170 research outputs found

    The evolution of RNAs with multiple functions

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    Increasing numbers of transcripts have been reported to transmit both protein-coding and regulatory information. Apart from challenging our conception of the gene, this observation raises the question as to what extent this phenomenon occurs across the genome and how and why such dual encoding of function has evolved in the eukaryotic genome. To address this question, we consider the evolutionary path of genes in the earliest forms of life on Earth, where it is generally regarded that proteins evolved from a cellular machinery based entirely within RNA. This led to the domination of protein-coding genes in the genomes of microorganisms, although it is likely that RNA never lost its other capacities and functionalities, as evidenced by cis-acting riboswitches and UTRs. On the basis that the subsequent evolution of a more sophisticated regulatory architecture to provide higher levels of epigenetic control and accurate spatiotemporal expression in developmentally complex organisms is a complicated task, we hypothesize: (i) that mRNAs have been and remain subject to secondary selection to provide trans-acting regulatory capability in parallel with protein-coding functions; (ii) that some and perhaps many protein-coding loci, possibly as a consequence of gene duplication, have lost protein-coding functions en route to acquiring more sophisticated trans-regulatory functions; (iii) that many transcripts have become subject to secondary processing to release different products; and (iv) that novel proteins have emerged within loci that previously evolved functionality as regulatory RNAs. In support of the idea that there is a dynamic flux between different types of informational RNAs in both evolutionary and real time, we review recent observations that have arisen from transcriptomic surveys of complex eukaryotes and reconsider how these observations impact on the notion that apparently discrete loci may express transcripts with more than one function. In conclusion, we posit that many eukaryotic loci have evolved the capacity to transact a multitude of overlapping and potentially independent functions as both regulatory and protein-coding RNAs

    GATExplorer: Genomic and Transcriptomic Explorer; mapping expression probes to gene loci, transcripts, exons and ncRNAs

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    Background: Genome-wide expression studies have developed exponentially in recent years as a result of extensive use of microarray technology. However, expression signals are typically calculated using the assignment of "probesets" to genes, without addressing the problem of "gene" definition or proper consideration of the location of the measuring probes in the context of the currently known genomes and transcriptomes. Moreover, as our knowledge of metazoan genomes improves, the number of both protein-coding and noncoding genes, as well as their associated isoforms, continues to increase. Consequently, there is a need for new databases that combine genomic and transcriptomic information and provide updated mapping of expression probes to current genomic annotations.Results: GATExplorer (Genomic and Transcriptomic Explorer) is a database and web platform that integrates a gene loci browser with nucleotide level mappings of oligo probes from expression microarrays. It allows interactive exploration of gene loci, transcripts and exons of human, mouse and rat genomes, and shows the specific location of all mappable Affymetrix microarray probes and their respective expression levels in a broad set of biological samples. The web site allows visualization of probes in their genomic context together with any associated protein-coding or noncoding transcripts. In the case of all-exon arrays, this provides a means by which the expression of the individual exons within a gene can be compared, thereby facilitating the identification and analysis of alternatively spliced exons. The application integrates data from four major source databases: Ensembl, RNAdb, Affymetrix and GeneAtlas; and it provides the users with a series of files and packages (R CDFs) to analyze particular query expression datasets. The maps cover both the widely used Affymetrix GeneChip microarrays based on 3' expression (e.g. human HG U133 series) and the all-exon expression microarrays (Gene 1.0 and Exon 1.0).Conclusions: GATExplorer is an integrated database that combines genomic/transcriptomic visualization with nucleotide-level probe mapping. By considering expression at the nucleotide level rather than the gene level, it shows that the arrays detect expression signals from entities that most researchers do not contemplate or discriminate. This approach provides the means to undertake a higher resolution analysis of microarray data and potentially extract considerably more detailed and biologically accurate information from existing and future microarray experiments

    Benchmarking of RNA-sequencing analysis workflows using whole-transcriptome RT-qPCR expression data

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    RNA-sequencing has become the gold standard for whole-transcriptome gene expression quanti cation. Multiple algorithms have been developed to derive gene counts from sequencing reads. While a number of benchmarking studies have been conducted, the question remains how individual methods perform at accurately quantifying gene expression levels from RNA-sequencing reads. We performed an independent benchmarking study using RNA-sequencing data from the well established MAQCA and MAQCB reference samples. RNA-sequencing reads were processed using five workflows (Tophat-HTSeq, Tophat-Cuflinks, STAR-HTSeq, Kallisto and Salmon) and resulting gene expression measurements were compared to expression data generated by wet-lab validated qPCR assays for all protein coding genes. All methods showed high gene expression correlations with qPCR data. When comparing gene expression fold changes between MAQCA and MAQCB samples, about 85% of the genes showed consistent results between RNA-sequencing and qPCR data. Of note, each method revealed a small but speci c gene set with inconsistent expression measurements. A significant proportion of these method-specific inconsistent genes were reproducibly identified in independent datasets. These genes were typically smaller, had fewer exons, and were lower expressed compared to genes with consistent expression measurements. We propose that careful validation is warranted when evaluating RNA-seq based expression profiles for this specific gene set

