857 research outputs found

    A canonical Frobenius structure

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    We show that it makes sense to speak of THE Frobenius manifold attached to a convenient and nondegenerate Laurent polynomialComment: 24 page

    Ion cyclotron wall conditioning experiments on Tore Supra in presence of the toroidal magnetic field

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    Wall conditioning techniques applicable in the presence of the high toroidal magnetic field will be required for the operation of ITER for tritium removal, isotopic ratio control and recovery to normal operation after disruptions. Recently ion cyclotron wall conditioning (ICWC) experiments have been carried out on Tore Supra in order to assess the efficiency of this technique in ITER relevant conditions. The ICRF discharges were operated in He/H-2 Mixtures at the Tore Supra nominal field (3.8 T) and a RF frequency of 48 MHz, i.e. within the ITER operational space. RF pulses of 60 s (max.) were applied using a standard Tore Supra two-strap resonant double loop antenna in ICWC mode, operated either in pi or 0-phasing with a noticeable improvement of the RF coupling in the latter case. In order to assess the efficiency of the technique for the control of isotopic ratio the wall was first preloaded using a D-2 glow discharge. After 15 minutes of ICWC in He/H-2 gas mixtures the isotopic ratio was altered from 4% to 50% at the price of an important H implantation into the walls. An overall analysis comparing plasma production and the conditioning efficiency as a function of discharge parameters is given

    Helium plasma operations on ASDEX Upgrade and JET in support of the non-nuclear phases of ITER

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    For its initial operational phase, ITER has until recently considered using non-nuclear hydrogen (H) or helium (He) plasmas to keep nuclear activation at low levels. To this end, the Tokamak Exploitation Task Force of the EUROfusion Consortium carried out dedicated experimental campaigns in He on the ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) and JET tokamaks in 2022, with particular emphasis put on the ELMy H-mode operation and plasma-wall interaction processes as well as comparison to H or deuterium (D) plasmas. Both in pure He and mixed He + H plasmas, H-mode operation could be reached but more effort was needed to obtain a stable plasma scenario than in H or D. Even if the power threshold for the LH transition was lower in He, entering the type-I ELMy regime appeared to require equally much or even more heating power than in H. Suppression of ELMs by resonant magnetic perturbations was studied on AUG but was only possible in plasmas with a He content below 19%; the reason for this unexpected behaviour remains still unclear and various theoretical approaches are being pursued to properly understand the physics behind ELM suppression. The erosion rates of tungsten (W) plasma-facing components were an order of magnitude larger than what has been reported in hydrogenic plasmas, which can be attributed to the prominent role of He2+ ions in the plasma. For the first time, the formation of nanoscale structures (W fuzz) was unambiguously demonstrated in H-mode He plasmas on AUG. However, no direct evidence of fuzz creation on JET was obtained despite the main conditions for its occurrence being met. The reason could be a delicate balance between W erosion by ELMs, competition between the growth and annealing of the fuzz, and coverage of the surface with co-deposits.</p

    Fourier-Laplace transform of a variation of polarized complex Hodge structure, II

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    We show that the limit, by rescaling, of the `new supersymmetric index' attached to the Fourier-Laplace transform of a polarized variation of Hodge structure on a punctured affine line is equal to the spectral polynomial attached to the same object. We also extend the definition by Deligne of a Hodge filtration on the de Rham cohomology of a exponentially twisted polarized variation of complex Hodge structure and prove a E_1 degeneration property for it.Comment: 51 pages, revised version, to appear in the proceedings volume of the conference `` New developments in Algebraic Geometry, Integrable Systems and Mirror symmetry", RIMS, Kyoto, Jan. 7-11, 200

    investigation of probe surfaces after ion cyclotron wall conditioning in asdex upgrade

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    For the first time, material analysis techniques have been applied to study the effect of ion cyclotron wall conditioning (ICWC) on probe surfaces in a metal-wall machine. ICWC is a technique envisaged to contribute to the removal of fuel and impurities from the first wall of ITER. The objective of this work was to assess impurity migration under ICWC operation. Tungsten probes were exposed in ASDEX Upgrade to discharges in helium. After wall conditioning, the probes were covered with a co-deposited layer containing D, B, C, N, O and relatively high amount of He. The concentration ratio He/C+B was 0.7. The formation of the co-deposited layer indicates that a fraction of the impurities desorbed from the wall under ICWC operation are transported by plasma and deposited away from their original location. Keywords: ICWC, Erosion-deposition, Fuel removal, Ion beam analysis, ASDEX Upgrad

    The effect of discharge chamber geometry on the ignition of low-pressure rf capacitive discharges

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    This paper reports measured and calculated breakdown curves in several gases of rf capacitive discharges excited at 13.56 MHz in chambers of three different geometries: parallel plates surrounded by a dielectric cylinder (“symmetric parallel plate”), parallel plates surrounded by a grounded metallic cylinder (“asymmetric parallel plate”), and parallel plates inside a much larger grounded metallic chamber (“large chamber”). The breakdown curves for the symmetric chamber have a multivalued section at low pressure. For the asymmetric chamber the breakdown curves are shifted to lower pressures and rf voltages, but the multivalued feature is still present. At higher pressures the breakdown voltages are much lower than for the symmetric geometry. For the large chamber geometry the multivalued behavior is not observed. The breakdown curves were also calculated using a numerical model based on fluid equations, giving results that are in satisfactory agreement with the measurements

    Modes and the alpha-gamma transition in rf capacitive discharges in N2O at different rf frequencies

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    This paper reports current-voltage characteristics and pressure-voltage transition curves from the weak-current a-mode to the strong-current g-mode for rf capacitive discharges in N2O at frequencies of 2 MHz, 13.56 MHz, and 27.12 MHz. At 2 MHz the rf discharge is mostly resistive whereas at 13.56 MHz and 27.12 MHz it is mostly capacitive. The weak-current a-mode was found to exist only above a certain minimum gas pressure for all frequencies studied [N. Yatsenko Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys. 26, 678 (19810] previously proposed that the a−g transition corresponds to breakdown of the sheaths. However, we show that this is the case only for sufficiently high gas pressures. At lower pressure there is a smooth transition from the weak-current a-mode to a strong-current g-mode, in which the sheaths produce fast electrons but the sheath has not undergone breakdown