43 research outputs found

    Évolution biologique et ADN ancien

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    AprĂšs deux dĂ©cennies de dĂ©couvertes et de controverses, la palĂ©ogĂ©nĂ©tique semble, sinon avoir atteint l’ñge de raison, du moins avoir dĂ©laissĂ© les frasques de son impĂ©tueuse jeunesse. Si ses principes thĂ©oriques ont Ă©tĂ© Ă  peine affinĂ©s en quinze ans, sa pratique opĂ©rationnelle a, elle, rapidement Ă©voluĂ©, en bĂ©nĂ©ficiant de l’explosion mĂ©thodologique de la biologie molĂ©culaire. C’est vĂ©ritablement avec l’avĂšnement de la mĂ©thode d’amplification de l’ADN par PCR que ce champ d’étude a pris son essor. DĂšs 1989, les travaux se multipliaient en s’intĂ©ressant Ă  des groupes biologiques animaux et vĂ©gĂ©taux variĂ©s : espĂšces rĂ©cemment Ă©radiquĂ©es par l’homme (ratites), reprĂ©sentants disparus de la pĂ©riode glaciaire (mammouth laineux) ou, encore, espĂšces domestiques (cochon) dĂ©finirent les entitĂ©s qui restent aujourd’hui les cibles favorites de ces Ă©tudes. Les champs d’application se sont Ă©galement multipliĂ©s, afin de mieux cerner l’évolution des espĂšces, des populations et des gĂ©nomes : gĂ©nĂ©tique des populations, phylogĂ©nie d’espĂšces, domestication, migration de populations, palĂ©opathologie, palĂ©ogĂ©nomique et Ă©volution molĂ©culaire s’offrent dĂ©sormais Ă  une discipline dĂ©cidĂ©ment en plein essor.Twenty years after the advent of ancient DNA studies, this discipline seems to have reached the maturity formerly lacking to the fulfilment of its objectives. In its early development paleogenetics, as it is now acknowledged, had to cope with very limited data due to the technical limitations of molecular biology. It led to phylogenetic assumptions often limited in their scope and sometimes non-focused or even spurious results that cast the reluctance of the scientific community. This time seems now over and huge amounts of sequences have become available which overcome the former limitations and bridge the gap between paleogenetics, genomics and population biology. The recent studies over the charismatic woolly mammoth (independent sequencing of the whole mitochondrial genome and of millions of base pairs of the nuclear genome) exemplify the growing accuracy of ancient DNA studies thanks to new molecular approaches. From the earliest publications up to now, the number of mammoth nucleotides was multiplied by 100,000. Likewise, populational approaches of ice-age taxa provide new historical scenarios about the diversification and extinction of the Pleistocene megafauna on the one hand, and about the processes of domestication of animal and vegetal species by Man on the other. They also shed light on the differential structure of molecular diversity between short-term populational research (below 2 My) and long-term (over 2 My) phylogenetic approaches. All those results confirm the growing importance of paleogenetics among the evolutionary biology discipline

    Phylogenetic relationships of the Asian palm civets (Hemigalinae & Paradoxurinae, Viverridae, Carnivora)

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    The Viverridae (Mammalia, Carnivora), one of the least studied groups of carnivorans, include two subfamilies of Asian palm civets: Hemigalinae and Paradoxurinae. The relationships between and within these two subfamilies have never been thoroughly tested using an extensive molecular sample set. In this study, we gathered sequences of four genes (two mitochondrial: Cytochrome b and ND2 and two nuclear: ÎČ-fibrinogen intron 7 and IRBP exon 1) for eight of the eleven extant species representing these two subfamilies. The results showed that: (1) the Asian palm civets (Hemigalinae and Paradoxurinae) have a single origin and form the sister-group of the (Genettinae + Viverrinae) clade, (2) the Hemigalinae (including the otter civet Cynogale bennettii) are monophyletic, (3) the Paradoxurinae are monophyletic and (4) the small-toothed palm civet (Arctogalidia trivirgata) is an early offshoot within the Paradoxurinae. Using a relaxed molecular clock analysis, the differentiation of the (Hemigalinae + Paradoxurinae) was inferred to occur in the Late Oligocene/Early Miocene

    Tracking the Near Eastern origins and European dispersal of the western house mouse

