311 research outputs found

    Two-photon excitation and relaxation of the 3d-4d resonance in atomic Kr

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    Two-photon excitation of a single-photon forbidden Auger resonance has been observed and investigated using the intense extreme ultraviolet radiation from the free electron laser in Hamburg. At the wavelength 26.9 nm (46 eV) two photons promoted a 3d core electron to the outer 4d shell. The subsequent Auger decay, as well as several nonlinear above threshold ionization processes, were studied by electron spectroscopy. The experimental data are in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions and analysis of the underlying multiphoton processes

    FLASH free-electron laser single-shot temporal diagnostic: terahertz-field-driven streaking

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    We report on the commissioning of a terahertz (THz) field driven streak camera installed at the free-electron laser FLASH at DESY in Hamburg, being able to deliver the photon pulse duration as well as the arrival time information with around 10 fs resolution for each single XUV FEL pulse. Pulse durations between 300 fs and <15 fs have been measured for different FLASH FEL settings. A comparison between the XUV pulse arrival time and the FEL electron bunch arrival time measured at the FLASH linac section - exhibit a correlation width of 20 fs rms, thus demonstrating the excellent operation stability of FLASH. In addition, the THz streaking setup was operated simultaneously to an alternative method to determine the FEL pulse duration based on spectral analysis. FLASH pulse duration, derived from simple spectral analysis, are in good agreement with that from THz streaking measurement

    Angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of two-color XUV-NIR ionization with polarization control

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    Electron emission caused by extreme ultraviolet (XUV) radiation in the presence of a strong near infrared (NIR) field leads to multiphoton interactions that depend on several parameters. Here, a comprehensive study of the influence of the angle between the polarization directions of the NIR and XUV fields on the two-color angle-resolved photoelectron spectra of He and Ne is presented. The resulting photoelectron angular distribution strongly depends on the orientation of the NIR polarization plane with respect to that of the XUV field. The prevailing influence of the intense NIR field over the angular emission characteristics for He(1s) and Ne(2p) ionization lines is shown. The underlying processes are modeled in the frame of the strong field approximation (SFA) which shows very consistent agreement with the experiment reaffirming the power of the SFA for multicolor-multiphoton ionization in this regime

    Unsupervised real-world knowledge extraction via disentangled variational autoencoders for photon diagnostics

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    We present real-world data processing on measured electron time-of-flight data via neural networks. Specifically, the use of disentangled variational autoencoders on data from a diagnostic instrument for online wavelength monitoring at the free electron laser FLASH in Hamburg. Without a-priori knowledge the network is able to find representations of single-shot FEL spectra, which have a low signal-to-noise ratio. This reveals, in a directly human-interpretable way, crucial information about the photon properties. The central photon energy and the intensity as well as very detector-specific features are identified. The network is also capable of data cleaning, i.e. denoising, as well as the removal of artefacts. In the reconstruction, this allows for identification of signatures with very low intensity which are hardly recognisable in the raw data. In this particular case, the network enhances the quality of the diagnostic analysis at FLASH. However, this unsupervised method also has the potential to improve the analysis of other similar types of spectroscopy data

    New insights into the laser-assisted photoelectric effect from solid-state surfaces

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    Photoemission from a solid surface provides a wealth of information about the electronic structure of the surface and its dynamic evolution. Ultrafast pump-probe experiments are particularly useful to study the dynamic interactions of photons with surfaces as well as the ensuing electron dynamics induced by these interactions. Time-resolved laser-assisted photoemission (tr-LAPE) from surfaces is a novel technique to gain deeper understanding of the fundamentals underlying the photoemission process. Here, we present the results of a femtosecond time-resolved soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy experiment on two different metal surfaces conducted at the X-ray Free-Electron Laser FLASH in Hamburg. We study photoemission from the W 4f and Pt 4f core levels using ultrashort soft X-ray pulses in combination with synchronized infrared (IR) laser pulses. When both pulses overlap in time and space, laser-assisted photoemission results in the formation of a series of sidebands that reflect the dynamics of the laser-surface interaction. We demonstrate a qualitatively new level of sideband generation up to the sixth order and a surprising material dependence of the number of sidebands that has so far not been predicted by theory. We provide a semi-quantitative explanation of this phenomenon based on the different dynamic dielectric responses of the two materials. Our results advance the understanding of the LAPE process and reveal new details of the IR field present in the surface region, which is determined by the dynamic interplay between the IR laser field and the dielectric response of the metal surfaces.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    In-situ observation of the formation of laser-induced periodic surface structures with extreme spatial and temporal resolution

