2,169 research outputs found

    beta-Cu2V2O7: a spin-1/2 honeycomb lattice system

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    We report on band structure calculations and a microscopic model of the low-dimensional magnet beta-Cu2V2O7. Magnetic properties of this compound can be described by a spin-1/2 anisotropic honeycomb lattice model with the averaged coupling \bar J1=60-66 K. The low symmetry of the crystal structure leads to two inequivalent couplings J1 and J1', but this weak spatial anisotropy does not affect the essential physics of the honeycomb spin lattice. The structural realization of the honeycomb lattice is highly non-trivial: the leading interactions J1 and J1' run via double bridges of VO4 tetrahedra between spatially separated Cu atoms, while the interactions between structural nearest neighbors are negligible. The non-negligible inter-plane coupling Jperp~15 K gives rise to the long-range magnetic ordering at TN~26 K. Our model simulations improve the fit of the magnetic susceptibility data, compared to the previously assumed spin-chain models. Additionally, the simulated ordering temperature of 27 K is in remarkable agreement with the experiment. Our study evaluates beta-Cu2V2O7 as the best available experimental realization of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice. We also provide an instructive comparison of different band structure codes and computational approaches to the evaluation of exchange couplings in magnetic insulators.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables: revised version, extended description of simulation result

    ACCESS - V. Dissecting ram-pressure stripping through integral-field spectroscopy and multi-band imaging

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    We study the case of a bright (L>L*) barred spiral galaxy from the rich cluster A3558 in the Shapley supercluster core (z=0.05) undergoing ram-pressure stripping. Integral-field spectroscopy, complemented by multi-band imaging, allows us to reveal the impact of ram pressure on the interstellar medium. We study in detail the kinematics and the physical conditions of the ionized gas and the properties of the stellar populations. We observe one-sided extraplanar ionized gas along the full extent of the galaxy disc. Narrow-band Halpha imaging resolves this outflow into a complex of knots and filaments. The gas velocity field is complex with the extraplanar gas showing signature of rotation. In all parts of the galaxy, we find a significant contribution from shock excitation, as well as emission powered by star formation. Shock-ionized gas is associated with the turbulent gas outflow and highly attenuated by dust. All these findings cover the whole phenomenology of early-stage ram-pressure stripping. Intense, highly obscured star formation is taking place in the nucleus, probably related to the bar, and in a region 12 kpc South-West from the centre. In the SW region we identify a starburst characterized by a 5x increase in the star-formation rate over the last ~100 Myr, possibly related to the compression of the interstellar gas by the ram pressure. The scenario suggested by the observations is supported and refined by ad hoc N-body/hydrodynamical simulations which identify a rather narrow temporal range for the onset of ram-pressure stripping around t~60 Myr ago, and an angle between the galaxy rotation axis and the intra-cluster medium wind of ~45 deg. Taking into account that the galaxy is found ~1 Mpc from the cluster centre in a relatively low-density region, this study shows that ram-pressure stripping still acts efficiently on massive galaxies well outside the cluster cores.Comment: 46 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication; MNRAS 201

    Male differentiation patterns in two polyphenic sister species of the genus Onthophagus Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): a geometric morphometric approach