    Long noncoding RNAs in neuronal-glial fate specification and oligodendrocyte lineage maturation

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    Background: Long non-protein-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are emerging as important regulators of cellular differentiation and are widely expressed in the brain.Results: Here we show that many long ncRNAs exhibit dynamic expression patterns during neuronal and oligodendrocyte (OL) lineage specification, neuronal-glial fate transitions, and progressive stages of OL lineage elaboration including myelination. Consideration of the genomic context of these dynamically regulated ncRNAs showed they were part of complex transcriptional loci that encompass key neural developmental protein-coding genes, with which they exhibit concordant expression profiles as indicated by both microarray and in situ hybridization analyses. These included ncRNAs associated with differentiation-specific nuclear subdomains such as Gomafu and Neat1, and ncRNAs associated with developmental enhancers and genes encoding important transcription factors and homeotic proteins. We also observed changes in ncRNA expression profiles in response to treatment with trichostatin A, a histone deacetylase inhibitor that prevents the progression of OL progenitors into post-mitotic OLs by altering lineage-specific gene expression programs.Conclusion: This is the first report of long ncRNA expression in neuronal and glial cell differentiation and of the modulation of ncRNA expression by modification of chromatin architecture. These observations explicitly link ncRNA dynamics to neural stem cell fate decisions, specification and epigenetic reprogramming and may have important implications for understanding and treating neuropsychiatric diseases

    Identification of OAF and PVRL1 as candidate genes for an ocular anomaly characterized by Peters anomaly type 2 and ectopia lentis

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    Keratolenticular dysgenesis (KLD) and ectopia lends are congenital eye defects. The aim of this study is the identification of molecular genetic alterations responsible for those ocular anomalies with neurologic impairment in an individual with a de novo balanced chromosome translocation t(11;18)(q23.3;q11.2)dn. Disruption of OAF, the human orthologue of the Drosophila oaf, by the 11q23.3 breakpoint results in reduced expression of this transcriptional regulator. Furthermore, four most likely nonfunctional chimeric transcripts comprising up to OAF exon 3, derived from the der(11) allele, have also been identified. This locus has been implicated by publicly available genome-wide association data in corneal disease and corneal topography. The expression of the poliovirus receptor-related 1(PVRL1) or nectin cell adhesion molecule 1 (NECTIN1), a paralogue of nectin cell adhesion molecule 3 (PVRL3) associated with congenital ocular defects, situated 500 kb upstream from 11q23.3 breakpoint, is increased. The 18q11.2 breakpoint is localized between cutaneous T-cell lymphoma-associated antigen 1(CTAGE1) and retinoblastoma binding protein 8 (RBBP8) genes. Genomic imbalance that could contribute to the observed phenotype was excluded. Analysis of gene expression datasets throughout normal murine ocular lens embryogenesis suggests that OAF expression is significantly enriched in the lens from early stages of development through adulthood, whereas PVRL1 is lens-enriched until E12.5 and then down-regulated. This contrasts with the observation that the proposita's lymphoblastoid cell lines exhibit low OAF and high PVRL1 expression as compared to control, which offers further support that the alterations described above are most likely responsible for the clinical phenotype. Finally, gene interaction topology data for PVRL1 also agree with our proposal that disruption of OAF by the translocation breakpoint and misregulation of PVRL1 due to a position effect contribute to the observed ocular and neurological phenotype.Peer reviewe

    Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Caisin (Brassica Chinenchis L.) Pada Berbagai Jenis Pupuk Organik Dan Pupuk Fosfat Alam the Growth and Production of Caisin (Brassica Chinenchis L.) on Varieties of Organic Fertilizers and Rock Phosphate

