82 research outputs found

    Desde los pliegues y desde las fronteras: la construcción política del movimiento campesino de Córdoba en la disputa territorial

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    En este artículo presentaremos los primeros resultados de un trabajo de recuperación de herramientas teóricas para el abordaje sociológico de un objeto de estudio específico: los procesos de producción de sentido sobre la experiencia colectiva en el Movimiento Campesino de Córdoba en sus relaciones con el orden hegemónico en el que se inscriben. Es decir, los procesos simbólicos implicados en la disputa territorial por el orden del espacio rural del arco noroeste de la provincia de Córdoba. Esta construcción se sustenta en los supuestos del materialismo histórico y pretende, sobre esa base, contribuir a la comprensión de los procesos de producción de sentido que atraviesan la actividad política de los grupos socialmente subordinados. En función de ello se hará hincapié en la recuperación de herramientas teóricas provenientes de la tradición crítica, y centradas en estas preocupaciones. Partiremos desde el materialismo cultural de Gramsci, pasaremos por los estudios culturales ingleses de Thompson y Williams y nos adentraremos por último, en algunos aportes de la teoría laclausiana. Finalmente, proponemos algunas reflexiones en torno a posibles articulaciones entre las dimensiones rescatadas de cada una de estas propuestas.This article introduces the first set of results from the recuperation of theoretical tools that are going to be utilized in the sociological study of an empirical object of analysis; namely, the processes of perception-construction related to the collective experiences that the “Movimiento Campesino de Cordoba” (Peasant Movement from Cordoba) establishes with the hegemonic order in which it is inscribed. In other words, the study focuses on the symbolic processes intertwined in the territorial dispute around the special and rural order of the Northeast Province of Cordoba, Argentina. This construction has its basis in the assumptions made by historical-materialist views, which seek to contribute in the construction of the comprehension of the processes of perception-production that penetrate the political activities of the socially subordinated groups. Consequentially, this study will delineate the recuperation of theoretical tools authored within the critical tradition and centered in the aforementioned concerns. First, the study will examine the critical tradition that departs from A. Gramsci's thought. Second, the cultural studies by Thomson and Williams will be discussed. Third, the study will approach some of the contributions made by the Laclausian framework. Finally, the conclusion will seek to propose some forms of articulations between the different frameworks, together with some important theoretical thoughts that entail different dimensions from each of the aforementioned theories.Fil: Decandido, Erika. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Estudios Avanzados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Green Sisters: Bringing Spirituality and Environmental Awareness Together at Homecoming Farm

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    “Green Sisters: Bringing Spirituality and Environmental Awareness together at Homecoming Farm,” addresses the topic of the “green sisters” movement and its presence at Homecoming Farm, a Community-Supported Agriculture project located in Amityville, New York. The green sisters movement, started in the 1980s in Caldwell, New Jersey, entails groups of Catholic nuns who are beginning to pursue “Earth ministries,” and dedicating their lives to environmental education and practicing sustainability. One example of this is found at Homecoming Farm, where the Sisters of Saint Dominic in Amityville created an organic farm in 1992 to nurture the surrounding community in body and spirit. This project describes the movement, while also highlighting the unique religious and spiritual benefits that come as a result of Homecoming’s works and mission. The story of the green sisters and Homecoming Farm is told through a five-part news series. Part one describes the foundation of Homecoming and its relation to the green sisters movement. In part two, the organic practices and farming methods are explained, in addition to a description of the spiritual value of the farm. Part three expands on part two, discussing the various outreach programs the farm either started or helps. Part four is the discussion of spiritual benefits from the farm, where people from various religious backgrounds describe how they all find some religious benefit from working at the farm. Finally, part five approaches some of the critiques of the green sisters movement, and explains how Homecoming Farm is working to combat those remarks. The medium for the project is broadcast news video, in order to convey the story in a way that would be interesting to all different types of viewers. The video was shot and the interviews conducted over a period of six visits to Homecoming Farm in the summer and fall of 2012. The project includes interviews with eleven different founders, organizers, and members of Homecoming Farm. Everything was shot, written, edited and produced by Marisa DeCandido, and is displayed at the website www.homecomingfarmcapstone.com

    Chaplaincy Upholds the West’s Value of Tolerance Not Acceptance

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    Throughout history, the differences between humanity led mankind to experience many hardships, even wars. These differences include religion or beliefs, tribal differences, racial differences, and geographical differences. Over time, and after much bloodshed and despondency of life, critical thinking men began to develop a strategy for humanity to get along together despite their differences. The question and the challenge of how mankind can get along together without engaging in conflicts about their differences became the chief thinking cap throughout the West. Humanity realized that the answer to their question and challenge was tolerance. Now forwarding into the 21st century, the Western world has long seen a bloodshed battle over religion, beliefs, or race, as some of the other continents experience daily. The greatest praise the Western culture can celebrate for such harmony is the teaching of tolerance. Today, the Western definition of tolerance (to put up with or respect), which helps prevent wars, is being corrupted. People whose lives exercise tolerance daily have a calling to magnify the most outstanding Western teaching ever (TOLERANCE) and call on others to help maintain the cultural practices so that history does not repeat itself. As chaplains demonstrate tolerance in their daily calling, they are strategically positioned to reflect the West’s harmony module and remind its citizens how we got here. For the Western culture to be sustained and prominent, the true concept of tolerance must be upheld

    Processes of statehood in the agrorural sector based on good agricultural practices in Córdoba (Argentina)