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    This paper focuses on morphological (both shape and size) differences that quite similar polyphenic sister species evolve during divergence processes. Traits were analysed using a geometrical morphometric approach, which has the ability to evidence also very subtle differences in shape. As a case study, we considered males of the dung beetle sister species pair Onthophagus taurus and Onthophagus illyricus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae); these species represent a typical example of polyphenic trait expression concerning the facultative development of horns and considerable body size differences. External shape morphology failed to discriminate O. taurus from O. illyricus, whereas the reproductive system shape showed significant interspecific discrimination power. However, the head of O. taurus was significantly larger than that of O. illyricus and the reverse was true for the elytra. The two species also showed different allometric values of the head with respect to body size. This complex pattern of interspecific morphological divergence is discussed in the light of the differential trait divergence rate hypothesis. In both species, differences between major and minor forms concern the overall shape of head and pronotum: we suggest that such different forms, which likely reflect morphological readjustment to accommodate horns of considerable bulk and disproportionate length, may be nevertheless advantageously used by the two male morphs in their alternative reproductive tactics. Male genitalia sizes were virtually constant with respect to body size; however, the ratio between phallotheca and body size was significantly higher in minor males, in keeping with the hypothesis of a higher investment in genitalia borne by this morph. Resume Cet article porte sur les differences morphologiques (au niveau de la forme et de la taille) que deux especes voisines polypheniques ont evolue au cours des processus de divergence. L'etude utilise les methodes de la morphometrie geometrique, ayant la capacite de mettre en evidence des differences subtiles entre les formes. Comme modele d'etude nous avons considere les males de deux especes voisines de coleopteres, Onthophagus taurus et Onthophagus illyricus (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae), qui representent un exemple typique d'expression polyphenique des traits morphologiques concernant des differences importantes de la taille du corps et le developpement facultatif des cornes. L'analyse a mis en evidence que la forme des traits de la morphologie externe ne permette pas de distinguer O. taurus par rapport aO. illyricus, alors que la forme des structures genitales masculines montre un signifiant pouvoir de discrimination interspecifique. Cependant, la tete de O. taurus a une taille plus grande par rapport aO. illyricus, et l'inverse est vrai pour la taille des elytres. Les deux especes montrent aussi une difference au niveau des valeurs allometriques de la taille de la tete respect a la taille du corps. Ce complexe pattern de differences morphologiques interspecifiques est discute sous l'hypothese d'un taux de divergence et d'evolution differentiele entre traits morphologiques differentes. Dans chaque espece, les differences entre les males minor et major concernent la forme generale de la tete et du pronotum: on suggere que ces differences de forme, qui refletent probablement des changements morphologiques necessaires a accommoder des cornes d'un poids considerable et d'une longueur disproportionnee, sont, peut-etre, cependant avantageuses dans les differentes strategies reproductives utilisees par le deux morphes. La taille de la phallotheca est resultee virtuellement constant respect a la taille du corps; cependant, les resultats de la standardisation entre la taille de la phallotheca et la taille du corps sont significativement plus hauts dans les mâles minor, en accord avec l'hypothese d'un plus important investissement dans le systeme reproductif soutenu par cette morphe

    Old African fossils provide new evidence for the origin of the American crocodiles

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    Molecular and morphological phylogenies concur in indicating that the African lineages formerly referred to Crocodylus niloticus are the sister taxon the four Neotropical crocodiles (Crocodylus intermedius, C. moreleti, C. acutus and C. rhombifer), implying a transoceanic dispersal from Africa to America. So far the fossil record did not contribute to identify a possible African forerunner of the Neotropical species but, curiously, the oldest remains referred to the African C. niloticus are Quaternary in age, whereas the oldest American fossils of Crocodylus are older, being dated to the early Pliocene, suggesting that another species could be involved. We re-described, also thanks to CT imaging, the only well-preserved topotipic skull of Crocodylus checchiai Maccagno, 1947 from the late Miocene (Messinian) African site of As Sahabi in Libya. As previously suggested on the basis of late Miocene material from Tanzania, C. checchiai is a valid, diagnosable species. According to our phylogenetic analyses, C. checchiai is related to the Neotropical taxa and could be even located at the base of their radiation, therefore representing the missing link between the African and the American lineages

    Switching genders: identifying the evaluator in stereotype threat for men and women in a math context

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    The current study seeks to identify the source of evaluation that causes stereotype threat for men and women in a math context. In a 2 (participant gender: male vs. female) X 3 (gender label: Match, Mismatch, Control) factorial design, male and female participants that identified highly with math were asked to take a math test. Throughout the test, participants\u27 ostensible gender was displayed on the computer screen. The displayed gender was either the correct gender, the opposite gender, or Alabama. Although our results were unable to determine if stereotype threat is a self- or an outside evaluator-threat, we did observe a strong gender-math relationship in which being labeled with the opposite gender disrupted both men and women\u27s math performance. However, women were more affected in that they not only performed significantly lower on the math test, but also took a longer time, attempted fewer problems, and significantly disidentified from math

    Cosmic dance in the Shapley Concentration Core - I. A study of the radio emission of the BCGs and tailed radio galaxies

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    The Shapley Concentration (z0.048z\approx0.048) covers several degrees in the Southern Hemisphere, and includes galaxy clusters in advanced evolutionary stage, groups of clusters in the early stages of merger, fairly massive clusters with ongoing accretion activity, and smaller groups located in filaments in the regions between the main clusters. With the goal to investigate the role of cluster mergers and accretion on the radio galaxy population, we performed a multi-wavelength study of the BCGs and of the galaxies showing extended radio emission in the cluster complexes of Abell 3528 and Abell 3558. Our study is based on a sample of 12 galaxies. We observed the clusters with the GMRT at 235, 325 and 610 MHz, and with the VLA at 8.46 GHz. We complemented our study with the TGSS at 150 MHz, the SUMSS at 843 MHz and ATCA at 1380, 1400, 2380, and 4790 MHz data. Optical imaging with ESO-VST and mid-IR coverage with WISE are also available for the host galaxies. We found deep differences in the properties of the radio emission of the BCGs in the two cluster complexes. The BCGs in the A3528 complex and in A3556, which are relaxed cool-core objects, are powerful active radio galaxies. They also present hints of restarted activity. On the contrary, the BCGs in A3558 and A3562, which are well known merging systems, are very faint, or quiet, in the radio band. The optical and IR properties of the galaxies are fairly similar in the two complexes, showing all passive red galaxies. Our study shows remarkable differences in the radio properties of the BGCs, which we relate to the different dynamical state of the host cluster. On the contrary, the lack of changes between such different environments in the optical band suggests that the dynamical state of galaxy clusters does not affect the optical counterparts of the radio galaxies, at least over the life-time of the radio emission.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    mockrobiota: a Public Resource for Microbiome Bioinformatics Benchmarking.