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    Irradiation of solid surfaces with intense ultrashort laser pulses represents a unique way of depositing energy into materials. It allows to realize states of extreme electronic excitation and/or very high temperature and pressure, and to drive materials close to and beyond fundamental stability limits. As a consequence, structural changes and phase transitions often occur along unusual pathways and under strongly non-equilibrium conditions. Due to the inherent multiscale nature - both temporally and spatially - of these irreversible processes their direct experimental observation requires techniques that combine high temporal resolution with the appropriate spatial resolution and the capability to obtain good quality data on a single pulse/event basis. In this respect fourth generation light sources, namely short wavelength, short pulse free electron lasers (FELs) are offering new and fascinating possibilities. As an example, this chapter will discuss the results of scattering experiments carried at the FLASH free electron laser at DESY (Hamburg, Germany), which allowed us to resolve laser-induced structure formation at surfaces on the nanometer to sub-micron length scale and in temporal regimes ranging from picoseconds to several nanoseconds with sub-picosecond resolution

    Electron Rearrangement Dynamics in Dissociating I 2 n Molecules Accessed by Extreme Ultraviolet Pump Probe Experiments

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    The charge rearrangement in dissociating In 2 molecules is measured as a function of the internuclear distance R using extreme ultraviolet pulses delivered by the free electron laser in Hamburg. Within an extreme ultraviolet pump probe scheme, the first pulse initiates dissociation by multiply ionizing I2, and the delayed probe pulse further ionizes one of the two fragments at a given time, thus triggering charge rearrangement at a well defined R. The electron transfer between the fragments is monitored by analyzing the delay dependent ion kinetic energies and charge states. The experimental results are in very good agreement with predictions of the classical over the barrier model demonstrating its validity in a thus far unexplored quasimolecular regime relevant for free electron laser, plasma, and chemistry application

    Single-shot temporal characterization of XUV pulses with duration from ~10 fs to ~350 fs at FLASH

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    Ultra-short extreme ultraviolet pulses from the free-electron laser FLASH are characterized using terahertz-field driven streaking. Measurements at different ultra-short extreme ultraviolet wavelengths and pulse durations as well as numerical simulations were performed to explore the application range and accuracy of the method. For the simulation of streaking, a standard classical approach is used which is compared to quantum mechanical theory, based on strong field approximation. Various factors limiting the temporal resolution of the presented terahertz streaking setup are investigated and discussed. Special attention is paid to the cases of very short (similar to 10 fs) and long (up to similar to 350 fs) pulses.We want to acknowledge the work of the scientific and technical team at FLASH. NMK acknowledges the hospitality and financial support from DESY and from the theory group in cooperation with the SQS research group of the European XFEL (Hamburg). KW and MD acknowledge support by the SFB925-A1. UF and AD acknowledge support by the excellence cluster `The Hamburg Center for Ultrafast Imaging-Structure, Dynamics and Control of Matter at the Atomic Scale' (DFG)-EXC 1074 project ID 194651731. SW acknowledges support by the DFG Forschergruppe FOR 1789. Editoria

    THz streak camera performance for single-shot characterization of XUV pulses with complex temporal structures

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    The THz-field-driven streak camera has proven to be a powerful diagnostic-technique that enables the shot-to-shot characterization of the duration and the arrival time jitter of free electron laser (FEL) pulses. Here we investigate the performance of three computational approaches capable to determine the duration of FEL pulses with complex temporal structures from single-shot measurements of up to three simultaneously recorded spectra. We use numerically simulated FEL pulses in order to validate the accuracy of the pulse length retrieval in average as well as in a single-shot mode. We discuss requirements for the THz field strength in order to achieve reliable results and compare our numerical study with the analysis of experimental data that were obtained at the FEL in Hamburg - FLASH. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreemen