89 research outputs found

    Multilineage Differentiation for Formation of Innervated Skeletal Muscle Fibers from Healthy and Diseased Human Pluripotent Stem Cells.

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    Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) obtained by reprogramming primary somatic cells have revolutionized the fields of cell biology and disease modeling. However, the number protocols for generating mature muscle fibers with sarcolemmal organization using iPSCs remain limited, and partly mimic the complexity of mature skeletal muscle. Methods: We used a novel combination of small molecules added in a precise sequence for the simultaneous codifferentiation of human iPSCs into skeletal muscle cells and motor neurons. Results: We show that the presence of both cell types reduces the production time for millimeter-long multinucleated muscle fibers with sarcolemmal organization. Muscle fiber contractions are visible in 19-21 days, and can be maintained over long period thanks to the production of innervated multinucleated mature skeletal muscle fibers with autonomous cell regeneration of PAX7-positive cells and extracellular matrix synthesis. The sequential addition of specific molecules recapitulates key steps of human peripheral neurogenesis and myogenesis. Furthermore, this organoid-like culture can be used for functional evaluation and drug screening. Conclusion: Our protocol, which is applicable to hiPSCs from healthy individuals, was validated in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Myotonic Dystrophy, Facio-Scapulo-Humeral Dystrophy and type 2A Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, opening new paths for the exploration of muscle differentiation, disease modeling and drug discovery

    Primordial germ cell DNA demethylation and development require DNA translesion synthesis

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    Mutations in DNA damage response (DDR) factors are associated with human infertility, which affects up to 15% of the population. The DDR is required during germ cell development and meiosis. One pathway implicated in human fertility is DNA translesion synthesis (TLS), which allows replication impediments to be bypassed. We find that TLS is essential for premeiotic germ cell development in the embryo. Loss of the central TLS component, REV1,significantly inhibits the induction of human PGC-like cells (hPGCLCs). This is recapitulated in mice, where deficiencies in TLS initiation (Rev1-/- or PcnaK164R/K164R) or extension (Rev7-/-) result in a &gt;150-fold reduction in the number of primordial germ cells (PGCs) and complete sterility. In contrast, the absence of TLS does not impact the growth, function, or homeostasis of somatic tissues. Surprisingly, we find a complete failure in both activation of the germ cell transcriptional program and in DNA demethylation, a critical step in germline epigenetic reprogramming. Our findings show that for normal fertility, DNA repair is required not only for meiotic recombination but for progression through the earliest stages of germ cell development in mammals.<br/

    A role for IL-33-activated ILC2s in eosinophilic vasculitis

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    Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) is a rare but serious disease with poorly understood mechanisms. Here, we report that patients with EGPA have elevated levels of TSLP, IL-25, and soluble ST2, which are well-characterized cytokine alarmins that activate or modulate type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s). Patients with active EGPA have a concurrent reduction in circulating ILC2s, suggesting a role for ILC2s in the pathogenesis of this disease. To explore the mechanism of these findings in patients, we established a model of EGPA in which active vasculitis and pulmonary hemorrhage were induced by IL-33 administration in predisposed, hypereosinophilic mice. In this model, induction of pulmonary hemorrhage and vasculitis was dependent on ILC2s and signaling through IL4Rα. In the absence of IL4Rα or STAT6, IL-33-treated mice had less vascular leak and pulmonary edema, less endothelial activation, and reduced eotaxin production, cumulatively leading to a reduction of pathologic eosinophil migration into the lung parenchyma. These results offer a mouse model for use in future mechanistic studies of EGPA, and they suggest that IL-33, ILC2s, and IL4Rα signaling may be potential targets for further study and therapeutic targeting in patients with EGPA

    Changes in Canadian Adolescent Well-Being since the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Prior Child Maltreatment

