1,025 research outputs found

    As duas naturezas de LĂ©vi-Strauss

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    Aborda-se aqui a complexidade do status do par conceitual natureza e cultura no pensamento de Lévi-Strauss. Ao mesmo tempo ferramenta de anålise, cena filosófica dos primórdios e antinomia a superar, revisita-se os diferentes usos e significados na obra de Lévi-Strauss do conceito de natureza e sua relação com o de cultura. Mostra-se como é possível reconhecer na obra de Lévi-Strauss dois conceitos de natureza: por um lado, uma natureza que se opÔe à cultura num programa científico formulado em termos classicamente dualistas e, por outro, uma teoria do conhecimento decididamente monista que considera o espírito como parte e produto desse mesmo mundo. Argumenta-se que se o dualismo entre cultura e natureza fundou o pensamento estruturalista de Lévi-Strauss, é na própria obra deste que encontramos os argumentos e meios de superå-lo. A vocação do estruturalismo na antropologia de hoje, no entanto, é de ir mais longe neste caminho do que foi o próprio fundador

    La fabrique des images

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    Human natures

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    LANDSCAPE AS TRANSFIGURATION - Edward Westermarck Memorial Lecture, October 2015

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    Definitions of what is a landscape vary between a very loose meaning—an environment transformed by human action or subjectively apprehended—and a very narrow one: the pictorial or literary depiction of a piece of land embraced by sight. A third approach will be favoured, based on the study of the process of transfiguration thanks to which a landscape is constituted. Transfiguration deliberately changes the appearance of a site—through its representation or its arrangement—so that it becomes an iconic sign that stand for something else and renders manifest some of its implicit features. Traces of this process will be examined in native Amazonia, among cultures where there traditionally exists neither figuration of landscape nor pleasure gardens

    Framing the relationship between people and nature in the context of European conservation

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    A key controversy in conservation is the framing of the relationship between people and nature. The extent to which the realms of nature and human culture are viewed as separate (dualistic view) or integrated is often discussed in the social sciences. To explore how this relationship is represented in the practice of conservation in Europe, we considered examples of cultural landscapes, wildlife (red deer, reindeer, horses), and protected area management. We found little support, for a dualistic worldview, where people and nature are regarded as separate in the traditional practice of conservation in Europe. The borders between nature and culture, wild and domestic, public land and private land, and between protected areas and the wider landscape were blurred and dynamic. The institutionalized (in practice and legislation) view is of an interactive mutualistic system in which humans and nature share the whole landscape. However, more dualistic ideals, such as wilderness and rewilding that are challenging established practices are expanding. In the context of modern day Europe, wilderness conservation and rewilding are not valid for the whole landscape, although it is possible to integrate some areas of low-intervention management into a wider matrix. A precondition for success is to recognize and plan for a plurality of values concerning the most valid approaches to conservation and to plan for this plurality at the landscape scale

    Les dues natures de LĂ©vi-Strauss

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    NingĂș no ignora el rol crucial que juga en l'obra de Claude LĂ©vi-Strauss l'oposiciĂł contrastiva entre la natura i la cultura: la fa servir en contextos tan diversos i amb finalitats tan nombroses que ha acabat encarnant per a molts una de les caracterĂ­stiques de la seva manera de pensar

    Écologie symbolique

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    Philippe Descola, directeur d’études Les cultures de la chasse Le fil conducteur du sĂ©minaire fut une exploration critique de l’hypothĂšse selon laquelle, dans les sociĂ©tĂ©s oĂč la chasse joue un rĂŽle Ă©conomique et symbolique important, les humains nouent avec les animaux un rapport d’un type particulier qui se traduirait par une ontologie et une cosmologie distinctives. On s’est tout particuliĂšrement attachĂ© Ă  discuter deux variantes de cette hypothĂšse, celle dĂ©veloppĂ©e par R. Hamayon Ă  propos ..

    Écologie symbolique

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    Philippe Descola, directeur d’études Une anthropologie du paysage est-elle possible ? (suite) Poursuivant la rĂ©flexion critique engagĂ©e TannĂ©e prĂ©cĂ©dente sur l’usage de la notion de paysage en anthropologie et en archĂ©ologie, le sĂ©minaire a explorĂ© quelques pistes qui permettraient de dĂ©celer un « souci paysager » dans des cultures qui n’ont pas dĂ©veloppĂ© une esthĂ©tique paysagĂšre – soit la plus grande partie de l’humanitĂ©. On s’est d’abord intĂ©ressĂ© Ă  l’artialisation des jardins de subsistanc..
