12 research outputs found

    Le s symbioses fixatrices d’azote : types et rĂ©gulateurs t ranscriptionnels de la nodulation

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    Les symbioses fixatrices d’azote sont des interactions Ă  bĂ©nĂ©fice rĂ©ciproque entre certaines espĂšces vĂ©gĂ©tales (lĂ©gumineuses et plantes actinorhiziennes principalement) et des microorganismes du sol ( r hizobium ou Frankia ). Ces symbioses contribuent de façon considĂ©rable Ă  la nutrition azotĂ©e de ces plantes e t donc Ă  leur dĂ©veloppement particuliĂšrement sur l es sols pauvres en azote . L’établissement de ces symbioses dĂ©marre par un dialogue molĂ©culaire , puis par la formation de structures appelĂ©es nodules ou nodositĂ©s , siĂšge des Ă©changes entre les deux partenaires (plante et bactĂ©rie) La formation et le dĂ©veloppement de nodules requiĂšrent la mĂ©diation de gĂšnes spĂ©cifiques parmi les quels figurent les rĂ©gulateurs transcriptionnels ( facteurs de transcription et microARN) microARN). Des facteurs de transcription dont CYCLOPS, NSP1 et NSP2 communs entre les symbioses r hizobium lĂ©gumineuse et Frankia plante actinorhizienne ont Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©s Ă  d iffĂ©rents stades du dĂ©veloppement du nodule Ils interagissent avec les protĂ©ines DE LLA pour induire l’expression du gĂšne NIN , n Ă©cessaire Ă  l’initiation de l’infection . Ces facteurs de transcription sont rĂ©gulĂ©s par divers microARN. Cette revue rĂ©sume l es types de symbioses fixatrices d’azote et les rĂ©centes avancĂ©es sur l es rĂ©gulateurs transcriptionnels impliquĂ© s dans l es Ă©tapes de prĂ© infection, d’infection et d’organogenĂšse du nodule . Pour ce faire, nous avons collectĂ© et analysĂ© des donnĂ©es pertinentes de la littĂ©rature sur des Ă©tudes molĂ©culaires et cellulaires des symbioses fixatrices d’azote

    Climate-Smart Maize Breeding: The Potential of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis in Improving Yield, Biotic and Abiotic Stress Resistance, and Carbon and Nitrogen Sink Efficiency

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    Maize is part of the essential food security crops for which yields need to tremendously increase to support future population growth expectations with their accompanying food and feed demand. However, current yield increases trends are sub-optimal due to an array of biotic and abiotic factors that will be compounded by future negative climate scenarios and continued land degradations. These negative projections for maize yield call for re-orienting maize breeding to leverage the beneficial soil microbiota, among which arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMS) hold enormous promises. In this chapter, we first review the components relevant to maize-AMF interaction, then present the benefits of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis (AMS) to maize growth and yield in terms of biotic and abiotic stress tolerance and improvement of yield and yield components, and finally summarize pre-breeding information related to maize-AMF interaction and trait improvement avenues based on up-to-date molecular breeding technologies

    Rice developmental stages modulate rhizosphere bacteria and archaea co-occurrence and sensitivity to long-term inorganic fertilization in a West African Sahelian agro-ecosystem

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    Abstract Background Rhizosphere microbial communities are important components of the soil-plant continuum in paddy field ecosystems. These rhizosphere communities contribute to nutrient cycling and rice productivity. The use of fertilizers is a common agricultural practice in rice paddy fields. However, the long-term impact of the fertilizers usage on the rhizosphere microbial communities at different rice developmental stages remains poorly investigated. Here, we examined the effects of long-term (27 years) N and NPK-fertilization on bacterial and archaeal community inhabiting the rice rhizosphere at three developmental stages (tillering, panicle initiation and booting) in the Senegal River Delta. Results We found that the effect of long-term inorganic fertilization on rhizosphere microbial communities varied with the rice developmental stage, and between microbial communities in their response to N and NPK-fertilization. The microbial communities inhabiting the rice rhizosphere at panicle initiation appear to be more sensitive to long-term inorganic fertilization than those at tillering and booting stages. However, the effect of developmental stage on microbial sensitivity to long-term inorganic fertilization was more pronounced for bacterial than archaeal community. Furthermore, our data reveal dynamics of bacteria and archaea co-occurrence patterns in the rice rhizosphere, with differentiated bacterial and archaeal pivotal roles in the microbial inter-kingdom networks across developmental stages. Conclusions Our study brings new insights on rhizosphere bacteria and archaea co-occurrence and the long-term inorganic fertilization impact on these communities across developmental stages in field-grown rice. It would help in developing strategies for the successful manipulation of microbial communities to improve rice yields

    Identification of Sources of Resistance for Peanut Aspergillus flavus Colonization and Aflatoxin Contamination