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    Adolescents may be particularly vulnerable to the negative impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, given their increased socialization needs during this developmental period. This prospective study examined the potential changes in adolescents’ well-being from before to during the pandemic, and the moderating role of a history of child maltreatment (CM), COVID-19-related distress, and gender among 1,802 adolescents (55.5% participants identified as boy, 42.2% as girl, and 1.5% as nonbinary; Mage 14.74 years). Another aim was to determine whether COVID-19-related distress mediated the relationship between CM and well-being. Results revealed that COVID-19-related distress was associated with lower well-being (i.e., higher levels of internalized and externalized behaviors, and lower levels of self-esteem and life satisfaction). Boys experienced a greater decrease in life satisfaction and self-esteem than girls. A history of CM had a moderation effect, with the pandemic having a lesser impact on the outcomes of adolescents with such a history. However, it was also associated with more COVID-19-related distress, which in turn was associated with lower levels of internalized and externalized behaviors, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. These unexpected results with regard to CM might indicate that the social restrictions during the pandemic could have had a relieving effect on adolescents with particular challenges associated with CM

    Segregation between SMCHD1 mutation, D4Z4 hypomethylation and Facio-Scapulo-Humeral Dystrophy: a case report

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    International audienceBackground: The main form of Facio-Scapulo-Humeral muscular Dystrophy is linked to copy number reduction of the 4q D4Z4 macrosatellite (FSHD1). In 5 % of cases, FSHD phenotype appears in the absence of D4Z4 reduction (FSHD2). In 70-80 % of these patients, variants of the SMCHD1 gene segregate with 4qA haplotypes and D4Z4 hypomethylation.Case presentation: We report a family presenting with neuromuscular symptoms reminiscent of FSHD but without D4Z4 copy reduction. We characterized the 4q35 region using molecular combing, searched for mutation in the SMCHD1 gene and determined D4Z4 methylation level by sodium bisulfite sequencing. We further investigated the impact of the SMCHD1 mutation at the protein level and on the NMD-dependent degradation of transcript. In muscle, we observe moderate but significant reduction in D4Z4 methylation, not correlated with DUX4-fl expression. Exome sequencing revealed a heterozygous insertion of 7 bp in exon 37 of the SMCHD1 gene producing a loss of frame with premature stop codon 4 amino acids after the insertion (c.4614-4615insTATAATA). Both wild-type and mutated transcripts are detected.Conclusion: The truncated protein is absent and the full-length protein level is similar in patients and controls indicating that in this family, FSHD is not associated with SMCHD1 haploinsufficiency

    Primordial germ cell DNA demethylation and development require DNA translesion synthesis

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    Mutations in DNA damage response (DDR) factors are associated with human infertility, which affects up to 15% of the population. The DDR is required during germ cell development and meiosis. One pathway implicated in human fertility is DNA translesion synthesis (TLS), which allows replication impediments to be bypassed. We find that TLS is essential for pre-meiotic germ cell development in the embryo. Loss of the central TLS component, REV1, significantly inhibits the induction of human PGC-like cells (hPGCLCs). This is recapitulated in mice, where deficiencies in TLS initiation (Rev1-/- or PcnaK164R/K164R) or extension (Rev7 -/-) result in a > 150-fold reduction in the number of primordial germ cells (PGCs) and complete sterility. In contrast, the absence of TLS does not impact the growth, function, or homeostasis of somatic tissues. Surprisingly, we find a complete failure in both activation of the germ cell transcriptional program and in DNA demethylation, a critical step in germline epigenetic reprogramming. Our findings show that for normal fertility, DNA repair is required not only for meiotic recombination but for progression through the earliest stages of germ cell development in mammals

    De novo mutations in SMCHD1 cause Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome and abrogate nasal development

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    Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome (BAMS) is an extremely rare and striking condition characterized by complete absence of the nose with or without ocular defects. We report here that missense mutations in the epigenetic regulator SMCHD1 mapping to the extended ATPase domain of the encoded protein cause BAMS in all 14 cases studied. All mutations were de novo where parental DNA was available. Biochemical tests and in vivo assays in Xenopus laevis embryos suggest that these mutations may behave as gain-of-function alleles. This finding is in contrast to the loss-of-function mutations in SMCHD1 that have been associated with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) type 2. Our results establish SMCHD1 as a key player in nasal development and provide biochemical insight into its enzymatic function that may be exploited for development of therapeutics for FSHD

    Santé mentale et population universitaire : un laboratoire-vivant au service de la communauté : rapport de recherche

