535 research outputs found

    Galclaim: A tool to identify host galaxy of astrophysical transient sources

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    The Galclaim software is designed to identify association between astrophysical transient sources and host galaxy by computing the probability of chance alignment. It is distributed as an open source Python software. It is already used to identify, confirm or reject host galaxy candidates of GRBs and to validate or invalidate transient candidates in astrophysical observations. Such tools are also very useful to characterise archived transient candidates in large sky survey telescopes

    Elementary excitations in homogeneous superfluid neutron star matter: Role of the proton component

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    The thermal evolution of neuron stars depends on the elementary excitations affecting the stellar matter. In particular, the low-energy excitations, whose energy is proportional to the transfered momentum, can play a major role in the emission and propagation of neutrinos. In this paper, we focus on the density modes associated with the proton component in the homogeneous matter of the outer core of neutron stars (at density between one and three times the nuclear saturation density, where the baryonic constituants are expected to be neutrons and protons). In this region, it is predicted that the protons are superconductor. We study the respective roles of the proton pairing and Coulomb interaction in determining the properties of the modes associated with the proton component. This study is performed in the framework of the Random Phase Approximation, generalized in order to describe the response of a superfluid system.The formalism we use ensures that the Generalized Ward's Identities are satisfied. An important conclusion of this work is the presence of a pseudo-Goldstone mode associated with the proton superconductor in neutron-star matter. Indeed, the Goldstone mode, which characterizes a pure superfluid, is suppressed in usual superconductors due to the long-range Coulomb interaction, which only allows a plasmon mode. However, for the proton component of stellar matter, the Coulomb field is screened by the electrons and a pseudo-Goldstone mode occurs, with a velocity increased by the Coulomb interaction.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Elementary excitations in homogeneous neutron star matter

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    We study the collective density modes which can affect neutron-star thermodynamics in the baryonic density range between nuclear saturation (ρ0\rho_0) and 3ρ03\rho_0. In this region, the expected constituents of neutron-star matter are mainly neutrons, protons and electrons (npenpe matter), under the constraint of beta equilibrium. The elementary excitations of this npenpe medium are studied in the RPA framework. We emphasize the effect of Coulomb interaction, in particular the electron screening of the proton plasmon mode. For the treatment of the nuclear interaction, we compare two modern Skyrme forces and a microscopic approach. The importance of the nucleon effective mass is observed.Comment: misprint corrected in Eq. (1

    Phase transitions of hadronic to quark matter at finite T and \mu_B

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    The phase transition of hadronic to quark matter and the boundaries of the mixed hadron-quark coexistence phase are studied within the two Equation of State (EoS) model. The relativistic effective mean field approach with constant and density dependent meson-nucleon couplings is used to describe hadronic matter, and the MIT Bag model is adopted to describe quark matter. The boundaries of the mixed phase for different Bag constants are obtained solving the Gibbs equations. We notice that the dependence on the Bag parameter of the critical temperatures (at zero chemical potential) can be well reproduced by a fermion ultrarelativistic quark gas model, without contribution from the hadron part. At variance the critical chemical potentials (at zero temperature) are very sensitive to the EoS of the hadron sector. Hence the study of the hadronic EoS is much more relevant for the determination of the transition to the quark-gluon-plasma at finite baryon density and low-T. Moreover in the low temperature and finite chemical potential region no solutions of the Gibbs conditions are existing for small Bag constant values, B < (135 MeV)^4. Isospin effects in asymmetric matter appear relevant in the high chemical potential regions at lower temperatures, of interest for the inner core properties of neutron stars and for heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies.Comment: 24 pages and 16 figures (revtex4

    Anomalous thermodynamics and phase transitions of neutron-star matter

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    In this letter we show that the presence of the long-range Coulomb force in dense stellar matter implies that the total charge cannot be associated with a chemical potential, even if it is a conserved quantity. As a further consequence, the analytical properties of the partition sum are modified, changing the order of the phase transitions and affecting the possible occurrence of critical behaviours. The peculiar thermodynamic properties of the system can be understood introducing a model hamiltonian in which each charge is independently neutralized by a uniform background of opposite charge.Comment: 4 pages - GANIL, LP

    Plasmon excitations in homogeneous neutron star matter

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    We study the possible collective plasma modes which can affect neutron-star thermodynamics and different elementary processes in the baryonic density range between nuclear saturation (ρ0\rho_0) and 3ρ03\rho_0. In this region, the expected constituents of neutron-star matter are mainly neutrons, protons, electrons and muons (npeΌnpe\mu matter), under the constraint of beta equilibrium. The elementary plasma excitations of the peΌpe\mu three-fluid medium are studied in the RPA framework. We emphasize the relevance of the Coulomb interaction among the three species, in particular the interplay of the electron and muon screening in suppressing the possible proton plasma mode, which is converted into a sound-like mode. The Coulomb interaction alone is able to produce a variety of excitation branches and the full spectral function shows a rich structure at different energy. The genuine plasmon mode is pushed at high energy and it contains mainly an electron component with a substantial muon component, which increases with density. The plasmon is undamped for not too large momentum and is expected to be hardly affected by the nuclear interaction. All the other branches, which fall below the plasmon, are damped or over-damped.Comment: misprint corrected in Eq. (1