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    Peanut aflatoxin contamination caused by Aspergillus flavus is a serious constraint for food safety and human health in Senegal. The present study aimed to identify sources of resistance for A. flavus colonization and aflatoxin contamination. Thus, seeds from 67 peanut genotypes were tested under laboratory conditions. Aqueous conidial suspension of an aflatoxinogenic strain of A. flavus was used for inoculation in Petri dishes containing ten seeds of each genotype, and data on incidence and severity were recorded. Total aflatoxin concentration in seeds was determined on 15th day after inoculation using mReaderÂź method. Results showed a significant (p<0.001) variation of aflatoxin, incidence and severity among the tested peanut genotypes. Incidence ranged from 0 to 70% with a mean of 20.36 ± 0.8%. Out of the 67 genotypes, eight showed incidence less than 10%. Severity ranged from 0 to 44% with a mean value of 8.82 ± 0.45%. The genotype 12CS_104 showed aflatoxin concentration level in conformity with the European standard (4 ppb). Out of three clusters revealed by hierarchical classification based on disease incidence and severity, the cluster 1 contained 33 genotypes characterised by low incidence and severity values. These genotypes can be tested under field conditions to confirm their resistance to A flavus

    Faisabilité et pertinence de la check-list de sécurité au bloc opératoire central du Centre Hospitalier Régional de Saint Louis du Sénégal

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    Introduction: La check-list (CL) de sĂ©curitĂ© au bloc opĂ©ratoire est un outil de qualitĂ© qui permet de rĂ©duire la morbimortalitĂ© pĂ©ri opĂ©ratoire. C’est une des exigences de la Haute AutoritĂ© de SantĂ© (HAS) française dans la procĂ©dure de certification des Ă©tablissements de santĂ©. L’objectif de ce travail est de rĂ©aliser une Ă©valuation quantitative et qualitative de l’utilisation de cet outil au sein du bloc opĂ©ratoire central du centre hospitalier RĂ©gional de Saint Louis. MĂ©thodes: Une Ă©valuation prospective des indicateurs de l’utilisation pratique de la check-list et de son apport dans l’amĂ©lioration des pratiques chirurgicales au bloc opĂ©ratoire du centre hospitalier rĂ©gional de Saint-Louis a Ă©tĂ© entamĂ©e depuis son lancement en mars 2016. RĂ©sultats: Le taux d’utilisation de la CL Ă©tait de 75%, le taux de conformitĂ© Ă©tait de 60%; le taux de renseignements Ă©tait de 99% pour les items prĂ©-induction, 93% pour les items prĂ©-incision et 88% pour les items postopĂ©ratoires. Seules 73% des CL analysĂ©es avaient Ă©tĂ© remplies avec une communication orale effective aux trois temps. La CL a permis de dĂ©tecter des dysfonctionnements matĂ©riels et/ou des Ă©vĂ©nements indĂ©sirables dans 15% des cas. Aucune erreur d’identification de patient ni de cotĂ© opĂ©rĂ© ne furent objectivĂ©es dans notre Ă©tude. Conclusion: La CL participe au dĂ©veloppement de la culture de sĂ©curitĂ© dans les blocs opĂ©ratoires, et a dĂ©bouchĂ© sur la mise en place d’une cartographie des risques au bloc opĂ©ratoire. Certes importante, elle ne doit nĂ©anmoins pas ĂȘtre prĂ©sentĂ©e comme l’outil magique pour Ă©viter les erreurs, mais s’intĂšgre dans l’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© des soins avec d’autres programmes comme le signalement d’évĂšnements indĂ©sirables et les revues de morbi-mortalitĂ©s

    GhERF-IIb3 regulates the accumulation of jasmonate and leads to enhanced cotton resistance to blight disease.

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    International audienceThe phytohormone jasmonic acid (JA) and its derivatives, collectively referred to as jasmonates, regulate many developmental processes, but are also involved in response to numerous abiotic/biotic stresses. Thus far, powerful reverse genetic strategies employing perception, signaling or biosynthesis mutants have broadly contributed to our understanding of JA implication in plant stress response and development; so did the chemical gain-of-function approach based on exogenous application of the hormone. However, there is currently no method that allows for in planta tightly controlled JA production. Investigating the control of the JA synthesis pathway in bacteria-infected cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants, we identified a transcription factor (TF), namely GhERF-IIb3, that could act as positive regulator of the JA pathway. Expression of this well-conserved TF in cotton leaves was sufficient to bring about in situ JA accumulation at physiological concentrations associated with enhanced cotton defense response to bacterial infection

    La crue de 2012 Ă  Niamey : un paroxysme du paradoxe du Sahel ?

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    International audienceLa crue de 2012 a Niamey : un paroxysme du paradoxe du Sahel ? E n août 2012, le fleuve Niger a connu une crue exceptionnelle dans le bassin du Niger moyen. Plusieurs episodes pluvieux parfois exceptionnels se sont succ ed e dans ce bassin et notamment sur le bassin-versant des affluents burkinab es. Elle a provoqu e de tr es graves inondations dans la r egion de Niamey. L'Autorit e du bassin du Niger (ABN) qui coordonne les activit es de suivi du fleuve, doit eclairer les d ecisions a prendre, tant au niveau r egional que dans les pays concern es. Le bilan humain est terrible puisque 81 personnes ont perdu la vie au Niger ; les d egùts mat eriels sont enormes. Cette crue fai