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    Cette étude a trois objectifs : 1) Identifier les principaux enjeux de santé des étudiant·es et des employé·es de l’UQAC en contexte pandémique, 2) Répertorier l’ensemble des mesures de soutien à la santé mises à la disposition des étudiant·es et des employé·es de l’UQAC, et 3) Identifier de nouvelles solutions à mettre en place afin de pallier les manques et de soutenir les étudiant·es et les employé·es de l’UQAC

    Addressing the climate challenge

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    In 2021, colleagues from across the University of Birmingham community were invited to write articles about topics relevant to the COP26 climate change summit. In this series of articles, experts from across many different disciplines provide new insight and evidence on how we might all understand and tackle climate change

    Macrosatellite D4Z4 epigenetic dynamics by the SMCHD1 protein in two unrelated diseases : lesson from IPSCs

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    La dystrophie Facio-Scapulo-Humérale (FSHD) est caractérisée par un affaiblissement asymétrique des muscles de la face, de la ceinture scapulaire et des bras. Dans 95% des cas (FSHD1), elle est liée à la contraction d’un élément macrosatellite en 4q35, D4Z4. Dans les 5% des cas qui ne présentent pas de contraction de D4Z4 (FSHD2), des mutations dans le gène SMCHD1 sont retrouvées. Des mutations dans ce gène sont aussi associées à un syndrome développemental très rare, le syndrome de Bosma (BAMS). Les individus présentent des anomalies cranio-faciales mais aucun signe musculaire.Nous avons développé une méthode pour l’analyse de la méthylation de D4Z4 associant modification de l’ADN au bisulfite de sodium et séquençage à haut débit. Nous observons une hypométhylation marquée chez les patients FSHD2 et BAMS au niveau de la partie proximale de cet élément. L’étude de la méthylation au cours de la reprogrammation de fibroblastes primaires en cellules souches pluripotentes induites montre que D4Z4 est reméthylé de façon spécifique dans les cellules contrôles et FSHD1 mais est peu modulée dans les cellules FSHD2 et BAMS. Cette méthylation élevée est une caractéristique de la pluripotence et implique SMCHD1. La reméthylation ne dépend pas non plus de la mémoire épigénétique héritée des fibroblastes ni du nombre de répétitions D4Z4. Ces résultats suggèrent un mécanisme de régulation dynamique. L’hypométhylation de D4Z4 n’est pas observée lors de l’invalidation somatique du gène indiquant que SMCHD1 est impliqué dans la mise en place de la méthylation et non sa maintenance.SMCHD1 est donc impliqué dans la mise en place de la méthylation de D4Z4 dans les cellules pluripotentes.Facio-Scapulo-Humeral Dystrophy is characterized by the involvement of specific facial, scapulo-humeral and anterior foreleg muscles. In 95% of cases (FSHD1) the disease is associated with a reduction of a macrosatellite element, D4Z4, at the 4q35 locus. In the 5% remaining cases (FSHD2), there is no D4Z4 contraction and patients carry mutations in the SMCHD1 gene. Mutations in SMCHD1 are also involved in a very rare developmental syndrome called Bosma Arhinia Microphtalmia syndrome (BAMS) characterized by cranio-facial abnormalities but no muscular dystrophy.To analyze D4Z4 methylation we developed an approach based on the Sodium Bisulfite treatment method followed by high-throughput sequencing. We showed a significant hypomethylation in the proximal region of D4Z4 in FSHD and BAMS patients compared to controls. Our methylation analysis in primary fibroblasts and corresponding human induced pluripotent stem cells showed that D4Z4 is specifically remethylated upon reprogramming in FSHD1 cells but not in SMCHD1-mutated cells. The high methylation level is a feature of pluripotency likely dependent on SMCHD1. Strikingly, hypomethylation is not observed in somatic cells invalidated for SMCHD1 suggesting a key role for this factor in de novo the methylation. D4Z4 methylation pattern does not depend on the epigenetic memory inherited form donor cells and on the number of the D4Z4 copies and it is a tightly regulated process.In conclusion, SMCHD1 plays a role in the D4Z4 methyl mark deposition at the pluripotency state
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