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    El objeto de este artículo es analizar el proceso de estatalidad que estructura la institucionalización del Programa de Buenas Prácticas Agropecuarias de Córdoba, convertido en la Ley Provincial N° 10663 en el año 2019. Por medio de la utilización de herramientas de la antropología política, proponemos complejizar la forma de entender dicho proceso más allá de los límites de la normativa estatal, para poner el foco en las dinámicas sociales y políticas mediante las cuales los actores disputan sentidos, negocian y confrontan. Para este caso particular, hacemos referencia a un abanico de actores heterogéneos que conforman el espacio agrorrural y político de la provincia y que inciden, de distintas maneras, en un proceso de estatalidad en el cual se muestran articulaciones sociales de poderes desiguales. Metodológicamente, construimos y analizamos un corpus formado por documentos oficiales, antecedentes bibliográficos, noticias, videos, la sesión donde se sancionó la ley en cuestión y entrevistas a legisladores y representantes de distintos sectores agrorrurales y de diferentes fuerzas políticas. El resultado fue la identificación de un consenso intrasectorial de actores que confluyeron en una estrategia dirigida a contrarrestar el cuestionamiento que los reclamos socioambientales introdujeron en la legitimidad del modelo productivo cordobés. Esta articulación, que encontró expresión institucional en esta política pública, contiene acuerdos pero también se asienta en desigualdades estructurales entre los sectores.This article aims to analyze the statehood process that structures the institutionalization of the Good Agricultural Practice Program of Córdoba which became provincial law No. 10663 in 2019. Through the use of tools from political anthropology, we intend to look in greater depth at the way to understand this process, by overflowing the limits of state regulation to focus on the social and political dynamics through which actors dispute senses, negotiate and confront. For this particular case, we refer to a range of heterogeneous actors that make up the agri-rural and political space of the province of Córdoba and that, in different ways, affect a statehood process in which social articulations of unequal powers are shown. Methodologically, we built and analyzed a corpus formed by official documents, bibliographic backgrounds, news, videos, interviews with legislators and representatives of different agri-rural sectors and different political forces, and the session where the law was passed. The result was the identification of an intrasectorial consensus of agri-rural actors which converged in a strategy aimed at countering the questioning that socio-environmental claims introduced into the legitimacy of the Córdoba productive model. This articulation, which found institutional expression in this public policy, involves agreements but it is also based on structural inequalities between sectors.Fil: Ambrogi, Sofia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Centro de Investigaciones María Saleme Burnichón; ArgentinaFil: Barrera Calderon, Juan Emanuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Cordoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Centro de Investigaciones En Ciencias Economicas | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Centro de Investigaciones En Ciencias Economicas.; ArgentinaFil: Decandido, Erika. Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pereyra, Camila Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet Noa Sur. Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo Social. - Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero. Facultad de Humanidades Ciencias Sociales y de la Salud. Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo Social; Argentin

    Population structure and annual migration pattern of Steppe Eagles at Thoolakharka Watch Site, Nepal, 2012-2014

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    We studied the east-to-west migration of the endangered Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis) in Nepal at Thoolakharka (elevation 2050 masl) from mid-September to early December 2012 – 2014, to estimate the age structure of the population and describe its annual migration pattern. We counted 6100 to 8700 individuals/year, and aged approximately 60% of the eagles that passed: 20% juveniles (902), 37% subadults (1679) and 43% adults (1910). We observed the bulk (67%) of eagle migration after 1200 H, with a peak between 1400 – 1500 H. For these 3 yr, the median passage date of juveniles was earlier than the median passage date of subadults and adults. The proportion of different age classes in 2012 was significantly different from that in 2013 (G = 18.4, P < 0.001) and 2014 (G = 147.4, P < 0.001). There were no significant differences among years in the number in each age class (χ2 = 1.655, P = 0.437; χ2= 1.125, P = 0.570; and χ2= 3.240, P = 0.198, respectively for juveniles, subadults and adults), however median of the number of total migrating Steppe Eagles counted each year were significance different (χ2= 6.318, P = 0.042). We did not see a difference in the yearly migration pattern of Steppe Eagles but we observed high proportion of juveniles earlier, adults later in the season and also fewer Steppe Eagles passing through the area than previous short-term studies had estimated

    User participation in urban green commons : exploring the links between access, voluntarism, biodiversity and well being

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    Polycentric governance and stakeholder participation in natural resource management have potential benefits for both human and environmental well-being. Researchers and decision-makers have attempted to conceptualise the ecological, social and political potential of such semi-formal approaches to urban green space management. However, few studies have quantified the actual benefits in terms of biodiversity and associated ecosystem service provision, or the factors that mediate levels of participation. The links between biodiversity potential, site access and user participation were explored in a case study comprising ten established examples of organised social-ecological initiatives in the inner-city area of Greater Manchester. At the micro-scale, the case study quantified the levels of community involvement (measured in volunteer hours month¯¹) in local green commons and the biodiversity potential (assessed using floristic and structural diversity as a surrogate) of the ten sites. Descriptive analysis identified that site spatial and design characteristics affected all three measures and subsequent correlational analyses revealed a high degree of synergy between site use and biodiversity. The study thereby provides quantitative evidence of the synergistic relationship between green space use and urban biodiversity and, importantly, the positive feedbacks which should result between volunteer input and the local generation of ecosystem services. The study provides support for the promotion of a highly decentralised, stakeholder-led stewardship of green space as a valid consideration in the management of urban ecosystem services

    Angelica venenosa (Greenway) Fernald

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