    Spectroscopy of 18^{18}Na: Bridging the two-proton radioactivity of 19^{19}Mg

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    The unbound nucleus 18^{18}Na, the intermediate nucleus in the two-proton radioactivity of 19^{19}Mg, was studied by the measurement of the resonant elastic scattering reaction 17^{17}Ne(p,17^{17}Ne)p performed at 4 A.MeV. Spectroscopic properties of the low-lying states were obtained in a R-matrix analysis of the excitation function. Using these new results, we show that the lifetime of the 19^{19}Mg radioactivity can be understood assuming a sequential emission of two protons via low energy tails of 18^{18}Na resonances

    Upper limits on the observational effects of nuclear pasta in neutron stars

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    The effects of the existence of exotic nuclear shapes at the bottom of the neutron star inner crust - nuclear `pasta' - on observational phenomena are estimated by comparing the limiting cases that those phases have a vanishing shear modulus and that they have the shear modulus of a crystalline solid . We estimate the effect on torsional crustal vibrations and on the maximum quadrupole ellipticity sustainable by the crust. The crust composition and transition densities are calculated consistently with the global properties, using a liquid drop model with a bulk nuclear equation of state (EoS) which allows a systematic variation of the nuclear symmetry energy. The symmetry energy J and its density dependence L at nuclear saturation density are the dominant nuclear inputs which determine the thickness of the crust, the range of densities at which pasta might appear, as well as global properties such as the radius and moment of inertia. We show the importance of calculating the global neutron star properties on the same footing as the crust EoS, and demonstrate that in the range of experimentally acceptable values of L, the pasta phase can alter the crust frequencies by up to a factor of three, exceeding the effects of superfluidity on the crust modes, and decrease the maximum quadrupole ellipticity sustainable by the crust by up to an order of magnitude. The signature of the pasta phases and the density dependence of the symmetry energy on the potential observables highlights the possibility of constraining the EoS of dense, neutron-rich matter and the properties of the pasta phases using astrophysical observations.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Properties of the nuclear medium

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    We review our knowledge on the properties of the nuclear medium that have been studied, along many years, on the basis of many-body theory, laboratory experiments and astrophysical observations. First we consider the realm of phenomenological laboratory data and astrophysical observations, and the hints they can give on the characteristics that the nuclear medium should possess. The analysis is based on phenomenological models, that however have a strong basis on physical intuition and an impressive success. More microscopic models are also considered, and it is shown that they are able to give invaluable information on the nuclear medium, in particular on its Equation of State. The interplay between laboratory experiments and astrophysical observations are particularly stressed, and it is shown how their complementarity enriches enormously our insights into the structure of the nuclear medium. We then introduce the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the microscopic many-body theory of nuclear matter, with a critical discussion about the different approaches and their results. The Landau Fermi Liquid theory is introduced and briefly discussed. As illustrative example, we discuss neutron matter at very low density, and it is shown how it can be treated within the many-body theory. A section is dedicated to the pairing problem. The connection with nuclear structure is then discussed, on the basis of the Energy Density Functional method. The possibility to link the physics of exotic nuclei and the astrophysics of neutron stars is particularly stressed. Finally we discuss the thermal properties of the nuclear medium, in particular the liquid-gas phase transition and its connection with the phenomenology on heavy ion reactions and the cooling evolution of neutron stars. The presentation has been taken for non-specialists and possibly for non-nuclear physicists.Comment: 90 pages, 29 figures, revised versio

    The GRANDMA network in preparation for the fourth gravitational-wave observing run

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    GRANDMA is a world-wide collaboration with the primary scientific goal ofstudying gravitational-wave sources, discovering their electromagneticcounterparts and characterizing their emission. GRANDMA involves astronomers,astrophysicists, gravitational-wave physicists, and theorists. GRANDMA is now atruly global network of telescopes, with (so far) 30 telescopes in bothhemispheres. It incorporates a citizen science programme (Kilonova-Catcher)which constitutes an opportunity to spread the interest in time-domainastronomy. The telescope network is an heterogeneous set of already-existingobserving facilities that operate coordinated as a single observatory. Withinthe network there are wide-field imagers that can observe large areas of thesky to search for optical counterparts, narrow-field instruments that dotargeted searches within a predefined list of host-galaxy candidates, andlarger telescopes that are devoted to characterization and follow-up of theidentified counterparts. Here we present an overview of GRANDMA after the thirdobserving run of the LIGO/VIRGO gravitational-wave observatories in 2019−20202019-2020and its ongoing preparation for the forthcoming fourth observational campaign(O4). Additionally, we review the potential of GRANDMA for the discovery andfollow-up of other types of astronomical transients.<br