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    Abstract: The house mouse (Mus musculus) represents the extreme of globalization of invasive mammals. However, the timing and basis of its origin and early phases of dispersal remain poorly documented. To track its synanthropisation and subsequent invasive spread during the develoment of complex human societies, we analyzed 829 Mus specimens from 43 archaeological contexts in Southwestern Asia and Southeastern Europe, between 40,000 and 3,000 cal. BP, combining geometric morphometrics numerical taxonomy, ancient mitochondrial DNA and direct radiocarbon dating. We found that large late hunter-gatherer sedentary settlements in the Levant, c. 14,500 cal. BP, promoted the commensal behaviour of the house mouse, which probably led the commensal pathway to cat domestication. House mouse invasive spread was then fostered through the emergence of agriculture throughout the Near East 12,000 years ago. Stowaway transport of house mice to Cyprus can be inferred as early as 10,800 years ago. However, the house mouse invasion of Europe did not happen until the development of proto urbanism and exchange networks — 6,500 years ago in Eastern Europe and 4000 years ago in Southern Europe — which in turn may have driven the first human mediated dispersal of cats in Europe

    Apports de la phylogĂ©nie molĂ©culaire et de la morphomĂ©trie Ă  la systĂ©matique des Ă©lĂ©phants d’Afrique

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    Les Ă©lĂ©phants d’Afrique sont classiquement rangĂ©s dans une seule espĂšce : Loxodonta africana (Blumenbach 1797). Toutefois, la dĂ©couverte en 1900 d’une forme plus petite de l’élĂ©phant d’Afrique, rĂ©pandue dans toute la frange Ă©quatoriale du continent, a suscitĂ© un dĂ©bat quant Ă  l’éventualitĂ© d’une deuxiĂšme espĂšce d’élĂ©phant en Afrique. Ce dĂ©bat n’a pas trouvĂ© de rĂ©ponse dĂ©finitive au cours du vingtiĂšme siĂšcle. De fait, de rĂ©centes analyses molĂ©culaires des populations d’élĂ©phants d’Afrique sont venues jeter le trouble en prĂŽnant soit une sĂ©paration des Ă©lĂ©phants de forĂȘt dans une espĂšce Ă  part entiĂšre, soit leur inclusion en tant que sous-espĂšce de L. africana. Notre travail initiĂ© au MusĂ©um National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris permet d’apporter de nouveaux arguments molĂ©culaires (mitochondriaux) et morphologiques (et morphomĂ©triques) afin de produire une hypothĂšse phylogĂ©nĂ©tique cohĂ©rente au vu de toutes les donnĂ©es disponibles. Il apparaĂźt qu’il n’existe Ă  ce jour aucun argument satisfaisant pour sĂ©parer les Ă©lĂ©phants de forĂȘt (forme cyclotis) et les Ă©lĂ©phants de savane (forme africana) dans deux espĂšces distinctes. En revanche, un niveau Ă©levĂ© d'introgression mitochondriale entre les deux formes, associĂ© Ă  l’existence d'un continuum de forme entre les crĂąnes des deux morphotypes, suggĂšre que ces deux taxons, malgrĂ© une divergence ancienne, se croisent librement lĂ  oĂč leurs aires de distribution se rencontrent. Nous adoptons donc une position systĂ©matique conservatrice de ces deux formes comme des sous-espĂšces, respectivement : L. africana africana, l’élĂ©phant de savane, et L. africana cyclotis, l’élĂ©phant de forĂȘt. Nous discutons le point de la conservation des Ă©lĂ©phants dans ce cadre systĂ©matique

    DiffĂ©renciation morphologique et molĂ©culaire des Elephantinae (Mammalia, Proboscidea) (Statut systĂ©matique de l'Ă©lĂ©phant d'Afrique de forĂȘt, Loxodonta africana cyclotis (Matschie, 1900))

