412 research outputs found

    Measure of the mining image

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    AbstractMining is a very important activity for economic and social development, but traditionally research has centered on its technical and operative aspects, instead of studying the image transmitted to the rest of society. This has originated diverse problems, fundamentally due to the information which the population receives via the mass media and which sometimes creates a current of opinion contrary to the development of this extraction activity. In order to resolve the mining communication problems it is necessary to develop a measure of the mining image based on a reliable and valid scale. This is a useful tool in developing a procedure to connect the society with other mining stakeholders and to analyze whether the real image of mining activity is similar to the image transmitted and perceived by society, since the news about the mining industry usually are focused on extreme situations or catastrophes that monopolize the information in the media. In this study a field research based on an attributes scale is developed, with the aim of measuring the mining image. The surveys were carried out in a mining area, where people have direct and real information about the mining industry and its consequences on society, environment and economy

    Bibliografía española sobre religiones latinoamericanas (1997-2000)

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    La presente recopilación de la producción bibliográfica española de los últimos tres años sobre Religiones en América Latina, se inscribe en el marco de un esfuerzo común a varios países europeos, todos ellos presentes en REDIAL para ofrecer una panorámica común de la aproximación europea a la realidad histórica y contemporánea del fenómeno religioso en América Latina. En el caso de la bibliografía que se presenta y que sin ser exhaustiva representa con amplitud los estudios realizados sobre esta temática en nuestro país, se han utilizado como fuentes los catálogos de la Biblioteca Hispánica de la AECI en Madrid y la de la Escuela de Estudios Hispano Americanos (CSIC) de Sevilla, dos de las que reúnen los fondos más importantes para el americanismo en España, y la base de datos ISOC-ALAT que produce el CINDOC del CSIC y que recoge la bibliografía publicada en revistas especializadas, actas de congresos, compilaciones, etc.Peer reviewe

    Caracterización de las áreas urbanas gallegas en función de los flujos de movilidad obligada

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    La realidad territorial en los municipios gallegos evolucionó a ritmos dispares, afectados por dinámicas muy diferentes en cada uno de los casos. Los problemas en la aplicación de la normativa urbanística y de los instrumentos técnicos para la gestión del suelo gestaron unos ámbitos urbanos desconectados de su realidad metropolitana. Las áreas de influencia en las ciudades de Galicia presentan modelos complejos, adaptados a las dificultades que les privaron de una gestión prudente y coherente de los nuevos territorios urbanos. En la evaluación de la nueva realidad urbana, de sus condiciones y características, la movilidad residencial y la recurrente diaria es un elemento de primer rango de análisis. La escala adquirida por el proceso de urbanización es fruto de estos comportamientos en lo referente a la movilidad. Esta se ha intensificado en los últimos años y muestra de modo claro cuáles son las dinámicas funcionales reales, necesitadas de una nueva y urgente organización y gobernanza territoriales.Territorial reality in Galician municipalities evolved to different rhythms, affected by very different dynamics in each one of the cases. The problems in the application of the town-planning and technical instruments for land management provoked the disconnection between cities and their metropolitan nature. Areas of influence in Galician cities present complex models, adapted to the difficulties which deprived them from a prudent and coherent management of the new urban territories. In the assessment of the new urban reality, its conditions and characteristics, residential mobility is a key issue of analysis. The scale of the process of urbanization is a result of these behaviours with regard to mobility. In fact, mobility has intensified in the last years and clearly shows real functional dynamics, needing a new and urgent territorial organization and governance

    Using “Diraya” System as a Complementary Tool in Nursing Process Education: A Controlled Clinical Study

