6,412 research outputs found

    Primes in arithmetic progressions and semidefinite programming

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    Assuming the generalized Riemann hypothesis, we give asymptotic bounds on the size of intervals that contain primes from a given arithmetic progression using the approach developed by Carneiro, Milinovich and Soundararajan [Comment. Math. Helv. 94, no. 3 (2019)]. For this we extend the Guinand-Weil explicit formula over all Dirichlet characters modulo q3q \geq 3, and we reduce the associated extremal problems to convex optimization problems that can be solved numerically via semidefinite programming.Comment: 11 pages, 5 ancillary file

    Measurement of consensus with a reference

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    In this work we contribute to the formal analysis of the measurement of consensus in a society. Instead of approaching the topic from an absolute perspective we are concerned with a practical application: the proposal of a decision mechanism with respect to which consensus is measured. Surprisingly this produces a powerful unifying model, a restriction of which is deeply analysed. We also study the axiomatic properties of particular expressions for consensus with various salient social rules as a reference.Consensus; coherence; measurement; Borda rule; Copeland rule

    Book Review

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    Obra ressenyada: Ángel LÓPEZ GARCÍA, Babel airada. Las lenguas en el trasfondo de la supuesta ruptura de España. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 2004

    Preferences stability: A measure of preferences changes over time

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    Producción CientíficaTraditionally, preferences have been considered stable although there are growing evidences that such stability is a mere theoretical assumption. Attending to this fact, it should be interesting to measure how much stability preferences provide in order to improve decision making processes. Surprisingly, no research has been found on measuring preferences stability. To overcome this drawback, this paper proposes a novel approach for measuring the stability of preferences and also for improving understanding of current and future decisions. In order to be faithful to reality, this research considers decisions like complete pre-orders on a set of alternatives. Following this reasoning, this paper provides the general concept of decision stability measure as well as two specific measures: the local and the global decision stability measure. Moreover, the main features of the novel approach are examined, including several mathematical results on the behaviour of the proposed measure. And eventually, this contribution develops two real cases of study, with in-depth analysis of preferences behaviour and their stability over time. Specifically, the first one explores into the characteristics of Spanish citizens' voting behaviour and the second one attempts to analyse European citizens' preferences about passenger car market.Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación con financiación nacional: MEC-FEDER Grant ECO2016-77900-

    Reaching social consensus family budgets: The Spanish case

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    The study of family budgets has been traditionally used to analyse consumers’ behaviour and estimate cost-of-living since the end of 19th century. Generally speaking, the computation of the budgets has been based on two different methodologies, the prescriptive and the descriptive method. Both present several drawbacks like the comparison among different areas, family types and over time. This paper proposes a new methodology for reaching family budgets, namely social consensus family budgets, to overcome such problems and examine the main features of the novel approach. The suggested method uses the minimization of the differences with respect to the consumer’s preferences to obtain a solution that summarizes single behaviour into a social preference. This approach is especially conceived for preferences on possibly related-expenditure groups. In addition, several algorithms are introduced to compute the social family budgets. Finally, the contribution includes the Spanish case as an example of reaching some social consensus family budgets in order to show the operational character and intuitive interpretation of the proposal approach.Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación con financiación nacional: MEC-FEDER Grant ECO2016-77900-

    An Automatic and Intelligent System for Integrated Healthcare Processes Management

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    In this work, an automatic and intelligent system for integrated healthcare processes management is developed on a constraint based system. This project has been carried out in collaboration with a real assisted repro-duction clinic. Our goal is to improve the efficiency of the clinic by facilitating the management of the integrated healthcare system. This is very important in an environment in which the healthcare processes present complex temporal and resource constraints.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Falta, castigo y penitencia en la religión esquimal. La fiesta de las Vejigas

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    La cultura esquimal proporciona multitud de ejemplos que ilustran las teorías científicas del complejo mundo animista y shamánico. De hecho, tradicionalmente los esquimales han sido considerados el paradigma ideal de sociedad animista y shamánica junto a algunas otras poblaciones siberianas. Pese a que en repetidas ocasiones se ha afirmado sin tapujos que es un pueblo sin religión, los esquimales poseen un amplísimo repertorio de rituales, ceremonias y festejos que reflejan a la perfección su profundo sentido religioso. La “fiesta de las vejigas” es uno de esos acontecimientos. Los motivos que conducen a su celebración, así como las consecuencias de no llevarlo a cabo, constituyen los tres pilares básicos de la mentalidad religiosa esquimal: la falta, el castigo y la penitencia.Eskimo culture gives us a wide range of examples which illustrate the scientific theories on the complex world of animism and shamanism. As a matter of fact Eskimos have been historically considered as the ideal paradigm of an animistic and shamanic society along some other peoples from Siberia. In spite of the fact that it has been normally affirmed that they are a people without religion, Eskimos have a more than wide repertoire of rituals, ceremonies and celebrations which perfectly reflect on their profound religious feelings. The Bladder Festival is one of these events. The reasons for this celebration as well as the possible consequences of not carrying it out form the basis of religious mentality of Eskimos: fault, punishment and penitence

    Some thoughts on "Onomastica Manjurica" : strange or amusing names in Manchu

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    The main goal of this paper is to put forward the hypothesis that (Dynastic) Manchu depreciating names may be relics of a well-known Tungusic(-Eurasian) naming custom. It is a common practice among many Eurasian societies to name children with derogatory terms aiming at averting evil influences or bad luck on them.L'objectiu principal d'aquest article és proposar la hipòtesi que els noms despectius en manxú (dinàstic) podrien ser vestigis d'una coneguda tradició onomàstica tunguso(-euroasiàtica). És una pràctica comuna entre diverses societats eurasiàtiques de posar nom als infants amb termes despectius amb la finalitat d'evitar-los males influències o mala sort.El objetivo principal de este artículo es proponer la hipótesis de que los nombres despectivos en manchú (dinástico) podrían ser vestigios de una conocida tradición onomástica tunguso(-euroasiática). Es una práctica común entre diversas sociedades eurasiáticas poner nombre a los niños con términos despectivos con el fin de evitarles malas influencias o mala suerte

    Análisis del turismo en Castilla y León

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    Castilla y León es una de las principales regiones del interior de España que tiene un gran potencial turístico debido a que está adquiriendo cada vez más importancia en el crecimiento económico de la comunidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los factores del turismo en la región a través de las estadísticas aportadas por la Junta de Castilla y León, así como por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), el Instituto de Estudios Turísticos y el Boletín de Coyuntura Turística de Castilla y León. En primer lugar, haremos una introducción del turismo en Castilla y León y analizaremos los diferentes tipos de turismo que se pueden desarrollar en esta región. Haremos un análisis en sus vertientes de oferta (alojamientos turísticos) y de demanda (por parte de los turistas), se examinará la evolución de algunos indicadores turísticos y se profundizará en la realidad turística de la región.Castilla y León is one of the main regions of the interior of Spain that has great tourist potential due to it is becoming increasingly important in the economic growth in the community. With The following work we will try to make an analysis on the factors that determine tourism in the region through the statistics of the Junta de Castilla y León as well as the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Instituto Nacional de Turismo and the Boletín de Coyuntura Turística. First of all, we will be doing an introduce of tourism in Castilla y León and we will analyze the different types of tourism that can be developed in this region. We will make an analysis in its offer (tourist accommodation) and demand (by tourists), the evolution of some tourist indicators will be examined and will be deepened in the tourist reality of the region.Departamento de economía aplicadaGrado en Economí