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    La thĂšse se propose de rĂ©-Ă©valuer la diffĂ©renciation taxinomique Ă  l'intĂ©rieur de la sous-famille monophylĂ©tique des Elephantinae Gray, 1821. Deux niveaux d'intĂ©gration diffĂ©rents sont envisagĂ©s. La divergence au sein des Ă©lĂ©phants d'Afrique est analysĂ©e, entre deux formes lassiquement reconnues comme des sous-espĂšces : Loxodonta africana africana (Blumenbach, 1792), l'Ă©lĂ©phant de savane et Loxodonta africana cyclotis (Matschie, 1900), l'Ă©lĂ©phant de forĂȘt. Cette question est abordĂ©e sous l'angle bibliographique, morpho-anatomique et molĂ©culaire. La comparaison des morphotypes rĂ©vĂšle qu'une partition morphologique et morphomĂ©trique existe entre les cyclotis et les africana, les Ă©lĂ©phants de forĂȘt apparaissant comme morphologiquement plus primitifs que leurs homologues de savane : une hĂ©tĂ©rochronie du dĂ©veloppement est mise en Ă©vidence (cyclotis retardĂ© par rapport Ă  africana) qui rend compte de la diffĂ©renciation morphologique des deux formes. La comparaison avec les rĂ©sultats molĂ©culaires suggĂšre que cette partition morphologique n'est pas associĂ©e Ă  une spĂ©ciation : la partition molĂ©culaire de deux formes est trĂšs incomplĂšte et suggĂšre des croisements rĂ©currents dans la zone de rencontre de leur aire de distribution, responsables d'une forte introgression mitochondriale. Le deuxiĂšme niveau d'analyse porte sur la diffĂ©renciation entre les trois genres d'Elephantinae actuels - Ă©lĂ©phants d'Afrique et d'Asie - ou subactuels - mammouth laineux - Ă  partir d'une phylogĂ©nie molĂ©culaire incluant des sĂ©quences d'ADN ancien de mammouth (dont le mammouth de Lyakhov, MNHN). L'analyse de toutes les sĂ©quences nuclĂ©otidiques disponibles de mammouths propose de façon unanime un rapprochement des mammouths avec les Ă©lĂ©phants d'Afrique. L'hypothĂšse classique selon laquelle les Ă©lĂ©phants d'Asie et les mammouths forment un clade est rejetĂ©e Ă  partir des sĂ©quences mitochondriales, et des cas de contamination de sĂ©quences publiĂ©es sont envisagĂ©s pour rendre compte de l'apparente polyphylie des sĂ©quences de mammouths. La gĂ©nĂ©ralisation de l'hypothĂšse de paedomorphose des Ă©lĂ©phants d'Afrique parmi les Elephantinae pourrait expliquer la non congruence des donnĂ©es mrophologiques classiques avec les rĂ©sultats mitochondriauxThe PhD thesis aims at re-examining the taxonomic differentiation among the monophyletic subfamily Elephantinae GRAY, 1821. Two different integration levels are examined. The divergence among African elephants is analysed, between two forms classically recognized as subspecies: Loxodonta africana africana (BLUMENBACH, 1792), the savannah elephant, and Loxodonta africana cyclotis (MATSCHIE, 1900), the forest elephant. This issue is revised through bibliography, morphological, anatomical and molecular traits. The comparison of the morphotypes reveals that a morphological and morphometrical division exists between cyclotis and africana, the forest elephants being deemed more primitive than their savannah relatives: a heterochrony is evidenced (retardation of cyclotis in relation to africana) that accounts for the morphological differentiation of the two forms. The comparison with molecular results suggests that this morphological partitioning is not linked to a speciation event: the molecular partitioning of the two forms is fairly incomplete et suggests recurrent crossing where their ranges intersect, being responsible for a strong mitochondrial introgression. The second level analysed concerns the differentiation between that three genera of extant - African and Asian elephants - or fossil - woolly mammoth - Elephantinae through a molecular phylogeny including sequences of ancient DNA of mammoth (of which the Lyakhov mammoth, MNHN). The analysis of all available nucleotidic sequences of mammoths unambiguously supports a grouping of mammoths with African elephants in a clade. The prevalent hypothesis which conveys that Asians elephants and mammoths form a clade is rejected from mitochondrial sequences and several cases of cross-contamination are assumed for formerly published sequences which account for the apparent polyphyly of the mammoths. The generalization of the paedomorphosis hypothesis of African elephants among Elephantinae could explain the incongruence of classical morphological data and mitochondrial resultsPARIS-Museum Hist.Naturelle (751052304) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A sustainable review of the Middle Pleistocene benchmark sites including the Ailuropoda–Stegodon faunal complex: The Proboscidean point of view