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    The authors are grateful to all participants and to the TECNOVA company, especially for the assistance of Antonio J. Luna and Jose Caballero. The study was supported by the Educational Innovation Unit of the University of Granada (PI12-158, PI13-159).Background: Healthcare has been revolutionized by the application of information and communication technologies. The implementation of electronic health record systems improves the quality and safety of patient healthcare. Nursing students who start learning the nursing process without contact with real patients experience difficulties in its correct application. Purpose: To compare the acquisition of skills and competencies in the nursing process by undergraduate nursing students between conventional learning with books and learning with an academic electronic health record system (Diraya). Methods: A controlled experimental study was conducted and included 379 students with a mean age of 20.54 +/- 5.09 years, enrolled in the "Nursing Process and Basic Care" degree course at the School of Health Sciences in Granada. All participants gave their informed consent and were allocated by convenience sampling to a control group (n = 187; 21.20 +/- 5.77 years) or an experimental group (n = 192, 19.91 +/- 4.24 years). Findings: The experimental and control groups did not differ in sex distribution (p = 0.20), mean age (p = 0.01), or previous knowledge of the nursing process (p = 0.96). The groups did not significantly differ in multi-choice test results on the acquisition of theoretical knowledge (p = 0.13). However, the experimental group scored higher on clinical case planning (9.47 +/- 0.80 vs. 8.95 +/- 1.17; p < 0.001), took less time to complete it (46.9 +/- 8.76 min vs. 82.66 +/- 13.14 min; p < 0.001), and needed fewer autonomous learning hours to prepare for the final examination (2.26 +/- 2.41 vs. 9.58 +/- 3.83; p < 0.001). Satisfaction with the program and the rating of its quality were generally higher in the experimental group, while greater difficulty with most phases of the nursing process was reported by the control group. Conclusions: The academic electronic health record system "Diraya" is a useful tool to improve the learning and implementation of the nursing process by undergraduate nursing students.Educational Innovation Unit of the University of Granada PI12-158 PI13-15

    La relación entre homicidio y mercado ilegal de drogas en Ciudad de México

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    En Ciudad de México, la relación entre el aumento de los homicidios y los mercados ilegales de drogas ha sido poco estudiada, lo que ha llevado a una falta de comprensión sobre su asociación. Sin embargo, la evidencia y el análisis de los mercados de crack en EE. UU. en las décadas de 1980 y 1990 evidencian esta relación. Este artículo utiliza diversos modelos de regresión y una LISA bivariada para las variables de interés en el caso de Ciudad de México. Los resultados indican que la relación es débil y diferencial en función de la distribución espacial. Aunque la magnitud de los coeficientes no es muy robusta, respaldan la idea de que la disputa por el control de los mercados ilegales de drogas sí se relaciona con el aumento de los homicidios, aunque matiza su asociación en la discusión pública

    Evaluation of the Evolution of Digital Nursing Interventions in an Emergency Unit: An Observational Study

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    This study aimed to examine the influence of new ICTs on the recording of nursing interventions in the Emergency Unit of the High Resolution Hospital (HRH) of Loja (Granada), Spain. A descriptive observational study was conducted to analyze the evolution of the Nursing Interventions (NIC) records in the Emergency Unit of the Loja HRH (Granada) from 2017 to 2021. Results showed that 11,076 NIC registrations were exploited, which increased by 51.2% from 2017 to 2021. The linear correlation between the NIC and the years was analyzed with Spearman’s coefficient, obtaining a low level of correlation (p = 0.166), but one that is statistically significant (p < 0.001). The introduction of tablet devices in the emergency room of the Loja HRH (Granada) led to a significant increase in the percentage of NIC recorded and collated during the study period without increasing the number of emergencies attended. However, usability barriers of ICTs were detected, highlighting the need to guide and train health professionals in their use and in the culture of patient safet

    Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Homeostasis and Systemic Diseases: Hypothesis, Evidences, and Therapeutic Opportunities

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are present in all organs and tissues, playing a well-known function in tissue regeneration. However, there is also evidence indicating a broader role of MSCs in tissue homeostasis. In vivo studies have shown MSC paracrine mechanisms displaying proliferative, immunoregulatory, anti-oxidative, or angiogenic activity. In addition, recent studies also demonstrate that depletion and/or dysfunction of MSCs are associated with several systemic diseases, such as lupus, diabetes, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as with aging and frailty syndrome. In this review, we hypothesize about the role of MSCs as keepers of tissue homeostasis as well as modulators in a variety of inflammatory and degenerative systemic diseases. This scenario opens the possibility for the use of secretome-derived products from MSCs as new therapeutic agents in order to restore tissue homeostasis, instead of the classical paradigm “one disease, one drug”.This study was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI17/02236) to F.J.V., and by Fundación para la Investigación en Células Madre Uterinas (FICEMU) to F.J.V and R.P.-F.S

    The Theory of Constraints (TOC) and its incidence on production costs. Case enterprise MIVIRN from Riobamba-Ecuador

