretions of progesterone (P < 0.01) and estradiol (P < 0.05) by GC. This decrease in insulin-induced steroidogenesis was associated with a decrease in ERK1/2 MAPK phosphorylation in GC pre-treated with adiponectin. Finally, addition of adiponectin during in vitro maturation affected neither the percentage of oocyte in metaphase-II nor 48-h cleavage and blastocyst day 8 rates.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In bovine species, adiponectin decreased insulin-induced steroidogenesis and increased IGF-1-induced proliferation of cultured GC through a potential involvement of ERK1/2 MAPK pathway, whereas it did not modify oocyte maturation and embryo development in vitro.</p

    Centre Louis-Gernet de recherches comparées sur les sociétés anciennes

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    Emmanuelle Cagnac et ValĂ©rie Huet, maĂźtres de confĂ©rences Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Paris-VIIPierre Cordier, maĂźtre de confĂ©rences Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de PoitiersFlorence Dupont, professeur Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Paris-VII Façons romaines de faire le Grec Les chercheurs du Centre Louis-Gernet (historiens de Rome et de la GrĂšce anciennes) avaient dĂ©cidĂ© d’engager pour deux ans une Ă©tude sur les relations interculturelles dans l’espace grĂ©co-romain. Les Romains appellent « grecques » ou dĂ©signent d’un terme exhi..

    Guide pratique pour le dĂ©veloppement d’une offre RFID et automates prĂȘt/retour en bibliothĂšque

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    Ce guide propose de façon trĂšs pratique le dĂ©roulement d’un processus d’automatisation d’une bibliothĂšque de la prĂ©sentation du systĂšme RFID Ă  la mise en place d’automates de prĂȘt/retour en passant par les boĂźtes de retour extĂ©rieures

    Coxiella burnetii in Humans and Ticks in Rural Senegal

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    Q fever is a zoonotic disease known since 1937. The disease may be severe, causing pneumonia, hepatitis and endocarditis. Q fever agent has been described as a possible biological weapon. Animals—especially domestic cows, goats and sheep—are considered reservoirs for this infection. They are capable of sustaining the infection for long periods and excreting viable bacteria, infecting other animals and, occasionally, humans. Here we studied the distribution of Q fever in a poorly studied region, Senegal. We studied the agent of Q fever both in ticks parasitizing domestic animals and in humans (antibodies in serum, bacteria in feces, saliva and milk). We found from the studied regions the bacterium is highly prevalent in rural Senegal. Up to 37.6% of five different and most prevalent tick species may carry the bacterium. Humans living in such areas, as other mammals, may occasionally excrete Q fever agent through feces and milk

    Bacterial Zoonoses and Infective Endocarditis, Algeria

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    Blood culture–negative endocarditis is common in Algeria. We describe the etiology of infective endocarditis in this country. Samples from 110 cases in 108 patients were collected in Algiers. Blood cultures were performed in Algeria. Serologic and molecular analysis of valves was performed in France. Infective endocarditis was classified as definite in 77 cases and possible in 33. Causative agents were detected by blood cultures in 48 cases. All 62 blood culture–negative endocarditis cases were tested by serologic or molecular methods or both. Of these, 34 tested negative and 28 had an etiologic agent identified. A total of 18 infective endocarditis cases were caused by zoonotic and arthropodborne bacteria, including Bartonella quintana (14 cases), Brucella melitensis (2 cases), and Coxiella burnetii (2 cases). Our data underline the high prevalence of infective endocarditis caused by Bartonella quintana in northern Africa and the role of serologic and molecular tools for the diagnosis of blood culture–negative endocarditis