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    Mock communities are an important tool for validating, optimizing, and comparing bioinformatics methods for microbial community analysis. We present mockrobiota, a public resource for sharing, validating, and documenting mock community data resources, available at http://caporaso-lab.github.io/mockrobiota/. The materials contained in mockrobiota include data set and sample metadata, expected composition data (taxonomy or gene annotations or reference sequences for mock community members), and links to raw data (e.g., raw sequence data) for each mock community data set. mockrobiota does not supply physical sample materials directly, but the data set metadata included for each mock community indicate whether physical sample materials are available. At the time of this writing, mockrobiota contains 11 mock community data sets with known species compositions, including bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic mock communities, analyzed by high-throughput marker gene sequencing. IMPORTANCE The availability of standard and public mock community data will facilitate ongoing method optimizations, comparisons across studies that share source data, and greater transparency and access and eliminate redundancy. These are also valuable resources for bioinformatics teaching and training. This dynamic resource is intended to expand and evolve to meet the changing needs of the omics community

    The integrin alpha 6 beta 4 is a laminin receptor

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    In this study, the putative laminin receptor function of the alpha 6 beta 4 integrin was assessed. For this purpose, we used a human cell line, referred to as clone A, that was derived from a highly invasive, colon adenocarcinoma. This cell line, which expresses the alpha 6 beta 4 integrin, adheres to the E8 and not to the P1 fragment of laminin. The adhesion of clone A cells to laminin is extremely rapid with half-maximal adhesion observed at 5 min after plating. Adhesion to laminin is blocked by GoH3, and alpha 6 specific antibody (60% inhibition), as well as by A9, a beta 4 specific antibody (30% inhibition). Most importantly, we demonstrate that alpha 6 beta 4 binds specifically to laminin-Sepharose columns in the presence of either Mg2+ or Mn2+ and it is eluted from these columns with EDTA but not with NaCl. The alpha 6 beta 4 integrin does not bind to collagen-Sepharose, but the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin does bind. Clone A cells do not express alpha 6 beta 1 as evidenced by the following observations: (a) no beta 1 integrin is detected in beta 1 immunoblots of GoH3 immunoprecipitates; and (b) no alpha 6 beta 1 integrin is seen in GoH3 immunoprecipitates of clone A extracts that had been immunodepleted of all beta 4 containing integrin using the A9 antibody. These data establish that laminin is a ligand for the alpha 6 beta 4 integrin and that this integrin can function as a laminin receptor independently of alpha 6 beta 1

    Statistical properties of a free-electron laser revealed by the Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry

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    We present a comprehensive experimental analysis of statistical properties of the self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) free-electron laser (FEL) FLASH at DESY in Hamburg by means of Hanbury Brown and Twiss (HBT) interferometry. The experiments were performed at the FEL wavelengths of 5.5 nm, 13.4 nm, and 20.8 nm. We determined the 2-nd order intensity correlation function for all wavelengths and different operation conditions of FLASH. In all experiments a high degree of spatial coherence (above 50%) was obtained. Our analysis performed in spatial and spectral domains provided us with the independent measurements of an average pulse duration of the FEL that were below 60 fs. To explain complicated behaviour of the 2-nd order intensity correlation function we developed advanced theoretical model that includes the presence of multiple beams and external positional jitter of the FEL pulses. By this analysis we determined that in most experiments several beams were present in radiating field and in one of the experiments external positional jitter was about 25% of the beam size. We envision that methods developed in our study will be used widely for analysis and diagnostics of the FEL radiation.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures, 3 table

    Three-body decay of 6^{6}Be

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    Three-body correlations for the ground-state decay of the lightest two-proton emitter 6^{6}Be are studied both theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical studies are performed in a three-body hyperspherical-harmonics cluster model. In the experimental studies, the ground state of 6^{6}Be was formed following the α\alpha decay of a 10^{10}C beam inelastically excited through interactions with Be and C targets. Excellent agreement between theory and experiment is obtained demonstrating the existence of complicated correlation patterns which can elucidate the structure of 6^{6}Be and, possibly, of the A=6 isobar.Comment: 17 pages, 21 figures, 5 table