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    El artículo de investigación radica en la elaboración de una propuesta de mejora para la empresa de producción de maquinaria para la construcción “MIVIRN” para minimizar los costos y aumentar su capacidad de producción por medio de la introducción de métodos de identificación de restricciones y planeación de la producción que logren incidir positivamente en la mejora productiva de la empresa. El proyecto se enfocó en la identificación de las restricciones en los procesos de producción de concreteras y elevadores, se llevó a cabo una&nbsp; recopilación de los datos históricos y en base a esta se proyectó la demanda futura, se evaluaron y se determinaron tiempos estándar y takt time posteriormente se costearon los centros de producción&nbsp; mediante el costeo por procesos y costeo directo y con estos datos se establecieron las restricción del sistema aplicando la metodología propuesta por Goldratt&nbsp; para explotar la&nbsp; restricción que impide alcanzar un mejor desempeño productivo teniendo como herramienta el balance de línea proceso para el cual se automatizó sus cálculos requeridos por medio de “Excel” y su herramienta “Solver”. La metodología desarrollada permitió la elaboración de una propuesta que condujo a la eliminación del proceso restrictivo y con ello disminuyó los costos productivos en 5,46% para la concretera y el 9,38% para el elevador, adicionalmente&nbsp; aumentó la capacidad productiva de elevadores en un 125%, demostrando que la metodología de optimización y mejora productiva con aplicación de la teoría de restricciones (TOC) es capaz de influir significativamente en la reducción de costos y aumento de la capacidad productiva de la empresa.The research article is based on the development of an improvement proposal for the construction machinery production company “MIVIRN” to minimize costs and increase its production capacity through the introduction of methods for identifying restrictions and planning production that achieve a positive impact on the productive improvement of the company. The project focused on the identification of restrictions in the concrete mixer and elevator production processes, a compilation of historical data was carried out and based on this, future demand was projected, standard and takt times were evaluated and determined. time later, the production centers were paid for through process costing and direct costing and with these data, the system restrictions were established applying the methodology proposed by Goldratt to exploit the restriction that prevents achieving a better productive performance using the line balance as a tool. process for which the required calculations were automated through “Excel” and its “Solver” tool. The methodology developed allowed the elaboration of a proposal that allowed the elimination of the restrictive process and with it reduced the productive costs in 5.46% for the concrete mixer and 9.38% for the concrete elevator, additionally increased the productive capacity of concrete elevators in a 125%, demonstrating that the methodology of optimization and production improvement with application of the theory of restrictions (TOC) is capable of significantly influencing the reduction of costs and increase of the productive capacity of the company

    Characterization of galician urban areas based on daily mobility flows

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    La realidad territorial en los municipios gallegos evolucionó a ritmos dispares, afectados por dinámicas muy diferentes en cada uno de los casos. Los problemas en la aplicación de la normativa urbanística y de los instrumentos técnicos para la gestión del suelo gestaron unos ámbitos urbanos desconectados de su realidad metropolitana. Las áreas de influencia en las ciudades de Galicia presentan modelos complejos, adaptados a las dificultades que les privaron de una gestión prudente y coherente de los nuevos territorios urbanos. En la evaluación de la nueva realidad urbana, de sus condiciones y características, la movilidad residencial y la recurrente diaria es un elemento de primer rango de análisis. La escala adquirida por el proceso de urbanización es fruto de estos comportamientos en lo referente a la movilidad. Esta se ha intensificado en los últimos años y muestra de modo claro cuáles son las dinámicas funcionales reales, necesitadas de una nueva y urgente organización y gobernanza territorialesTerritorial reality in Galician municipalities evolved to different rhythms, affected by very different dynamics in each one of the cases. The problems in the application of the town-planning and technical instruments for land management provoked the disconnection between cities and their metropolitan nature. Areas of influence in Galician cities present complex models, adapted to the difficulties which deprived them from a prudent and coherent management of the new urban territories. In the assessment of the new urban reality, its conditions and characteristics, residential mobility is a key issue of analysis. The scale of the process of urbanization is a result of these behaviours with regard to mobility. In fact, mobility has intensified in the last years and clearly shows real functional dynamics, needing a new and urgent territorial organization and governanceProyecto de Investigación “Nuevos retos de Gobernanza en las ciudades gallegas del Eixo Atlántico. Búsqueda de la sostenibilidad en la gestión del territorio”. Código SEJ2007- 68102-C05-03/GE06, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologíaS

    Ubiquinone, Ezetimibe/Simvastatin and Rosuvastatin Effects on Mitochondrial Function in Diabetic Polyneuropathy

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    Diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN) pathophysiologic findings include loss of multifocal and focal nerve fibers secondary to axonal degeneration and segmental demyelization due to oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction induced by chronic hyperglycaemia