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    International audienceThe different ecologies, times of extinction and 'last stand' of both Elephas and Stegodon in Southeast Asia is covering almost two million years. For Middle Pleistocene, both taxa belong to the complex Ailuropoda-Stegodon. This regional complex is considered to have a chronological significance and further palaeoecological, palaeobiogeographical or biochronological studies are using this assemblage as a benchmark. Nevertheless, such studies do not provide sufficient information regarding site formation and duration to be consistent enough to do so at an appropriate resolution (MIS timescale). Focussing attention on the occurrence of Proboscideans, a critical review of the robustness of the geological, taphonomical and chronological data of Middle Pleistocene faunal assemblages suggests to undertake a deep reappraisal of this "biochronological benchmark". Recomandations were provided in the 1980s not to use mixtures of faunal assemblages and progress in geochronology for two decades are available. Nevertheless, reviewing Proboscideans suggests the necessity of a severe revision and leads to be very sceptical on the use of the Ailuropoda-Stegodon complex as an ecological marker. Extended to other taxa such a review casts serious doubts on former and current paleoecological modellings and studies

    Fishing for barcodes in the Torrent: from COI to complete mitogenomes on NGS platforms

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    International audienceThe adoption of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) by the field of DNA barcoding of Metazoa has been hindered by the fit between the classical COI barcode and the Sanger-based sequencing method. Here we describe a framework for the sequencing and multiplexing of mitogenomes on NGS platforms that implements (I) a universal long-range PCR-based amplification technique, (II) a two-level multiplexing approach (i.e. divergence-based and specific tag indexing), and (III) a dedicated demultiplexing and assembling script from an Ion Torrent sequencing platform. We provide a case study of mitogenomes obtained for two vouchered individuals of daces Leuciscus burdigalensis and L. oxyrrhis and show that this workflow enables to recover over 100 mitogenomes per sequencing chip on a PGM sequencer, bringing the individual cost down below 7,50€ per mitogenome (as of current 2015 sequencing costs). The use of several kilobases for identification purposes, as involved in the improved DNA-barcode we propose, stress the need for data reliability, especially through metadata. Based on both scientific and economic considerations, this framework presents a relevant approach for multiplexing samples, adaptable on any desktop NGS platform. It enables to extend from the prevalent barcoding approach by shifting from the single COI to complete mitogenome sequencing

    Do not Dispose of Historic Fluid Collections: Evaluating Research Potential and Range of Use

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    International audienceThe use of specific preservative solutions by museum professionals to maintain fluid-preserved specimens has fluctuated over the years with advances in chemistry. The determining factors for the original choice of solution closely correlate with the historical parameters and original usage of the collections. Consequently, for any given collection, changes and substitutions over time in the types of preservative fluids used have likely occurred. The present comparative analysis of the state of brain preservation, carried out at macroscopic, microscopic, and molecular levels, allowed us to evaluate the effect of the different treatments applied over time to fluid-preserved collections. Our results confirm that the duration of formaldehyde exposure of the tissues clearly has an effect on their long-term preservation. Despite the controversies associated with the quality or use of some historic fixatives, modern analytical methods such as medical imagery reveal the preservation quality in historic specimens and their potential for future research use. However, the choice of fixatives and storage fluids to preserve the specimens is of critical importance because today's choices will influence the use of the specimen for advanced analytical methods in the future.Au cours des Ă©poques, les solutions de conservation utilisĂ©es dans les collections en fluides ont changĂ© avec les progrĂšs de la chimie. Le choix initial de la solution de conservation est souvent Ă©troitement liĂ© Ă , l’époque, et Ă  l’utilisation originale des Ă©chantillons. Par consĂ©quent, dans une collection donnĂ©e, plusieurs changements de solution de conservation ont pu avoir lieu au courant du temps. L’analyse macroscopique, microscopique et molĂ©culaire de l’état de conservation des cerveaux, nous a permis d’évaluer les effets des diffĂ©rents traitements appliquĂ©s au cours du temps Ă  ces collections en fluide. Nos rĂ©sultats confirment que la durĂ©e d’exposition au formaldĂ©hyde a clairement un effet sur les tissus prĂ©servĂ©s. MalgrĂ© les controverses associĂ©es Ă  la qualitĂ© ou l’utilisation de certains fixateurs historiques, les mĂ©thodes analytiques modernes telles que l’imagerie mĂ©dicale prouvent la qualitĂ© de conservation des spĂ©cimens historiques et leur potentiel pour leur utilisation future en recherche. Cependant, le choix du fluide de fixation et de conservation est d’une importance cruciale car les choix d’aujourd’hui influenceront l’utilisation des spĂ©cimens Ă  l’aide des nouvelles mĂ©thodes d’analyse de demain