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk organik dan fosfat alam terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman caisin, serta menentukan jenis pupuk organik dan dosis pupuk fosfat alam terbaik dalam memacu pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman caisin. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan pola perlakuan Petak Terpisah (Split Splot Design). Petak utama berupa jenis pupuk organic yaitu pupuk kandang kambing (A ), pupuk kandang sapi (A ), dan pupuk 1 2 limbah media jamur merang (A ) dengan dosis masing-masing 10 ton/ha. 3 Anak petak berupa dosis fosfat alam 0 (B ), 250 (B ), 350 (B ), dan 450 (B ) 0 1 2 3 kg/ha, sehingga terdapat 12 kombinasi perlakuan dan setiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Parameter yang diamati meliputi parameter pertumbuhan yaitu jumlah daun, luas daun, bobot kering, nisbah pupus akar dan parameter hasil yaitu bobot basah daun. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji F, apabila berbeda nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pupuk organik dan fosfat alam berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman caisin. Pupuk limbah media jamur merang dan fosfat alam dosis 450 kg/ha (A B ) merupakan kombinasi terbaik dalam 3 3 memacu pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman caisin

    Genome-wide analysis of long noncoding RNA stability

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    Transcriptomic analyses have identified tens of thousands of intergenic, intronic, and cis-antisense long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) that are expressed from mammalian genomes. Despite progress in functional characterization, little is known about the post-transcriptional regulation of lncRNAs and their half-lives. Although many are easily detectable by a variety of techniques, it has been assumed that lncRNAs are generally unstable, but this has not been examined genome-wide. Utilizing a custom noncoding RNA array, we determined the half-lives of ∼800 lncRNAs and ∼12,000 mRNAs in the mouse Neuro-2a cell line. We find only a minority of lncRNAs are unstable. LncRNA half-lives vary over a wide range, comparable to, although on average less than, that of mRNAs, suggestive of complex metabolism and widespread functionality. Combining half-lives with comprehensive lncRNA annotations identified hundreds of unstable (half-life 16 h). Analysis of lncRNA features revealed that intergenic and cis-antisense RNAs are more stable than those derived from introns, as are spliced lncRNAs compared to unspliced (single exon) transcripts. Subcellular localization of lncRNAs indicated widespread trafficking to different cellular locations, with nuclear-localized lncRNAs more likely to be unstable. Surprisingly, one of the least stable lncRNAs is the well-characterized paraspeckle RNA Neat1, suggesting Neat1 instability contributes to the dynamic nature of this subnuclear domain. We have created an online interactive resource (http://stability. matticklab.com) that allows easy navigation of lncRNA and mRNA stability profiles and provides a comprehensive annotation of ∼7200 mouse lncRNAs

    Cancer-Associated noncoding mutations affect RNA G-quadruplex-mediated regulation of gene expression

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Cancer is a multifactorial disease driven by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Many cancer driver mutations have been characterised in protein-coding regions of the genome. However, mutations in noncoding regions associated with cancer have been less investigated. G-quadruplex (G4) nucleic acids are four-stranded secondary structures formed in guanine-rich sequences and prevalent in the regulatory regions. In this study, we used published whole cancer genome sequence data to find mutations in cancer patients that overlap potential RNA G4-forming sequences in 5ⲠUTRs. Using RNAfold, we assessed the effect of these mutations on the thermodynamic stability of predicted RNA G4s in the context of full-length 5ⲠUTRs. Of the 217 identified mutations, we found that 33 are predicted to destabilise and 21 predicted to stabilise potential RNA G4s. We experimentally validated the effect of destabilising mutations in the 5ⲠUTRs of BCL2 and CXCL14 and one stabilising mutation in the 5ⲠUTR of TAOK2. These mutations resulted in an increase or a decrease in translation of these mRNAs, respectively. These findings suggest that mutations that modulate the G4 stability in the noncoding regions could act as cancer driver mutations, which present an opportunity for early cancer diagnosis using individual sequencing information.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Term-BLAST-like alignment tool for concept recognition in noisy clinical texts.

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    MOTIVATION: Methods for concept recognition (CR) in clinical texts have largely been tested on abstracts or articles from the medical literature. However, texts from electronic health records (EHRs) frequently contain spelling errors, abbreviations, and other nonstandard ways of representing clinical concepts. RESULTS: Here, we present a method inspired by the BLAST algorithm for biosequence alignment that screens texts for potential matches on the basis of matching k-mer counts and scores candidates based on conformance to typical patterns of spelling errors derived from 2.9 million clinical notes. Our method, the Term-BLAST-like alignment tool (TBLAT) leverages a gold standard corpus for typographical errors to implement a sequence alignment-inspired method for efficient entity linkage. We present a comprehensive experimental comparison of TBLAT with five widely used tools. Experimental results show an increase of 10% in recall on scientific publications and 20% increase in recall on EHR records (when compared against the next best method), hence supporting a significant enhancement of the entity linking task. The method can be used stand-alone or as a complement to existing approaches. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: Fenominal is a Java library that implements TBLAT for named CR of Human Phenotype Ontology terms and is available at https://github.com/monarch-initiative/fenominal under the GNU General Public License v3.0